Immersive Calibration PRO Step By Step Guide - Dome

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Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


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Immersive Immersive Calibration PRO Calibration PRO

Step-By-Step Guide

Dome projection calibration

Dome projection calibration

Copyright © 2012/2015 Fly Elise-ng, All Rights Reserved

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

21 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3 2 First time Bonjour installation ............................................................... 7 3 Start and configure the Rendering Client ............................... 8 4 Start and configure the Controlling Server ........................... 11 5 Enter the calibration settings ............................................................. 16 6 Map the screen grid on the screen ................................................. 18 7 Automatic projectors mapping ............................................................. 21 8 Single virtual camera (Frustum) mapping ............................... 25 9 Multiple virtual cameras (Frustums) mapping .................... 28 10 Export the calibration result .............................................................. 32 11 Dome master VLC playback from a single PC ..................... 34 12 3D engine multi frustum configuration . (38)

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


Introduction Introduction

The following additional downloads are needed to be able to complete this step by step guide:

1. Canon DSRL camera runtime. This is set of libraries needed to use Canon

Cameras with Immersive Calibration PRO. The runtime can be download from this location:

https:// Unpack the content of the zip file and put it insider the Immersive Calibration PRO installation folder.

2. Modified VLC Player capable of playing back dome master video files on

multiple projectors. This version of VLC used the exported calibration results from Immersive Calibration PRO.

The Modified VLC player can be downloaded from this location:


This is a step-by-step guide for setting-up a seamless immersive projection using with a dome projection screen and multiple overlapping projectors. The calibration produces a perfectly aligned and geometrically correct image by taking into account the projector positions and the screen shape.

At the end of the calibration, Immersive Calibration PRO exports several files including the virtual camera frustum settings (position, orientation and field of view), which can be used directly in the game or other 3D engine to produce the images for each projector.

Immersive Calibration PRO also exports a configuration file that can be used together with the famous video player VLC to be able to cut, warp and play dome master video content from a single PC on the calibrated screen.

Immersive Calibration PRO also exports the warping and blending configuration to be loaded and used in Immersive Display PRO for warping and blending the projected image to get a seamless display.

For this calibration a camera is needed that can capture the complete projection screen. For a 180 degrees dome projection screen the camera has to be equipped with a fisheye lens and has to be positioned near the center of the dome.

The calibration process involves mapping and aligning of the projection screen in the camera image and automatic mapping of the projectors on the screen.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

4The automatic mapping is fully supported by the camera. The needed steps for the calibration will be explained further in this step-by-step- guide.

For the purpose of this dome calibration step-by-step guide we will use a 3 meters dome projection screen with 6 projectors connected to a single PC. The resolution of the projectors is 1280x800 and they are connected to an AMD Radeon? R9 Series Graphics. The 6 projectors are positioned in such a way that the complete projection screen is covered by a projection images from projectors and that the projector images overlap.

A Canon EOS 1200D camera with Sigma 4.5mm Fisheye Lens is used. The software supports all Canon EOS and Rebel (TXi) cameras.

The camera is positioned near the middle of the projection dome and oriented upwards towards the zenith of the dome.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


When positioned in such a way, the camera image will contain the complete dome projection surface and all projector images on the dome.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

6We will use two computers to perform the calibration:

One PC has 6 outputs connected to the 6 projectors. The simplest configuration is to configure one wide display group in either 6x1 or 3x2 group. For this tutorial we are going to use 3x2 group. The graphical engine program (ex Prepar3D, X-Plane, Unity, Unigine, etc.) and the video playback program VLC will run on this display.

The name of this PC is WIN7WIN7WIN7 and will be used as Rendering Client Rendering Client

Rendering Client during the calibration.

The second PC will be used as Controlle Controller Server r Server. It can be any PC with a moderate graphical card with at least one monitor connected. This PC has to be connected in a network with the Rendering Client WIN7 PC. The Name of the Controller Server PC is SERVER SERVER


SERVER PC is needed only during the calibration and can be removed after the calibration is completed and calibration results are saved.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

72 First time Bonjour installation First time Bonjour installation

In order to automatically recognize and connect the client and the server PC on the network, a zero-configuration service is used. For this purpose the Bonjour service needs to be installed on both the client and the server PC. From the Immersive Calibration PRO locate and double click on the INSTALL_FIRST_BONJOUR.bat script. This will start the installation of Bonjour. This installation step is needed only once and should be performed the first time Immersive Calibration PRO is used on the PC.

