2013吉林中考英语中考试题(含答案) - 图文

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I. 情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择怡当的应答语。(5分) ( ) 1. A. It’s sunny. B. I’m OK. C. That’s right. ( ) 2. A. Certainly. B. Good luck! C. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Well done. B. Good idea. C. See you later. ( ) 4. A. You’re welcome. B. It doesn’t matter. C. You’re great.

( ) 5. A. That’s all right. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. It,s my pleasure,

Ⅱ. 对话问答根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) ( ) 6. A. A sweater. B. A shirt C. A coat. ( ) 7. A. To the park. B. To the bookshop. C. To the zoo.

( ) 8. A. She’s sleeping. B. She’s working. C. She’s playing tennis. ( ) 9. A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. ( )10. A. He’s heavy. B. He’s tall. C. He ’s short.

Ⅲ. 图片理解看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(15分)

11._______ 12. ________13.________ 14.________15._________

IV. 信息匹配 根据你所听到的短文内容, 将所给信息匹配, 并把相应的字母序号填入题目前括号内。(5分} ( ) 16. Mike A. an artist ( ) 17. Grace B. a teacher ( ) 18. Kevin C. a reporter ( ) 19. Sam D. a cook ( ) 20. Lucy E. a doctor


V. 完成表格 根据你所听到的对话内容,在表格中的横线上填全有关信息。(毎空一词)(5分) Charlie ’s Free Time In the past At present He had much free time. He used to play (21) He has a lot of homework and can’t do ______________ a lot, watch TV for about (22) Many (23) ________ things. He can ______________hours and play soccer every day. (24 ) ___________ only once a week.

Ⅵ. 短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) ( )26. Little Tom began to go to school ____________.

A. the year before last B. last year C. this year

( )27. He goes to bed late because he ____________ at night.

A. watches TV B. does much homework C. plays computer games

( )28. Mrs. Black,Tom’s aunt,teaches ____________.

A. English B. Spanish C. French

( )29. Yesterday morning, Tom got to school at ____________.

A.8:10 B.8:20 C.8:30

( )30. The sign says “____________”.



VII.句意填词 在句中横线上填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。(5分) 31. —How do you get to work, Emma? —I get to work _______ bike.

32. You need to bring your umbrella on ________ days, or you’ll get wet. 33. Mr. Smith has two children. One is shy, the ________ is outgoing. 34. The hottest season is __________ , and the coldest is winter.

35. Some students have to __________ glasses in class because they can’t see the blackboard clearly.

VIII. 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(15分) 36. Look! There is _______ elephant on the grass. It is playing with a ball. A. an B. a C. the 37. — What’s your favorite vegetable?

— Well! I like ________ best.

A. oranges B. dumplings C. onions

38. Betty and Kitty are twin sisters. ________ mother often dresses them in colorful clothes. A. They B. Their C. Theirs

39. I felt sorry that I dropped the juice on Tina’s bed. But she wasn’t ________ at all. A. excited B. happy C. angry

40. Johnson failed the test again, because he didn’t study hard and ________ forget to do his homework.

A. always B. hardly ever C. never 41. — _______ is it from here to the museum? — About 2 kilometers.

A. How long B. How far C. How many


42. — What subject do you prefer?

— I prefer science ________ it’s difficult.

A. or B. though C. so

43. Now you __________ stop your car when the traffic lights turn yellow. A. must B. can’t C. might

44. Would you mind ________ the door? It’s quite windy outside. A. close B. closing C. to close 45. —Lisa, I called you just now. Where were you? —Sorry, I _______ a shower.

A. take B. am taking C. was taking 46. Please _______ the lights when you leave the classroom.

A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up 47. — Can you sing the English song?

—Yes, a little. It _________ on the radio yesterday. A. taught B. is taught C. was taught

48. —Do you know the little boy _________ is helping the old man cross the road?

— No. But how nice he is!

A. which B. who C. whom

49. — We’re supposed to recycle paper and bottles. It can help the environment. — ________. It can save money, too.

A. It’s nothing B. Best wishes C. I agree 50. — Dad, I want to go hiking with my friends, but my mum said no! — I know. But you shouldn’t quarrel with her. A. argue B. tell C. talk


Ⅸ.完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的空格内。(方框中有一个选项是多余的) (5分)

A.Is that everything? B.In the morning before breakfast. C.What about Angela? D.I hope I can do everything. E.First, you need to walk the dog. F.That means, you should make your rooms tidy. Mum: Okay, Brian. It’s time to make a schedule for choose around the house. Brian:Oh, Mum!

