2019-2020年九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版(III)

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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版(III)


I . 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项(听两遍)。

1.Where is Kate going to travel this year?


2. What does the woman suggest?

A B C 3. Which picture are they talking about?


4. What programme are they watching?

A B C 5. How long did Mike stay in Canada?

A. A week. B. Three days. C. A month. 6. What time does the woman get up now?

A. At 6 o’clock. B. At 6:15. C. At 5:45. 7. How about the girl’s homework?

A. Too difficult. B. It hasn’t been finished yet. C. It has been finished already.

8. What does the girl think of the new teacher?

A. He is kind. B. He is friendly. C. He is a little noisy.

9. What do we learn from the dialogue?

A. Amy finished the exam in an hour. B. The test has one page. C. The exam was difficult.

10. What’s the children’s mother doing now?

A. She is having lunch. B. She is cleaning the living room. C. She is coming home.

II. 听下面一段对话,回答第11~12题(听两遍)。 11. Who packed the camera?

A. Jim himself. B. Jim’s father. C. Jim’s mother.

12. What’s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

A. Father and son. B. Brother and sister. C. Mother and son.

III. 听下面一段独白。回答第13~15题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成信息记录表(听两遍)。 To improve 13 . My plan To call on people to 14 something to the poor. To work harder at 15 . 13. A. English B. Chinese C. Physics 14. A. say B. donate C. send 15. A. hobbies B. sports C. lessons IV. 听下面一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(听两遍)。 16. Why was Mr. Lee afraid of taking a plane? A. He had an accident before. B. He read a lot about accidents.

C. His last trip by plane wasn’t good. 17. Who wanted to take Mr. Lee for a ride?

A. His father. B. His boss. C. His friend. 18. How was the weather when Mr. Lee got on the plane?

A. It was sunny. B. It was cloudy. C. It was cold. 19. How did Mr. Lee feel when the plane started to move?

A. He was excited. B. He was relaxed. C. He was scared. 20. What did Mr. Lee see out of the window?

A. Some trees. B. Some ants. C. Some people. 二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案. 21. — Do you enjoy Han Lei’s songs?

— Yes. He is _____ winner of I’m singer II. I can’t think of anyone with _____ better voice.

A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a 22. — I find it hard to ______ Tom.

— I don’t think so. He is sometimes impatient but he’s kind.

A. go on with B. get along with C. go up with D. catch up with 23. — Tim, how do your parents like pop music?

— _____ my dad ____ my mom likes it. They both prefer classical music.

A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Not only; but also D. Both; and 24. — Some children can’t afford ______ necessary stationery. — Let’s donate some pocket money to them.

A. buy B. to buying C. to be bought D. to buy 25. —I think drinking milk every morning is good ______ our health. — Yes. I agree ______ you.

A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with

26. —What a heavy rain!.

—So it is. I prefer _______ rather than ______ on such a rainy day.

A. to go out; stay at home B. to stay at home; go out

C. going out; stay at home D. staying at home; go out 27. —Dear, you need to ________ by next week, to go to university at home or abroad.

You are going to be eighteen. —OK, Mom. I am considering it.

A. make an appointment B. make a suggestion C. make a decision D. make a advice 28. — Will it be sunny this afternoon?

— It _______ fine. Who knows? The weather always changes quickly. A. must be B. will be C. may be D. maybe

29. — The documentary A Bite of China II is quite popular around China recently.

How do you like it? — ______________.

A. I think so B. Pretty good C. It’s my pleasure D. All right

30. — Bad luck! On my way home, I had my watch _______.

— I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you will have no choice but _______ another one.

A. stolen; to buy B. stolen; buy C. stole; to buy D. stole; buy

31. — There’s nothing wrong with your sister, _________? — ________, she just had a cold.

A. isn’t it; No B. is it; Yes C. is there; No D. is there; Yes

32. — What do you think of the TV show Running Man?

— Wonderful! I think it is ______ an interesting TV show that______ many people

like watching it.

A. so; so B. such; so C. so; such D. such; such

33. — I have great _______ in learning English and I am so worried. Could you help


— Sure, I’ll be glad to.

A. interest B. fun C. question D. trouble

34. — Walking more is good for our health.

— You’re right. So I’d rather_______ an hour’s walk to work than consider________ a car.

A. take; driving B. take; drive C. to take; to drive D. to take; driving

35. — Excuse me, could you please tell me _________? — Yes, there’s a history museum.

