opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
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opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
// Author: Ben Humphrey -
// Delphi Converter: David "DavesLord" Caouette -
// OpenGL Template Author: Jan Horn -
program OpenGLApp;
WND_TITLE = 'OpenGL App by Jan Horn';
FPS_TIMER = 1; // Timer to calculate FPS
FPS_INTERVAL = 1000; // Calculate FPS every 1000 ms
SUN = 100;// This is the object ID for the SUN
EARTH = 101;// This is the object ID for the EARTH
PLUTO= 102;// This is the object ID for PLUTO
h_Wnd : HWND; // Global window handle
h_DC : HDC; // Global device context
h_RC : HGLRC; // OpenGL rendering context
keys : Array[0..255] of Boolean; // Holds keystrokes
FPSCount : Integer = 0; // Counter for FPS
ElapsedTime : cardinal; // Elapsed time between frames
// Textures
SunTex : glUInt;
EarthTex: glUInt;
PlutoTex: glUInt;
// User variables
pObj: GLUQuadricObj;
SunRotation : single = 90;// This holds our sun's current rotation
EarthRotation : single = 90;// This holds our earth's current rotation
PlutoRotation : single = 90;// This holds pluto's current rotation
g_Fullscreen: boolean;
{$R *.RES}
procedure glBindTexture(target: GLenum; texture: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
{ Function to convert int to string. (No sysutils = smaller EXE) }
function IntToStr(Num : Integer) : String; // using SysUtils increase file size by 100K
Str(Num, result);
{ Function to draw the actual scene }
procedure glDraw();
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);// Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
glLoadIdentity();// Reset The matrix
// We make our position a bit high and back to view the whole scene
// Position View Up Vector
gluLookAt(0, 3, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);// This determines where the camera's position and view is
glInitNames();// This clears the name stack so we always start with 0 names.
// This next line is important. If you don't push on at least ONE name,
// The selection won'
t work. Instead of glLoadName()/glEnd() you can use
// glPushName(TheID) and glPopName(); Then you don't need to glPushName(0);
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
(0);// This starts off the first object in the stack
pObj := gluNewQuadric();// Get a new Quadric off the stack
gluQuadricTexture(pObj, true);// This turns on texture coordinates for our Quadrics
// Bind the sun texture to the sun quadratic
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, SunTex);// Bind the Sun texture to the sun
// Below we call glLoadName(). We need to pass in an ID that we can check later that will
// be associated with the polygons drawn next. Here is how it works. We call glLoadName()
// and pass an ID. Then we draw any primitives or shapes, then we call glEnd() which
// stops assigning polys to that object name. We now have a group of polygons that are
// given an ID. Our ID SUN now refers to the sun Quadric we draw below.
glLoadName(SUN);// Push on our SUN label (IMPORTANT)
// If we use glLoadName(), then we need to end it with glEnd(). There is a problem
// though with some video cards that MUST have a glBegin()/glEnd() between
// the calls to glLoadName()/glEnd(). This is strange but some cards grind
// to a 2 FPS speed (VoodooCards). Since we are using Quadrics there is
// no glBegin()/glEnd() being called explicitly, so we need to fake it.
// *Remember, you only have to do this if you are using Quadrics.* So, to fix
// this we just put a empty glBegin()/glEnd() statement between each object ID passed in.
glEnd(); }
// Here we push on a new matrix so we don't affect any other quadrics.
// We first translate the quadric to the origin (0, 0, 0), Then we rotate it
// about the Y axis. This gives it the spinning effect. Then we draw the
// largest of the spheres. This represents the sun with its texture map.
glPushMatrix();// Push on a new matrix scope
glTranslatef(0, 0, 0);// Translate this sphere to the left
glRotatef(SunRotation, 0, 1.0, 0);// Rotate the sphere around the Y axis to make it spin
gluSphere(pObj, 0.5, 20, 20);// Draw the sunwith a radius of 0.5
glPopMatrix();// End the current scope of this matrix
// Now that we drew the sun, we want to end our Object name. We call glPopName()
// to do that. Now nothing else will be associated with the SUN ID.
glEnd();// Stop assigning polygons to the SUN label (IMPORTANT)
// Next, we want to bind the Earth texture to our Earth sphere
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, EarthTex);
// Once again, we want to create a object ID for our earth, so we push on the EARTH ID.
