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一、教材分析 本课的教学内容是译林版《牛津初中英语》7AUnit 4 My day Reading部分。Reading部分主要围绕Millie给Tommy写的一封电子邮件展展示Millie的一天学校生活。学生在了解Millie学校生活的同时也能习得描述学校生活的方法。因此教师应紧紧联系学生在校的生活实际,参照课文中所学词汇和句型介绍自己的一天学校生活的。 二、学情分析

由于学生在小学高年级阶段已经接触过本课所涉及的话题,因此,他们可以在已有的知识基础上学习新知识,且本课出现的生词和新的句型也较少,相对来说较为容易。教师应帮助学生通过融合新旧知识进一步构建知识框架,最终深入理解语篇。 三、教学目标 知识目标:

1.听懂、会说并会读单词及词组 first each other practise wish have a good time chat with best wishes. 2.能初步运用句型 Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday .Usually we do morning exercises first .We always have a good time at school. 3.能流利朗诵所学课文。 技能目标:

2.能掌握描述校园生活的方式。 情感、态度、价值观目标: 1.热爱自己的校园生活。

2.能基本养成小组合作的意识,在合作中体验学习的快乐。 四、教学重难点

1.充分理解课文内容,掌握本文的基本句型。 2.掌握描述校园生活的方式及描述自己的校园生活。 五、教学过程

Step 1: Warming-up and pre-reading

1.T: Good morning,boys and girls.You have come to our school for one month,do you like our school? T: Why do you like our school?

2.T:I love our shool day,too.T introduces own school day .呈现 from...to...chat with...

3.T: So today our topic is “School life”.Millie is writing an email to her friend Tommy.But what does Millie talk about in her email? Let's find out!

4.Play the video and students follow it .Read the text loudly(可个读、分组读、齐读等) Step 2: Post-reading 1.Practice

T: Open your books,please.Here're some exercises for

you.Please finish them quickly.

(生快速的完成Part B 部分,教师带领学生核对答案) 2.Retelling the text

T: After we know this passage quickly,let's tryto retell.There are some s for you.And I will divide you into four groups.Each group can try to retell one part.And three minutes for you.Go! Part 1

Sunshine Middle School Part 2

starts at eight from Monday to Friday do morning exercises lessons begin at 8:15 Part 3

after class chat with friends play in the playground Part 4

go to the library in the afternoon Reading Club read books play volleyball practise Part 5

have a good time

Step 3: Introduce school life Important points:

We go to school from ...to...

Our school starts at... We have lessons in... After class,...chat with... ...practice...

...have a good time... Step 4: Summary

T: OK,let's review what we have learned today.If we want to introduce our school life,we can talk about the lessons,the people and the activities. Step 5: Homework

1.Reading the text fluently.

2.Telling your friends about your school in English. 3.Writing your school life in your note book. 六、课后反思