A. if there are any good museums in Yangzhou B. how often do you go to the history museum C. are there any good museums in Yangzhou

D. how long it takes to get to the history museum 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)


I came to study in the US last fall. My life was quite simple when I arrived at Andover. Although I had quite a few after-class activities, I didn’t take any official leadership position. This 36 changed when I received an email from Ms Griffith, my cluster dean (宿舍楼主任), 37 that a new female DC Rep was needed. DC Rep 38 Discipline Committee Representative. 39 students living in school break serious rules, like taking drugs, getting drunk or cheating in their studies. Such students must be punished(惩罚). The punishments are 40 by a DC Rep, two student representatives(代表) and the cluster dean. I was really interested in becoming DC Rep for my cluster, Pine Knoll, 41 so were five other students. We had to hold an election and Ms Griffith asked us to write 42 to be sent to everyone in Pine Knoll. I thought hard about what to 43 . I didn’t want to make any promises, because they are difficult to keep. I didn’t want to say I was experienced, because I was not. So I started my speech by explaining 44 I wanted to become DC Rep. “I want to serve Pine Knoll.” I wrote 45 .

I made three posters that said “Vote For Teresa” and put them on every exit of my cluster so that people would 46 my name when they went to vote. Although I tried hard, I didn’t win the election(选举). I was disappointed, but my positive nature did not allow me to 47 for very long. I

actually 48 when my friends tried to comfort me. “Teresa, I am sorry that you didn’t win the election,” they would say. “No, don’t be sorry for me. I am very happy to have taken part in the election,” I said.

It is true that the process is much more important than the 49 . I am surprised and happy to discover my hidden 50 .

36.A.school B.situation C.time D.life 37.A.explaining B.writing C.saying D.talking

38.A.stands for B.asks for C.calls for D.looks for

39.A.Usually B.Seldom C.Often D.Sometimes 40.A.carried B.given C.made D.decided

41.A.or B.though C.but D.and

42.A.speeches B.articles C.compositions D.introductions

43.A.write B.prepare C.answer D.give 44.A.how B.whether C.when D.why

45.A.carefully B.easily C.rudely D.honestly 46.A.recognize B.remember C.forget D.mind

47.A.put down B.look down C.feel down D.lie down

48.A.smiled B.cried C.laughed D.shouted

49.A.result B.aim C.reason D.study 50.A.strength B.courage C.way D.skill 四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)



WONDERFUL EVENTS HORSE RACING ALL YEAR ROUND 100 YEARS OF PICTURES Races Start at 3 p.m. Every Sunday THEN AND NOW(Photo Show) City Sports Center See the Tianjin History From Lots of Free Parking Space 1900-2000 Free presents February 1--- April 30 No children allowed City Art Museum, 750 High Street Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. WEEKEND SALES DANCE PARTY This Saturday 2-6 p.m. CELEBRATE A SPECIAL DATE EVERYTHING 20%-40% OFF Bringing Your Sweet Heart Visit Us at Block Grandview Mall SUNDAY NIGHT, COUNTRY CLUB Realize Your Dreams Live Band(乐队) from 9 p.m. – 1 Save Time and Money a.m. Fall in Love with Prices We Offer $ 25 A Couple(夫妇) $ 15 A Single(单个的) Person 51. What can you do if you only have time between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday? A. Go shopping B. Go to see a photo show

C. Go to the dance party with your sweet heart D. Go to watch the horse racing

52. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party? A. 15 dollars B.25 dollars C.30 dollars D.For free 53. Where can you see the article above?

A. In a fashion magazine B. In a tour guide C. In a newspaper D. In a sports ad


On the way back from work every evening, more often than not(往往) there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway (快车道). He looked to be in his late 40s but was probably a lot younger. He had shoulder length straight black hair and a short beard.

Every day after work I would remember to gather any spare change, and put it aside to give him if I saw him. A feeling of joy would come over me every time I saw him, while coming off the ramp(坡道). So did he. Sometimes the red light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our day. His answer would always be the same, “I’m blessed!”

Then one day I was called into my boss’s office and was told that I was being laid off(解雇). For the rest of that day all I could think of was “how am I going to provide for my kids as a mother, how am I going to pay rent?”

It is clear that on my way home that day I was very sad and upset. I didn’t remember to look for my spare change and keep it ready like I usually did. Yet there he was as always, as I turned the ramp. He set his eyes on me, while still smiling and waving at others as usual.

While I was waiting for the red light to turn, he strolled (闲逛) over to my car. He had a big smile. He looked at me straight in the eyes and said, “Today I will give you a dollar.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill.

You see that day he taught me a valuable lesson more than a dollar bill. No matter what material things are taken from you, no one can take away your choice to be joyful. Every time I’m faced with challenges, I think of the homeless man’s valuable lesson and remember that I am blessed.

