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蓝皮书:《商学院入学考试指导【中】》云南教育出版社出版 黄皮书:GMAT官方指南

1. GMAT语法介绍

1.1自我介绍---赵丽 1.2 GMAT语法课程介绍

1. GMAT介绍

第一部分:作文部分 Issue and Argument 第二部分:Problem solving and Date sufficiency 第三部分:Verbal section:Reading comprehension Critical reasoning Sentence correction



3. 课程设置:


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1.总述 2.解题步骤 3.解题两大原则 4.十五点倾向性 5.四大出题原则 6.四大语法现象


Sentence correction questions present a sentence, part or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined passage. The first answer choice repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original phrasing is best, choose the first answer, otherwise choose one of the others.


Although a surge in retail sales have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally underway, many economist s say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last. (A)have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally (B)raised hopes for there being a recovery finally (C)had raised hopes for a recovery finally being (D)has raised hopes that a recovery is finally (E)raised hopes for a recovery finally

This type of question tests your ability to recognize the correctness and effectiveness of expression in standard written English. In choosing your answer ,follow the requirements of standard written English; that is ,pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or gram---matical error.

1.3 GMAT解题步骤


1.Researchers at Cornell university have demonstrated that homing pigeons can sense changes in the earth's field, see light waves that people cannot see, detect low-frequency sounds from miles away, sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors.


2.Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last there decades were the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and commercial development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and Cali-- -fornia.


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Since 1981,when the farm depression began,the number of acres overseen by

professional farm-management companoes have grown 48 million to nearly 59 million,an area that is about Colaorado's size.

(A) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size (B) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colorado

(C) has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado (D) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado's (E) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado's size





However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means,it is difficlt to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.

(A) However much United States voters may agree that

(B) Despite the agreement among United States voters to the fact (C) Although United States voters agree

(D) Even though United States voters may agree

(E) There is agreement among United States voters that


While Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger,his courage in the face of physical threats and verbal attacks was not unlike that of Rosa Parks,who refuse to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery,Alabama.

(A) not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refused (B) not unlike Rosa Parks, who refused (C) like Rosa Parks and her refusal (D) like that of Rosa Parks for refusing (E) as that of Rosa Parks, who refused



Each of Hemingway's wives---Hadley Richardson,Pfeiffer,Martha Gelhom,and Mary


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Welsh----were strong and interesting women, very different from the often pallid women who populate his novels.

(A) Each of Hemingway's wives—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh—were strong and interesting women,

(B) Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh—each of them Hemingway's wives—were strong and interesting women,

(C) Hemingway's wives—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh—were all strong and interesting women,

(D) Strong and interesting women—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh—each a wife of hemingway, was

(E) Strong and interesting women—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh—every one of Hemingway's wives were



Which some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course.

(A) only if it would be taught as a separately required course (B) only if it is taught as a separate, required course (C) if it is taught only as a required course separately (D) if it was taught only as a separate and required course (E) if it would only be taught as a required course, separately



Bufo marinus toads,fierce predators thay will eat frogs,lizards,and even small birds,are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control pests in the state's vast sugarcane fields.

(A)are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control

(B)are native in South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's as attempt to control

(C)are natives of South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt at controlling

(D)had been native to South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as an attempt at controlling

(E)had been natives of South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as an attempts at controlling


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第一:避免用词重复。能用短语就不用从句,adj+n优于n+that+be+adj。-能用一个词说的 不使用短语 第二:用词稍微简洁。


e.g.:I support you.

I am supportive of you . useful------of use


3. GMAT十五点倾向性:

3.1 表示举例时,使用such as

例:蓝皮书P292第15题 Florida will gain another quarter-million jobs this year alone,many of them in high-paying fields like electronics and banking,making the state's economy far more diversified than ten years ago. (A) high-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state's economy far more diversified than (B) high-paying fields like electronics and banking, and making the state's economy far more diversified than its economy (C) high-paying fields such as electronics and banking, to make the state's economy far more diversified than (D)such high-paying fields as electronics and banking,making the state's economy far more diversified than it was (E) Such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, and make the state's economy far more diversified than it was.

例:蓝皮书P298第37题 As the price of gasoline rise, which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive, the price of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.

(A) which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive

(B) which makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain attractive (C) which makes distilling alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute (D) making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain (E) making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute


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Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthro-- ---pologist and that make his letters as a group the rival of the best nobels of the time. (A)makes his letters as a group the rival of (B)makes his letters as a group one to rival (C)makes his letters a group rivaling (D)make his letters as a group the rival of (E)make his letters a group which is the rival of


The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800's have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators. (A)have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators. (B)have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Blacks to their originators. (C)have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Blacks to their originators. (D)have made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Blacks originators. (E)have made it difficult in tracing some Blacks inventions to their originators.

3.2 consider的用法 3.2 be in 出现,99%错


Having the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper's bullet during the First Word War, Horace Pippin, a Black American painter, worked by holding the brush in his right hand and guiding its movements with his left. (A) Having the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper's bullet during the First World War (B) In spite of his right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper's bullet during the First World War (C) Because there had been a sniper's bullet during the First World War that crippled his right hand and arm (D) The right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper's bullet during the First World War (E) His right hand and arm crippled by a sniper's bullet during the First World War


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3.4 there be 结构出现,错误 3.5宾语从句中一定不能省略that


Sartre believed each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one , that it is the choice that gives value to the act ,and that nothing that is not acted upon has value.

