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一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题0.5 分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

1.(.5分)David is my brother.______hobby is drawing.()

A.His B.Her C.Your D.Its

2.(.5分)﹣Tina,when did you arrive in Beijing?

﹣______ September 1st.()

A.In B.On C.At D.From

3.(.5分)You can't swim in the river,______ it's too dangerous.()A.and B.so C.but D.because

4.(.5分)﹣Must I leave now?

﹣No,you ______.You can stay here a little longer.()

A.mustn't B.needn't C.can't D.wouldn't

5.(.5分)Alexander Bell______ the telephone over 140 years ago.()A.invents B.invented

C.will invent D.has invented

6.(.5分)William______ in the school library when it began to rain.()A.read B.reads

C.was reading D.is reading

7.(.5分)Emma isn't here.She______ to America.()

A.goes B.was going C.will go D.has gone

8.(.5分)The Hong Kong﹣Zhuhai﹣Macao Bridge is one of______ bridges in the world.()A.long B.longer

C.longest D.the longest

9.(.5分)In the early 1960s,this book______ in many schools in Britain.()A.teaches B.was taught C.taught D.is taught

10.(.5分)It's important______ calm whatever happens in life.()

A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying

11.(.5分)If you take a taxi now,you______ to the cinema in time.()

A.get B.got C.will get D.have got

12.(.5分)﹣Could you please tell me______ ?

﹣Of course.It's on Wangfujing Street.()

A.where Beijing Hotel is

B.where is Beijing Hotel

C.where Beijing Hotel was

D.where was Beijing Hotel

二、完形填空(共8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各

题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项.

13.(8分)The greatest gift

Kerrie and I had always been close friends through elementary school and middle school.But when high school started,everything seemed to(1)between us.I was more independent and did whatever suited me.However,Kerrie wanted to be liked.She was willing to do anything to become (2),which was the only thing she wanted.

At the end of our first year,she finally got invited to the biggest party of the year.As her best friend,I helped her get ready for the party.After I watched her leave,

I headed into the house with a big sigh (叹气)and (3)that everything could go

back the way it used to be between us.

At about 2:00 a.m.,my phone rang.It was Kerrie's mother.I could hear the (4)in her voice."Kerrie's been in an accident," she said.My mind began racing in fear.

"She was hit by a truck," her mother continued to say."(5),it wasn't too bad.She has got a fracture (骨折).The doctor said she'd be OK in a month."

After taking control of my thoughts again,I(6)to calm down and hurried to the hospital.

Over the next few days,I learned more about what had happened.Kerrie had wanted to (7)in so badly at the party that she tried to please everyone.After the party,some girls told her to get a taxi for them.While Kerrie was standing in the cold waiting for a taxi,

a truck came out of nowhere and hit her.

In the following weeks,I visited Kerrie every day.However,no one at the party ever came to see her,even the girls that she had tried to get a taxi for.

It was Kerrie's birthday when she left the hospital.I asked her what she wanted and she told me she had already received the greatest gift from me ﹣unconditional love and true friendship since I had always been there to(8)her no matter what happened.

(1)A.end B.last C.continue D.change

(2)A.comfortable B.silent C.popular D.responsible

(3)A.realised B.hoped C.suggested D.predicted

(4)A.worry B.doubt C.pleasure D.surprise

(5)A.Luckily B.Crazily C.Strangely D.Terribly

(6)A.failed B.asked C.dreamed D.managed

(7)A.come B.break C.fit D.give

(8)A.accept B.support C.judge D.correct

三、阅读理解(共36 分)阅读理解(共26 分,每小题 2 分)阅读下面的四篇短文,

根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项.


Travel advice:We answer your questions!


Hi! I want to go to Hong Kong.When should I go?I also don't know what to do or see.Is it OK to go by myself,or should I go with a group?


The best time to visit Hong Kong is between December and February.Some people say the best time is between September and November.I don't agree.

Typhoon season is between May and November.So you may get wet a lot.


You could travel with a group.It's easy,and you don't have to worry about being alone.However,if you go alone,you don't have to do what everyone else wants to

do.Why don't you go with just one or two friends?


I'd visit Victoria Peak. A lot of people go there,but it's worth it! You can take the Peak Tram (山顶缆车).You should go late in the afternoon and wait at the top until the sun

goes down.The city looks amazing!


You should go shopping! Hong Kong is famous for its shops.You can buy anything from jewelry to clothes to pets.Don't miss all the fun!

(1)Zac thinks the best time to visit Hong Kong is .

A.between May and November

B.between May and September

C.between December and February

D.between September and November

(2)Who thinks Victoria Peak is worth visiting?





