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(全卷共十个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)


1.试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。 2.作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。



Ⅰ.听力测试。(每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节:情景反映


1. A.No problem. B.Not bad. C.Good luck! 2. A.Yes,I can. B.No,we can’t C.No,we don’t 3. A.I kilometer. B.10 minutes. C.By train. 4. A.Miss Gao. B.America. C.Tall and thin. 5. A.Michael speaking. B.I’Michael. C.Yes,please. 6. A.At 2:00. B.On Center Street. C.It’s cold 第二节:对话理解


7. A.By bike. B.By car. C.On foot. 8. A.Having a party. B.Playing badminton. C.Watching TV 9. A.Large. B.Medium. C.Small. 10. A.Jack’s mother. B.Jack’s father C.Jack 11. A.In Moscow. B.In Chongqing. C.In Canada. 12. A.At 7:00 B.At 7:20 C.At 7:40 第三节:对话理解



听下面一段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13.Where did the man go?

A.To the mountain. B.To the countryside. C.To a bank. 14.What did the man do on Dragon Boat Festival?

A.Joined in the boat race. B.Planted trees. C.Ate zongzi 听下面一段材料,回答第15和16小题。 15.Why does Lisa want to eat out? A.Because it’s her birthday today B.Because her parents aren’t at home C.Because she likes Thai food 16.Where will they meet?

A.At the bus station. B.At the train station C.At the subway station 第四节:短文理解


17.There isn’t a in Jason’s neighborhood.

A.supermarket B.park C.hospital 18.The library is . A.behind the supermarket B.in front of the supermarket C.next to Jason’s house

19.Jason’s grandma usually at the park after dinner.

A.plays pingpong B.takes a walk C.talks with friends 20.According to passage,does Jason like his neighborhood?

A.Yes,he does B.No,he does’t C.I don’t know Ⅱ.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) A.语音考察(每小题1分,共5分)


21. A.early B.near C.year D.dear 22. A.north B.work C.short D.order 23. A.mutton B.brush C.cute D.lucky 24. A.south B.there C.either D.with 25. A.walked B.jumped C.dressed D.enjoyed B.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


26.—Hey,do you know the girl with blond hair over there?

—Yes.She’s my new classmate, 11-year-old girl from Russia.

A.a B.an C.the D./

27.I’m good telling stories. So I want to join in the story telling club.

A.at B.with C.to D.for

28. —Excuse me, does it take to get to the bookstore from here? —It takes about 10 minutes by bus or half an hour on foot.

A.what time B.how far C.how long D.how much

29.We can eat in the dining hall at school.But we eat in the classroom.

A.can B.can’t C.have to D.don’t have to 30. —How was your school trip at the science museum? —It was !There were too many people.

A.great B.excellent C.exciting D.terrible 31. —Hi,is your sister at home right now?

—Yes.She dinner with my mom in the kitchen.

A.cooks B.cooked C.is cooking D.cook

32.Scott is never late for work!He goes to bed early and gets up early.

A.never B.sometimes C.usually D.always

33.Look,the number of the candles 12,it’s my daughter’s twelfth birthday.

A.is B.are C.was D.were 34. —So what does your friend Clark look like?

—Well, he of medium build with short brown hair.He isn’t tall or short.

A.is B.has C.isn’t D.doesn’t have 35.I want to see the first because they’re intereting and also the symbol of China.

A.elephants B.lions C.pandas D.tigers 36. —Are there any Harbin restaurants near here? — .And there’s one on Nanbin Road.

A.Yes,there is B.No,there isn’t C.Yes,there are D.No,there aren’t 37. —You look kind of tired,Lin Hua?

—Yeah.I late to study for the math test last night.

A.stay up B.stayed up C.get up D.got up 38. —What kind of noodles would you like? — .

A.A Large bowl,please. B.Beef noodles,please. C.I’d like some noodles D.No,thank you. 39. —What are you doing? — .It’s too dirty.

A.I’m cleaning the room B.I’m using the computer C.I’m watching TV D.I’m reading a newspaper 40. —My father lost his new iphone 7 yesterday. — .

A.Sounds good! B.How interesting! C.That’s too bad! D.Lucy him! Ⅲ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Dear Jenny,

How’s it going?I am 41 a great time visiting my aunt in Australia.She lives not far 42 the sea.She’s working in a summer school here now.So she helps me to join an English club to study English.In my free time,I’m also visiting

some of my old friends.I’m so happy to see 43 again.There’s a farm near the summer school.There are lots of 44 and it’s really interesting to watch the farmers feeding them.

