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Transformers 1 《变形金刚1》

主题曲:What I've Done

-Optimus Prime: Before time began, there was the Cube. cube: 立方体【这里指立方形的能量体。】 在很久的过去,能量体就已经存在了。 We know not where it comes from, 我们不知道它从哪里来,

only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. hold: 拥有 fill: 装满,(使)充满

只知道它拥有创造世界和生命的力量。 That is how our race was born. race: 种族

我们这个种族就是这么诞生的。 For a time, we lived in harmony,

for a time: 短时间内 harmony: 和谐 我们一直和谐地生活着,

but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. evil: 邪恶的


And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, ravage: 毁坏

所以战争开始了,一场使我们的星球毁灭的战争, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. reach: 边缘地带 space: 太空 能量体也丢失在浩瀚的宇宙里。

We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, scatter: 散开 galaxy: 银河系 rebuild: 重建

我们搜寻了整个银河,希望可以找到它来重建我们的家园。 searching every star, every world. search: 寻找


And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.

seem: 似乎 message: 消息 discovery: 发现 draw: 吸引 unknown: 未知的 planet: 行星 earth: 地球

就当我们都失去希望时,新的线索把我们带到了一个星球叫--地球。 But we were already too late. already: 已经


[Scene: Qatar]


-Fig: Oh, God, five months of this. 上帝啊,都已经5个月了。

I can't wait to get a little taste of home. taste: 感受,体验


A plate of mama's alligators etouffee.

plate: 一盘 alligator: 钝吻鳄 etouffee:【海鲜、面粉、猪油、洋葱、大蒜、芹菜、番茄酱、咖啡喱粉和辣椒等成分在一起所炖成的稠糊糊的炖海鲜,通常浇在米饭上吃】 我很想念我妈妈煮的鳄鱼肉。

-Bobby: You've been talking about barbecued alligators and crickets for the last two weeks. barbecue: 烧烤 cricket: 蟋蟀


I'm never going to your mama's house, Fig. I promise. promise: 保证


-Fig: But Bobby, Bobby, alligators are known to have the most succulent meat. succulent: (水果、蔬菜和肉)汁多味美的 Bobby,鳄鱼肉是出了名的嫩。 -Bobby: I understand. understand: 理解 我理解。

English, please. English. 请说英语好吗?

-Lennox: I mean, how many times have we... We don't speak Spanish. I told you that. Spanish: 西班牙语


-Fig: Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage. ruin: 破坏 heritage: 传统 干吗破坏我自己的传统?

-Lennox: Go with the Spanish. Whatever. whatever: 无所谓 你随便说吧。

-Soldier in glasses: Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh? The Sox at Fenway. guy: 家伙 remember: 记得 weekend: 周末 sox: 短袜 Fenway:芬维公园,位于美国麻萨诸塞州首府波士顿,是供棒球比赛使用的球场。

你们还记得我们是怎么过周末的吗?在芬维公园看红袜队的比赛。 Cold hotdog and a flat beer. flat: 不新鲜的 beer: 啤酒 美味的热狗和冰镇的啤酒。 -Fig: Perfect day. perfect: 完美的 完美的一天。

What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?

captain: 队长


-Lennox: I just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time. 我已经等不及去第一次抱我的女儿。 -Soldiers: He's adorable. That's too... adorable: 可爱的 好男人啊。太?? -Lennox: Shut up! 闭嘴!

-Soldier A: Hey, I'm ready to do this.

be ready to: 预备,即将 ready: 准备就绪的 我都准备好了。

-Bobby: Hey, any of you all grow some balls, come see me on the court, man. court: 球场

你们谁有胆就操场上见我。 -Soldier B: Hey, hey! 嘿!

-Bobby: Watch this crossover, baby.

crossover: 改变,转型【这里指胯下运球】 小心我的胯下运球。

Like Jordan in his prime, pushing through the front line.

prime: 全盛时期 push through: 穿过 front line: 前线,第一线 就像Jordan全盛时期一样,穿梭于锋线间。 -Soldier C: Step aside, ladies. step aside: 走到一边 让开点,小妞们。

-Soldier D: Oh, man. What? 什么?

-Mahfouz: Lennox! Lennox!

-Lennox: Hey, what are you doing? 你好啊。

-Mahfouz: Water? 要水吗?