Mum:No complaining, come on. 51 Brian:That's what I like to do. When shall I walk him?

Mum: 52 . And then, when you go out, don't forget to take out the trash. Brian: 53 Does she need to do anything? Mum: Of course. She has to wash the dishes from Monday to Friday. Brian:That’s fair enough.

Mum: And I want both of you to make your beds and pick up your things after you get up in the

morning. 54 Brain: Okay. But you know I don't like doing that. 55

Mum: Yes. You can have a rest on weekends. 51

52 53 3

54 55

X.补全对话 根据对话内容,在句中横线上填写适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。(每空词数不限) (10分)

Doctor : Hello, Larry. (56)______________________ ? Larry: I feel terrible. I’ve got a sore throat and a headache. Doctor: OK. Have you taken any medicine?

Larry: (57) _____________________. I’ve nothing till now. Doctor: You haven’t had a fever. Well, don’t worry! I don't think

you’ve got the flu (流感). I think it’s just a cold.

Larry: OK. (58)______________________________.

Doctor: You should drink lots of water and take some vitamin C. Larry: All right, Is there (59) _______________ I can do? Doctor : Well, you can go to bed early .

Larry: Should I stay off school for a few days? Should I stay in bed?

Doctor: No, you shouldn’t. It’s nothing serious, so (60)._________________________ as usual . Larry: Oh dear! I have a math exam tomorrow.


XI. 短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在短文后面的空格内。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)(10分)

A. makes B. easy C. them D. heart E. for F. young G. asked H. same I. at J. wherever K. faces L. different An artist painted many pictures of great beauty. But he found that he had not yet painted a “real” picture.

He began his trip to look 61 the most beautiful thing in the world. On the way, he met an aged priest(神父)who 62 him where he was going. “I don’t know, said the artist. “I want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world. Perhaps you can direct me to it. “How 63 , replied the priest. In any church, you will find it —— ‘Faith’(信任,信仰) is the most beautiful thing in the world.\

The artist traveled on. Later, a 64 mother told him the most beautiful thing is “Love”. “Love” 65 the world go round. Without love there is no beauty.

Still the artist continued his search. He asked a soldier the 66 question and his answer was “Peace” He said, “War is ugly and 67 you find peace, you will find beauty, faith and love.”

“Haw can 1 paint all the 68 — Faith, Love and Peace?. He thought and thought. He was surprised that without thinking where he was going, he bad got to his familiar place. In the 69 of his wife and children, he saw Love and Faith. “We are thinking of you all the time. We prayed (祈祷)you would return to us safely,” said his wife. The artist sat on his favorite old chair and his 70 was at peace.

The artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and called it “Home”.



(A) (排序型)


Dear Sue,

A. The vet was really nice. She said, “Don’t worry. He’s just got a stomachache. Give him this medicine and he’ll be fine.” She was right. This morning, he was hungry again and he ate his breakfast.

B. After we ate, I took Tommy to the park. We met my friend Kim there. Do you remember her? C. Hi! How are you? I’ m fine. I’m writing because I didn't call yesterday. D. Well, it’ s time for bed now. Write soon and let me know your news.

E. I took my dog Tommy to the vet’s. Tommy has been sick all week. Usually, he plays a lot but this week he just sat on his bed. He didn’t do anything and he wasn’t hungry. See you soon! Sarah 71 72 73 74 75 (B) (匹配型)


How to be the world’s best guest

Do you want to be a popular guest who gets invited back? Read our five top tips(建议) for being a good guest.

( )76. If you are in a formal (正式的) situation, dress smartly: a suit and tie for men, a long skirt and jacket for women.

( )77. If you are going to stay in someone’s house, don’t arrive empty-handed. Bring a small present if you are staying for a short time, a bigger one for longer periods. Expensive chocolate works in most situations.

( )78. To shake hands or to kiss? Wait to wee what your host does.

( )79. Always accept it when offered, whether it looks terrible or delicious. Try to eat all of it and say it tastes good. Most people are proud of their cooking even if they shouldn't be. Don’t hurt their feelings.

