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作者:刘秦明 郭丽丽


摘 要: 文学和科学的研究原则和方法不同。文学翻译注重文学性和艺术性,科技翻译注重科学性、客观性和抽象性。本文对文学翻译与科技翻译进行了实例分析,从修饰与否、模糊程度和逻辑因素三个方面分析了文学翻译和科技翻译的不同,指出了文学翻译和科技翻译在选词、句式、语法方面的差异。

关键词: 文学翻译 科技翻译 修饰性 模糊程度 逻辑因素 一、引言

国内翻译界一般都认为科技翻译较文学翻译容易一些,诗歌翻译难度最大。因此,对科技翻译的重视不如对文学翻译的重视。张今把翻译作品分为应用文翻译、新闻报道翻译、科技作品翻译、社科作品翻译、文学评论翻译、散文翻译和诗歌翻译,指出:“当翻译的作品越富有文学性,其翻译难度就越困难。”他的观点主要是从翻译难易角度衡量不同类型文本的翻译。其实,科技翻译和文学翻译各有特点和难点,不能一概而论。它们在翻译方面具有许多区别。 二、科技翻译和文学翻译差异实例分析 (一)修饰性

文学翻译注重修饰,强调美学效果。比如下面这句英文“Until a bright moon lighted the road home,often after midnight.”这句话是我以前翻译的《简·奥斯汀传》里的写景描写,如果用科技英语的语气,就成了“直到一轮明月照亮归家之路,经常是在半夜之后”。科技英语强调的是精确,无需修饰,不需要被文学的形象性影响。文学翻译强调美学色彩,所以这句话(同样的一句话,两种不同的翻译)就成了“直到明月照亮归途,这时往往已过夜半时分了”。文学翻译要选有美学色彩的词汇,而不是选择一系列精确无误的词汇。试看西奥多·萨沃里的文学选词特点,我们会有深刻的体会。西奥多·萨沃里在《翻译艺术》中说:In this(the choosing of words)his(the translator’s)task is much harder than that of the original author.If the latter seeks a word with which to express a thought or describe an experience,he has available many words in his own language and can without much difficulty or delay choose the one that suits him best and pleases him most.The translator of the word thus chosen has to decode on the nearest equivalent,taking into consideration the probable thoughts of the author,the probable feelings of the author’s readers and of his own readers,and of the period in history in which the author lived.

It follows then that at every pause the translator makes a choice;and from what has been said in our first chapter about the correspondence of words it follows that his choice is not between a number

