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研究生英语听说教程(第三版)主编 任林静 罗立胜


Unit 1First Meetings

Section A1. Informal2. Formal

Exercise 1

3. Formal4. Informal

5. Formal

Section A1. This is … Hi…

Exercise 2It’s nice to

2. I’d like you to meet … meet you. 4. Hi,… Yeah, I’m …

3. Hello,… It’s good to meet you. 5. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m … It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Section B1. the weather2. work 3. school 4. the movies

Exercise 1

Section B

Exercise 2

1. It looks like rain. 2. So what do you do? 3. Are you a student? 4. Are you going to see City of Angels?

Section C

Key Words

ice breaker – an ice breaker is what

you say to get a conversation started. You need ice breakers to start conversations with people you don’t know or don’t know well.

elaborate – describe or explain sth.in detail

entice – to attractdiscreet – showing prudence and wiseself-restraint in speech and behavior

recap – to recapitulate; to make asummary

hypocritical – showing beliefs, feelings,or virtues that one does not hold or possess

Section C

Exercise 1

1. Becoming a good conversationalistrequires knowing three things:

1) how to start a conversation2) how to keep a conversation going 3) how to end a conversation

2. Examples of good ice breakers:

1) compliments 2) news events 3. Use elaboration technique to ask questions about: 1) who 2) what 3) when 4) where 5) why 6) how

4. Use signals to end a conversation:

1) break eye contact2) use transition words 3) a good, firm handshake

Section C1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. × × × √ × √ × √

Exercise 2

Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B 2. C 3. A 6. D 7. C 8. C

4. B5. D

9. A10.A

Unit 2Building Friendships

Section A

Key Words

deserve – to be worthy or deserving raffle – a lottery in which a number ofpersons buy chances to win a prize

Section A

Exercise 1

1. happy; got A on science test2. happy; her sister had a baby girl.

3. happy; won 10 dollars4. not happy; dog hit by a car

5. not happy; haven’t heard fromfamily for a long time

Section A

Exercise 2

1. Congratulations! That’s great!2. How wonderful!

3. Boy, are you lucky!4. That’s terrible! Is he okay? 5. How often do they usually write?

Section B1. serious2. not serious 3. not serious 4. serious

Exercise 1

Section B

Exercise 2

1. dinner, at 7:00 next Friday night2. game or something; someday 3. get together sometimes

4. go to a movie; tomorrow night