-Lennox: Thank you. 谢谢。

Are you gonna help me with the gear? gear: 设备


-Soldier E: Colonel Sharp, we have an inbound unidentified infiltrator, 10 miles out. colonel: 上校


-Sharp: Unidentified aircraft, you are in restricted US military airspace.

unidentified: 未经确认的 aircraft: 飞机 restricted: 限制的 military: 军事的 airspace: 上空

不明身份的飞机,你现位于美军管制空域。 Squawk ident and proceed east out of the area. squawk: 呱呱地叫鸣【这里指明确而快速】 ident:身份证明(identification缩写) proceed: 继续进行 area: 地区


Raptors one and two, snap to heading two-five-zero to intercept. raptors: 猛禽,肉食鸟 head: 朝向,前进 intercept: 拦截 猛禽1号,2号,目标方向250,进行拦截。 Bogie is in the weeds ten miles out, not squawking. bogie: 妖怪,可怕的人


Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase. escort: 护送 airbase: 空军机场

不明身份的飞机,我们会护送你到美军桑克森空军基地。 If you do not comply, we will use deadly force.

comply: 顺从,答应 deadly: 致命的 force: 武力 如果你不遵从,我们会使用致命的武力。 -Soldier F: Copy the bogie. 发现目标。 Tail 4500 X-ray. tail: 尾部


-Soldier G: Sir, says here 4500 X was shot down three months ago. shot: 射击

长官,报告说4500X 在3个月前被击落了。 Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: 阿富汗 在阿富汗。

-Sharp: That's got to be a mistake. mistake: 错误

这一定是一个错误。 Check again, then recheck. check: 检查 recheck: 再检查 检查,再检查。 -Soldier G: I did, sir. 我检查过了,长官。

A friend of mine was on that chopper. chopper: 直升飞机


-Sharp: Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase. 不明身份的飞机,我们会护送你到桑克森空军基地。 Radar, where's the inbound?

radar: 雷达 inbound: 归途的,返家的 雷达,飞行物在哪?

-Radar: Bogie's five miles out, sir. 目标5英里,长官。 -Lennox: My wife on? 是我老婆吗?

-Soldier H: Yes, Captain. 是的,队长。

-Lennox: My ladies! 我的公主! -Sarah: Look. 看。

-Lennox: Oh, my goodness. Look at her. She's getting so big. 哦,看啊,她都这么大了。

Look at those cheeks. I just wanna chew on them. cheek: 脸蛋 chew: 咀嚼

看看她的小脸,真想去亲一口。 Baby, we made a good-Iooking kid. 我们的孩子真是漂亮。

I know that people say that all the time, but, wow, we made one good-looking kid. Nice work. all the time: 一直,总是

我知道人们总是这么说,我们生了一个漂亮的孩子。干得好。 -Sarah: She has your laugh. 她笑得真像你。

-Lennox: She laughed? 她笑了?

-Sarah: Her first one, yeah. 第一次呢。

-Lennox: You sure she didn't just fart? fart: 放屁

你确定她刚刚没有放屁吗? -Sarah: No, she's a lady. 没有,她可是一个淑女。

She doesn't know you yet, but she will. 她还不认识你,但是她会的。

-Sharp: 4500 X. Something's not right. 4500X,好像有些不对劲。 Bogie's on the deck. deck: 甲板 目标着落了。

-Soldier E: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Radar's jammed. jam: 使某物因被卡住而发生故障 雷达被干扰了。

It's coming from the chopper. chopper: (口语)直升飞机 直升机是干扰源。

-Sam: What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

-Ron: You think I'd really get you a Porsche for your first car? 你真以为我给你买的第一辆车就是保时捷?

-Sam: I don't want to talk to you for the rest of this whole thing. 我以后不会再和你说这件事了。

-Ron: Oh, come on. It's just a practical joke. practical: 实际的,现实的

哦,拜托,就是个现实的笑话。 -Sam: It's not a funny joke. 一点不好笑。 -Bolivia: Manny! Manny!

-Manny: What? 怎么?

-Bolivia: Get your cousin out of that damn clown suit. cousin: 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹) clown: 小丑 别让你表弟穿这个。

He's having a heat stroke again. 他热得发晕了。 Scaring white folks. 吓坏了白人客户。

-Clown: I'm hot! Makeup's melting. It hurts my eyes. makeup: 化妆品

我很热!妆要化了,我眼睛疼。 -Sam: Here? No, no, no, what is this? 这里?这是什么?

You said... You said half a car, not half a piece of crap, Dad. 你说过,半辆车,不是半辆破烂,爸爸。

-Ron: When I was your age, I'd have been happy with four wheels and an engine. engine: 发动机


-Sam: Okay, let me explain something to you. Okay? 让我来解释解释,好吗?

You ever see 40-Year-Old Virgin? 看没看过《40岁的处男》? -Ron: Yeah. 看过。

-Sam: Okay, that's what this is. And this is 50-year-old virgin. 这就是他,这是50岁的处男。 -Ron: Okay. 好吧。

-Sam: You want me to live that life? 你想我以后变成这样吗?

