推 荐 信- 天津理工大学

更新时间:2024-02-29 00:52:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



University of Quebec At Chicoutimi(UQAC)


Tianjin University of Technology(TUT)



推 荐 信

Letter of Recommendation


Forms Made By Graduate School of TUT

推 荐 信

Letter of Recommendation


To the recommender :


Thank you for taking the time to write on behalf of this candidate ,who is applying to the master’s in Project Management Program at University of Quebec at Chicoutimi and Tian Jin University of Technology. We would appreciate your completing this form .If you have any other complementary contents, please attach them to this form . Please enclose this form in the envelop addressed to the applicant ,seal the envelop and sign across the seal on the envelop flap .The applicant will send this letter together with other application materials to Graduate School ,Tian Jin University of Technology(300191) .We are grateful for your assistance .Your comments will be held completely confidential .

被推荐人姓名/Applicant’s Name : Mr./Ms :___________________ 职务/Position:___________

您认识申请人已有多长时间?在多大程度上了解申请人?/ How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant ?


请您列出申请人的突出才智或特点。/Please list the most outstanding talents or characteristics of the applicant. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

在您看来,该申请人的人际交往与团队工作能力如何?包括他(她)与同事、下属和上司的合作工作能力?/Evaluate the applicant’s interpersonal and team work skills, including his or her ability to work with peers, subordinates and supervisors



您认为申请人在那些方面能够进一步提高?/In you opinion, in what areas can the applicant improve? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

请就以下各项对申请人进行评估:/Please give your appraisal of the applicant in terms of the following items:

口头表达能力 Oral Presentation Skills 书面表达能力 Written Communication Skills 英语程度 English Skills 想象力与创造力 Imagination and Creativity 适应性与灵活性 Adaptability and Flexibility 逻辑思维能力 Logical Thinking Abilities 分析判断能力 Analytical Abilities 组织管理潜能 Organization/Managerial Abilities 领导能力 Leadership Ability 道德品质 Moral Character 优秀 Excellent 良好 Very Good 平均 Average 低于平均 Below average 无法判断 Cannot Judge 请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价:/Please indicate your overall evaluation:

推荐人姓名 Recommend 单 位Organization

职务/职称Position/Title 地 址Address 邮 政 编 码Postcode 电 话 Tel 传 真 Fax ○极力推荐/Strongl

y recomm

end ○推荐/Recommend

○有保留的推荐/Recommend with reservations ○不推荐/Do not Recommend


/Date____________________ 日期