(3)What does Will advise Mari to do?

A.Travel by herself.

B.Do some shopping.

C.Travel with friends.

D.Take the Peak Tram.

15.(6分)Tough Man: a race to the limit

Every January,more than 3,000 people take part in one of the most difficult races on Earth:the Tough Man competition in the UK.Competitors run,swim and climb around the 15﹣km course.But this is no normal race.These competitors have to crawl (爬)through tunnels (隧道),run across a field of nettles (荨麻)and jump over fire.What's more,the competition takes places in January,so the temperatures are low ﹣sometimes as low as ﹣6 ℃.People travel from all over the world to take part,with competitors from South Africa,Australia and China.

The following shows what the Tough Man course is like.First,competitors run for 1km along a muddy road.Next,they crawl under low nets on the ground.After the nets,the runners jump into a lake and swim for 1km.Then,they reach the field of fire.Here,the runners run across a field and jump over small bonfires.Next,competitors must crawl through a long tunnel.The tunnel is partly under water.Finally,the runners run 2 km through nettles before they reach the finish line.

The competition is quite dangerous and every year there are accidents.Injuries like broken bones and cuts are quite common.The race is very hard:one﹣third of the competitors don't finish it.Runners have to be very fit and healthy and most people train all year to prepare for the event.It is also the only race like it in the world.There are similar events,but this was the first one in the world.Many people do the competition because it is so famous.Every year the organizers change the event and add new things.This means that the competition stays exciting and challenging,so people go back year after year.

(1)Where does the Tough Man competition take place?

A.In the UK.

B.In China.

C.In Australia.

D.In South Africa.

(2)What do competitors do after crawling under nets?

A.Run across a field with fire.

B.Jump into water and swim.

C.Crawl through a tunnel.

D.Run through nettles.

(3)Why do people go back to the competition every year?

A.It changes and stays exciting every year.

B.It is the first competition in the world.

C.It helps people to stay fit and healthy.

D.There are no similar events like it.


Everybody knows how important it is for students to get a good night's sleep every night.You aren't able to do your best and keep up with all of your responsibilities at school unless you sleep well.Most experts agree that the best number of sleeping hours is eight,and this has been accepted as common sense for as long as I can remember.However,I was young once and I know that most of you get much less sleep than that ﹣and in some cases it will be influencing your schoolwork.

I read an interesting article in a teachers' magazine recently.They did a study of

848students in Wales.Worryingly,the results showed that teenagers are facing a new problem.They may go to bed and get up at proper times but a growing number of them are waking up in the middle of the night,not to use the bathroom or have something to eat but because of FOMO﹣fear of missing out,which brings worrying influence on their sleep and schoolwork.

According to the article,schoolchildren are having problems because more and more of them wake up during the night to check social media.Afraid of missing a comment (评论)or an opportunity to take part in a conversation,teenagers are waking at all times of the night,going online and getting involved.All this when they should be sound asleep.Experts are worried and the report shows some facts from the study that I'd like to share with you:

23% of 12 to 15﹣year﹣olds wake up nearly every night to use social media.

One in three students are always tired.

Students who use social media during the night are more likely to be anxious (焦虑).

Are you experiencing FOMO?If yes,I'd like to ask you to be responsible for your sleep when it comes to social media.Be brave! Switch off your devices (设备)at night.The world won't end and your social media will be waiting to greet you in the morning!

I give you my word that you won't have missed anything important just because of a good

night's sleep.

(1)We can learn from the passage that FOMO is .

A.an unreasonable need to go out all the time

B. a result of using social media in a wise way

C. a fear of missing communication on social media

D. a study on the ways of teenagers using social media

(2)What did the study in Wales show?

A.Teenagers are tired because they often stay up late.

B.More and more teenagers are tired of schoolwork.

C.Half of the teenagers wake up nearly every night.

D.Using social media at night may cause anxiety.

(3)What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To explain the relationship between FOMO and sleep.

B.To encourage teenagers to deal with FOMO properly.

C.To describe why teenagers don't get enough sleep.

D.To show why FOMO happens a lot to teenagers.

17.(8分)Think back to when you were in a classroom,and the teacher set a difficult problem.Which of the two following responses is closer to the way you reacted?


Oh no,this is too hard for me.I'm not even going to seriously try and work it out.Ah,this is a little difficult but I like to have a try.Maybe I'll learn something when trying.