-Ron: No sacrifice, No victory. 没有付出就没有胜利。

-Sam: Yeah, No victory. you know, I got it. 嗯,我知道。

The old Witwicky motto, Dad. motto: 座右铭

我知道这句Witwicky家的格言。 -Ron: Right. 对。

-Bolivia: Gentlemen. 先生们。

Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs. except: 除了??之外

Bobby Bolivia,就像那个国家,除了不是逃来的。 How can I help you? 想要点什么?

-Ron: Well, my son here, looking to buy his first car. 我儿子要买他的第一辆车。 -Bolivia: You come To see me? 所以你来找我了? -Sam: I had to. 没办法。

-Bolivia: That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B, baby. Uncle Bobby B. pratically: 几乎,简直

那我们就是家人了,你可以叫我Bobby B叔叔。 -Sam: Sam. Sam。

-Bolivia: Sam, let me talk To you. Sam,我来跟你说。

Sam, your first enchilada of freedom awaits underneath one of those hoods. enchilada: 墨西哥菜 await: 等候 Sam,你的第一道大餐就在那里面。

Let me tell you something, son. A driver don't pick the car. 我来告诉你,不是驾驶员挑车。 The car'll pick the driver. 而是车挑驾驶员。

It's a mystical bond between man and machine. mystical: 神秘的


Son, I'm a lot of things, but a liar's not one of them. 孩子,我本事很大的,但不包括吹牛。

Especially not in front of my mammy. That's my mammy. Hey, Mammy! 尤其不在我妈妈面前。那就是我妈妈,嘿,妈咪! Don't be like that. If I had a rock, I'd bust your head, bitch.

别那样,我要是有块石头,就砸你的头。 I tell you, man, she deaf, you know? 我告诉你,伙计,她聋了。

Well, over here, every piece of car a man might want or need. 看这边,每辆都不错。 -Sam: This is not bad. 这辆不错。

This one's got racing stripes. stripe: 条纹

这车有赛车的条纹。 -Bolivia: Yeah. 是啊。

It got racing... 有条纹??

Yeah, what's this? What the heck is this? heck: 用以表示轻度的懊恼和惊讶 这到底是哪辆?

I don't know nothing about this car. 我不知道这辆车。 Manny! Manny!

-Manny: What? 干什么?

-Bolivia: What is this? This car! Check it out! 这是谁的车?去查一下!

-Manny: I don't know, boss! I've never seen it! That's loco! loco: 当地交货


-Bolivia: Don't go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny! Find out! 别唬我,快去查查! -Sam: Feels good. 感觉不错。

-Ron: How much? 多少钱?

-Bolivia: Well, considering the semi-classic nature of the vehicle, consider: 考虑 semi-classic: 半古典 vehicle: 车辆 嗯,根据这辆车的外形,

with the slick wheels and the custom paint job... slick: 光滑的 custom: 定做的 和特别的喷漆??

-Sam: Yeah, but the paint's faded. fade: 褪色


-Bolivia: Yeah, but it's custom.

是的,但是喷漆是特殊的。 -Sam: It's custom faded? 那是特殊的掉色漆吗?

-Bolivia: Well, this is your first car. I wouldn't expect you to understand. 这是你第一辆车,我不指望你明白。 Five grand. 5千。

-Ron: No, I'm not paying over four. Sorry. 抱歉,不会超过4千。

-Bolivia: Kid, come on, get out. Get out the car. 孩子,从车里出来。

-Sam: No, no, no. You said cars pick their drivers. 不,不,不。但是你说车挑驾驶员。

-Bolivia: Well, sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-ass father. Out the car. 但是有时那个驾驶员有一个抠门的父亲,快下车。 Now, this one here for four Gs is a beaut. 这边这辆就4千美元了。

-Ron: There's a Fiesta with racing stripes over there.

Fiesta: 福特在欧洲推出厂商改装的LPG嘉年华Fiesta 那车也有赛车的条纹。

-Sam: No, I don't want a Fiesta with racing stripes. 我不想要那个带条纹的福特嘉年华。 -Bolivia: This is a classic engine right here. 这车有一个经典的引擎。 I sold a car the other day... 前几天卖一辆?? Gee. Holy cow. 哦,天啊。

No, no, no. No worries. 别担心。

-Ron: You all right? 你没事吧?

-Bolivia: I'll get a sledgehammer and knock this right out. Hey, hey, Manny! sledgehammer: 长柄大锤


Get your clown cousin and get some hammers and come bang this stuff out, baby! 让你表弟弄些锤子来把这东西敲下去! -Bumblebee: ...greater than man... ?比人类伟大?