It’s a fine afternoon.The sun is shining but it’s not very 45 here.The weather here is just right for walking.There are many people on the beach.They are doing 46 things.Some are walking.Some are taking photos of the beautiful things.Some are taklking. 47 of them look happy.I see some children playing soccer near us.One of them has short hair and looks cool.”That child plays soccer so well. Do you know 48 it is?”I ask the person near me.

“Oh,yes.It’s my daughter,”the person 49 happily.”Oh,that’s your daughter?But she looks like a boy.She also has a cool mother.””No.I’m not her mother.I’m her 50 ,”the person says quietly this time.

You can imagine(想象)how embarrassed(尴尬)I am at that time!Hahaha.I’m writing to you to tell you I’m coming back next month and I will buy some gifts for you.

Best wishes!


41. A.making B.having C.leaving D.forgetting 42. A.from B.on C.in D.to 43. A.him B.them C.it D.us 44. A.chicken B.horse C.cow D.sheep 45. A.sunny B.cold C.hot D.snowy 46. A.different B.useful C.boring D.important 47. A.Each B.Every C.One D.All 48. A.who B.how C.what D.where 49. A.asks B.answers C.talks D.tells 50. A.uncle B.brother C.father D.aunt Ⅳ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)



Today is the first day of the week.It’s also the first day for Mr.Wang to go to his new school.He gets up early.After running for half an hour,he has breakfast for fifteen minutes.Then it’s time for him to go to school.He looks at his watch and sees it’s 7 o’clock now.Look,Mr.Wang is saying goodbye to his two-year-old son and beautiful wife.He is happy to go to his new school.He is driving his car to his school.Now he is arriving at the school gate and he is driving very slowly.There are many students going into the school gate.They are talking happily and saying”Good morning”to the teachers they meet.The school is very big.He parks his car in the car parking area and goes to his new office.”Excuse me !Where’s the meeting room,please?”He stops a woman teacher.The young woman says,”It’s on the fifth floor.Come with me please.I am going there,too.”

51.Mr.Wang gets up early at about on the first day of the week. A.5:00 B.5:45 C.6:15 D.6:30 52.The students are to go into the school gate. A.fighting with each other B.talking friendly C.running fast D.driving their cars 53.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Mr.Wang is going to the new school by car. B.His son is two years old and his wife is beautiful. C.The school is very big and there is a car parking area. D.The woman teacher is new and she doesn’t know the way.


For many students,it’s easy to get to school.But for the students in some small villages in China,it is difficult.

There is a school at the top of a small village called cliff(悬崖)village in Sichuan.To get home,the 20 children had to climb the cliff and the cliff is 800m.To make the children get home easily,the government(政府)spent 1000000 yuan to build a steel(钢)ladder(梯子)for them.It’s easy for the children now.But to be safe,the children can go home only during summer and winter holidays.

There is a school in Longnan,Gansu.A big river is berween the school and the village.There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.To get to school,the children have to go on a ropeway to cross the river.It’s too dangerous for them to get to school.Their dream is to have a bridge.Some kind people write to the local government to ask them to build a bridge for the children. Some people even write an e-mail to Ma Yun for some money to build the bridge.Many volunteers(志愿者)begin to give away money for them.Can their dream come true?

For the students in the city of Chongqing,things are different.How to get to school depends on where you are.Some students go to school in their parents’car.Some take the light rail.Some go to school on foot or by bike.And in some places where there are rivers and lakes,students go to school by boat.But I have to say,there are still some village schools,children can’t go to school easily. 54.The children in a small village in Sichuam to get to school now. A.walk B.take the school bus C.climb the steel ladder D.climb the cliff

55.According to the passage,people don,t to help the children in Longnan. A.write an e-mail to Ma Yun B.give away some money C.call the police D.write a letter

56.In story 3, the underlined word”Some”refers to(指的是)“Some ”. A.parents B.students C.teachers D.workers 57.From the passage, we know that 。

A.it’s easy for all the students in Chongqing to get to school B.it’s their dream to have a bridge for the children in cliff village C.it’s interesting for the students in Longnan to go to school by boat D.it’s different for the student in China to get to school


Who makes your lunches?Who takes care of you when you are sick. Who is always there for you?

It’s your mother.That’s why there is a special day for mothers around the world.This year was on May 14,the second Sunday of May. There are many ways to celebrate Mother’s Day.Lots of people buy gifts and carnations for their mothers.In the language of flowers,carnations means happiness and love.

Do you want to do something special for your mother in this day?Here are some ideas.

? Make her favorite breakfast ? Do some housework ? Give her a kiss and a hug ? Write her a special letter ? Make her a card

? Say”thank you and love you,mom”

58.This is a passage about a special day for .

