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Module 1 My life (unit1 Making friend /unit 2 Daily life) I 从下面每小题A B C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案

1. --- When can you complete the work? --- Tomorrow.

A. do B. begin C. finish 2. --- Where is your home, Jim?

--- My home is close to a supermarket.

A. near B. far away from C. behind 3. --- Do you have a pen friend?

--- Yes, I often hear from a girl in Nanjing. A. receive a letter from B. hear of C. write to 4. --- What is your dream, Joyce?

--- I want to travel all over the world. A. many countries in B. some countries in C. every country in 5. --- Did you go to Tom’s birthday party last night? --- Yes, we had a good time in the party. A. enjoyed ourselves B. did a lot of things C. helped ourselves 6. --- Wow! The piano competition will be held in our school next month. --- Let’s tell Lucy. She always wants to take part in the piano competition. A. join B. join in C. attend 7. ---Let’s go shopping together. --- Good idea!

A. alone B. one another C. with each other

8. --- Is the speech competition over now ? --- No, it won’t end until 9:00 P.m.

A. stop B. start C. have II 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 9. A _______ is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time.

A. hobby B. work C. job 10. ---Is the metro station ________ our school? --- No, its ______ our school. We can walk there.

A. far away from; close to B. close to ; far away from C far away from; at

11. ---Do you know what the young people like doing now? --- Yes, it’s popular to show photos in their _______ .

A. blog B. radio C. newspaper

12. ---What is your father?

--- My father is ______. He always uses scientific knowledge to solve problems.

A. a doctor B. an engineer C. an artist

13. --- It seems that everyone likes Tom very much.

---It is true. Tom is a good student, and he is ________ late for school A. always B. never C. often

14. When the teacher came into the classroom, we all stopped to _____ to the teacher


A. hear B. listen C. talk 15. ---Does Lucy never do housework at home? ---No, she ______ helps her parents at home.

A. seldom B. sometimes C. usually

Module 2 The Natural World (unit3the Earth/unit 4 Seasons) I 从下面每小题A B C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案

1 --- Do we have enough oranges to make juice?

---No, there are few oranges in the fridge. A many B. not many C. not much 2. ---The environment is becoming worse and worse.

--- I think we should find out ways to protect the environment A. keep...clean B. keep...safe C. keep. . .best

3 ---We shouldn’t pollute the Earth.

---You are right, It's our duty to protect tho Earth

A. Make... clean B. make...dry C. make...dirty 4. ---It's a fine day. Let's go out and enjoy the sunshine. ---I'd love to, but I have a lot of homework to do. A. cloudy B. snowy C. sunny

5 ---The accident happened during the Spring Festival. ---It is unfortunate to have such an unhappy thing in the happy festival A. on B.at C. in

6. ---Kitty), did you prepare the Christmas gifts by yourself? ---No, everything is well prepared by my mother.I A. all the things are B. something is C. anything is 7. ---What a beautiful place our hometown is!

---I love this place. The sun is shining brightly, and the birds are singing. A. blowing B. giving out light C. coming out

8. --- I like to visit the relatives of mine when I am free. --- What a good kid you are!

A. close friends B. classmates C. people in the same family II 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 9. ______ is the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty.

A. Pollution B. Practice C. Energy

10. A _______ is an area of land in the countryside used for growing crops or

keeping animals.

A. river B. pond D. field

11. --- What’s your favourite ________ ?

--- Summer, I think. I can enjoy myself during the summer holiday at that time.

A. sport B. season C. subject 12. --- What do you like to do after school?

--- I like to _______ my ball and have an exciting football match with my friends.

A. Play B. watch C. kick

13. --- Did you _______ a lot of time doing housework for your parents? --- No. I went shopping with my sisters.

A. cost B. spend C. use

14. --- What’s the weather like today?

--- It’s hot, so we can _______ in the sea.

A. fly kites B. go swimming C. go on a picnic 15. --- When do the leaves ________ ? --- Maybe in autumn.

A. turn yellow B. turn green C. turn old

Module 3 Travels (unit5Visiting the Moon/unit 6 Travelling around Asia)

I 从下面每小题A B C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案

1. --- My little son is able to make a cake by himself. --- I think you must be very proud of him.