-Bolivia: That one's my favorite, drove all the way from Alabammy. 那辆我最喜欢,一路从阿拉巴马开过来。 $4,000.00. 4千。

[Scene: Washington] 华盛顿

-Secretary: Steve. Steve。

-Steve: Hello, Mr. Secretary. secretary: 秘书,部长 你好,部长先生。

-Secretary: They're so young. 他们太年轻了。

-Man A: They're the top subject matter experts, sir. 他们是最好的主题专家。

NSA's recruiting right out of high school these days.

NSA: National Security Agency,国家安全局 recruit: 招聘 这些年国家安全局直接从高中招人。

-Team Member A: Guys, that's the Secretary of Defense. Defense: 国防部


-Team Member B: I am so underdressed. underdressed: 穿着不合适的 我穿的衣服真不适合这个场合。

-Steve: Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary of Defense. 女士们,先生们,国防部部长。 Please be seated. 请坐。

-Secretary: I'm John Keller. 我是John Keller。

Obviously, you're wondering why you're here, so these are the facts. obviously: 显然地

你们应该想知道你们为什么会在这里。 At 1900 local time yesterday, local: 当地的


the SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked.

SOCCENT: 特别行动中央司令部 Forward Operations Base: 前沿作战基地 attack:攻击 在卡塔尔的桑克森,美军基地被攻击了。 So far as we know, there were no survivors. so far: 迄今为止 survivor: 幸存者 具目前所了解的资料,没有幸存者。

The objective of the attack was to hack our military network. objective: 目的 hack: 非法侵入(他人计算机系统) 攻击的目的是为了侵入军方的电脑网络。 We're not sure exactly what they're after, exactly: 精确地

-Sam: Yeah. 嗯。

-Trent: You know, I thought I recognized you. recognize: 认出,认识 我想我认识你。

You tried out for the football team last year, right? 你去年参加过橄榄球队的预选,对吧 -Coach: Let's go call your mom. 我们去找你的妈妈。

-Sam: Oh, no, no, that... No. That wasn't like a real tryout. tryout: 测验,试用

不,不是,我并不是想参加预选。 I was researching a book I was writing. research: 调查,研究

我是在为写的书收集资料。 -Trent: Oh, yeah? 是吗? -Sam: Yeah. 是的。

-Trent: Yeah? What's it about? Sucking at sports? suck: (表示厌恶)臭,恶心


-Sam: No, it's about the link between brain damage and football. damage: 损坏

不,是关于橄榄球和大脑受损的。 No, it's a good book. Your friends'll love it. 那是一本好书,你的朋友会喜欢它的。

You know, it's got mazes in it and, you know, little coloring areas, sections, pop-up pictures. It's a lot of fun.

maze: 迷宫 section: 部分 pop-up: 书籍有跳起立体图片的 有上色的地方,立体折叠??还有图片,非常有趣。 -Trent: That's funny. 真是好笑。

-Mikaela: Okay, okay. You know what? Stop. 不要这样。

-Trent: Hey, guys, I know of a party. Let's go, let's head. 我们去参加聚会吧。

-Sam: You got to get out of the tree right now. Get... 快从树上下来?

Just get out of the tree right now, please. 快下来,拜托。 What are you doing? 你在干什么?

-Miles: Did you see that dismount? All the chicks were watching.

dismount: 下(马等)


-Sam: You're making me look like an idiot. We both looked like idiots just now. 你使我看起来像个傻瓜,我们刚才都像傻瓜。 -Mikaela: Hey, How about you let me drive? 让我开好吗?

-Trent: Oh, no. No, no, no. This is Not a toy. 这可不行,这可不是一个玩具车。

These 22s, I don't want you grinding them. No. grind: 摇动手柄(操纵机器)


Why doesn't my little bunny just hop in the back seat? hop: 单脚跳,跳跃


-Mikaela: God, I can't even tell you how much I'm not your little bunny. 我可不是你的小白兔。 -Trent: Okay. You'll call me. 好吧。你会来找我的。

[Radio: Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?] 收音机:今晚谁开车送你回家?

-Miles: Hey, man, what's wrong with your radio? 你的收音机怎么了?

-Sam: I'm gonna drive her home tonight. 我要送她回家。 -Miles: What? 什么?

She's an evil jock concubine, man. Let her hitchhike. concubine: 妾,姨太太,小老婆 hitchhike: 搭便车 她可是个小骚货,伙计。让她去搭车吧。

-Sam: She lives 10 miles from here, okay? It's my only chance. 她家离这里有10英里远,这是我唯一的机会。 You got to be understanding here, all right? 你要理解我,好吗?