Follow the installation steps of Bonjour install script and finish the installation.

Note: If using firewall, make sure that the firewall is disabled on both the client and the server PC in order to allow the client and the server PC to connect to each other with each other without being blocked by the firewall.out being blocked by the firewall.out being blocked by the firewall.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

83 Start and configure the Rendering Client Start and configure the Rendering Client

On the rendering client PC, start the Client.exe program from Immersive Calibration PRO installation folder. Immersive Calibration PRO will start in client mode and will show the available displays.

Right-click on the display that is connected to the projectors and select projector configuration 3x2 from the popup menu.

The selected display will be configured with projector configuration 3x2 and the rendering client will be prepared to be connected to the server.

A tray icon will be shown on the system tray to indicate that the client is running.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


Press the “Hide” button to minimize the client window. When the server is connected to the client, the client window will be opened in full screen mode

on the 3x2 display.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


Note: The projector configuration will be automatically saved. The next time Client is started, it will automatically use the saved projector configuration.Client is started, it will automatically use the saved projector configuration.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

114 Start and configure the Start and configure the Controlling Server Controlling Server Controlling Server

On the controlling server PC, start the Server.exe program from Immersive Calibration PRO installation folder. Immersive Calibration PRO will start in server mode.

When starting for the first time, select “Create new project” and click “Next”. Once the project is saved, the project can be loaded by selecting “Load project file” and clicking “Next”.

From the screen type selection list, select “Full dome (dome master)” projection screen. The “Map to camera” will be automatically checked.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


The Controller Server window will be started that shows the “Virtual Display”.

The virtual display is initially not configured. Right-click on the display and

select projector configuration 3x2 from the popup menu.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


A pop window shows a list of standard resolutions per projector. Select the projector resolution from the list of available resolutions or select “Custom resolution” and enter the projector resolution. In our case the projector resolution is 1280 x 800.

The virtual display will be configured with projector configuration 3x2. The individual projectors are not “assigned” and not connected yet to the

projectors defined in the “Rendering Client”.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


Double click on each projector to connect to a projector defined in the “Rendering Client”. If the “Rendering Client” successfully connected to the “Controller Server”, a list of the projectors will be presented. Select a projector from the right list to “assign” the projector. This will assign and connect the virtual display projector to a remote projector.

Repeat this step for all projectors. When all projectors are assigned click the

“Next” button to open the calibration screen.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

165 Enter the calibration settings Enter the calibration settings

Before we continue with the calibration we have to enter all calibration settings needed for successful calibration. This is one of the very important steps for achieving first-time-right calibration.

In the “Controller Server” mapping window click the “Settings” button on the right toolbar menu to open the “Settings” window. In the “Settings” window we can enter the Screen properties, Views properties and the default edge-blending properties.

Start in the Screen Tab and enter the screen dimensions.

If the projection screen has visible slices and rings (due to the construction of the screen) enter the correct number of slices and rings. The slice lines go from the zenith of the dome to the edges of the dome.

For the hanging dome make sure that “Upright dome” is not selected. This will make sure that the calibration pattern will use “Front/Back” notation.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

17The Views Tab is automatically configured for 1 view and all 6 projectors are mapped in the same view. No extra configuration is needed in the Views tab.

This finishes the configuration of the calibration settings. The next steps will describe the mapping of the screen and the projectors.

Use the Save button to save the calibration settings.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide

186 Map the screen Map the screen grid on the screen grid on the screen

The first step in dome screen calibration is to map the screen grid to fit and match the screen in the camera view.

From the “Show on projector” button select “Identity/All projector”. This will make sure that the projector identity number will be shown on all projectors.

Now from the “Select View” button select view1.

This will enter the screen-mapping mode to map the screen grid on the screen.

From the select background button, select the “Select camera” item and select the Canon EOS 1200D camera.

Immersive Calibration PRO Step Immersive Calibration PRO Step--By By--Step Guide Step Guide


This will show the screen grid on top of the camera image. The camera image will show the complete dome projection screen.

Use the screen grid control points to align the screen gird with the projection screen edges and to align the center of the grid with the projection screen zenith (center).

For more accurate mapping press the keyboard “Z” key to show the “Zoom” view, and use the “Move Mode” and “Move Constraint Mode” buttons selection to automatically move the whole grid row of column and to constraint the movement horizontally or vertically.

Align the screen grid with the screen shape as good as possible. The grid slices

and rings should follow and match the dome projection screen shape.

