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Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)(略)

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇) ⅡChoose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /fens/? A. fans B. fence C. face D. fax 解析:句意:下面哪一个单词的发音为/fens/?根据A. fans [f?ns],B. fence [fens], C. face [fe?s],D. fax [f?ks],故选B。 答案:B

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. horrible B. lose C. fond D. lock 解析:句意:下面哪一个划线部分的发音与其他划线部分的发音不同?A. horrible /?/,B. lose /?/,C. fond /?/,D. lock /?/,故选B。 答案:B

28. The park was full of people who were enjoying________ in the sunshine. A. they B. them C. their

D. themselves

解析:句意:那个公园挤满了人,他们在阳光下玩得高兴。they他们,是主格;them他们,是宾格;their他们的,是形容词性物主代词;themselves他们自己,是反身代词。enjoy oneself玩得高兴,故选D。 答案:D

29. The young couple haven't bought any________ for their new house. A. table B. window C. lamp D. furniture 解析:句意:那对年轻的夫妇没有为他们的新家买任何家具。table桌子,是可数名词;window窗户,是可数名词;lamp台灯,是可数名词;furniture家具,是不可数名词。此处有any修饰,可数名词用复数形式,故选D。 答案:D

30. Could you do me________ favour, would you feed my dog this weekend? A. a B. an C. the D. /

解析:句意:你能帮我一个忙吗,这个周末你能喂一下我的狗吗?do sb a favour给某人帮一个忙,故选A。 答案:A

31. ________ Hawaii and California have a lot of earthquakes. A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. Not only

解析:句意:夏威夷和加利福尼亚都有很多地震。neither两者都不,both两者都;either两者中的一个;not only不仅。根据both…and…“……和……两者都”,故选B。 答案:B

32. Last weekend I met a foreigner in the street and showed him the way________ English. A. with B. on C. in D. by

解析:句意:上周末我在大街上遇到了一个外国人,用英语给他指路。in+语言“用某种语言”,in English用英语,故选C。 答案:C

33. A right fashionable scarf, necklace, belt etc. can add variety________ simple clothes. A. for B. by C. with D. to

解析:句意:一个合适的时尚围巾,项链,腰带等能为简单的衣服增添多样性。add…to…“给……增添……”,故选D。 答案:D

34. We don’t get many customers on Mondays. Saturday is our________ day. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest



35. More schools in the area have agreed________ the National Walkout Plan. A. to support B. supporting C. support D. supported

解析:句意:这个地区更多的学校已经同意支持全国罢工计划。agree to do sth同意做某事,故选A。 答案:A

36. It was so frightening. I could feel you________ with fear. A. shaking B. to shake C. shaken D. to shaking

解析:句意:真吓人。我能感觉到你吓得颤抖。feel sb doing sth感觉某人正在做某事,故选A。 答案:A

37. ________ honest boy Tom is! He found a bag fill of cash and immediately returned it. A. What B. What a C. What an D. How

解析:句意:汤姆是多么诚实的一个男孩啊!他找到一包现金,马上归还了。修饰单数名词boy,故用不定冠词,honest是元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an,修饰名词短语an honest boy的感叹句,故用what引导,故选C。 答案:C

38. Our English teacher looks________ younger with her new hairstyle, don't you think? A. much B. so C. very D. too

解析:句意:我们的英语老师留着新发型,看起来更年轻了,你不这样认为吗?much很多,so那么;very非常;too太。修饰比较级younger,用much。故选A。 答案:A

39. In most countries cigarettes________ to anyone under 18. A. don’t sell B. are not sold C. didn’t sell D. were not sold

解析:句意:在大多数国家,香烟不被卖给18岁以下的任何人。结合句意,主语cigarettes与谓语sell之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,国家规定的条文用一般现在时,故选B。 答案:B

40. ________ we change the way we travel, we will have serious environmental problems. A. Although B. Unless C. Because D. Until

解析:句意:除非我们改变旅行方法,我们将有严重的环境问题。Although尽管;unless除非;because因为;until直到。此处主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,因此是条件状语从句,故用unless引导,故选B。 答案:B

41. Simon________ the piano for ages when he gave his first concert. A. has played B. is playing C. had played D. will play

解析:句意:西蒙举行第一次音乐会时,他已经弹钢琴弹了很多年了。根据when he gave his first concert.可知此处用过去的时态,表示先弹钢琴弹了很多年,然后开了音乐会,故表示过去的过去,用过去完成时,故选C。 答案:C

42. In my job I________ wear a uniform. I don’t mind because it’s quite smart. A. have to B. ought to C. can D. may

解析:句意:在我的工作中,我必须穿制服。我不介意,因为它非常时髦。have to不得不,表示要求;ought to应该,表示建议;can能,表示能力;may可以,表示允许。根据in my job可知此处是工作的客观要求,故用have to,故选A。 答案:A

43.—________are you having a party?