A.making lunch B.helping children C.mothers D.fathers 59.This year May 14 was .

A.the first Saturday B.the first Sunday C.the second Saturday D.the second Sunday 60.The underlined word “carnations”may mean” ”. A.太阳花 B.康乃馨 C.幸福 D.爱

61.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(被提到)in the passage? A.Take some pictures of her B.Give your mom a hug C.Do some housework D.Write her a special letter


How do you spend your free time?Some people may spend much time on their phones or TV.Many people may spend their time on sports or shopping. Many people may spend time having a trip in different places.But this year a culture TV show named Readers is popular around China.



Dong Qing,the host of the TV show Readers,asks many famous people of all ages to tell their interesting stories.Also,they can read everything,like books,the letters and so on.Many people like to watch the show.They begin to enjoy reading aloud at home.Reading and reading aloud are getting popular in our daily life.

Readers is popular because it also brings people back to the old habit:reading.Reading can tell us stories of every country in the world,it also can give us all kinds of knowledge. From books,we can know what happened(发生)thousands of years ago and what is happening in every part of the world now.And many beautiful stories for children are interesting and full of wisdom(智慧).

Reading books is a good way of spending our free time.Many great men like reading very much.“Reading should be like singing and talking”said Dong Qing.“We can tell our true feelings by reading aloud.”Dong Qing is busy but she spends much time reading even late at night every day.

Boys and girls, come and join us to read together! 62.Readers is a popular around China this year. A.TV show B.sports game C.phone D.trip 63.Dong Qing asks many famous people to on the show. A.sing aloud new songs

B.sing aloud new songs and dance to them C.read aloud something

D.tell stories and read aloud something 64. Readers is a popular because . A.it brings people back to the old habit: reading B.it can give us all kinds of knowledge C.many stories happened thousands of years ago D.many beautiful stories are just right for children 65.The writer wrote this passage to tell us . A.a popular way of spending free time:watching Readers B.a good way of spending free time :reading books C.different ways of spending free time

D.different ways of telling and reading stories Ⅴ.口语应用(每小题1分,共5分)


A:Hi,Li Ping .How was your weekend? B:Great! 66

A:What animals did you see there?

B:Qutie a lot,like lions, elephants,giraffes and so on. A: 67

B:Monkeys!They’re really smart and they just look like us humans(人类). A: 68 .

B:No,My parents told me not to do so,because it was bad for their health. A:You’re right!We should be polite visitors. B: 69 .

A:Really?May I have a look? B:Sure.Look at this picture. 70 . A:How interesting they are! B:Yes,they are!

A.But I took many funny photos of them. B.I were to Yangjiaping zoo with my parents C.Why do you like monkeys best? D.They are fighting with each other E.Did you feed the monkeys? F.What’s your favorite animal in it? G.I went fishing with my family 第Ⅱ卷(55分)



It’s sunny today,It’s Friday,June 30 I come to the Kids Care Club with my


classmates.Do you know the Kids Care Club?There are too many children working in the club .Children join it to help others.Parents,teachers and other people work with the children in the club.

We can do a lot of things to help the kids in the Kids Care Club.Now ,I am teaching the kids to draw a picture.It’s a picture of their father and mother who work in some other cities.In the next room,my classmates are making dumplings with the kids.There is also an old people’s home behind the club.The kids are taking the dumplings there and having them for lunch with the old people.One thing I feel exciting is that kids in the club say they are collecting clothes and shoes and giving them to the children in the poor villages.

Do you want to do something to help others?

71.Where do the writer and his classmates go on June 30?

72.Do the kids’ parents live with them?

73.What do the old people have for lunch that day?

74.Why do the kids in the club help the children in the poor villages? Ⅶ. 单词测查。(每空1分,共5分)

根据句意、音标提示或首写字母补全单词,注意使用其正确形式,首字母不要写掉了 75.Can you speak English?Then we need you to help sports for English-speaking students.

76.Could you take a m to tell your brother to call me back? 77.Now my sister and I are s for a test.

78.She knows ice-cream is not good for her,but it t good. 79.It is [Ik’spensIv]for us to go to after-school classes. Ⅷ.完成句子。(每空1分,共14分)

根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略写。 80.Arrive late for class,Linda.(改为否定句)


late for class,Linda.

81. I am milking a cow on my uncle’s farm right now.(对划线部分提问) are you on your uncle’s farm right now?

82. He usually goes to his grandparents’ home by train.(同义句转换) He usually the train his grandparents’ home. 83.每天骑自行车去学校是一项不错的锻炼方式。(完成译句) It’s good exercise to school by bike every day. 84.最后,真正的罪犯长得居然和他们两个描述的不一样。(完成译句)

the ,the real criminal is not the same as the two people tell. 85.Lucy 不太喜欢这只猫,是因为它有点懒。(完成译句) Lucy doesn’t like this cat because it’s of . 86.我的哥哥认为参观博物馆很有趣,但是我不感兴趣。(完成译句)

It’s interesting for my brother to visit the science museum, I’m not in it.