A. can B. must C. should

2. --- For your health, you have to stop eating too much junk food. --- OK! I will listen to you, mum.

A. may B. want to C. must 3. --- Jim left his office just now. --- Why didn’t he wait for me? I have told him to stay here.

A. went to B. came back to C. went away from 4. --- How did you go to Suzhou last week? --- By air. A. By sea B. By plane C. By riding in a cable car 5. --- Nanjing is a big city having a long history. --- Yes, there are many old buildings in it.

A. with B. on C. of

6. --- If you like flying kites, you can go to the Lotus Mountain Park. --- That sounds great. Shall we go there together this weekend?

A. enjoy B. hate C. want 7. --- Our school is modern. How about your? --- It is a traditional school on the mountain.

A. new and natural B. old and beautiful C. new and fashionable 8. --- Nearly eight o’clock. Let’s turn on the light. It can light up the room. --- No, we shouldn’t. It’s Earth Hour today.

A. make... big B. make... clean C. make...bright

II 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案

9. A ________ is a device for taking photos, moving pictures or television pictures.

A. Camera B. watch C. phone

10. When you ________ something, you hold two or more things together with a


A. touch B. throw C. tie

11. A _______ is a book, magazine or something else that gives people information

or help about something.

A. guitar B. bridge C. guide

12. --- Why will the astronauts _______ in space ? --- Because there is no gravity.

A. travel around B. show around C. float around

13. --- Did you go _______ during your trip to China?

--- Yes, I went to visit the Great Wall.

A. shopping B. sightseeing C. skating

14. --- In Shenzhen, you can see famous buildings, ________ the Shun Hing Square and the KK Mall.

--- Yes, I think they are all very modern and beautiful. A. Such as B. as well as C. so that

15. --- I want to own a room on the higher floor, so I can _______ the city.

--- You’d better save more money. It’s not easy to buy a house in Shenzhen.

A travel all over B. buy different snacks outside C. get a bird’s-eye view of

Module 4 Fun time (unit7 School clubs/unit 8 Unusual collections)

I 从下面每小题A B C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案

1. --- Tom, why do you want to join the Basketball Club? --- Because I like playing basketball.

A. learn about B. find out C. become a member of

2. --- I watched the film Big Hero. It is so amazing that all of us like it. --- Really ? I am going to watch it tomorrow.

A. Interesting but dirty B. dirty and boring C. good and surprising 3. --- There were a lot of changes at my school in recent years. --- Yes. I went there several days ago.

A. in many years B. in the future C. in the past few years.

4. --- There are so many new words in the passage.

--- You may look up these new words in a dictionary or in your books.

A. Look at the picture of B. look for information about

B. provide information for

5. --- What did he do after the party? --- He went to bed and fell asleep soon. A. all the way B. in a short time C. in the future

6. ---You should remember to turn of the lights when you leave the classroom. --- OK, I will.

A. Not find B. not know C. not forget

7. --- I can hardly believe that two American journalists were shot dead during a live


--- Yes, it is hard to understand. I don’t think it is a good idea to allow people to have

guns legally.

A. almost not B. nearly C. really

8. --- What did the doctor advise you to do?

--- Well, he said nothing but eating too much salt or sugar is bad for our health.

A. is harmful to B. is not good at C. is helpful for

9. Is some _______, it means that someone goes away.

A. hides B. disappears C. runs II 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案

10. Solar _______ is the energy from the Sun.

A. wind B. power C. water

11. When you _________ something to someone, you give it back to him or her.

A. take B. borrow C. return

12. --- I have no time to _______ the meeting this afternoon. I have to go to the hospital to see my sick uncle. --- I’m sorry to hear that.

A. attend B. join C. catch

13. --- Mr. Zhang comes to school by bus. It is _______. --- Year. He usually comes here by bike.

A. interesting B. fast C. unusual

14. --- He can hear the teachers clearly because he sits in the _______ of the classroom.

--- No wonder everyone wants to sit in his place.

A. Back B. front C. corner

15. --- I guess everyone must be very _______ after reading the news. --- You mean a beggar bought an Iphone 6 for about 6,000 yuan?

A. excited B. bored C. surprised