( )80. The most important tip for being a good guest is to know when to say goodbye. The secret is to leave while the host is still enjoying your company and wants you to stay longer. A. Food B. Greeting C. Gifts D. Clothes E. Leaving


From Mum, 4:08pm Dear Alice, I won’t be back in time to take you to the piano class. I have asked Emily’s mum for help. She’ll come to pick you up at 5:00. Please be ready and remember your things. From Stephen, 5:20pm Peter, we’re outside the cinema. We want to know if you’re going to be late and we’ll wait and watch the next film. If you’re not coming, we’ll go in now. 5

From Mum, 3:32pm From Monica, 9:56am Natasha, Jane phoned you. She’s lost her Hi, Anna. Have you remembered about the notes she took in class about the history camping trip? We have to tell the organizer homework and wants to borrow your notes. She tomorrow if we’re interested and I want to can come here later for them if that’s OK. know if you plan to go. 根据以下手机短信内容, 选择正确答案。(5分) ( ) 81.Alice will __________ at 5:00.

A. go to Emily’s house B. go to the piano class C. wait for her mum D. be ready for dinner ( ) 82. Peter should tell Stephen ___________.

A. Which film he likes best B. where they can wait for him C. if he is going to be late D. How he can get to the cinema ( ) 83. Jane hopes to ______________.

A. come to Natasha’s house to do homework with her B. come to Natasha’s house to study history with her C. borrow the history homework from Natasha

D. borrow the notes about the history homework from Natasha ( ) 84. If you were Anna, what would you write back to Monica?

( ) 85. Who received the message in the morning?

A. Alice. B. Peter. C. Natasha. D. Anna.

(D) (完成表格型)

Great white sharks in the Pacific Ocean. Wildebeest (角马) in Africa. Arctic terns(北极燕鸥) in the Atlantic. At first, these animals seem quite different. One swims, one walks, and the other flies. But they all have one thing in common. They all migrate(迁徙)

Some migrating animals move to a place with a better temperature. Some go to find food or water. The groups travel as one, but during the trip, they face many different challenges.

One challenge is distance. Some migrating animals take very long trips. For example, one great white shark swam from Australia to South Africa and back. In nine months, it swam about 20,000 kilometers!

Another challenge is finding enough food and water during the journey. For example, each Mali elephant needs over 200 liters of water each day. To get this, they need to go from one waterhole to another.

Besides, migrating animals have to keep away from other animals that want to eat them. The zebra ( 斑马) has to avoid lions. Traveling as a group helps keep them safe. When one zebra is in


trouble, the other members make a circle around it.

By working as a group, migrating animals travel to live better lives. 根据短文内容,完成下面的思维图。(每空词数不限)(5分)

(E) (问答型) Round The World

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer both had very busy jobs and didn’t have much time to spend with their young children. They wanted to change this, and because their hobby was boating, they decided to sail round the world together.

It took six years to prepare everything for the trip. First, they bought a new boat. Then, both the husband and wife had to take advanced (先进的) sailing lessons and learn all about the sea and the weather. Mr. Spencer also did several courses in repairing engines and Mrs. Spencer spent an hour in a restaurant learning to cut up fish.

In October, they had one year off from their jobs and sailed away from England with their two children. The next year, in August, their long journey ended in Australia.

The boat was not big, but they took a teacher for the children with them. None of them found the trip boring because there were three computers, many CDs, a TV and a DVD player on the boat.

The family loved being at the sea and seeing the stars in the sky. But, most of all, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer enjoyed spending time with their children while they were still young. 根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。(10分) 91. What was Mr. And Mrs. Spencer’s hobby?

_____________________________________________ 92. How long did it take them to prepare for the trip?

_______________________________________________ 93. Where did they finish their journey?

_______________________________________________ 94. How many people were there traveling together?


95. What was the best part of the trip Mr. and Mrs. Spencer enjoyed? _______________________________________________



XIII. A. 假设你是Adam,下面是你收到的Alex的邮件,请回复。(每空词数不限)(5分,其中99小题2分)

From: Alex To: Adam It’s great you can come to my house this evening to watch a DVD. What time can you come? What kind of movies do you want go watch? What would you like to eat? From: Adam To: Alex Thank you for inviting me. Is it OK if I (96)___________________ your house at 5:30? Before that, I have (97)_________________ to do. I want to watch (98)__________________. And (99)_____________________.