// Now, when we draw the next sphere, it will be associated with the EARTH ID.
glLoadName(EARTH);// Push on our EARTH label (IMPORTANT)
// Pass in our empty glBegin()/glEnd() statement because we are using Quadrics.
// If
we don't do this when using glLoadName(), it will grind to a hault on some cards.
// Once again, we want to pop
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
on a new matrix as not to affect any other spheres.
// We rotate the sphere by its current rotation value FIRST before we translate it.
// This makes it rotate around the origin, which is where the sun is.
// Then we rotate it again about the Y-axis to make it spin around itself.
glPushMatrix();// Push on a new matrix scope
glRotatef(EarthRotation / 3, 0, 1.0, 0);// Rotate the sphere around the origin (the sun)
glTranslatef(-2, 0, 0);// Translate this sphere to the left
glRotatef(EarthRotation, 0, 1.0, 0);// Rotate the sphere to make it spin
gluSphere(pObj, 0.2, 20, 20);// Draw the sphere with a radius of 0.2 so it's smaller than the sun
glPopMatrix();// End the current scope of this matrix
// We are done assigning the EARTH object, so we need
// to stop assigning polygons to the current ID.
glEnd();// Stop assigning polygons to the EARTH label (IMPORTANT)
// Bind the pluto texture to the last sphere
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PlutoTex);
// Finally, we want to be able to click on Pluto, so we need a pluto ID.
glLoadName(PLUTO);// Push on our PLUTO label (IMPORTANT)
// Like we did with the earth, we rotate Pluto around the sun first,
// then we translate it farther away from the sun. Next, we rotate Pluto
// around the Y axis to give it some spin.
// Pass in our empty glBegin()/glEnd() statement because we are using Quadrics.
// If we don't do this when using glLoadName(), it will grind to a hault on some cards.
glPushMatrix();// Push on a new matrix scope
glRotatef(PlutoRotation / 2, 0, 1.0, 0);// Rotate the sphere around the sun
glTranslatef(3, 0, 0);// Translate this sphere farther away from the sun than the earth
glRotatef(PlutoRotation, 0, 1.0, 0);// Rotate the sphere around itself to produce the spin
gluSphere(pObj, 0.1, 20, 20);// Draw the sphere with a radius of 0.1 (smallest planet)
glPopMatrix();// End the current scope of this matrix
// We are finished with the PLUTO object ID, so we need to pop it off the name stack.
glEnd();// Stop assigning polygons to our PLUTO label (IMPORTANT)
//SwapBuffers(h_DC);// Swap the backbuffers to the foreground
gluDeleteQuadric(pObj);// Free the Quadric
glPopName();// We pushed a name on the stack, we must pop it back off
// Below we increase the rotations for each sphere.
SunRotation := SunRotation + 0.2;// Rotate the sun slowly
EarthRotation := EarthRotation + 0.5;// Increase the rotation for the each
PlutoRotation := PlutoRotation + 0.6;// Make pluto go the fastest
function RetrieveObjectID(x, y: integer): intege
objectsFound: integer;
viewportCoords: array [0..3] of integer;
selectBuffer: array[0..31] of cardinal;
lowestDepth: cardinal;
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
ctedObject: cardinal;
i: integer;
objectsFound := 0;// This will hold the amount of objects clicked
ZeroMemory(@viewportCoords, sizeof(viewportCoords));// We need an array to hold our view port coordinates
ZeroMemory(@selectBuffer, sizeof(selectBuffer));
// This will hold the ID's of the objects we click on.
// We make it an arbitrary number of 32 because openGL also stores other information
// that we don't care about. There is about 4 slots of info for every object ID taken up.
// glSelectBuffer is what we register our selection buffer with. The first parameter
// is the size of our array. The next parameter is the buffer to store the information found.