根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 The summer vacation of this year is coming soon.The students in Green Tree School and their teacher,Linda Millar,are having a class-meeting now.They are talking about the 87 “How to spend their coming summer vacation?”.Their answers make us surprised a lot.Some say they just 88 play computer games all day or have to take after-school classes.And many students even(甚至) 89 their vacation is really boring because they have to do lots of homework.Some students say they have to look after their younger borther or sister when their parents go to work.To have a better summer vacation, Linda Millar lets them have a look at Wang Yuan’s summer plan(计划)first,then they may have some good ideas of 90 plans of the coming summer vacation.

Wang Yuan is a student from No.3 Middle School in Chongqing.He is going to join a singing club and 91 twenty days practicing singing and writing songs.After that,he will go to the USA with his parents. They like eating much delicious food and taking lots of photos of the beautiful place 92 the way. When they come

back to China, he is going to finish his homework 93 and learn something about his new lesson in Grade Eight.To have a healthy life,he also plays sports with his good friends,Wang Junkai every day.When he is 94 ,he is going to help his parents with some housework.What a really busy but meaningful(有意义的)summer vacation for him.

Before the class is over,Linda Millar asks the students to write a plan(计划)for their coming vacation.

Can you tell us about your summer vacation? Ⅹ.书面表达。(12分)



1.申请理由(能力、希望??) 2.自我简介(生活习惯、爱好??) 3. ??。 参考要求:

1.80-100词左右,不包含已给出的文字。 2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校。

Dear Head Teacher,

I’m writing to join in “Summer Camp to the USA”.

Hope to get good news soon.Thank you.

Yours, Li Ming




Ⅰ.听力测试。(每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节:(每小题1.5分,共9分)





13—16 BCBC

第四节:(每小题1.5分,共9分) 17—20 CABA


21—25 ABCAD 26—30 BACBD 31—35 CDAAC 36—40CBBAC Ⅲ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

41—45 BABDC 46—50 ADABC Ⅳ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)

51—53 CBD 54—57 CCBD 58—61 CDBA 62—65 ADAB Ⅴ.口语应用(每小题1分,共5分)

66—70 BFEAD



71.To the kids Care Club./They go to the kids Care Club. 72.No,they don,t. 73.Dumplings.

74.One possible answer:Because they get some help and want to give some help back./Because they are kind and want to help others./Answers will vary.

此题只要学生能够给出合理理由,且语言正确2分,有语言错误1分,理由不对0分. Ⅶ. 单词测查。(每空1分,共5分)

75.with 76.message 77.studying 78.tastes 79.expensive Ⅷ.完成句子。(每空1分,共14分)

80.Don’t arrive 80.What,doing 82.takes,to 83.get to 84.In;end 85.kind;lazy 86.but;interested


87.question 88.either 89.think/say 90.their 91.spend 92.on/along 93.quickly 94.free

(评分说明:用词正确而形式错误,只给1分) Ⅹ.书面表达。(12分)

One possible version Dear Head Teacher,

I’am writing to join in“Summer Camp to the USA”.I want to join it because I am good at English and want to travel to the English speaking country,the USA.

I’m Li Ming,a 12-year-old middle school student from Chongqing,China.I’m good at learning.And my favorite subject is English.I also like to talk with people.So I always make a lot of friends,In my free time,I often help my parents with some housework.As for the food,hamburgers and French fries are my favorite,because they taste good.So I think it isn’t difficult for me to live in America.By the way.

Hope to get good news soon.Thank you.

Yours, Li Ming



2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,最后在本档次内酌情给分。 要点提示:

1.申请理由(能力、希望??) 2.自我简介(生活习惯、爱好??) 3. ??。 给分范围和要求: 第三档(优):(9-12分) 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 --有足够的要点或充足的理由。 --准确使用了词汇和语言结构。

--全文结构紧凑,有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,具备较强的语言运用能力。 第二档(良):(5-8分) 较好地完成了试题规定的任务。 --有足够的要点或充足的理由。

--适当地使用了词汇和语言结构。(句子可读,但有一些语言错误) --适当运用了语句间连接成分,较好地达到了交际的目的。 第一档(中)(0-4分) 基本完成了试题规定的任务。 --有一些要点或部分理由。 --词汇和语言结构错误较多。


