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Introduction (概述)

I. Introduction

Packing is of great importance in foreign trade. It may be appropriately said that packing is to goods as what clothing is to man. The ultimate purpose of packing is to keep the transported goods in prefect condition with nothing missing on arrival. Good packing must be able to stand the

roughest transportation. Packing can be divided into transport packing (usually known as outer packing) and sales packing (usually known as inner packing). Transport packing is done mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during

transportation. It must not only be solid enough to prevent the packed goods from any damage, but also pilferage-proof, easy to store, convenient to load and unload. Sales packing is done mainly to push sales. It is now universally recognized as a decisive aid in selling household consumer goods. It can be realized in various forms and with different materials as long as it is nice to look at, easy to handle and helpful to the sales. Still, there is another category of packing, called \country of the packed goods and no sign of the original trademark, with the view to elude the tariff of the import country or satisfy the buyer's special requirements.

Packing must be strikingly marked. Conventionally, outer packing marks mainly include transport marks, directive marks and warning marks. Transport marks consist of

1). consignor's or consignee's code name; 2). number of the contract or the L/C 3). the port of destination;

4). numbers of the packed goods;

and sometimes weight and dimensions, all of which can greatly facilitate identification and transportation, e.g. ( Picture No.1)

Directive marks are eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning

manners of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading of the packed goods,

e.g. (Picture 2)



Warning marks are obvious symbols or words to warn people against the hidden danger of inflammable, explosives and poisonous products, e.g. (Picture 3) DANGEROUS GOODS


Requirements for inner packing are increasingly high, with beautiful color, creative design and convenient handling as its chief concern. The primary motive for inner packing is to promote the sales of the particular goods.

Letters about packing issues should be concise and clear. In such letters, the seller can describe in detail to the buyer his customary packing of the goods concerned and also indicate clearly that he may accept any required packing at the expense of the buyer. The buyer can inform the seller of any formerly unexpected requirements or fears about the packing. Any changes regarding packing stipulated in the contract should be mutually discussed and determined before shipment. The followings are some specimen letters.

关于丝绸女装的包装与保险的对话: I:我们来谈谈包装好吧。



E: 对了,我们会特别注意这一点的。 I:外包装怎么样?

E:十打装一纸箱,每箱毛重约25公斤。 I:纸的? E:是的。

I:不能用木箱吗? E:为什么用木箱?


E:纸箱比较轻,因而容易搬运。纸箱不会和沉重物件一起堆放,搬运公司会注意这一点。此外,我们还用铁皮带加固。丝绸女衫并非易碎货物,它们经受得住很多的震动。 I:你也许是对的,但这些货物要运往汉堡或伦敦,在那里转运。如果纸箱在露天码头上搬运,潮气和雨水就有可能渗透进去,这就要使得女衫弄得斑斑点点,甚至毁掉。 E:没必要担心这个。纸箱内都衬有塑料布,是防水的。由于箱子是硬纸板的,在搬运的时候就会小心处理。

I:嘿,我可不想去冒险,再说,纸箱容易被扯开,这就增加了被偷盗的危险。 E:纸箱弄破是容易检查出来的,我说这恰恰成为阻碍偷盗的因素。


E:纸箱是很适合海运的。对于运往欧洲主要港口的货物,我们广泛采用这种包装,我们的客户从未抱怨过。我保险公司承保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险时,同意使用这种包装。 I:保险公司以错误包装为理由而拒绝索赔时,如果你保证赔偿,我们就乐于接受纸箱包装。 E:对不起,我们不能承担超出我们职权的责任。我们可以保证适合海运,但不能对每一种损失都负责。


E:如果你坚持,我们可以使用木箱,但包装费用就会高出许多,而且发运还要延期。 I:我打电话给总部请示一下吧。 E:好的,我等待你的回答。

outer packing, garment, blouses, window display, carton, gross weight

Packing, polythene wrapper, be of good value, wooden cases, easy to handle, stow stevedores, reinforce the cartons with straps, fragile goods, stand jolting, wharf, dampness, spot, ruin, lined with plastic sheets, water-proof, cardboard, handle with care, pilferage, Tamper, detect, refuse compensation, improper packing, suitable for sea voyage, seaworthy, EMP, complaint,W.P.A. , T.P.N.D., honor a claim, faulty packing,


Shall we now discuss the packing?


Very well. You know, we have usual / definite ways of packing garments. As to blouses, we use a polythene wrapper for each article, all ready for window display. I:好的,吸引人的袋子肯定有助于促销。商品不仅要货真价实,还要吸引人,因为有许多类似的服装与之竞争。

Good. A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales. With competition from similar garment producers, the merchandise must not only be of good value but also look attractive. E: 对了,我们会注意这一点的。

Right you are. We’ll pay attention to this in particular. I:外包装怎么样?

