World link 3 Teaching plan

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World link 3: Teaching plan Learning objectives

Unit 1 Indoors and Outdoors

Unit 2 Life is All About Changes

Unit 3 Newspapers and the News

Unit 4 Men and Women

Unit 5 Being Different

Unit 6 Big Business

Unit 7 Health

Unit 8 Sports and Hobbies

Unit 9 Social Issues

Unit 10 Wealth

Unit 11 Honestly Speaking

Unit 12 Our Earth



Unit 1 Indoors and Outdoors

air conditioner a machine or a system used to cool air in buildings

alarm clock a clock that can be set to give a signal at a later time

barbecue grill a metal grill on which meat and other food is cooked over an

open fire

burglar alarm a warning device, such as a bell, siren, or buzzer used to deter


bus station a specific place where buses let off and pick up passengers

campus the land and buildings of a college, university, or some business


can opener a metal device used to open aluminum cans

frying pan a flat, round, metal container with low sides and a handle, used in


newspaper stand a small store often with one side open, that sells newspapers and magazines

park to bring a car to rest in one place and leave it for a limited amount of time

parking meter a time clock set on a pole next to a parking space into which one puts coins to pay for parking

parking space a designated spot in which to park a car for a limited amount of time

remote control a device that controls something remotely, such as a TV or VCR

smoke detector a warning device, such as a bell, siren, or buzzer used to warn of smoke



access point for a public transportation system using trains swimming


a man-made area swimming, usually made of cement or stone taxi stand a place where taxis can be found or called for a pickup

traffic light a post with lights that control the flow of traffic



a machine that picks up dust and dirt in a strong current of air



a machine for cleaning clothes

Glossar y n. 术语(特殊用语)表;词汇表;专业词典

Unit 2 Life is All About Change

adolescence the teenage years between puberty and adulthood

adult a person or animal who has finished growing physically

and mentally

adulthood the developmental age usually ranging from around age

18 onward

childhood the period from birth to about age 13

fall in love to form deep feelings of love for someone

get divorced to end a marriage by law

get married ceremony of being legally united to a man or woman

get promoted 升职to advance in rank; get a better job

graduate to receive a diploma, complete one's studies

Grown up an adult

have a baby give birth to a child

infancy the part of a baby's life just after birth and before


infant a baby, newborn

middle-aged a person in his or her 40s

move out to leave a place permanently, usually a home

retire to leave the work force and stop working

senior citizen an older person, someone usually over 60 years old

teenager a person between the ages of 13 and 19

youth young people



Unit 3 Newspaper and the News

cartoonist someone who creates a group of pictures and words, usually

drawn to make people laugh

comics picture stories of fun and adventure in newspapers

copyeditor one who corrects and formats written or recorded works

critic person who reviews and gives opinions about art, music,

film, etc

daily (adv.) each day, every day

headlines the titles of new articles, especially titles printed in large

type on the front page

horoscope 星座占星术prediction of a person's future by interpreting the positions of the stars and planets around the time she or he was born



a reporter for a publication or TV that works overseas journalist a person whose jo

b is to gather and report the news news anchor a man or woman who reports news and coordinates and

comments on the reports in a news show

photographer a person who practices photography as an art or business publish to print and distribute something to the public

publisher a person who runs a publication; the person in charge of a

print organization

scan (v.) a look at something to see as much information as possible

in a short time

sections pieces or parts of something

sensational very interesting or exciting

subscribe to pay money for a certain number of issues of a magazine

or newspaper

weather forecast a description of expected weather conditions



Unit 4 Men and Women

athletic having ability in sports

attracted to find someone or something appealing or good-looking

attractive appealing, good-looking, beautiful

bald with little or no hair on the head

casual informal, relaxed

common happening or appearing often

elegant stylish in appearance, graceful, refined

handsome good-looking, attractive--usually said of a man

intelligence the ability to learn, understand, and use information; smartness

long-term relationship a connection between people extending over a long period of time

looks appearance, traits

personality the total effect or character of a person's qualities, such as

habits, traits, moods, attitudes, etc

petite small, trim--usually said of a woman

pretty lovely, attractive, pleasing to the eye, but not beautiful

romantic related to love or romance

seeking looking for, searching for

sincere honest in one's thought and action, true; genuine

well built strong, muscular, athletic



Unit 5 Being Different

appropriate correct, suitable

atypical not typical, unusual

disrespectful lacking proper politeness toward someone

eating habits the manner in which one usually has their meals

facial expressions the look on one's face

holiday customs a way of celebrating the holidays that is special to a person,

people, region, or nation

impolite showing bad manners, rude

inappropriate not suitable for the situation, incompatible

inoffensive Not causing anger or other bad feelings

language barrier a block in communication between people of different

linguistic dialects

offensive causing suffering of the body or the mind, disgusting; rude personal space an area that you consider your own

physical environment the air, land, water, and surroundings that people, plants, and animals live in

polite having good manners, courteous

respectful having proper politeness toward someone

small talk light conversation about everyday topics like the weather

traffic regulations rules, regarding driving, stating what can and cannot be done

