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六年级第二学期module three unit three:sea water and rain water




1、Show a slide

Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to contain useable water.Evenso,the amount of usable water on the planet is far less than what is commonlyperceived.Of all the water on Earth,97 percent is sea water,too salty to drink.

Two percent is locked in the remote Arctic and Antarctic icecaps and glaciers.Muchof the remaining one percent exists as water vapor in the atmosphere.That leavesless than one percent of fresh,useable water for all the plants and animals on earth.

Some scientists have projected that the demand for fresh water will soon outstripthe supply.They predict that about two thirds of the Earth's population will facewater shortages by 2025.Millions of people will become"water refugees"as theyare forced from their homelands in search of clean fresh water.

However,the lack of potable water isn't only a problem for future generations;itis a problem here and now.Young ones are hit the hardest.In some areas of the world,many children suffer from gastroenteritis or are infected with parasitic roundwormsand flagellates.Water shortages and unsanitary drinking water,both resulting froma lack of water purification facilities,are the main culprits.According to theUnited Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF),more than 1.6million children die each year from causes related to unsanitary drinking water.

This figure represents nearly 4,400 child deaths every day--enough to fill 12 jumbojets.If 12 jets filled with children crashed each and every day,the world wouldhave long ago mobilized to rectify the situation.Unfortunately,the same numberof deaths by drinking dirty water has not commanded enough attention yet,andchildren continue to pay the price for our indifference.

What can we do about this tragic situation?How can we halt this slide into chaosand maintain a world where drinking water is adequate and sustainable?

2、Discuss in groups:What will happen if there is no water(A.At home B.Inthe countryside C.In the city)

At home

If there is no water to drink,we can only live for about three days without water.If there is no water,we will not be able to brush our teeth.If there is no water,we will not be able to have a shower.If there is no water,we will not be able towash our clothes or the dishes.

In the countryside,Plants and animals need water to grow.If there is no water,they will die.We willnot have any rice,any vegetables or any meat.We will have nothing to eat.We canonly live for about one or two weeks without food.

If there is no water in the streams or rivers,fish will have nowhere to live.Theywill die.We will have nowhere to swim.

In the city,If there is no water,the cooks in restaurants will not be able to cook food.Ifthere is no water,firemen will not be able to put out fires.

3、小组完成项目:The use of water


(at home)


(at school)

Other people

(at work)

For brushing

For showering


In art lessons:

(when your teacher asks you

to paint a picture)

(when your hands are dirty)








4、Look at the pictures in the poster,complete the sentences(save water)

Don’t brush your teeth under a running tap.

Don’t wash the dishes and plates under a running tap.

Don’t wash vegetables under a running tap.

Fix the dripping tap.

Turn the dripping tap off

Take a shower rather than a bath.

Don’t waste water for playing games.

5、Work in groups:write a report------How can we save water

6、How to protect our water

Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes arepolluted.

And what shall we do?

We can do like these things:

First all of us must know water on the earth is limited.We can tell the visit peoplehow important the water is.We should have the idea to save it.

Second we must use properly.We must protect the factory form pouring waste waterinto the river.

We should stop people from throwing litter into the river.Many kinds of littermay pollute the environment.

Finally let everybody know how to save water.We can reuse water again and again.

After doing these things,I think water will become clearer sooner or later.We willbe able to have enough water for us to use.