The psychologist (心理学家)Carol Dweck of Stanford University,did a test by giving

some ten﹣year﹣old children problems that were a little hard for them.Group 1,who chose B,reacted positively,said they loved challenges and understood that their abilities could be developed.Professor Dweck says they had a "growth mindset (思维模式)".And they cared more about what they can achieve in the future.However,group 2,who chose A,felt that their intelligence was being judged and they had failed.They had a "fixed mindset" and were unable to imagine improving.Some of these children said they might cheat in the future and look for someone who were worse than them,just to make themselves feel good.

Professor Dweck believes that there is a problem in education.For years,teachers have praised children for their intelligence and talent.But this makes them get hurt easily from failure.They become performance﹣oriented (i.e.interested in getting high grades,not learning).The right way,according to Dweck,is to praise the process that children are involved in:making an effort,using learning strategies (策略)and improving.This way they will become mastery﹣oriented (i.e.interested in getting better at something)and will achieve more.

Psychologists have been testing these theories.Students were taught that if they left their comfort zone and learned something new and difficult,they'd be more intelligent.These students made faster progress than a control group.In another study,children from an underperforming (不佳的)school had trainings on their growth mindset techniques for a year.

The results were staggering.They came top in tests,beating children from much better schools.These children had previously felt that making an effort was a sign of stupidity,but they came to see it as the key to learning.

So,back to our original question,if you answered B,well done ﹣you already have a growth mindset.If A,don't worry;everyone is able to become mastery﹣oriented with a little effort and self﹣awareness.

(1)What can we learn from Carol's test in Paragraph 2?

A.Group 2 cheated in the test.

B.Group 1 had good imagination.

C.Group 2 felt confident after the test.

D.Group 1 liked challenging problems.

(2)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.Ways of training children.

B.How to deal with challenges.

C.Problems in today's classroom.

D.The right and wrong ways of praise.

(3)The word staggering in Paragraph 4 probably means.





(4)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Do you have the right mindset?

B.Can you make the right choice?

C.Are you using proper strategies?

D.Are you really pushing yourself?

四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题.(共10 分,每小题 2 分)


Tornado Chaser

Do you know?In June 2003,South Dakota experienced 67 tornados in one day! In the U.S.,tornadoes (龙卷风)are responsible for 80 deaths and more than 1,500 injuries each year.Although they happen very often,tornadoes are difficult to predict.Why?

Tornadoes develop from storms,but only some storms can become tornadoes.Meteorologists (气象学家)don't know where and when a storm will touch the ground and turn into a tornado.Today,the warning time for a tornado is usually just 13 minutes.

Tim Samaras is a tornado chaser.His job is to find tornadoes and follow them.When

he gets close to a tornado,he puts a special tool on the ground.This tool measures things like temperature,humidity,and wind speed of a tornado.With this information,Samaras can learn what causes tornadoes to develop.If meteorologists understand this,they can warn people about tornadoes sooner and save lives.

How does Samaras hunt tornadoes?It's not easy.First,he has to find one.Tornadoes are too small to see using weather satellites (卫星).So Samaras can't just depend on these tools to find one.Instead he waits for tornadoes to develop.Every May and June,Samaras drives about 40,000 kilometers (25,000 miles)across an area known as Tornado Alley,looking and hoping to find a tornado.

Once Samaras sees a tornado,the chase begins.But a tornado is hard to follow.Some tornadoes change direction several times﹣for example,moving east and then west and then east again.When Samaras finally gets near a tornado,he puts his special tool on the ground.Being this close to a tornado is frightening.There is rubbish flying in the air.The wind is blowing at high speed.He must get away quickly.

The work is risky,even for a skilled chaser like Samaras.But danger won't stop his hunt for the perfect storm.

(1)When did South Dakota experience 67 tornadoes in one day?

(2)How long is the warning time usually for a tornado?

(3)What does Tim Samaras do?

(4)Where does Samaras go every May and June?

(5)Why is it hard for Samaras to hunt tornadoes?

五、书面表达(共10 分)文段表达(10 分)从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和

英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示


19.(10分)根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.

庙会是春节期间最传统的活动之一.假如你是李华,打算邀请你校的美国交换生Peter 于

2 月 5 号一起去逛庙会(the Temple Fair),感受中国传统文化的魅力.请你用英语写


提示词语:traditional activity,9o'clock,warm clothes,camera

提示问题:●When and where are you going to meet?

●What do you advise Peter to prepare?

Dear Peter,

How is it going?

I'm writing to invite you to come to visit the Temple Fair during Spring Festival holidays.

I'm looking forward to your early reply.

Yours,Li Hua

20.根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.


提示词语:collect rubbish,visit old people,proud,meaningful

提示问题:●What did you do to help in the community?