// More information on the information that will be stored in selectBuffer is further below.
glSelectBuffer(32, @selectBuffer);// Setup our selection buffer to accept object ID's
// This function returns information about many things in OpenGL. We pass in GL_VIEWPORT
// to get the view port coordinates. It saves it like a RECT with {top, left, bottom, right}
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @viewportCoords);// Get the current view port coordinates
// Now we want to get out of our GL_MODELVIEW matrix and start effecting our
// GL_PROJECTION matrix. This allows us to check our X and Y coords against 3D space.
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);// We want to now effect our projection matrix
glPushMatrix();// We push on a new matrix so we don't effect our 3D projection
// This makes it so it doesn't change the frame buffer if we render into it, instead,
// a record of the names of primitives that would have been drawn if the render mode was
// GL_RENDER are now stored in the selection array (selectBuffer).
glRenderMode(GL_SELECT);// Allows us to render the objects, but not change the frame buffer
glLoadIdentity();// Reset our projection matrix
// gluPickMatrix allows us to create a projection matrix that is around our
// cursor. This basically only allows rendering in the region that we specify.
// If an object is rendered into that region, then it saves that objects ID for us (The magic).
// The first 2 parameters are the X and Y position to start from, then the next 2
// are the width and height of the region from the starting point. The last parameter is
// of course our view port coordinates. You will notice we subtract "y" from the
// BOTTOM view port coordinate. We do this to flip the Y coordinates around. The 0 y
// coordinate starts from the bottom, which is opposite to window's coordinates.
// We also give a 2 by 2 region to look for an object in. This can be changed to preference.
//-Integer(not g_Fullscreen)*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+ GetSystemMetrics(SM_C
gluPickMatrix(x, viewportCoords[3]-y-Integer(not g_Fullscreen)*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+ GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFR
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
AME) shl 1), 2, 2, @viewportCoords);
// Next, we just call our normal gluPerspective() function, exactly as we did on startup.
// This is to multiply the perspective matrix by the pick matrix we created up above.
gluPerspective(45.0, viewportCoords[2]/viewportCoords[3], 0.5, 150.0);
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);// Go back into our model view matrix
glDraw();// Now we render into our selective mode to pinpoint clicked objects
// If we return to our normal render mode from select mode, glRenderMode returns
// the number of objects that were found in our specified region (specified in gluPickMatrix())
objectsFound := glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);// Return to render mode and get the number of objects found
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);// Put our projection matrix back to normal.
glPopMatrix();// Stop effecting our projection matrix
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);// Go back to our normal model view matrix
// PHEW! That was some stuff confusing stuff. Now we are out of the clear and should have
// an ID of the object we clicked on. objectsFound should be at least 1 if we found an object.
if (objectsFound > 0) then
// If we found more than one object, we need to check the depth values
// of all the objects found. The object with the LEAST depth value is
// the closest object that we clicked on. Depending on what you are doing,
// you might want ALL the objects that you clicked on (if some objects were
// behind the closest one), but for this tutorial we just care about the one
// in front. So, how do we get the depth value? Well, The selectionBuffer
// holds it. For every object there is 4 values. The first value is
// "the number of names in the name stack at the time of the event, followed
// by the minimum and maximum depth values of all vertices that hit since the
// previous event, then followed by the name stack contents, bottom name first." - MSDN
// The only ones we care about are the minimum depth value (the second value) and
// the object ID that was passed into glLoadName() (This is the fourth value).
// So, [0 - 3] is the first object's data, [4 - 7] is the second object's data, etc...
// Be carefull though, because if you are displaying 2D text in front, it will
// always find that as the lowest object. So make sure you disable text when
// rendering the screen for the object test. I use a flag for RenderScene().
// So, lets get the object with the lowest depth!
// Set the lowest depth to the first object to start it off.
// 1 is the first object's minimum Z value.
// We use an unsigned int so we don't get a warning with selectBuffer below.
lowestDepth := selectBuffer[1];
// Set the selected object to the first object
to start it off.
