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小学英语教学备课设计 English Teaching Design

3A Module 2 Unit 1 My friends Period 1 授课教师 Lecturer 郑文 授课班级 Learners 一(4)班 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 1.New words: 功能目标 语言目标 情感目标 Emotional Targets sing, 1. 三会掌握新授1. 结合本课的主在描述动作的dance, draw, read 单词。 题――描述人过程中增加彼2. Structures: 2. 能用动词:sing, 物所能做的事此的了解,增进彼此的友谊。 I can … dance, draw, 情,创设语言使 read来描述自用环境,学会用己所做的事情, 初步了解拓展的动词run, 正确的语音语调表述常用的Functional Targets Language Targets 授课日期 Date of Teaching 10/9 教具准备 Teaching Aids 1. Book 1a P15 2. A cassette player 3. Word cards 4. ppt 动作。 jump, swim, 2. 能够运用这些 动词和已学句型hop, skip 能熟对所做的动作进练的运用句型I 行描述。 can ..介绍自己的能力。 3. 掌握句型:I can … 教学过程Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities 1.Greetings 2. Say a rhyme While-task Activities Step 1 sing


1. Presentation T: Let’s sing a song. T: I can sing the song. You can sing the song. We can sing the song. T: sing 唱歌 Sing, sing, I can sing. 2. T: Look, what’s this? It’s an apple. Let’s sing this song. 3. T: Can you sing? / What can you do? Rhyme: I can sing. I can sing. I can sing a little song. Step 2 dance 1. Presentation T: Look! Can she sing? No, she can dance.. 2. T: dance跳舞 3. T: I can dance. Can you dance? S1: Yes, I can dance. S2: Yes, I can dance. 4. T: Please dance with her. (Whole class) 3. T: Look at the picture. Can you say the rhyme. Rhyme: I can sing. I can dance. I can sing and dance. Step 3 draw 1. Presentation T: She can sing. She can dance. And she can …(draw) 2. T: draw 画画 3. T: Look at this picture. Guess, who can draw a …? 4. Rhyme: I can draw, I can draw. I can draw a little flower. 5. Rhyme: I can draw, I can draw. I can draw a little ______.(eye, ear, nose, mouth, face, house) Step 4 Review Golden eyes: sing, dance, draw. Step 5 read 1. Presentation T: Who can read? S: sing, dance, draw 2. T: Oh, you all can read well. You can read. read Read, read, I can read. 3. I can read _________. (dance, sing, draw, read, see, touch) Post-task Activities Step 1 1. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. 2. Read after it.


Step 2 T: You read very well. You can read well. I give you big hands. I’m very happy. Step 3 T: Look, who is he? He’s Kongfu Panda. He’s happy too. Please sing and dance with him. Step 4 T: Kongfu panda is super. He can do many many things. What can you do? Please say it and do the action. (Pair works) Step 5 Chant: I can …, I can … I can … and … I can … a little … I can … a little … I’m having lots of fun. 板书设计Blackboard Writing draw, read, sing, dance I can … 课后作业 Assignments 1. Tell your parents what you can do. 告诉你的爸爸妈妈你会干什么。 2. Try to make a new chant. 试着编一个新的儿歌。 课后反思 Reconsideration 通过试教感觉到教学环节比较清晰,但环节与环节之间缺乏连贯性,也就是缺乏过渡语句。经过汪老师的指导,我们在各个环节之中增设了能够承上启下的过渡语句,再进行教学的时候就感觉教学过程非常自然。


