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第一条 为明确因工死亡职工供养亲属范围,根据《工伤保险条例》第三十七条第一款第二项的授权,制定本规定。

第二条 本规定所称因工死亡职工供养亲属,是指该职工的配偶、子女、父母、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女、兄弟姐妹。




第三条 上条规定的人员,依靠因工死亡职工生前提供主要生活来源,并有下列情形之一的,可按规定申请供养亲属抚恤金: (一)完全丧失劳动能力的;

(二)工亡职工配偶男年满6O周岁、女年满55周岁的; (三)工亡职工父母男年满60周岁、女年满55周岁的; (四)工亡职工子女未满18周岁的;




第四条 领取抚恤金人员有下列情形之一的,停止享受抚恤金待遇: (一)年满18周岁且未完全丧失劳动能力的; (二)就业或参军的; (三)工亡职工配偶再婚的; (四)被他人或组织收养的; (五)死亡的。

第五条 领取抚恤金的人员,在被判刑收监执行期间,停止享受抚恤金待遇。刑满释放仍符合领取抚恤金资格的,按规定的标准享受抚恤金。

第六条 因工死亡职工供养亲属享受抚恤金待遇的资格,由统筹地区社会保险经办机构核定。


第七条 本办法自2004年1月1日起施行。

With the ever-quickened pace of life, we people now, are more bound to getting overwhelmed with those sorts of things as job employment, house mortgage and child and elder caring. Life stress that confronts us is growing much more intense, and which all too often makes us fell dismayed and bewildered.

Chronic and constant tress in the daily life has given rise to a wide range of social problem both in the form of physical and emotional, say, the increasingly depression, anxiety as well as schizophrenia among the crowds. In addition, stress getting in the way, often underscores the performances of one’s work; undermines the quality of his or her relationships and diminish their overall experience of your life. Stress, too, can damage the general health, well-being of organizations and the society as a whole.

If you want to thrive in our ever-accelerating world, there is a great necessity for you to learn how to cope with stress smoothly. To be the very first, you have to revalue the priority of your life. Do you really need those lavish things, like fashionable clothes and a brand-new car? If you learn to be content with what you have, you probably will not have to take a second job and spend your weekend in the office, when you are supposed to stay with your family members to enjoy your life. Second, regular exercise may facilitate to relieve your stress. No matter how busy you are, find some time to entertain yourself with things like short tour or a family party, preferably with your family and your child. Equally important, you may as well learn to relax. The word won’t come to an end if you stop and smell the roses on the roadside.

Following the above rules, I do believe that you will find yourself with enhanced physical strength, mental vitality and your capability of coping with change and stress will improve enormously.