// 3 is the first object's object ID we passed into glLoadName().
selectedObject := selectBuffer[3];
// Go through all of
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
the objects found, but start at the second one
for i := 1 to objectsFound - 1 do
// Check if the current objects depth is lower than the current lowest
// Notice we times i by 4 (4 values for each object) and add 1 for the depth.
if (selectBuffer[(i * 4) + 1] < lowestDepth) then
// Set the current lowest depth
lowestDepth := selectBuffer[(i * 4) + 1];
// Set the current object ID
selectedObject := selectBuffer[(i * 4) + 3];
// Return the selected object
result := selectedObject;
// We didn't click on any objects so return 0
result := 0;
{ Initialise OpenGL }
procedure glInit();
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Black Background
glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); // Enables Smooth Color Shading
glClearDepth(1.0); // Depth Buffer Setup
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enable Depth Buffer
glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); // The Type Of Depth Test To Do
glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); //Realy Nice perspective calculations
glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Enable Texture Mapping
LoadTexture('Sun.bmp', SunTex, false);// Load "Sun.bmp" into openGL as a texture for the Sun
LoadTexture('Earth.bmp', EarthTex, false);// Load "Earth.bmp" into openGL as a texture for the Earth
LoadTexture('Pluto.bmp', PlutoTex, false);// Load "Pluto.bmp" into openGL as a texture for Pluto
{ Handle window resize }
procedure glResizeWnd(Width, Height : Integer);
if (Height = 0) then // prevent divide by zero exception
Height := 1;
glViewport(0, 0, Width, Height); // Set the viewport for the OpenGL window
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Change Matrix Mode to Projection
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset View
gluPerspective(45.0, Width/Height, 0.5, 150.0);
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Return to the modelview matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset View
{ Processes all the keystrokes }
procedure ProcessKeys;
{ Determines the application
e response to the messages received }
function WndProc(hWnd: HWND; Msg:
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
objectID: integer;
case (Msg) of
// Insert stuff you want executed when the program starts
Result := 0
WM_KEYDOWN: // Set the pressed key (wparam) to equal true so we can check if its pressed
keys[wParam] := True;
Result := 0;
WM_KEYUP: // Set the released key (wparam) to equal false so we can check if its pressed
keys[wParam] := False;
Result := 0;
WM_SIZE: // Resize the window with the new width and height
Result := 0;
WM_TIMER : // Add code here for all timers to be used.
if wParam = FPS_TIMER then
FPSCount :=Round(FPSCount * 1000/FPS_INTERVAL); // calculate to get per Second incase intercal is less or greater than 1 second
SetWindowText(h_Wnd, PChar(WND_TITLE + ' [' + intToStr(FPSCount) + ' FPS]'));
FPSCount := 0;
Result := 0;
begin// If the left mouse button was clicked
// Here we pass in the cursors X and Y coordinates to test for an object under the mouse.
objectID := RetrieveObjectID(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
// Now we just do a switch on our object ID's to see if we hit one.
case (objectID)of // Check the objectID passed back
SUN: MessageBox(0, 'The Sun!', 'Click', MB_OK);
EARTH: MessageBox(0, 'The Earth!', 'Click', MB_OK);
PLUTO: MessageBox(0, 'Pluto!', 'Click', MB_OK);
Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); // Default result if nothing happens
{ Properly destroys the window created at startup (no memory leaks) }
procedure glKillWnd(Fullscreen : Boolean);
if Fullscreen then // Change back to non fullscreen
ChangeDisplaySettings(devmode(nil^), 0);
// Makes current rendering context not current, and releases the device
// context that is used by the rendering context.
if (not wglMakeCurrent(h_DC, 0)) then
MessageBox(0, 'Release of DC and RC failed!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
// Attempts to delete the rendering context
if (not wglDeleteContext(h_RC)) then
MessageBox(0, 'Release of rendering context f
ailed!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
h_RC := 0;
// Attemps to release the device context
if ((h_DC > 0) and (ReleaseDC(h_Wnd,
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
h_DC) = 0)) then
MessageBox(0, 'Release of device context failed!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
h_DC := 0;
// Attempts to destroy the window
if ((h_Wnd <> 0) and (not DestroyWindow(h_Wnd))) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to destroy window!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
h_Wnd := 0;
// Attempts to unregister the window class
if (not UnRegisterClass('OpenGL', hInstance)) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to unregister window class!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
hInstance := 0;
{ Creates the window and attaches a OpenGL rendering context to it }
function glCreateWnd(Width, Height : Integer; Fullscreen : Boolean; PixelDepth : Integer) : Boolean;
wndClass : TWndClass; // Window class
dwStyle : DWORD; // Window styles
dwExStyle : DWORD; // Extended window styles
dmScreenSettings : DEVMODE; // Screen settings (fullscreen, etc...)