-Miles: All right. We'll put her in the back. I'll be quiet. 把她放在后座,我会安静的。

-Sam: Did you say, \你是不是说,“让她坐在后座”? -Miles: I called shotgun. shotgun: 猎枪,火枪 我说坐前面。

-Sam: I'm not putting her in the back. You got to get out of my car. 我不会让她坐后面,你得下车。

-Miles: That's a party foul. foul: 犯规

这可违反了聚会规则。 -Sam: What rules? 什么规则?

-Miles: Bros before hos.

bro: brothers兄弟 hos: whores 妓女 不能重色轻友。

-Sam: Miles, I'm begging you to get out of my car. Okay? Miles,我求你下车。

-Miles: You can't do this to me. 你不能这样对我。

-Sam: You got to get out of my car right now. 你必须下车。

[Radio: Who's gonna come around when you break?] 收音机:你受伤时谁陪在你身边?

-Sam: Mikaela! It's Sam. Mikaela,我是Sam。 Witwicky. Witwicky。

I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything. stranded: 进退两难的

希望没有让你感到进退两难。 You sure? 是吧?

So, listen, I was wondering if I could ride you home. 我可不可以载你回家?

I mean, give you a ride home in my car, to your house. 我是说我开车送你回家。 There you go. 上车吧。 So...


-Mikaela: I can't believe that I'm here right now. 我真不敢相信我现在坐在这里。

-Sam: You can duck down if you want. I mean, it won't hurt my feelings. duck: 低下头,弯下身


-Mikaela: Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean here with you. 我不是说和你在一块。

I just meant here, like, in this situation, this same situation that I'm always in. 我是说现在这种状况,我总是这样。

Because, I don't know, I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys, 我不知道,我想我是对肌肉男有特殊的喜好。 for tight abs and really big arms. abs: 腹肌[美国口语]

那种紧紧的肌肉,结实的臂膀。 -Sam: Big arms? 结实的臂膀?

Well, there's a couple new additions in the car. a couple: 一些 addition: 附加物 这车上有几种新物件。

Like, I just put in that light there. 我刚刚装了那个灯。

And that disco ball. And so the light reflects off the disco ball. Yeah. reflect: 反射


-Mikaela: Are you new to school this year? It's your first year here? 你是刚刚到这个学校的吗?这是你第一年在这里上学吗? -Sam: Oh, no, no. 不,不。

We've been in the same school since first grade. 我们从一年级开始就在同一所学校。 -Mikaela: Really? 真的? -Sam: Yeah. 没错。

Yeah, a long time. 真的是很久了。

-Mikaela: Well, do we have any classes together? 我们有同堂的课吗? -Sam: Yeah, Yeah. 有的。

-Mikaela: Really? Which? 真的?什么课?

-Sam: History. Language arts. Math. Science. 历史,语言,数学,科学。 -Mikaela: Sam. 你叫Sam。

-Sam: Sam. Yeah. Sam,没错。

-Mikaela: Sam Wilkicky. Sam Wilkicky。 -Sam: Witwicky. Witwicky。

-Mikaela: God, you know what? I'm so sorry. I just...

我真是很对不起。 -Sam: No, it's cool. 没关系。

-Mikaela: I just didn't recognize you. 我没认出你来。

-Sam: Yeah, well, I mean, that's understandable. understandable: 可以理解的 没什么,可以理解。 No, no, no. No. Come on. 不,不要,拜托。

Sorry, I'm just working out the kinks. You know, it's a new car. kink: (直线物体上的)弯,结


[Radio: When I get that feeling I want sexual healing…] sexual: 性的


-Sam: This radio is, like, you know... It's an old radio, too, so... 这收音机,也是个旧的。

[Radio:…Sexual healing…] ??性爱疗法??

-Sam: Look, this isn't something that I, you know... 我也不知道为什么。

I can't get this radio to stop. Look, I wouldn't try this on you. 我没法关掉收音机。我不是故意的。

Because this is like a romantic thing that I'm not trying to do. romantic: 浪漫的


Not that you're not worthy of trying something like this on. 不应该对你这样的。

-Mikaela: No, of course not. 当然。

-Sam: I'm a friend of yours. 我是你的朋友。

I'm not a romantic friend. Romantic friends do this. 不是个罗曼蒂克的朋友。罗曼蒂克的朋友才这样。 I mean, I'm not that friend. I mean, we... I could be. 我是说,我不是那种朋友。我们?我可以是的。

[Radio: I feel good…] 我感觉不错??

-Mikaela: Just pop the hood. hood: 头巾,兜帽 打开引擎罩。

-Sam: Stupid. Shut up, shut up, shut up. 闭嘴,闭嘴。

-Mikaela: Whoa, nice headers. 缸头真不错。

You've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor.

pump: 泵 carburetor: 汽化器,化油器(汽车发动机部件) 高置双泵渗碳缸头。

That's pretty impressive, Sam. impressive: 给人印象深刻的 印象深刻,Sam。 -Sam: Double-pump? 双泵?