—It's my fourteenth birthday, and I want to celebrate it. A. When B. How old C. What D. Why

解析:句意:—你们为什么举行聚会?—这是我十四岁生日,我想要庆祝一下。When何时;how old多大了;what什么;why为什么。根据It's my fourteenth birthday, and I want to celebrate it.可知此处解释举行聚会的原因,故用疑问词why,故选D。 答案:D

44. —Let’s go out for dinner tonight. —________

A. Friday will be fine for me too. B. Yes, the food was very good. C. Sorry, but I cannot make it today. D. I don’t, I prefer football.

解析:句意:—让我们今晚出去吃晚饭吧。—对不起,我今天去不了。Friday will be fine for me too. 星期五对我来说也适合;Yes, the food was very good.是的,那个食物非常好;Sorry, but I cannot make it today. 对不起,我今天做不到。I don’t, I prefer football.我不,我更喜欢足球。根据Let’s go out for dinner tonight.可知对方建议今晚出去吃饭,如果去不了,应表示抱歉,故选C。 答案:C

45. —I’m interested in paintings of wild animals. —________.

A. I’m afraid I don’t like that idea.

B. So do I. Do you have any other hobbies? C. That’s amazing. I love old paintings too. D. We have some famous paintings of tigers. 解析:句意:—我对野生动物的绘画感兴趣。—我也是。你有其他的爱好吗?I’m afraid I don’t like that idea. 我恐怕不喜欢那个主意; So do I. Do you have any other hobbies? 我也是。你有其他的爱好吗?That’s amazing. I love old paintings too. 那是令人惊讶的,我也喜欢古画。We have some famous paintings of tigers.我们有一些著名的老虎的绘画。根据I’m interested in paintings of wild animals.可知此处表示喜欢某物,应是一种爱好,故选B。 答案:B

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次。)(共8分)

A. items B. exits C. degree D. grew up E. as well as Early Life

Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England on January 8, 1942. He 46 in a highly educated family. Stephen enjoyed math and science in school where he earned the

nickname “Einstein.” He wanted to study math at university but Oxford didn’t have a math 47 at the time so he chose physics and chemistry instead. Stephen found college coursework to be very easy. He enjoyed being a member of the schools boat club 48 classical music. In October 1962 he started his graduate course at Trinity Hall. It was at this time that his

illness started to show up. His speech became unclear and he became very clumsy, often dropping 49 or falling for no reason. However, he finished his PhD and wrote about black holes in his graduation paper. 46. 解析:句意:他在一个高等教育的家庭长大。根据前文提到他出生,故此处表示他长大,grew

up长大,故选D。 答案:D 47.

解析:句意:但是牛津大学那里没有数学学位,所以他选择物理和化学。根据Oxford可知在大学里,应是指的数学学位,故用degree,故选C。 答案:C 48.

解析:句意:他不仅喜欢古典音乐,也喜欢作为学校船俱乐部的一员。连接并列宾语,故为连词as well as,故选E。 答案:E 49.

解析:句意:他说话变得含糊不清,他变得非常笨拙,经常掉东西或者无缘无故地摔倒。作为动词drop的宾语,故用名词,items物品,故选A。 答案:A

A. average B. including C. public D. published E. copies A Brief History of Time

Stephen enjoyed writing books. In 1988 he 50 A Brief History in Time. This book covered modem subjects on cosmology such as the big bang and black holes in terms that could be understood by the 51 reader. The book became very popular selling millions of 52 and remaining on the London Sunday Times best-seller list for four years. He had since written many more books 53 A Briefer History in Time, On the Shoulders of Giants, and The Universe in a Nutshell. 50.