typical characteristic, representative

unusual peculiar, not normal; strange, odd

usual normal, customary, typical



Unit 6 Big Business

advertise to sell, to promote a product or

billboard a large, flat board for advertisements, usu. by the side of the road

brochure a small, short, printed booklet describing a company's products ors


a strip of paper with a message on it put on a car bumper


compete to participate in a contest

develop to make into, to make more complete, greater or bigger

employ to provide paid work to people

junk mail advertising pieces selling things not asked for

manage to direct the business of an organization; be in charge

poster large sheet of paper, usu. with a picture and writing, publicly

announcing some event

produce to manufacture, fabricate

purchase to buy something, to pay for goods ands

ship to send something

skywriting drawing words in the sky using a plane


an advertisement on TV for a company; used to make money commercial


a presentation of a store's goods enclosed in glass




Unit 7 Health

aspirin a painkiller in tablet form

bandage fabric covering for a wound or injury

cough a pushing of air from the throat because of irritation or sickness


a medicine in the form of a sweet liquid to fight and stop a cough


exhausted extremely tired

faint to fall unconscious, pass out

indigestion pain in the stomach because of something one has eaten

lightheaded feeling faint or dizzy

lotion a liquid used to clean, soften, moisturize, or protect skin

lozenges small medicated candies

mouthwash rinse that cleans and freshens the mouth

nasal spray a liquid spray used to help congestion in the nose

runny more like a liquid than a solid, watery

scratch to stop an itch by rubbing it with the fingernails

shiver to shake in the body



pills that contains medicine to help people sleep

sneeze to send air forcefully through the nose and mouth because of an

irritation, cold, allergy, etc

sweat a salty moisture produced by the body through the skin when it is




Unit 8Sports and Hobbies

arts and crafts referring to various activities related to making things with ones own hands and skill

board games games played on a thin, flat surface often made of wood

card games games played with thin, numbered pieces of paper or plastic

collections a group of similar objects brought together by someone. as a hobby or by a museum



games played on a computer

horseback rider one who rides a large, four-footed, domesticated animal with hard hooves used for riding, and work

in-line skater one who uses boots with one row of rubber wheels and a brake for stopping, used to move quickly over a road or other hard surface



one who runs a foot race of over 26 miles



a small, replica version of a structure, such as a house or office



one who climbs a tall formation of land and rock higher than a hill pastimes a pleasurable activity; hobby

puzzles a game in which a picture on cardboard that has been cut into

pieces is put back together

race car


one who drives race cars

rugby player one who plays a type of football game played by two teams of 15

players each

scuba diver one who swims underwater with the aid of scuba gear

sky diver one who participates in the sport of jumping out of a plane and

floating to the ground with the help of a parachute

water polo


one who plays a ball game played by two teams in a pool



Unit 9 Social Issues



a house or apartment that does not cost a lot

birthrate the number of births for each 100, 1000, or 100,000 people in an

area in a time period

death rate the number of people who die in a nation or other area in

relation to its total population, usu. measured on a yearly basis disease


the act of stopping a sickness from happening

endangered species a plant or animal whose population is so low that it is in danger of extinction

ethnic restaurants a place to eat that specializes in food from a certain country or culture

family planning the use of birth control methods to limit the number of children

one has

infection rate how fast a disease or sickness will spread


possibilities or chances for employment


natural habitats the area in which an animal or plant normally lives

noise pollution a noise level harmful to human health, caused by motor vehicles,

airplane traffic, construction equipment, etc

police patrols uniformed and plainclothes police officers as a group


an increase in the number of people in an area


rush hour a time when traffic is very heavy, esp. when people are going to

and from work


an area dedicated to the purpose of buying things


tourist traps a place that attracts and exploits tourists, or travelers

urban sprawl the spread of the city to the suburbs



Unit 10 Wealth

affluent wealthy, prosperous

broke without money

credit card a small, flat plastic card that allows a person to buy goods ands

on credit

designer clothes clothing made by a well-known fashion expert

limousine driver one who drives a large, expensive car, usually for another


luxury suite a very expensive set of connected rooms in a hotel or office


made his/her

earned a great deal of money


penniless having no money, poor

personal trainer an instructor who trains people one-on-one for exercises

requiring physical agility and strength.

private jet a jet-propelled airplane owned by a person, not an airline


private school a school run by a private group, not by the government

prosperous successful, flourishing

run out of

to find oneself with no more money


short of money to not have enough money

spending money money for everyday expenses

struck it rich to become rich suddenly

summer house a vacation home used mainly in the summertime

wealthy having lots of money, rich

well-off prosperous, affluent



Unit 11 Honestly Speaking

against the law illegal, unlawful

count on rely on, depend on

deceitful dishonest, deceptive

depends on the

to vary based on conditions


exceptions a special case, rarity, oddity

have confidence in to believe in

hurt someone's offend, upset, insult


keep your word to do what you say you will do

morals related to what is right or wrong, ethics

not worth doing not important to do

obvious easy to see or understand, clear

on your conscience feeling guilty about something

questionable doubtful, uncertain

rely on depend on, count on

trustworthy capable of being trusted; honest and reliable

truthful believing in the honesty and reliability of someone

white lie an untrue statement, usually about something that is not

important, told to keep from hurting someone



Unit 12 Our Earth

accommodate to make an extra effort to do what someone asks

cave hole in the ground, usu. with an opening in the side of a hill or


cliff a high rock formation with a steep drop

coastline the land along an ocean, shore

controversy public disagreement, usu. involving strong opinions and an

important subject

desert a dry region with little or no rain resulting in large areas of sand

and rock with few plants or animals

engineers a person highly trained in science and mathematics who plans the

making of machines, roads and bridges

feat an impressive act, showing strength, courage, or unusual ability,

an exploit

goods items that can be bought or sold

harbor a port

hot springs a place where hot water comes naturally out of the ground


a group of mountains in a general area


obstacles something that gets in the way and stops action or progress, hurdle, obstruction

route a path along which one travels

severe very strong, dangerous, serious

transport to move

volcano a hill or mountain formed by hot, melted rock escaping from beneath the earth

waterfall water falling from a high place, a cascade

withstand to endure, to tolerate, to last in spite of