54. Why did the writer feel sad and upset after out of the boss’s office? A. Because she was criticized by the boss. B. Because a new job was offered to her. C. Because she was laid off by the boss.

D. Because there was something wrong with her job.

55. What is NOT true about the homeless man from the passage? A. He would be seen at the exit of the freeway. B. He usually smiled and waved at others. C. He had a deep impression on the writer.

D. He felt joyful only when money was offered to him.

56. The homeless man gave the writer a dollar because . A. he had collected a lot of money B. he wanted to pay her back C. he knew what she experienced D. he wanted her to be happy 57. The writer learned from the story that . A. a dollar bill will be enough to make you happy B. each of us has been blessed all the time

C. whenever it is, we should choose to help others

D. it is more than material things that bring us happiness


When Christie Andrews was born, she weighed less that half of one kilogram. Her heart was the size of a large coin. Her mother said Christie was so small that she could hold her in the palm of one hand.

Christie couldn’t breathe without a machine to give her oxygen. If she had been born 20 years earlier, she would probably have died at once. She needed two operations, but she survived without serious damage.

Twenty years ago , 90% of all premature(早产) babies died. Today, doctors manage to save four out of every five, because they have better machines for breathing and better ways to feed the babies.

But saving Christie’s life cost more than $ 400,000. In some cases, doctors spend 1 million dollars saving a single child. The parents usually don’t have enough money to pay. The government, an insurance company or the hospital picks up the bill. Even after a baby goes home from the hospital, it may require medical care.

Some people think it makes more sense to spend money saving 10 adults who have cancer or other diseases than saving one small baby. But nobody wants to be the doctor who has to tell parents to their faces, “Sorry, I won’t save your new child.” 58. Parents don’t pay their babies’ hospital bills because .

A. they don’t have enough money B. they would rather save cancer patients

C. doctors don’t care if the babies die D. it makes more sense to have a bigger baby

59. The true cost of saving a baby may be even more than 1 million because .

A. oxygen machine are expensive

B. the baby may require medical care after it leaves the hospital C. doctors always charge more than they should

D. four out of five premature babies can now be saved

60. From the story we know that saving a cancer patient .

A. is easier than saving a baby B. is harder than saving a baby C. is cheaper than saving a baby D. is more common than saving a baby

61. The main idea of the article is .

A. doctors must never decide whether to save babies or cancer patients B. doctors are able to save premature babies, but the cost is very high C. having a premature baby was cheaper and safer 20 years ago D. Christie survived because the hospital paid her bills


Scientists are placing robotic dogs in the homes of lonely old people to test whether they can improve the quality of life for humans. Alan Beck, an expert(专家) in human-animal relationship, and Nancy Edwards, a professor of nursing, are leading the animal-assisted study on the effect of robotic dogs on old people’s depression (沮丧) , physical activity, and life satisfaction.

In the study, the robot, called AIBO, is placed for six weeks in the houses of some old people who live alone. Before placing AIBO in the home, scientists will collect baseline data(数据) for six weeks. These old people will keep a diary to note their feelings and activity before and after AIBO. Then, the scientists will review the data to test if it has produced any changes in the life of its owner. “I talk to him all the time, and he responds to my voice,” says a seventy-year-old lady. “When I’m watching TV, he’ll stay in my arms until he wants down. He has his own mind.”

The AIBOs respond to certain orders. The scientists say they have some advantages over live dogs, especially for old people. Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an animal by walking it or playing with it. A robotic dog removes exercise and feeding concerns.

“At the beginning, it was believed that no one would relate(与……相关) to the robotic dog, because it was metal and not furry.” Beck says. “Hopefully, down the road, these robotic pets could become a more-valuable health helper. They will record their masters’ blood pressure, oxygen levels or heart rhythms(心律). AIBOs may even one day have games that can help stimulate(刺激) older people’s minds.” 62. The purpose of Beck and Edwards’ study is to _____________.

A. understand human-animal relationship B. make lonely old people’s

life better

C. find the causes of old people’s loneliness D. improve the animal-assisted research

63. In the research, the old people are asked to _____________.

A. note the activities of AIBOs B. keep AIBOs at home for 12 weeks

C. record their feelings and activity D. study the collected information

64. What does the underlined word “removes” mean?

A. moves again B. is movable C. doesn’t need D. need

65. The writer seems to suggest that the future robotic dogs may__________.

A. cure certain diseases B. keep old people active C. change people’s ideas D. look more like real dogs




66. Don’t keep ________ (worry)him with a lot of silly questions.

67. In fact, the colours ___________ (they) can help us out of bad feelings. 68. Everyone thinks __________ (correct) about the same thing. Therefore, there may be no different ideas.