-Mikaela: It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster. squirt: 喷出,注射 fuel: 燃料

汽油进的更快,你可以开的更快。 -Sam: I like to go faster. 我喜欢开快一些。

-Mikaela: And it looks like your distributor cap's a little loose. distributor: 配电盘 loose: 松的 看起来你的配电盘封盖有些松了。 Yeah? How'd you know that? 是吗?你是怎么知道的?

-Mikaela: My dad. He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this. grease monkey: 机械工 grease: 油脂

我爸爸,他是汽车机械师。他教会我这些的。 I could take it all apart, clean it, put it back together. 我可以把它拆了,清洗一下,再装起来。

-Sam: That's weird. I just wouldn't peg you for mechanical. mechanical: 机械的

真奇怪,我一定不会花钱请你当修车工。 Oh, my God. 噢,上帝啊。

-Mikaela: Well, you know, I don't really broadcast it. broadcast: 广播 我不声张。

Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do. 男人不喜欢女人比他们更懂车。 Especially not Trent. He hates it. 特别是Trent,他讨厌这些。

-Sam: Yeah, no, I'm cool with, you know, females working on my engine.

engine: 引擎

女人来修引擎,我不介意的。 I prefer it, actually. 实际上,我挺喜欢。

-Mikaela: Okay. you want To fire it up for me? 你想试一下点火吗?

-Sam: Oh, Yeah, Yeah, No problem. 没问题。

-Mikaela: Thanks. 谢谢。

-Sam: You know, I was thinking. 我在想。

You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him? 如果Trent是个混蛋,你为什么还和他在一起? -Mikaela: You know what? I'm just... I'm gonna walk. 嗯?我要走路回去了。 Good luck with your car. 祝你的车好运。 -Sam: All right. 好吧。

Walking's healthy, right? 走路有益健康,是吧?

Oh, God, no, no, no, no, no, no. 哦,上帝,不,不,不。

Come on, please. Please, you gotta work for me now. 拜托,快好起来吧。

Don't let her walk away. Come on, come on, come on. Please, please. 不要让她走掉,拜托,求求你。

[Radio: Baby come back any kind of fool could see] 收音机:宝贝回来吧,傻瓜都看得出来。

-Sam: Hey! 嘿!

[Radio: There was something in everything about you] 收音机:都是为了你。

[Baby come back you can blame it all on me] 宝贝回来吧,你可以怪我。

-Sam: Hey! 嘿!

Wait a second! 等一下!

[Radio: I was wrong and I just can't live without you] 我错了,我不能没有你。

-Sam: There it is. 到了。

-Mikaela: I had fun. So, you know, thanks for listening. 我今天很高兴。感谢你听我发牢骚。 -Sam: Oh, Yeah, Yeah. 嗯。

-Mikaela: You... You think I'm shallow? shallow: 浅的,肤浅的 你是不是认为我很肤浅?

-Sam: I think you're... No, no, no. 我觉得你?不,不,不。

I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you. 我觉得,你并非徒有其表。 -Mikaela: Okay. 好的。 -Sam: Yeah. 嗯。

-Mikaela: All right, I'll see you at school. 学校见。

-Sam: All right. 好的。

That's stupid. 真傻。

That was a stupid line. 真傻的台词。

There's more than meets the eye with you. Stupid. 你并非徒有其表,真傻。 Oh, God. 哦,上帝。

Oh, my God. I love my car. 哦,上帝,我喜欢这车。

[Scene: Pentagon-National Military command Center] 场景:五角大楼,国家指挥中心

-Team Member A: Hey, guys, I think the other team figured it out. Iran. figure out: 想出,明白,理解 Iran: 伊朗


-Team Member B: Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists. Iranian: 伊朗的

拜托,伙计,这对伊朗科学家也太难了点。 Think about it. 想想吧。

-Team Member C: What do you think, kid? Chinese? 你觉得呢?中国人?

-Maggie: No way. This is nothing like what the Chinese are using. 不可能,这和中国所用的技术一点也不像。

[Scene: Air Force One] 场景:空军一号

-Man B: This is Air Force One. Level of flight, level three-three-zero. 这里是空军一号,高度330。

[Television: We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do, we'll know just what to do with them.]


-Man C: Thank you. 谢谢。

-Woman A: You're welcome. 不客气。

[Television: Apparently, there are very few survivors.] 电视:很明显,幸存者很少。

-Woman B: Yes, Mr. President? 总统先生?