PixelFormat : GLuint; // Settings for the OpenGL rendering
h_Instance : HINST; // Current instance
pfd : TPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR; // Settings for the OpenGL window
h_Instance := GetModuleHandle(nil); //Grab An Instance For Our Window
ZeroMemory(@wndClass, SizeOf(wndClass)); // Clear the window class structure
with wndClass do // Set up the window class
style := CS_HREDRAW or // Redraws entire window if length changes
CS_VREDRAW or // Redraws entire window if height changes
CS_OWNDC; // Unique device context for the window
lpfnWndProc := @WndProc; // Set the window procedure to our func WndProc
hInstance := h_Instance;
hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
lpszClassName := 'OpenGL';
if (RegisterClass(wndClass) = 0) then // Attemp to register the window class
MessageBox(0, 'Failed to register the window class!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Change to fullscreen if so desired
if Fullscreen then
ZeroMemory(@dmScreenSettings, SizeOf(dmScreenSettings));
with dmScreenSettings do begin // Set parameters for the screen setting
dmSize := SizeOf(dmScreenSettings);
dmPelsWidth := Width; // Window width
dmPelsHeight := Height; // Window height
dmBitsPerPel := PixelDepth; // Window color depth
// Try to change scre
en mode to fullscreen
if (ChangeDisplaySettings(dmScreenSettings, CDS_FULLSCREEN) = DISP_CHANGE_FAILED) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to s
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
witch to fullscreen!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Fullscreen := False;
// If we are still in fullscreen then
if (Fullscreen) then
dwStyle := WS_POPUP or // Creates a popup window
WS_CLIPCHILDREN // Doesn't draw within child windows
or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; // Doesn't draw within sibling windows
dwExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW; // Top level window
//ShowCursor(False); // Turn of the cursor (gets in the way)
dwStyle := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or // Creates an overlapping window
WS_CLIPCHILDREN or // Doesn't draw within child windows
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; // Doesn't draw within sibling windows
dwExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW or // Top level window
WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; // Border with a raised edge
// Attempt to create the actual window
h_Wnd := CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, // Extended window styles
'OpenGL', // Class name
WND_TITLE, // Window title (caption)
dwStyle, // Window styles
0, 0, // Window position
Width, Height, // Size of window
0, // No parent window
0, // No menu
h_Instance, // Instance
nil); // Pass nothing to WM_CREATE
if h_Wnd = 0 then
glKillWnd(Fullscreen); // Undo all the settings we've changed
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to create window!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Try to get a device context
h_DC := GetDC(h_Wnd);
if (h_DC = 0) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to get a device context!', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Settings for the OpenGL window
with pfd do
nSize := SizeOf(TPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor
nVersion := 1; // The version of this data structure
dwFlags := PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW // Buffer supports drawing to window
or PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL // Buffer supports OpenGL drawing
or PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; // Supports double buffering
iPixelType := PFD_TYPE_RGBA; // RGBA color format
cColorBits := PixelDepth; // OpenGL color depth
cRedBits := 0; // Number of red bitplanes
cRedShift := 0; // S
hift count for red bitplanes
cGreenBits := 0; // Number of green bitplanes
cGreenShift := 0; //
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
Shift count for green bitplanes
cBlueBits := 0; // Number of blue bitplanes
cBlueShift := 0; // Shift count for blue bitplanes
cAlphaBits := 0; // Not supported
cAlphaShift := 0; // Not supported
cAccumBits := 0; // No accumulation buffer
cAccumRedBits := 0; // Number of red bits in a-buffer
cAccumGreenBits := 0; // Number of green bits in a-buffer
cAccumBlueBits := 0; // Number of blue bits in a-buffer
cAccumAlphaBits := 0; // Number of alpha bits in a-buffer
cDepthBits := 16; // Specifies the depth of the depth buffer
cStencilBits := 0; // Turn off stencil buffer
cAuxBuffers := 0; // Not supported
iLayerType := PFD_MAIN_PLANE; // Ignored
bReserved := 0; // Number of overlay and underlay planes
dwLayerMask := 0; // Ignored
dwVisibleMask := 0; // Transparent color of underlay plane
dwDamageMask := 0; // Ignored
// Attempts to find the pixel format supported by a device context that is the best match to a given pixel format specification.
