
更新时间:2024-01-24 17:13:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1.My name_____(be) Daming and I am in Class_____(first). I’m from China and I’m_____(China). Lingling and Wanghui _____(be) my friends. Lingling is twelve _____(year) old but Wanghui is_____(thirty) years old. _____(we) teacher is MissLi.She_____(come) from Wuhan. She_____(not come) from England and she_____(be not) English.

2.Betty _____(be) from_____(American). She is thirteen years old and she’s a student. She can_____(play) football and basketball. She can speak_____(England) but she can’t speak_____(China). _____(she) father is a _____(teach) at Beijing International School. Her mother is a secretary. She_____(work) at Beijing International School,too.Betty’s friend Tony is from England. _____(he) mother is _____(a) English teacher in_____(an) university in Beijing. His father is a hotel _____(经理).

3.This is our school. There is a gym b_____ the library. There are some school_____(办公室)_____(在。。。前面) the classrooms. There is_____(也) a dining hall_____(在。。。旁边) the science lab.There are forty_____(classroom). In our classroom, there_____(be) two blackboards and a TV. There_____(be not) any computers on our desks. There is a computer on_____(Miss Li) desk. Look, there is a_____(字典) on_____(she) desk.

4.Dear Betty,

_____(thanks) you for your email.

There are five people in_____(I) family---my mother and father and my two_____(祖父母). I’ve got_____(a) aunt but I haven’t got_____(some) uncles. I’ve got an_____(America) friend. _____(she) name is Lucy. She’s in China_____(和。。。一起) her parents.She’s got two brothers. One is a doctor in a_____(医院). The other is a_____(工厂) manager. How many people are there in your family?

5.My name is Dave. I_____(come) from England. I am in China with my parents now. I like Chinese _____(食物) very much.. _____(每个) morning, I eat an egg and some_____(面条) for breakfast. I_____(not like) milk. So I_____(从不) drink it. The lunch in our school is good. I have rice,meat and_____(蔬菜).

_____(有时候) I eat dumplings. They are all_____(健康的) food. My favourite food_____(be) hamburgers and fish..

6.Hello. My name is Tom. This is my school day. I g_____ up very early in the morning and I h_____ my breakfast at half p_____ six. Then, I g_____ to school. We have one _____(数学) lesson every morning, but I _____(not like) it. I like the food in the d__________. So I _____(not go) home for lunch. After lunch, I have a b_____. At four o’ clock in the afternoon, we don't have l_____,so we play football on the p_____ and have a good time. In the evening, I do my h_____ and go to b_____ at nine o’ clock. 7.Tony’s birthday is on Saturday. We u_____ send him a birthday card. He loves cakes very much and we often make a cake f____ his birthday. He often l_____ to music but he never plays c_____ games. He likes w_____ football and we a_____ go to a football match on Sunday. Tony’s sister l_____ music. She plays the piano and likes to sing. She often goes to c_____ and she usually b_____ CDs by her favourite singers.

8.There is a zoo in Wuhan. There are a lot of (动物) in

the zoo. The (大象) come from India and it is very big. (许多) people like to see it because it has a (长) nose. The panda is from Sichuan. Its favourite food is (竹子).

The kangaroo (来自) from Australia. It eats (树叶).There is an (亚洲) camel. It (生活 in the (沙漠).It often (帮助) people carry things. There are also lots of dogs , (猴子).many boys and girls ,men and (妇女) often come to (看) the animals on weekdays.

9.This is Beijing Children’s park , it ____ very big . In the park , there ____ many interesting places (好玩的地方). In the middle of the park , there ___ a small zoo and you ____ see some fish ,birds ,monkeys ,peacocks (孔雀). The peacocks ___ very beautiful . You _____ feed (喂食) the monkeys but you _____ play with them , because sometimes they are dangerous (危险). Behind the zoo , _____ is a small lake . We _____ boat (划船) there . Please come to our park , you _______ have a good time here .

10.It’s Daming’s birthday . He usually (举行) a

birthday party (在---) the weekend . His mother (做) a birthday cake . His (最喜爱的) cake is chocolate cake . (在) his birthday , he (起床) up at 7:00 and he (打开) his (礼物) at once .He often (收到) money (从----) his parents .All his (朋友) come to his party .They don’t eat ________(健康) food .They like candy and Coke .Daming always (喜欢) his birthday .

