2015届《创新设计》高考英语(北师大版)一轮活页训练(基础版):7.19 Unit 19 Language

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选修七 Unit 19 Language


1.In the manager's ________(不在),Mr. White is in charge of the business. 2.The life jacket had almost certainly ________(确保)his survival. 3.You should keep us ________(告知)whenever you are in trouble. 4.She was ________(祝贺)on what she had achieved.

5.The big house is perfectly ________(足够的)for just the two of us. 6.We went to the party with our parents' ________(赞成). 7.He said nothing,________(仅仅)smiled and watched her.

8.The university will reach its ________(目标)of 5,000 students next September.

答案 1.absence 2.ensured 3.informed 4.congratulated 5.adequate 6.approval 7.merely 8.target


take the form of, on purpose, get ahead, catch on, stand out, rely on, consist of, on the other hand 1.Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite ________.

2.In this model, the return message might ________ feedback or a formal reply. 3.I came here for nothing else but to see you ________. 4.By working hard, he ________ of the rest of the class. 5.Canada is a country________many different nationalities.

6.While ads are of great help, I don't think we should entirely ________them.

7.Being able to speak more than one language can make you ________and get ahead. 8.On the one hand, loss implies gain;________,gain implies loss. 答案 1.catch on 2.take the form of 3.on purpose 4.got ahead 5.consisting of 6.rely on 7.stand out 8.on the other hand Ⅲ.翻译句子


________________________________________________________________________ 2.据预测汽油价格还会上涨。(it作形式主语)


3.一方面我想去度假,另一方面却不想错过参加那次重要会议的机会。(on the one hand..., on the other hand...)

________________________________________________________________________ 4.只要你付费,我就和你一起去。(provided that...)

________________________________________________________________________ 5.这种新的舞蹈很快在学生当中流行起来。(catch on)

________________________________________________________________________ 答案 1.It is the same to me whether you go or stay. 2.It is predicted that the gas price will go up again.

3.On the one hand, I'd like to take a vacation, but on the other hand, I don't want to miss the


opportunity to attend the important meeting.

4.Provided that you paid the expenses, I'll go with you. 5.The new dance quickly caught on among the students.

Ⅳ.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 James Long:Well, after listening carefully to you two, I'm not sure which of you is right.

Qian Liwei:When I look back, I find I didn't like some of the questions the audience asked though. It was as if people __1__ not listening. Lin Shuiqing:I think the audience was interested in __2__ you said. I liked it when you told that joke. I heard the audience __3__(laugh).I think they really liked you after that. When I heard what you said about the environment and the economy needing to work __4__ more, I was very impreseed. Qian Liwei: I certainly think we need to use our raw materials in the best possible way; __5__, they will be soon used up. We also need __6__(clean)up the mess we made in the past. I like the idea of making factories that pollute pay taxes.

Lis Shuiqing:__7__, you are right about many businessment trying to protect the environment and build the economy at the same time. You made that __8__(power) statement. As a result, you impressed __9__ audience. They clapped so hard. Qian Liwei: Many people think that economic development and __10__(environment) protection conflict with each other. That impression needs to be changed and after I talked to you today, I think we should work on some projects together.

Lin Shuiqing:Good idea.

答案 1.were 2.what 3.laughing 4.together 5.otherwise 6.to clean 7.Also 8.powerful 9.the 10.environmental


When studying in Australia, do not worry about understanding the local language.General English programs are offered to help you __1__English.As a General English __2__ at Greenwich College, I will tell you what you can learn from these programs.

I teach English at all levels from __3__ to advanced.My classes usually __4__with a fun activity.We play vocabulary and grammar __5__.Sometimes we listen to Australian __6__ and decide if we like the lyrics (歌词).After we have all __7__ up, we move onto the grammar or vocabulary of the day.We __8__ it through writing or speaking.

We __9__ on our other skills (reading, writing or listening) in the afternoon,and use these skills to better understand the grammar or vocabulary.__10__,at the end of the day, we talk about __11__ to live and work in Australia.We discuss the problems,__12__ how to understand different accents, new words and make new friends.If there are any problems,we help each other, offering advice and __13__.

General English also offers __14__ classes to improve your speaking ability.We offer special grammar and conversation classes, as well as a movie club!You can also come with us to the Opera House, the beach, the zoo or even to a museum.

If you feel __15__ about using your spoken English, don't worry!Everyone feels the __16__.So, in General English we have activities that __17__ you talking to classmates, excursions (远足) that __18__ your confidence, and student parties that help you talk to others.

It's a great way to __19__ all your English skills as well as have a fantastic __20__.Maybe I'll see you in my class soon.


【语篇解读】 本文作者是一名澳大利亚格林威治学院的英语老师,介绍了自己所从事的一项针对在澳留学生的通用英语教学项目的教学情况。

1.A.test B.grasp C.cover D.teach

答案 B [开设这个通用英语教学项目的目的旨在帮助你们掌握英语。] 2.A.student B.worker C.teacher D.guide

答案 C [根据下文第2段开头的“I teach English”可知,作者是格林威治学院的一名英语老师。] 3.A.beginners B.learners C.courses D.subjects

答案 A [根据该句中的“I teach English at all levels”可知,作者所讲的课程包括各个级别。而选项中与后面advanced一词相对应的,自然是beginners。]

4.A.deal B.work C.compete D.start

答案 D [我的课通常都是以一个有趣味的活动开始的。] 5. A.toys B.sports C.games D.music 答案 C [我们会玩一些词汇和语法类的游戏。] 6.A.songs B.dialogues C.news D.reports

答案 A [根据该句后面的“if we like the lyrics”可知,我们有时候会听澳大利亚歌曲。] 7. A.turned B.shut C.looked D.warmed

答案 D [在我们进行完所有这些课堂热身活动之后,我们就开始学习当天的词汇和语法。] 8.A.catch B.practise C.appreciate D.enjoy

答案 B [我们通过写和说的形式进行训练。] 9.A.depend B.keep C.focus D.base

答案 C [下午的教学是关注其他的技能(读、写和听)的。] 10.A.Firstly B.Secondly C.Thirdly D.Finally

答案 D [由作者叙述的先后顺序以及该空后面的“at the end of the day”可知,这里是指在一天的教学活动结束的时候,故用finally“最后”。]

11.A.why B.how C.when D.whether

答案 B [我们会讨论如何在澳大利亚生活和工作。] 12.A.including B.remaining C.deciding D.judging

答案 A [我们会讨论这些问题,包括如何理解不同的口音、生词和交新朋友等。] 13.A.house B.disadvantage C.support D.challenge

答案 C [如果有问题的话,我们相互帮助,提供建议和支持。] 14.A.listening B.writing


C.accent D.reading

答案 C [通用英语也提供口音课以提高你说的能力。] 15.A.nervous B.comfortable C.excited D.proud

答案 A [如果你对自己的口语表达感到紧张不安的话,不要担心。] 16.A.opposite B.fixed C.same D.forced

答案 C [每个人都有同感。] 17.A.take B.imagine C.get D.remind

答案 C [我们有能让你和同学们用英语进行交谈的活动。] 18.A.build B.catch C.appreciate D.draw

答案 A [有帮助你们树立信心的远足。] 19.A.value B.improve C. instruct D.arrange

答案 B [它是一种提高你的英语技能的好方法。] 20.A.feeling B.thought C.adventure D.experience

答案 D [同时你也可以有一次极好的经历。]