PixelFormat := ChoosePixelFormat(h_DC, @pfd);
if (PixelFormat = 0) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to find a suitable pixel format', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Sets the specified device context's pixel format to the format specified by the PixelFormat.
if (not SetPixelFormat(h_DC, PixelFormat, @pfd)) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to set the pixel format', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Create a OpenGL rendering context
h_RC := wglCreateContext(h_DC);
if (h_RC = 0) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to create an OpenGL rendering context', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Makes the specified OpenGL rendering context the calling thread's current rendering context
if (not wglMakeCurrent(h_DC, h_RC)) then
MessageBox(0, 'Unable to activate OpenGL rendering context', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Result := False;
// Initializes the timer used to calculate the FPS
SetTimer(h_Wnd, FPS_TIMER, FPS_INTERVAL, nil);
// Settings to ensure that the window is the topmost window
ShowWindow(h_Wnd, SW_SHOW);
/ Ensure the OpenGL window is resized properly
glResizeWnd(Width, Height);
Result := True;
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取
{ Main message loop for the application }
function WinMain(hInstance : HINST; hPrevInstance : HINST;
lpCmdLine : PChar; nCmdShow : Integer) : Integer; stdcall;
msg : TMsg;
finished : Boolean;
DemoStart, LastTime : DWord;
finished := False;
g_Fullscreen := false;
// Perform application initialization:
if not glCreateWnd(800, 600, g_Fullscreen, 32) then
Result := 0;
DemoStart := GetTickCount(); // Get Time when demo started
// Main message loop:
while not finished do
if (PeekMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) then // Check if there is a message for this window
if (msg.message = WM_QUIT) then // If WM_QUIT message received then we are done
finished := True
begin // Else translate and dispatch the message to this window
Inc(FPSCount); // Increment FPS Counter
LastTime :=ElapsedTime;
ElapsedTime :=GetTickCount() - DemoStart; // Calculate Elapsed Time
ElapsedTime :=(LastTime + ElapsedTime) DIV 2; // Average it out for smoother movement
glDraw(); // Draw the scene
SwapBuffers(h_DC); // Display the scene
if (keys[VK_ESCAPE]) then // If user pressed ESC then set finised TRUE
finished := True
ProcessKeys; // Check for any other key Pressed
Result := msg.wParam;
WinMain( hInstance, 0, CmdLine, CmdShow );
opengl+delphi 鼠标拾取06-09
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- 2018版中国光热发电行业深度研究报告目录
- (通用)2019年中考数学总复习 第一章 第四节 数的开方与二次根式课件
- 2017_2018学年高中语文第二单元第4课说数课件粤教版
- 上市新药Lumateperone(卢美哌隆)合成检索总结报告
- 拾取
- 鼠标
- opengl
- delphi
- 湖北省城镇居民家庭理财模式实证分析
- 服装销售个人月度总结文档2篇
- 二年级语文阅读练习、看图写话(含答案)
- 悬浮法70m^3釜聚氯乙烯生产DCS控制系统设计及全自动批量控制
- 2010年江苏省普通高中学业水平测试地理试卷
- 在LabVIEW中使用MATLAB工具箱
- 废旧资源回收及资源综合利用项目可行性研究报告
- 关于夹套压力容器失稳的分析
- 我的科研之路2010年07月08日_来源
- 湖南旅游电商平台推广的基本思路及基本方法2
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- 朝鲜官方宣布不承认朝鲜停战协定
- 施工工艺大全钢筋工施工安全技术交底
- 逆变器输出滤波器设计
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- 服务质量对顾客价值顾客满意和顾客忠诚的影响对杭州汽车经销服务业的实证研究
- 2014年6月大学英语六级翻译及作文真题答案
- 3.子分部工程质量验收记录门窗(有隐蔽)
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