What about the outer packing? E:十打装一纸箱,每箱毛重约25公斤。

We’ll pack them 10 dozens to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton. I:纸的? Cartons? E:是的。 Yes.


Could you use wooden cases instead?

E:为什么用木箱? Why wooden cases?


I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load. E:纸箱比较轻,因而容易搬运。纸箱不会和沉重物件一起堆放,搬运公司会注意这一点。此外,我们还用铁皮带加固。丝绸女衫并非易碎货物,它们经受得住很多的震动。 The cartons are comparatively light, and therefore easy to handle; they won’t be stowed away together with the heavy cargo. The stevedores will see to that. Besides, we’ll reinforce the cartons with straps. Silk blouses are not fragile goods, they can stand a lot of jolting.


Maybe you are right. But the goods are to be transshipped at Hamburg or London. If the boxes are moved about on an open wharf, the dampness or rain may get into them. This would make the blouses spotted or ruined.


No need to worry about that. The cartons lined with plastic sheets are water-proof, and as the boxes are made of cardboard, they will be handled with care. I:嘿,我可不想去冒险,再说,纸箱容易被扯开,这就增加了被偷盗的危险。

Well, I don’t want to take any chances. Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage.


Tampering with cartons would be easily detected. I should say this really discourage pilferage.


Maybe so. But I am afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing, or packing unsuitable for sea voyage.

August 9,2000

China National Cereals, Oil

Foodstuffs Import & Export Corp. Hunan Branch

Changsha, Hunan, China Dear Sirs, Re: Order No. 668

We thank you very much for your letter dated August 1. We have immediately passed the information onto our clients who are now actively working on your counter price. Meanwhile, our clients wish to know the details of the packing of your Lotus-nuts, i.e.

A. How are the goods packed and packaged? B. What measures will you take to protect the goods from dampness or rain? C. What measures will you take to prevent the inner packing from being torn apart?

Please provide us with any information regarding the above by return mail. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours, J.R. Longfellow & Co.

Specimen Letter Eight

Dear Sirs,

We noted your letter of September 29 carefully and approached our clients about the packing. After our repeated

explanation, they say they will have no objection to your

packing of the garments in cartons if you guarantee that you will pay compensation in all cases wherein they cannot get indemnification from the insurance company for the reason that the cartons used are not seaworthy.

We deem it our duty to inform you of this and consider it a tacit understanding that should the insurance company refuse compensation, you would hold yourselves responsible for the losses our clients might sustain on account of your using such cartons.

We think you will understand that our candid statement is made for our mutual benefits as packing is a sensitive subject, which often leads to trade disputes. We appreciate your cooperation. Yours sincerely, ...

Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English:






6.出口商必须很好考虑运往国外货物的包装,并尽量按买方的要求包装货物。 7.出口包装的结构必须考虑到经济与实效。出口商应记住,货物应该采用一种能保证安全到达目的地和便于在转运中搬运的方式进行包装。

Ⅲ.Translate the following letter into English:




如能早日答复,不胜感激。 2.

1).Cartons as a kind of packing container have been extensively used in

international trade. Therefore, you need not worry about their seaworthiness. 2).So far as we know, insurance companies accept goods packed in cartons to be insured against TPND. In case of theft and pilferage, you may be assured that you will get indemnification from the insurance company concerned.

3).The traces of pilferage are easier to be found out for the goods packed in cartons than in wooden cases. Therefore, they will help you to get compensation from the insurance company.

4).It is necessary to make transhipment at Hamberg for goods to be shipped to our port. Therefore, your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling. 5).The quality of your Ginseng Wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor. Bottles are subject to breakage and paper boxes are very thin. Please put each bottle in a foam plastic casing and then in a thicker paper box for our future orders, otherwise, we shall be compelled to give up this business.

6).The exporter has to give due consideration to the packing of the goods to be shipped abroad, and try his best to pack the goods in accordance with the instructions of the buyer.

7).In the construction of an export package, the important factors of efficiency and economy must be taken into consideration. The exporter should bear in mind that the goods should be packed in a manner which ensures their safe arrival at destination and facilitates their handling in transit.


In reply to your letter of 31st August inquiring about the packing of our Trip Scissors, we wish to state as below:

Our export Trip Scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 100 boxes to a carton. The dimensions are 17 cm high, 30 cm wide and 50 cm long with a volume of about 0.026 cubic meter. The gross weight is 23.5k, while the net weight is 22.5kg. As to the shipping marks outside the carton, in addition to the gross, net weights and tare, the wording \on the package. Should you have any special preference in this respect, please let us know and we would meet you to the best of our ability.