●How did you feel about the activity?

I went to help in the community during summer holiday.


一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题0.5 分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

1.【解答】his他的,her她的,your你的,its它的,此题根据语境:David 是我哥哥,他的爱好是画画.


2.【解答】in在哪一年,哪一月,哪一季节,on在某一天,或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,at在几点;from从…,此题根据September 1st,这里表示几月几号,用介词on.




4.【解答】根据题意:Must I leave now?﹣No,you ______.可知must提问的句子,否定回答用needn't或者don't have to ,这是习惯用法.结合选项,A.千万不要B.不必C.不可能D.不会.




6.【解答】根据句意"当天开始下雨时,威廉正在学校图书馆看书"可知,要用过去进行时,其构成为was/ were doing.


7.【解答】根据句意"艾玛不在这里,她到美国去了"可知,要用现在完成时,其构成为has/ have done.


8.【解答】根据one of______ bridges ,可知这里考查one of的用法,one of表示…中的一个,后面跟形容词的最高级+名词的复数,形容词的最高级前面加冠词the.


9.【解答】主语this book和动词"教"是被动关系,再结合句意"在六十年代初,这本书在英国的许多学校里都被教"可知,要用一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为was/ were done.


10.【解答】根据It's important______ calm ,可知句子考查It's important to do sth表示做某事是重要的.


11.【解答】根据If you take a taxi now,you﹣﹣,可知这里考查if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,构成will+动词原形,从句用一般现在时.


12.【解答】根据Could you please tell me?再结合选项,可知Could you please tell me后面是跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语,所以排除BD.再根据It's on Wangfujing Street.这里时态应该是一般现在时.


二、完形填空(共8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各

题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项.

13.【解答】1.D.考查动词.A结束.B持续.C继续.D改变.句意"但是高中开学后,我们之间的一切似乎都发生了__".根据上一句Kerrie and I had always been close friends through elementary school and middle school.我和Kerrie在小学和中学时一直是亲密的朋友.可知,but但是,表示转折,应该"改变".选D.

2.C.考查形容词.A舒适的.B沉默的.C受欢迎的.D负责的.句意"她愿意做任何事来变得___,这是她唯一想要的".根据上一句However,Kerrie wanted to be liked然而,Kerrie想被人喜欢.可知,应该是"受欢迎的".选C.

3.B.考查动词.A意识到.B希望.C建议.D预测.句意"我叹了口气走进房子,__一切都能回到我们之间原来的样子".根据1空处But when high school started,everything seemed to change between us但是当高中开始的时候,我们之间的一切似乎都发生了变


4.A.考查名词.A担心.B怀疑.C快乐.D惊喜.句意"我能从她的声音中听到__的声音".根据下一句Kerrie's been in an accident.Kerrie出了车祸.可知,应该是"担心".选A.



院".manage to do sth设法做某事.固定搭配.选D.

7.C.考查动词.A来.B打破.C适合.D给.句意"Kerrie曾非常想在聚会上___,所以她想取悦大家".fit in相处融洽.选C.

8.B.考查动词.A接受.B支持.C评价.D改正.句意"因为无论发生什么事,我一直在那里__她".根据上一句I asked her what she wanted and she told me she had already received the greatest gift from me ﹣unconditional love and true friendship 我问她想要什么,她告诉我她已经从我那里得到了最伟大的礼物﹣﹣无条件的爱和真正的友谊.可知,应该是"支持".选B.

三、阅读理解(共36 分)阅读理解(共26 分,每小题 2 分)阅读下面的四篇短文,

根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项.

14.【解答】1.C 细节理解题.根据"The best time to visit Hong Kong is between December and February"去香港旅游的最佳时间是十二月至二月,可知时间为十二月至二月.故选C.2.D 细节理解题.根据" I'd visit Victoria Peak. A lot of people go there,but it's worth it,说话人是Laura.故选D.

3.B 细节理解题.根据" You should go shopping"你应该去购物,可知他推荐去香港购物,故选B.

15.【解答】1.A 细节理解题.根据"the Tough Man competition in the UK"英国的硬汉比赛,可知这项比赛在英国举行.A项符合题意.故选A.

2.B 细节理解题.根据" After the nets,the runners jump into a lake and swim for 1km"在爬完网之后,选手们跳入湖中,游了1公里,可知接下来的项目是游泳,故选B.

3.A 细节理解题.根据"Every year the organizers change the event and add new things.This means that the competition stays exciting and challenging"每年组织者都会改变活动,增加新的内容.这意味着比赛仍然是令人兴奋和具有挑战性的.A项它每年都会改变,保持兴奋度,最符合题意.故选A.