B. 健康是生活的基石。尤其是青少年的健康,更加受到家庭、学校乃至全社会的关注。假如你是你们学校的健康达人,应校英语俱乐部的邀请,你将给全体成员做一个“The

importance and secrets of keeping healthy”的报告。请参考下面的提示,完成报告。(10分) 要求:1. 80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内。

2. 所给提示仅供参考,需适当发挥。 3. 文中不得使用真实的校名与姓名。

提示:a balanced diet; enough exercise; be happy Dear friends,

It’s a great honor to speak here. My topic is “The importance and secrets of keeping healthy”. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for listening!




I. 情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择怡当的应答语。(5分)

【答案】1.A 2.C 3.B 4. A 5.B. 【听力原文】

1. Hi, Frank! How is the weather in Beijing? 2. Happy birthday to you, Lily!

3. Why not get some flowers for your mother? 4. Jenny, thanks for helping me with my English. 5. Can you go fishing with me this afternoon?

Ⅱ. 对话问答根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) 【答案】6. A 7.A 8. C 9. C 10. B 【听力原文】

6. M:Can I help you?

W:Yes, please. I'm looking for a sweater. Q: What does the woman want?

7. W:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the park? M: Sure. It’s on Center Street, next to the bookshop. Q:Where it the woman going? 8. M:Hello. May I speak to Mary?

W:Sony. She’s not in. She’s playing tennis. Q:What’s Mary doing?

9. W: You play basketball very well. Jack!

M:Thanks. I really practice a lot, usually three times a week. Q: How often does Jack play basketball? 10. W: Look at that boy. M:Which one?

W:Lillie tall boy with curly hair. M Oh that's Bill, my classmate. Q: What does Bill look like?

Ⅲ. 图片理解看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(15分)

【答案】11. C 12. F 13. A 14. D 15. B 【听力原文】

11. Cindy is a kind girl who likes keeping pets. She knows how to take care of her rabbit .

12. My cousin is talented running star. He won the l00-meter race in the city sports meeting Last


13. We need lo know more about table manners when we have dinner with a foreign family. 14. After working for a long time. George is enjoying his vacation on the beach. It’s so relaxing. 15. There are too many cars on roads. We should try to use buses or subways more.

IV. 信息匹配 根据你所听到的短文内容, 将所给信息匹配, 并把相应的字母序号填入题目前括号内。(5分)


【答案】16. D 17.B 18. E 19. A 20. C 【听力原文】

Hi, friends. What do you want to be when you grow older? Anyway, we should do something when we grow up. There are lots jobs that we can do. And each person likes something different. My name is Mike. And I know exactly what I’ m going to do. I love cooking so I’m going to be a cook. My best friend Grace wants to be a teacher. I think little kids are noisy but she thinks they are lovely. She is also good with them. Kevin is another of my friends. His dream is to be a famous doctor. He wants to help people to keep in good health. That’s not easy. He has to study for it really hard. My brother Sam is a little bit quiet and he likes staying at home. But he doesn’t know what he is going to do. He can paint very well. So I think maybe he can be an artist. My sister Lucy is a beautiful girl. She is always thinking about being a reporter on TV. She loves traveling too. But in my eyes, being a reporter is a busy job.

Have you got an idea about your job? It’s lucky to do the job you love.

V. 完成表格 根据你所听到的对话内容,在表格中的横线上填全有关信息。(毎空一词)(5分)

【答案】21. games 22. four /4 23. fun 24. swim 25. reading 【听力原文】

W:So, Charlie, could you please tell me about your free time? M:Well, five years ago, when I was nine, I had much free time and I used to play games a lot. And I used to watch TV for about 4 hours every day. W:Four hours? That’s a lot of TV!

M:Yes, but now I haven’t got time for TV. I have a lot of homework and I can’t do many fun


W:It’s sad but that’s life.

M:I think so. Now I can swim only once a week. But I used to play soccer every day. W:Is there one thing you used to do when you were nine and you still do now? M:Well, one thing is the same! I do some reading at die weekends. W:OK. Thank you, Charlie.

Ⅵ. 短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) 【答案】26.B 27.A 28.C 29.A 30.C 【听力原文】

Little Tom is a boy of eight. He began to go to school last year. And now he’s in Grade Two. He lives not far from school but he’s often late for class. He likes watching TV at night and goes to bed too late, go he can’t get up early in the morning.

This term Mrs. Black, Tom’s aunt, works in his school. She just teaches students in Grade Two. She teaches French. She’s very strict with Tom and often tells the boy to follow the school rules and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Tom got up later again. When he got to school ,it was ten past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

“You’re ten minutes late for the first class, Tom!” Mrs. Black said angrily. “Why are you often late for class?”