-President: Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling? 给我拿一点点心来好吗,亲爱的?

-Woman B: I joined the Air Force to bring the man Ding Dongs. I'll be in storage. storage: 储藏室

我加入空军一号就是给他拿点心的。我去储藏室。 Shoot. 该死的。 Gross. 真恶心。

-Maggie: Do you hear that? 你们听到了吗? Are you getting this? 你们听到了吗?

I think they're hacking the network again. 我想他们又在入侵军事网络了。

[Computer: FOREIGN SIGNAL DETECTED] detected: 检测到的


-Frenzy: Found. 发现冰人项目。

-Maggie: Oh, my God. This is a direct match to the signal in Qatar. 哦,天啊,这个和卡塔尔的信号完全一致。 Are you running a diagnostic? diagnostic: 诊断程序 你在进行信号分析吗? Should I be? 应该吗?

-Maggie: Yes, you should. 应该。 So I am. 我这就办。

[Computer: VIRUS UNLOADING] upload: 上传


-Maggie: Someone! They're hacking into Air Force One! 来人!它们正入侵空军一号的网络! We need a senior analyst. analyst: 分析师

我们需要一个高级分析师。 I think they're planting a virus. 我想它们植入了一个病毒。 -Man A: A virus? 病毒?

It's streaming right now. stream: 流动,传输 正在传输。

-Maggie: They are planting a virus and stealing a whole lot of data from your system at the same time.

他们在植入病毒,同时还从我们系统上窃取了大量的信息。 -Man A: Code Red. We have a breach.

breach: 缺口,窟窿,在??上打开缺口 红色警报,网络被入侵了。

-Man D: Air Force One, someone onboard has breached the military network. 空军一号,有人正在入侵军事网络。 -Man E: I'm in the cargo hold. Clear. Clear. cargo: 货物 hold: 船舱


-Police: What was that? 怎么回事?

You eyeballing my piece, 50 Cent? eyeball: 瞪着,盯住


You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. 想试试?那你就动一下试试!

Because I promise you I will bust you up. bust up: 使爆裂

不过我告诉你,我一定会让你开花。 Are you on drugs? 你是不是嗑药了?

[Scene: Qatar-The Middle East] 场景:中东,卡塔尔

-Lennox: Let's hope this telephone line works. 但愿这条电话线还管用。 -Soldiers: Hey, heads up! 嘿,抬头!

Heads up! Hey! Heads up! 抬头!嘿!抬头!

What the heck was that? 怎么回事?

English, dude. English. 说英语啊,老弟。 -Bobby: Whoa! 喔!

-Lennox: Watch out! 当心!

-Soldiers: Open fire!Contact! Contact! contact: 接触

开火!靠近了!靠近了! Everybody, quiet. Settle. 大家安静。

Whoa, mother... What the hell is... 哦,妈呀,什么玩意?

-Lennox: Get up! Get up! Come on! 快起来,快跑! Go! Move it! 快跑! Take cover! 找掩护!

Fig! Cover the rear! Fig,保护后面!

Cover fire! Move it! Fig, cover the rear! Epps! Cover the rear! Move it! rear: 后面


-Fig: Come on! Give me a mag! mag: machine gun 机关枪 快!给我把机枪!

Where's your papa? Where's your papa? 你爸爸呢?你爸爸呢? -Mahfouz: Papa! 爸爸!

-Lennox: Sir, we need... I need a telephone. 先生,我们需要电话。 Telephone, telephone, yes! 电话,电话,对!

-Mahfouz’father: Telephone! 电话!

-Fig: Hey, I need a mag! Give me a mag! 嘿,我给我把机枪!

-Mahfouz’father: Cell phone! 手机!

-Lennox: I don't know how to thank you. 真谢谢你。 -Soldier: Fire! 开火!

-Lennox: This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you to... Do you understand? 帮我接五角大楼,紧急电话!听到吗? It's an emergency Pentagon... 这是紧急...

I don't have a credit card! credit: 信用,信任 我没有信用卡!

-Operator: Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any bit at all. 先生,你的态度根本无法提高办事效率。

I'm going to ask you to speak into the mouthpiece very clearly. mouthpiece: 发话筒


-Lennox: I'm in the middle of a war! This is frigging ridiculous! frigging: 可恨的,要命的 ridiculous: 荒唐的,可笑的 我正在打仗!这真他妈荒唐! -Soldier: Ammo! 弹药!

-Lennox: I need a credit card!


Epps! Where's your wallet? Epps!你的钱包呢? -Epps: Pocket! 口袋里!

-Lennox: Which pocket? 哪个口袋?

-Epps: My back pocket! 屁股口袋里!

-Lennox: You got 10 back pockets! 你有那么多屁股口袋!