69. “Don’t be nervous when you are facing a hard ____________ (choose). Just stay

relaxed.” Mother always told me.

70. If you want to organize the class well, you mustn’t be __________ (act). 71. The violet coat __________(穿) the woman matches well with her trousers. 72. Our class is often __________ (划分) into two big groups by the history teacher. 73. A number of Britain’s beaches fail to meet European _______ (标准) on cleanliness.

74. We have been together for two years, but both of us feel the ________(关系)

isn’t really going anywhere.

75.Mrs Rainbow has _________ (从事)colour therapy since she left college. 六、任务型阅读 (共10空;每空1分,计10分)


Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to some Chinese students, they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor.” I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves because of a limited vocabulary. Obviously the better answer is to enlarge their vocabulary. However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if your attitude is positive. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.

Second, they are afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY(准确性). Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using them to get your message across. But talk to someone in English, as quickly and well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn’t matter because the person you are speaking to will understand and forgive you for any mistakes he hears.

The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.

Fourth, most Chinese students are inactive rather than positive language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English, they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. If you have this positive outlook(观点), then, you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

If you do not use your English beyond the classroom you will forget the English you know. Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT! You can learn how to speak English better by speaking English more. Context (内容) __76__ You have to enlarge your vocabulary. A limited You should take a positive attitude towards __77__ English. vocabulary Being shy and__78__ makes it easy to make mistakes. Being afraid of Fluency is more important. making Talk to someone in English as quickly and well as__79__ mistakes It doesn’t__80__ any difference if you may use a wrong word or tense. Lack of __81_ All that __82__ is necessary for you to start speaking. while listening Lack of __83__ language learners, most Chinese students passively positive wait for speaking opportunities instead of seeking them out outlook __84__ You won’t see English opportunities __85__ you have positive outlook. 七、缺词填空 (共10空;每空l分,计10分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,完整写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)

I was happy in those days b 86 I started going to school. Because I had good neighbors to play with. I played with them from morning t 87 evening. We played games outdoors, dressed up as cowboys and rode around on our tricycles (三轮车) happily.

A 88 the age of five, I had to go to kindergarten (幼儿园) and it was quite hard for me at first. I felt very sad about having to l 89 my mother each morning. I cried and wanted my mother around. As the days went by, however, I made friends easily in my class. I became happy again and looked f 90 to leaving my house each morning.

I still remember those days when I was l 91 to ride a bicycle. I fell several times but I n 92 gave up. Finally, I was able to join my friends riding around on my bike.

Another m 93 I like is the end-of-year concert held at the kindergarten. I was chosen to play the role of Jack in the play, Jack and the Magic Beans. I became the superstar that night and received p 94 for my performance.

What a wonderful childhood I had! At times I really wish I c 95 go back to those days.


A)句子翻译(共5小题, 每题2分,计10分)

将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。 96. 戴维足够聪明能想出很多新的想法。

______________________________________________________________________________ 97. 这首歌使你母亲想起了过去的生活吗?

______________________________________________________________________________ 98. 她真的很慷慨给朋友们许多钱用。

______________________________________________________________________________ 99. 是这个总经理使得我们的团队生气勃勃。

______________________________________________________________________________ 100.李医生怀疑是否值得给这个病人动手术。

______________________________________________________________________________ B. 作文(计20分)

时间飞逝,转眼间同学们进入九年级已有一个多月了,在繁忙的学习生活中,我们有困惑、泪水;也有进步、喜悦。请根据以下提示,写一篇题为“Our school life in Grade Nine”


工作积极认真;严格但有爱心 学习师 生活 课上:认真听讲;尊敬老师 课后:互相帮助;按时交作业 1. 坚持每天锻炼,精力充沛; 2. 眺望蓝天绿树,身心宁静; 3. 欣赏美妙音乐,放松心情. 学生 因为太多的作业,没课余有足够的时间从事业生活 余爱好. 愿望 通过努力,每个学生能取得更多的进步;……(自由发挥1-2点)。 注意: 1. 词数:100字左右;文章的开头和末尾已经给出,不计入单词总数; 2. 内容必须包括表中的要点, 并作补充,但不要逐字翻译 3. 条理清楚,语句连贯。

Our school life in Grade Nine

It is about one month since we became a Grade Nine student. Here is what our school life is like now.

At school, ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

As a Grade Nine student, I hope _ _____________________________________________________________________________.