Little Tom said, “Every time when I get to the street corner, I see a sign ‘SCHOOL—GO SLOW’”



VII.句意填词 在句中横线上填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。(5分) 【答案】31. by 32.rainy/ snowy/ wet 33. other 34. summer 35. wear

VIII. 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(15分)

【答案】 36. A , 37.C, 38. B, 39. C, 40. A, 41. B, 42.B, 43. A, 44. B, 45. C, 46. B, 47. C, 48.B, 49. C, 50. A


Ⅸ. 完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的空格内。(方框中有一个选项是多余的) (5分)

【答案】51.E 52.B 53.C 54.F 55.A

X.【2013吉林】补全对话 根据对话内容,在句中横线上填

写适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。(每空词数不限) (10分) 【答案】

56. What’s the matter/the trouble/the problem (with you)/ What’s wrong (with you)/What’s your trouble/problem/How do you feel/How are you feeling now 57. No/No, I haven't/Not yet

58. What should/shall/can I do; How should/shall/can I deal with it 59. anything else/more

60. (you should/can) go to school/you should(just)do/(you should) do just/do (the same)


【答案】61. E 62. G 63. B 64. F 65. A 66. H 67. J 68. C 69. K 70. D


(A) (排序型)

阅读下面邮件,请按照正确的逻辑顺序,将各段落重新排序,并将其字母序号写在短文后面的空格内。(5分) 【答案】71.C 72.E 73.A 74.B 75.D

(B) (匹配型)

【答案】76. D 77. C 78. B 79. A 80. E


【答案】81. B 82. C 83. D 84 . A 85. D

(D) (完成表格型)


86. (place with a)better 87. food or water/food and water 88. (great white)shark 89. Enough 90. keep away from/avoid/stay away from


(E) (问答型)


91. Boating./It was boating./Their hobby was boating./Mr. and Mrs. Spencer’s hobby was boating. 92. 6 years./Six years./It took (them)6 years (to prepare everything for the trip).

93. Australia. /In Australia. /They finished ( their journey) in Australia. /Their journey finished in Australia.

94. Five/5 (people)./There were five/5 (people traveling together).

95. They enjoyed spending time with their children. /Spending time with their children. /The best part of the trip ( Mr. and Mrs. Spencer enjoyed) was spending time with their children. /It was that they enjoyed spending time with their children( while they were still young).


XIII. A. 假设你是Adam,下面是你收到的Alex的邮件,请回复。(每空词数不限)(5分,其中99小题2分)


XIII. A. 【2013吉林】 假设你是Adam,下面是你收到的Alex的邮件,请回复。(每空词数不限)(5分,其中99小题2分)

【答案】96. get to/go to/come to/arrive at/reach

97.(some/a lot of/lots of/much)homework/housework ;(some/a lot of/lots of/many) chores/sports/(other/important)things; something ( important/special/else ); nothing (else) 98. comedies/a comedy/the comedy/action movies/thrillers/cartoons/documentaries/ romances/war movies/tragedies/horror movies /science fiction movies/adventure movies/detective movies/musical movies/western movies (凡是拼写正确的电影种类均可。)

99. I'd like (to eat)ice cream/some apples…/I want (lo eat)…/I like/love (to eat/ eating) …/I enjoy eating…(凡是能够回答 What would you like to eat?的正确句子均可。)

B. 健康是生活的基石。尤其是青少年的健康,更加受到家庭、学校乃至全社会的关注。假如你是你们学校的健康达人,应校英语俱乐部的邀请,你将给全体成员做一个“The importance and secrets of keeping healthy”的报告。请参考下面的提示,完成报告。(10分) 【答案】 Dear friends,

It’s a great honor to speak here. My topic is “The importance and secrets of keeping healthy”. I’ m so glad you care about health like me. Good health may bring us a long happy life,good work and even better grades. Keeping healthy is really important.

As for the secrets of keeping healthy, I think different people have different answers. In my opinion, having a healthy lifestyle is the most important. First, it's helpful to have enough sleep and a balanced diet. Breakfast is the top meal of the day, so we can’t miss it. At the same time,find a physical activity you enjoy and keep on doing it. I have kept playing ping-pong for seven years and I really enjoy doing that. Also, everyone should develop a sense of humor and always be a happy person.

I hope you look after your health from now on and live a happy and healthy life forever! Thanks for listening!