-Epps: Left cheek! Left cheek! Left cheek! 左边屁股!

-Lennox: All right, keep shooting! Keep shooting! 好的,继续射击! Okay, it's Visa.


-Operator: Also, sir, have you heard about our premium plus world-service gold package? premium: 优质的

还有,先生,您听说过我们的“至尊全球服务”超值套餐吗? -Lennox: No, I don't want a premium package! Epps! Pentagon! 不,我不要什么超值套餐!Epps!接五角大楼! -Sir B: Give me a status. status: 情形,状况 报告情况。

-Man F: Sir, we're tracking a Special Ops team under fire in Qatar. track: 追踪

长官,我们追踪到一支在卡塔尔遭受攻击的特种部队。 They say they're survivors of the base attack. 他们说是基地袭击的幸存者。 -Secretary: Survivors? 幸存者?

-Epps: I ain't never seen this in my life! 我这辈子还没见过这东西! Need gunships on station ASAP!

gunship: 武装直升机 ASAP: as soon as possible 越快越好 需要武装直升机立即支援!

-Man G: Predator's coming up in a minute. predator: 食肉动物 掠食者马上赶到。

-Sir A:We're linking the call to the nearest AWACS.

AWACS: airborne warning and control system 空中预警机 我们正联系最近的空中预警机。

-Epps: Unknown, man. I don't... Man, if you seen this shit...

不知道,伙计,我不?伙计,如果你看到这玩意儿? -Man G: Predator ETA two minutes.

ETA: estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间 掠食者预计两分钟后到达。 -Soldier: Hey! Make way! 嘿!让开!

-Secretary: What is that? 这是什么?

-Sir C: I don't know. 我不知道。

We need air support and we need it now. 我们现在就需要空中支援。

Roll in strike package Bravo on unknown target. 对不明物体进行密集型致命打击。

I authenticate Tango Whiskey at time 0300 Zulu. authenticate: 证明(某物)为真 敌我鉴别代码TW0300Z。

Attention, all aircraft. This will be a danger close-fire mission. mission: 任务

所有空军注意,这将是次危险的近距离攻击任务。 -Sir D: Weapons, I just got a call from Falcon Ops. falcon: 猎鹰

武器,我刚刚接到猎鹰特种队的电话。 Who's closer to Kill Box One Alpha?

alpha: 希腊字母的第一个字母,最初,开端 谁离目的地比较近?

-Weapons: Send the Hogs, sir. hog: 贪婪者 贪婪者,长官

-Sir D: Okay, Send the Hogs over to Kill Box One Alpha. It's a danger close… 好的,派贪婪者去,这是次危险的?

Switch the Hogs to Kill Box One Alpha, 300 feet danger close. 派贪婪者前往目的地,高度300英尺。 Friendlies in the area. friendlies: 友军 目标在地面。

-Epps: Seven-man team north of orange smoke! 南部的橘色烟标识的是我们的7人小队!

-Weapons: Received Kill Box One Alpha. Engage hostile. hostile: 敌军的


-Epps: Attack direction west! You're clear and hot! 攻击西面,目标明显!

-Weapons: Strike, tell me status of Hog right now.

攻击,报告贪婪者的情况。 Hog One-One Dark Star status.

贪婪者一号,暗星一号,报告情况。 -Epps: Lennox! The heat's coming! Lennox!破甲弹来了! -Lennox: Laze the target! 快引导目标!

We got a beam-rider incoming! Laze target! beam: 光线

我们发射了激光制导导弹!引导目标! Ready! Heat's coming! 准备!破甲弹来了! -Epps: What? Bring it! 什么?引导它啊!

-Voice: Receiving radar jamming in vicinity of target. vicinity: 附近


-Lennox: No frigging way that thing's still not down. 他妈没办法干掉那东西了。

-Epps: Spooky Three Two, use 105 shells. Bring the rain. spooky: 怪异吓人的 shell: 炮弹


-Voice: Be advised, ground team is requesting 105 sabot rounds. advised: 考虑过的 sabot: 穿甲弹 地面部队请求使用105火炮。 -Secretary: Did we lose them? 干掉了吗?

-Voice: Warthog One confirm visual on friendlies. warthog: 疣猪 visual: 看的见的 疣猪1号确认目标被消灭。 -Lennox: Where's Fig? Fig? Fig? Fig?Fig!Fig!

-Fig: Oh, God! God damn it! 啊,上帝!该死的! -Lennox: Get a medic! medic: 医学工作者 找医生来! Get a medic! 找医生来! I'm sorry. 对不起。

-Voice: Black Hawk... 黑鹰?

-Lennox: We'll get a medic. Just hold on.