Taking this opportunity, we would like to inform you that we used to pack our scissors in wooden cases but after several trial shipments in carton packing, we found our cartons just as seaworthy wooden cases. Besides, cartons are less expensive, lighter to carry and cost lower freight. So, nowadays more and more clients are preferring carton packing to wooden case packing. We trust that you will agree to our opinion and accept our carton packing. We thank you in advance for your early reply. Yours faithfully,

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. 箱内可以衬垫不同材料以防止水、空气或昆虫可能造成的损坏。 2.根据你方的建议,我们已改进了内包装,以满足你方市场消费的需求。 3.根据合同规定,买方应在9月22日前把包装材料提供给我方。




7. 货物通常包括包装费在内。“包括出口包装”这一用语,意即所包价格包括适合出口的包装用。如所报价格不包括包装费用,那么“出口包装费用由买方负担”一语应列入合同。

8.我们男衬衫的包装为每件套一合,5打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 9.如果你方没有反对意见,我们将按过去习惯方式包装该货物。

10.产品包装费用受产品包装方式、运输距离、价格条款等因素的制约 。


The goods should be packed in plastic-lined cartons, secured by metal bands/straps. 2.货物包装应该防水。

The package should be water-proof.

3.货物可能遭遇野蛮装卸,因此包装必须足够牢固。 The goods are likely to receive/suffer/experience rough handling, the packing should be strong enough (to withstand this). 4.包装和标志指示必须得到严格遵守。

Packing and marks instructions must be strictly observed.


Taking into consideration of your transportation condition, we have improved our packing greatly.


Packing in cartons can save shipping space and facilitate storage and distribution. 对于指定的包装,我们要额外加收费用。

衬衫每件装到防水的塑料袋里,每打装进一个纸板箱, 2.

1).The inside of the case may be lined with various materials to prevent damage by water, air or insects.

2).As suggested, we have improved our inner packing to meet the customers' demand in your market.

3).According to the contract, the buyer should supply the packing materials and deliver them to us before September 22.

4).They fear that the insurance companies will say, in case of damage of pilferage, that the goods are not packed for ocean transportation and will not pay compensation for such losses.

5).Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with draft paper and waterproof paper, each consisting of 30 pieces in one design with 5 colorways equally assorted, 6).In spite of every care in packing, it sometimes happens that a few barrels are broken in transit.

7).Prices of goods usually include the cost of packing. The phrase \export packing\that the quotation includes the cost of package suitable for export. If the quotation does not include the cost of package, the phrase \is for buyer's account\

8).The packing of our Men's Shirts is each in a polybag, 5 dozen to a carton 9).We will pack the goods as usual if we are not informed to the contrary. 10).The cost of packing is subject to the mode of packing, distance of transportation and the price. ?


In this part there are many useful words, expressions and sentence patterns that are used in business letter writing. We offer these sentences for you to learn from and hope that they will be helpful in your letter writing study.

We do not object to packing in cartons provided the flaps are glued down and the cartons secured by metal bands .

If cartons are used, please supply each chemical in strong polythene bags ensure protection from damp.

Cases must have an inner lining of stout, damp-resisting paper.

Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping.

When packing, please take into account that the boxes are likely to receive rough handling at this end and must be able to withstand transport over bad roads.

We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking. These must be strictly observed.

The greatest care must be given to packing and crating as any damage in transit

would cause us heavy losses.

Please use normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents.

As the goods will probably be subjected to a thorough customs examination, the cases should be of a type which can be easily made fast again after opening. Taking into consideration the transport condition at your end, we have improved our packing so as to avoid damage to the goods.

The cases used for packing our transistor radios are light but strong. They save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods. Our usual packing for dyed poplin is in bales lined with polythene (waterproof paper, kraft paper), each containing 600 yards in single color.

You will note that our packing has been greatly improved with the result that our recent shipments have all turned out to the satisfaction of our clients. Our packing is standardized in a manner which is approved by foreign clients. We are afraid that we shall have to charge more for the designated packing as it calls for extra labor and cost.

We pack our shirts in plastic-lined, waterproof cartons, reinforced with metal straps.

Our cartons for canned food are not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from possible damage.

The weight and measurement (dimensions)of each case are clearly marked on every case.

Our nail trimmers are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 100 boxes to a (the) carton lined with waterproof paper. (to a (the) = per)

Our tea for export is customarily packed in boxes, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets to an FCL container.

