裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册(75-76)

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Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子

New Words and expressions 生词和短语 ago adv. 以前 buy(bought) v. 买 pair n. 双,对

fashion n. (服装的)流行式样 uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 wear(wore) v. 穿着 ago adv. 表示过去时间,与一般过去时连用 not long ago 不久以前 eg. It happened not long ago. 它发生在不久以前. long, long ago 好久以前 eg. Long, long ago , there was a girl named Snow White. 很久很久以前,有个叫白雪公主女孩. buy (bought) v. 购买 eg. I bought a dress for my mother. 我为妈妈买了一件连衣裙. He bought a second-hand car. 他买了一辆二手车. buyer n. 购买者;(大商店的)采购员 eg. Have you found a buyer for your house? 你的房子找到买主了吗? buyer's market 买方市场 sell (sold) v. 卖,出售 sell sth at a high price 高价出售(某物) sell sth at a loss 赔钱出售(某物) eg. I sold my car to a friend for£750. 我以750英镑的价钱把我的小车卖给我的一位朋友. Umbrellas sell best in summer. 雨伞在夏季卖的比较好. seller 1) 卖方 seller's market 卖方市场 2) 售出之物 eg. This dictionary is a best seller. 这字典是促销品. This model is a poor seller. 这型号是滞销品. pair n. 双,对 (后面接复数名词) a pair of gloves 一双手套 a pair of shoes 一双鞋 a pair of socks 一双袜子 a pair of ear-rings 一对耳环 eg. My glasses are broken ; I need to buy another pair. 我的眼镜破了,我得再买一副. fashion n. (服装的) 流行式样 dressed in the latest fashion 穿著入时 a fashion show 时装表演 fashion magazine 时装杂志 come into fashion/ be in fashion 流行 eg. Long shirts have come into fashion again. go out of fashion/be out of fashion 过时 fashionable adj. 时髦的 eg. It is fashionable to have short hair nowadays. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 uncomfortable chairs 不舒服的椅子 uncomfortable shoes 不舒服的鞋子 uncomfortable rooms 不舒服的房间 comfortable adj. 舒服的 eg. She made herself comfortable in a big chair. comfort n. 舒服 live in comfort 生活舒适 a few words of comfort 几句安慰的话 wear 1) v. 穿,戴, 蓄 (毛发)等 wear a beard 留胡须 eg. She never wears green. 她从不穿绿色的衣服. 2) n. 穿着 men's wear 男装 underwear 内衣 foot wear 鞋袜 sport wear 运动服装 dress 1) v. 穿衣 eg. Hurry up and get dressed ! 快点穿上衣服. Is she old enough to dress herself yet? 她会自己穿衣服了吗? 2) n. 连衣裙 formal dress 礼服 evening dress 晚礼服 做动词时, wear 强调状态; dress 强调动作. TEXT 课文 Question: What's wrong with the fashionable shoes? Listen to the tape then answer this question. 听录音,然后回答问题。

What's wrong with the fashionable shoes? they are very uncomfortable 这些时髦的鞋有什么毛病? 原来时髦的鞋子都不舒服。 (注意had的用法) TEXT 课文

LADY: Do you have any shoes like these? 女士: 像这样的鞋子你们有吗? SHOP ASSISTANT: What size? 售货员: 什么尺码的? LADY: Size five. 女士: 5号的。

SHOP ASSISTANT: What colour? 售货员: 什么颜色?

LADY: Black. 女士: 黑的

SHOP ASSISTANT: I'm sorry. We don't have any. 售货员: 对不起,我们没有。 LADY: But my sister bought this pair last month. 女士:但是,我姐姐上个月买到了这样的一双。 SHOP ASSISTANT: Did she buy them here? 售货员: 她是在这儿买的吗? LADY: No, she bought them in the U.S. 女士: 不。她是在美国买的。

SHOP ASSISTANT: We had some shoes like those a month ago,but we don't have any now.

售货员: 一个月前我们有这要的鞋。但是现在没有了。 LADY: Can you get a pair for me, please? 女士: 您能为我找一双吗?

SHOP ASSISTANT: I'm afraid that I can't. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they're not in fashion this year.