解析:句意:在I988年他出版了《时间简史》。根据前文的Stephen enjoyed writing books.可知他喜欢写 书,故此处表示出版了他的书,故选D。 答案:D 51. 解析:句意:这本书涵盖了宇宙学的现代主题,如大爆炸和黑洞,这可以让普通的读者读懂。修饰名词reader,故用形容词average,故选A。 答案:A 52.

解析:句意:这本书非常受欢迎,卖出了数百万册,并在伦敦星期日泰晤士报畅销书排行榜上停留了四年。有数词millions of修饰,故用复数名词,表示数百万册,故选E。 答案:E 53.


此处前面提到books,后面举出包括的书,故用including,故选B。 答案:B

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分) 54. The lift was stuck on the________ floor, (five) 解析:句意:那个电梯被卡在了第五层。此处修饰floor表示第五层,故用序数词,故为fifth。答案:fifth

55. ________ have been cancelled after heavy snowfall in Northwest Wales, (ferry)

解析:句意:在威尔士西北部,大雪过后,渡船已经被取消了。谓语have been cancelled是复数形式,故主语用复数名词,故为Ferries。 答案:Ferries

56. He had an awful feeling that everyone was laughing at________. (he)

解析:句意:他有一种可怕的感觉,每个人都在嘲笑他。作为动词短语laugh at的宾语,故用he的宾格形式,故为him。 答案:him

57. The students will learn from experience about the ________of planning, (important) 解析:句意:学生们将从经验中学会计划的重要性。the+名词+of“…….的……”,故用important的名词形式,故为importance。 答案:importance

58. Several long-awaited movies will finally________ in the theatres this month, (arrival)

解析:句意:终于这个月电影院上映几部期待已久的电影。位于助动词will后的谓语用动词原形,故为arrive。 答案:arrive

59. Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some________ results (harm) 解析:句意:逼迫这么小的孩子太紧了,可能有一些坏的结果。修饰名词results,故用harm的形容词形式,故为harmful。 答案:harmful

60. The flowers are________ arranged in a classic basket (beautiful)

解析:句意:这些花被漂亮地排列在一个古典的篮子里。修饰动词arranged,故用副词,故为beautifully。 答案:beautifully

61. You must keep to the rules even if you think they’re________. (fair)

解析:句意:即使你认为那些规则是不太公平的,你也必须遵守它们。even if“即使”,引导让步状语从句,故表示认为不公平,也要遵守规则,作为系动词are的表语,故用形容词,故为unfair。 答案:unfair

Ⅴ. Completer the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求完成下列句子。 62-67 小题每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)(共14分) 62. I have never learned to fly kites.(改为一般疑问句) ________you ________ learned to fly kites?

解析:根据谓语have never learned 可知此处是完成时,变成一般疑问句时,把助动词have提前,其他不变,故此处为(1). Have (2). ever。 答案:Have, ever

63. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb in 1879.(就划线部分提问) ________ ________Thomas Edison invent in 1879?

解析:对the electric light bulb提问,是询问发明的什么,故用疑问词what,谓语invented是一般过去时,特殊疑问句的助动词用did,故为 (1).What (2). did。 答案:What, did

64. She was late for the meeting because her car stopped working in the road.(保持句意基本不变)

She was late for the meeting because her car ________ ________in the road.

解析:根据stop working=break down表示出故障了,此处动词stopped用一般过去时,故为 (1)broke (2)down。 答案:broke, down

65. A self-driving car killed a woman as she walked her bicycle across a street.(改为被动语态) A woman ________ ________ by a self-driving car as she walked her bicycle across a street. 解析:A self-driving car killed a woman 可知变为被动语态时,把宾语a woman变为主语,谓语killed是一般过去时,故谓语用一般过去时的被动语态,主语a woman是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为(1)was (2)killed。 答案:was, killed

66. My sister can sing better than I do.(保持句意基本不变) I can’t sing so________ ________my sister does.

解析:My sister can sing better than I do. 表示我的姐姐比我唱得好,也就是我不如我姐姐唱得一样好,as well as“和…….一样好”,故为(1)well (2) as。 答案:well, as

