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初二(下)英语五种基本句型专项练习题 一、请判断下列句子的结构类型: 1.He is running.

2.The loud voice from the upstairs made him angry. 3.The little boy is asking the teacher all kinds of 5.你的梦想一定能实现的。

6.这些玫瑰花看起来很美,闻起来也很香。 C:1.现在我们正在学习英语。

2.海伦做她的课外作业都很小心。 3.昨天你看到他了吗?


4.She seemed angry.

5.My father bought me a beautiful present. 6.Why do you keep your eyes closed? 7.Will you tell us an exciting story? 8.We must keep our classroom tidy and clean. 9.I heard the baby crying in the sitting room. 10.Can you push the window open? 二、用所学的五种句型造句: A:1.正在下着雨。

2.我的哥哥很用功。 3.我每天早晨六点钟起床。 4.日出于东而没于西。

5.比尔和吉姆每天都一起读书一起玩。 B:1.我的名字是汤姆。

2.约翰和玛丽是同班同学。 3.你准备好了吗?


4.我们的英语老师林先生会说英语和日语。 5.大部分的小孩都爱阅读故事。


1.她的伯父昨天给了她一件很好的礼物。 2.请给我们一些吃的东西。

3.这位老师常给这些男、女生讲有趣的故事。 4.她的父亲上星期买了一只新的手表给他。 5.我的美国朋友比尔在几天前写了一封信给我。 E:

1.他们都叫他“小胖”。 2.他使他的年老的母亲很快乐。 3.老师经常都要我们坐得端正。 4.你有办法发动这部汽车吗?

5. 我们的老师有时候会强迫我们做课外作业。 三、将下列五种基本句型构成的句子译为汉语。 1.Do you know her younger sister? 2.I got home after dark yesterday. 3.Bill always does very well at school.


4.What pet do you keep?

5.There were some students reading in the 五、写出五种句子结构的英语符号: 基本句型一: _____ + ______ (主+谓) classroom then.

6.Amy always helps her mother after school. 7.Tom often makes his teacher angry. 8.Did you see anyone go into that house? 9.Helen looks very happy today.

10.I was born in a little town in the south of Taiwan.


①One summer evening Newton[nju:tn](牛顿)sat quietly on a bench in the garden.

②An apple fell to the ground from a tree. He saw it and thought:

③ “Why did an apple fall?” ④He studied very hard. ⑤ Later he found out the reason.

⑥One day Newton sat at his desk.

⑦ He was studying very hard. His servant came into the room.

⑧ He left an egg on his desk. ⑨ There was a watch on the desk.

⑩ Into the boiling water in the kettle Newton put the watch instead.

基本句型二: _____ +_____ +______(主+系+表) 基本句型三:

______ +_______ +________(主+谓+宾) 基本句型四:

________+________+________ +________ (主+谓+间宾+直宾)


________+__________+________+__________ (主+谓+宾+宾补)

六、完成下列句子: 1. 学生们学习很努力。

The students ________ ________ ___________. 2.这种食物吃起来很糟糕。

This kind of ________ _________ __________. 3.你可以把书放在书包里。

You can ____ _____ ___ ______ _____ _______ .

4.昨天她父亲给她买了一辆自行车作为生日礼 物。

Yesterday her father ________ _______ ________ _________ as a birthday present. 5.我们发现他是一个诚实的人。

We found _____ _______ ________ __________ .