售货员: 恐怕不行。这鞋在去年和前年时兴,而今年已不流行了。 SHOP ASSISTANT: These shoes are in fashion now. 售货员: 现在流行的是这种鞋子。 LADY: They look very uncomfortable. 女士:这种鞋子看上去很不舒适。

SHOP ASSISTANT: They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!

售货员: 的确很不舒适。可是女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子!

课文讲解: A: Do you have any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋子你们有吗? What size?

什么尺码的? Size five. 5号的。 have /has 当\拥有\讲的时候,变成一般疑问句时可以用助动词 do/does, 也可以把have/has 提到句首,同样,变成否定句式时, 可以在主语后面加don't /doesn't ,也可以在 have/has 后面加not. Do you have any shoes like these?=Have you any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋子你们有吗? like prep . 象... eg. How can you treat your parents like this? 你怎么可以这样对待你的父母? Mike is like his father. 麦克象他的爸爸一样. like these 介词短语作定语,修饰shoes ,意思是\象这样的鞋子\lesson ten 第10 课 room 111 111 房间 No. 2 第二 class 3 第3 班 level 1 1 级 B: What colour? 什么颜色?

A: Black. 黑的

B: I'm sorry. We don't have any. 对不起,我们没有。 any 后面省略了 black shoes

A: But my sister bought this pair last month. 但是,我姐姐上个月买到了这样的一双。 B: Did she buy them here? 她是在这儿买的吗? bought 是 buy 的过去式 eg. I bought a new pair of trousers last week. 上周我买了一条新裤子. a pair 后面省略了of shoes

一般过去时的一般疑问句用did引导,后面的谓语动词要用原形. bought -----> buy them 指 shoes A: No, she bought them in the U.S. 不。她是在美国买的。

B: We had some shoes like those a month ago,but we don't have any now.

一个月前我们有这要的鞋。但是现在没有了。 in the U.S. = in the U.S.A=in the United States of America a month ago 一个月前,这是用在过去时态的时间状语,因此谓语动词要用过去式. had 是have 的过去式 like those 介词短语,此处作定语修饰shoes, 象那样的鞋. don't have any 后面省略了shoes like those 象那样的鞋. We don't have any.= We haven't any. A: Can you get a pair for me, please? 您能为我找一双吗?

B: I'm afraid that I can't. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they're not in fashion this year.

恐怕不行。这鞋在去年和前年时兴,而今年已不流行了。 Can you 在此句中表示请求 get 表示收到,弄到 a pair 指的是 a pair of shoes like these, 象这样的一双鞋. for me 为我 ( for 是介词) I'm afraid 我恐怕 eg. I'm afraid you can't go with me. 我恐怕你不能和我一起走. that I can't 作afraid 的宾语 这是一个宾语从句,也就是说充当宾语成分的不是单词或短语,而是一个句子. eg. I'm afraid that you can't see your boss at the moment. 我恐怕你现在不能见你的老板. that 引导的句子, you can't see your boss at the moment 作afraid的宾语,因此叫宾语从句,that 可以省略. last year 去年 the year before last 前年 the day before yesterday 前天 be in fashion now 现在正流行 B: These shoes are in fashion now. 现在流行的是这种鞋子。 A: They look very uncomfortable. 这种鞋子看上去很不舒适。 look uncomfortable 看起来不舒服 uncomfortable : not comfortable B: They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!

的确很不舒适。可是女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子! Question: What's wrong with the fashionable shoes? Answer: They are uncomfortable. wear uncomfortable shoes 穿不舒适的鞋子 小结 like prep. 像..一样 shoes like these 象这样的鞋 what size 多大号码 I'm afraid that .... 我恐怕…. in fashion 流行的.时髦的 look uncomfortable 看起来不舒服 Lesson 76 When did you...? 你什么时候干的...? Exercises A Example: She goes to town every day. She went to town yesterday. 1. She meets her friends every day. She met her friends yesterday. 2. They drink some milk every day. They drank some milk yesterday. 3. He swims in the river every day. He swam in the river yesterday. 4. She takes him to school every day. She took him to school yesterday. 5. He cuts himself every morning. He cut himself yesterday morning. Exercises B Example: look at that photograph/an hour ago ----When did you look at that photograph? I looked at that photograph an hour ago. 1. walk across the park / last week ---- When did you walk across the park? I walked across the park last week. 2. wash you hands / a minute ago --- When did you wash your hands?