16.【解答】1.C 内容推断题.根据" not to use the bathroom or have something to eat but because of FOMO﹣fear of missing out"不是使用浴室或吃东西,而是因为害怕错过任何机会,而

且根据下文中描述经历FOMO的儿童会在晚上醒来去查看社交设备,可知FOMO是指因害怕错过消息而不断查看社交设备,C项担心在社交媒体上错过消息符合题意.故选C.2.D 内容推断题,根据"Students who use social media during the night are more likely to be anxious "学生在夜间使用社交媒体更有可能焦虑,可知在晚上使用社交媒体会造成焦虑,


3.B 主旨大意题.根据" I'd like to ask you to be responsible for your sleep when it comes to social media"我想请你在使用社交媒体时对自己的睡眠负责,作者的整篇文章讲述了社交媒体对睡眠的影响,目的是为了呼吁学生正确对待社交控这一现象,故选B.

17.【解答】(1)D.细节理解题,根据原文Group 1,who chose B,reacted positively,said they loved challenges and understood that their abilities could be developed.第一组,选择B的人,积极反映,说他们喜欢挑战并明白他们的能力可以得


(2)D.细节理解题,根据原文,But this makes them get hurt easily from failure.They become performance﹣oriented ,但是这样会很容易让他们从失败中受伤,他们成为以表现为导向,The right way,according to Dweck,is to praise the process that children are involved in,This way they will become mastery﹣oriented 正确的表扬的过程是,孩子参与其中,这种方法叫做以熟练为导向.故选D.

(3)A.词义猜测题,根据原文The results were staggering.They came top in tests,beating children from much better schools.这个结果让人难以置信,他们在测试中成为了顶尖的人,打败了从更好学校的孩子们These children had previously felt that making an effort was a sign of stupidity,but they came to see it as the key to learning这些孩子以前觉得作出努力是很愚蠢的标志,但是他们开始明白了它是作为学习的重要钥匙.可知staggering的意思是难以置信的.故选A.

(4)A.主旨大意题,根据原文,主要介绍了心里学家Carol Dweck 对两种思维模式和固定模式的分析,并且侧重了思维模式的重要性,故选A.

四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题.(共10 分,每小题 2 分)

18.【解答】1.In June 2003.细节理解题,根据语境:In June 2003,South Dakota experienced

67 tornados in one day!2003年6月,南达科他州在一天内经历了67次龙卷风!可得出答


2.13 minutes.细节理解题,根据语境:Today,the warning time for a tornado is usually just

13 minutes.今天,龙卷风的预警时间通常只有13分钟.

3.Tim Samaras is a tornado chaser.细节理解题,根据语境:Tim Samaras is a tornado chaser.Tim Samaras是龙卷风追逐者.

4.Samaras drives about 40,000 kilometers an area known as Tornado Alley,细节理解题,

根据语境.Every May and June,Samaras drives about 40,000 kilometers (25,000 miles)across an area known as Tornado Alley,looking and hoping to find a tornado.每年5月和6月,萨马拉斯在一个被称为"龙卷风巷"的地区行驶约40000公里,寻找并希望找到龙卷风.

5.Because tornadoes are too small to see using weather satellites.细节理解题.根据语境:Tornadoes are too small to see using weather satellites 龙卷风太小,无法用气象卫星观测到.可知答案.

五、书面表达(共10 分)文段表达(10 分)从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和

英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示


19.【解答】Dear Peter,

How is it going?

I'm writing to invite you to come to visit the Temple Fair during Spring Festival holidays.The Temple Fair is one of the most traditional activities during Spring Festival holidays.(引出话题)

We're going to meet at 9 o' clock on February 5th.I will be waiting for you at the gate of our school.(介绍时间和地点)It will be cold in Beijing at that time,so you'd better wear warm clothes.【高分句型一】Also,it's a good idea to take a camera with you since you may want to share your photos with your friends in America.(建议)It will be very interesting and I am sure you will enjoy it.(希望)

I'm looking forward to your early reply.【高分句型二】(期待)


Li Hua

20.【解答】I went to help in the community during summer holiday.It was meaningful and interesting for me.Let me tell you something about it.(开篇点明中心问题)

I collected rubbish in the community.I separeated them into recyclable garbage and Non

recyclable garbage(高分句型一).Meanwhile,I also visited old people.I helped them clean the room,washed their clothes and cut their hair.the old people were very excited ,I was very proud of myself(高分句型二).And next time I will take part in these activities.(具体说明做的事情以及感受)