67. Mum asked, ”Why are you wearing Linda’s clothes?”(改为宾语从句) Mum asked me why________ ________ wearing Linda’s clothes.

解析:根据主句的Mum asked me可知把直接引语改为间接引语,谓语用一般过去时,主语you变为I,故此处为 (1)I; (2)was。 答案:I, was

68. was, speak, so angry, he, my father, could hardly, that(连词成句) _________________________________________________ 解析:so+形容词+that+从句“如此……以至于…….”,故用so angry that, 主语是my father,

be angry生气的,故谓语用was so angry that,修饰动词speak用副词,故为could hardly speak。故此处为:My father was so angry that he could hardly speak. 答案:My father was so angry that he could hardly speak.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写) VI. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)

Cruises are becoming more and more popular, with around 20 million passengers per year now enjoying holidays on board luxury(奢侈的)ships. More people see a cruise as the perfect way to sit back and do nothing, and enjoy time off work. But what is the effect on the environment of this trend?

Although it usually takes less energy for a vehicle to move through water than over land, cruise ships are often massive, with the biggest ones carrying up to 6,000 passengers. Moving such large vehicles requires huge engines which bum as much as 300,000 litres of fuel a day. One scientist has calculated that cruise ships create as much pollution as 5 million cars going over the same distance. Because they are out at sea, they also burn dirtier fuel that isn't allowed on land. Unfortunately, no government has control over the amount of air pollution out at sea. Cruises also produce huge amounts of rubbish, and cruise ships aren’t usually good at recycling. Waste water from showers and toilets is usually poured directly into the sea - as much per day as from a small town. Waste food from restaurants isn’t put into the sea, but still causes problems when brought back to the land.

Cruise ships also cause difficulties in the cities where they stop. Popular destinations can get five or six ships per day, with thousands of tourists at a time. Good for restaurants? No. Restaurant owners complain that the visitors look around for a few hours and then return to their ship to eat. What’s more, the crowds can put off other tourists, who complain that the streets are too busy. Some towns have banned(禁止)cruise ships or put a limit on the number that can stop at the same time. People who care about the environment worry that as the cruise industry continues to grow, so too will the issues for our planet.

69. The underlined word“trend”is closest in meaning to __________. A. problem B. event C. decision D. change

解析:词义猜测题。根据Cruises are becoming more and more popular,可知游轮旅游越来越受欢迎,因此它成为一种新的变化,故选D。 答案:D

70. The biggest cruise can hold about__________ passengers. A. 20,000,000 B. 6,000 C. 300,000 D. 5,000,000 解析:细节理解题。根据Although it usually takes less energy for a vehicle to move through water than over land, cruise ships are often massive, with the biggest ones carrying up to 6,000

passengers.可知最大的邮轮能容纳6000多名乘客,故选B。 答案:B

71. Cruise ships cause a lot of air pollution because__________. A. they carry large numbers of cars and passengers as well B. it takes more energy to move through water than over land C. they use types of fuel that are not allowed on land

D. their engines are not as powerful as those of other vehicles 解析:细节理解题。根据One scientist has calculated that cruise ships create as much pollution as 5 million cars going over the same distance. Because they are out at sea, they also burn dirtier fuel that isn't allowed on land.可知游轮造成很多空气污染,是因为他们用的燃料是陆地上不被允许使用的,故选C。 答案:C

72. How is waste water dealt with on cruise ships? A. It’s brought into a town. B. It’s properly recycled. C. It’s thrown away at sea. D. It's stored in the ships.

解析:细节理解题。根据Waste water from showers and toilets is usually poured directly into the sea可知游轮上的废水被直接倒进海里,故选C。 答案:C

73. Why are cruise ship passengers not popular in some cities? A. They don’t spend money on meals.

B. They fill up the restaurants and make noise. C. They complain when the city is too crowded. D. They are sometimes rude to other tourists. 解析:推理判断题。根据Restaurant owners complain that the visitors look around for a few hours and then return to their ship to eat.因为游轮上的乘客在一些城市四处看了几个小时后,然后回到船上吃饭,不在城市的餐馆里吃饭,故选A。 答案:A

74. The purpose of the passage is to__________. A. introduce a new way of travelling B. encourage people to try cruise ships C. advise governments to ban cruise ships D. explain some problems cruise ships cause

解析:推理判断题。本文介绍了游轮带来了空气污染和水污染,游轮上的乘客对所到的城市造成不好的影响,故推断本文主要介绍了游轮带来的问题,故选D。 答案:D

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