(A) each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one (B) that each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over another (C) that each individual is responsible, choosing one course of action over another (D) that each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over the other (E) each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over other ones

3.6 v优于adj,adj优于抽象名词,抽象名词优于动名词


Poor management ,outdated technology ,competition from overseas,and steel's replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics have all been cited as causes for the decline of the United States steel industry . (A)steel's replacement to materials like (B)the replacement of steel by such materials as (C)the replacing of steel with materials of (D)the replacing of steel by means of materials like (E)to replace steel by materials such as


例:P301第46题 Although films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills, in reality these gregarious creatures live in stable groups that occupy the same territory for long periods.

(A) films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills

(B) in films about the American West coyotes are depicted to be solitary animals that howl mournfully on the tops of distant hills

(C) coyotes are depicted as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills in films about the American West

(D) films about the American West depict coyotes as if they were solitary, mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills.

(E) films about the American West depict coyotes to be solitary and mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills


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3.8 连词优于介词


Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during two decades, stringent rationing and planned distribution have allowed the People's Republic of China to ensure nutritional levels of 2,000 calories per person per day for its population. (A) Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during (B) Even though its per capita food supply has hardly increased in (C) Despite its per capita food supply hardly increasing over

(D) Despite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply during (E) Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for

例:P272第127题 Two new studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating.

(A) due to the fact their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating (B) due to their bodies burning calories too slowly than to eating too much (C) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than that they are overeaters (D) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much (E) because of their bodies burning calories too slowly than because of their eating too much

3.9 can 优于 be able to

例:P302第51题 Roy Wilkins was among the last of a generation of civil rights activists who led the nation through decades of change so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember, what segregation was like. (A) so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember (B) so profound that many young Americans cannot imagine, much less remember (C) so profound many young Americans cannot imagine nor even less remember

(D) of such profundity many young Americans cannot imagine, even less can they remember (E) of such profundity that many young Americans are not able to imagine, much less to remember

例:P306第68题 There is ample evidence, derived from the lore of traditional folk medicine, that naturally occurring antibiotics are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug. (A) are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug (B) are usually able to be modified to make them more effective drugs

(C) are usually able to be modified, which makes them more effective drugs (D) can usually be modified to make them a more effective drug


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(E) can usually be modified to make them more effective drugs

3.10 and 优于 as well as

例:P284第173题 Eating saltwater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, according to three research studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

(A) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for (B) be significant in reducing the risk of heart attacks and aid for (C) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and aid

(D) cause a significant reduction in the risk of heart attacks and aid to (E) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks as well as aiding

例:蓝皮书P320第126题 In the late seventh centry,in a dispute over whether the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law ,Ali ,should carry on as the fourth caliph, Muhammad’s successor, Islam split into two branches, the Sunnis and the Shiites. (A)over whether the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law,Ali,should carry on as the fourth caliph, Muhammad’s successor (B)over if Ali, the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, was going to carry on and be the fourth caliph, Muhammad’s successor (C)over whether, the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, was going to carry on and be the fourth caliph, Muhammad’s successor

3.11.关于用over, about而不用concerning与as to


In the late seventh centry,in a dispute over whether the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law ,Ali,should carry on as the fourth caliph,Muhammad's successor, Islam split into two branches, the Sunnis and the Shiites.

(A)over whether the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law,Ali,should carry on as the fourth caliph,Muhammad's successor

(B)over if Ali,the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, was going to carry on and be the fourth caliph,Muhammad's successor

(C)over whether, the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, was going to carry on and be the fourth caliph,Muhammad's successor

3.12表达是否的时候,只能用whether,不用 if 跟whether or not

例:P262 87


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Beyond the immediate cash flow crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts. (A) if it can broaden its membership and leave

(B) whether it can broaden its membership and leave

(C) whether or not it has the capability to broaden its membership and can leave (D) its ability for broadening its membership and leaving (E) the ability for it to broaden its membership and leave

例:P288 180 The Coast Guard is conducting tests to see whether pigeons can be trained to help find survivors of wrecks at sea.

(A) to see whether pigeons can be trained to help find (B) to see whether pigeons can be trained as help to find (C) to see if pigeons can be trained for helping to find

(D) that see if pigeons are able to be trained in helping to find

(E) that see whether pigeons are able to be trained for help in finding


例:P297 32 In ancient times, Nubia was the principal corridor where there were cultural influences transmitted between Black Africa and the Mediterranean basin. (A) where there were cultural influences transmitted (B) through which cultural influences were transmitted (C) where there was a transmission of cultural influences (D) for the transmitting of cultural influences (E) which was transmitting cultural influences

3.14 rather than 优于instead of

例:P251 40 In metalwork on advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-welding is that the contract, and hence the bonding, is effected continuously over a broad surface instead of a series of regularly spaced points with no bonding in between. (A) instead of (B) as opposed to (C) in contrast with (D) rather than at (E) as against being at

例:P306 67 South Korea has witnessed the world's most dramatic growth of Christian congregations;


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church membership is expanding by 6.6 percent a year, fully two-thirds of the growth coming from conversions rather than the population increasing. (A) coming from conversions rather than the population increasing (B) coming from conversions rather than increases in the population (C) coming from conversions instead of the population's increasing (D) is from conversions instead of population increases

(E) is from conversions rather than increasing the population

3.15 表示建议、要求、命令类的词语后边的should必须省略

例:P299 41 The odds are about 4 to 1 against surviving a takeover offer, and many business consultants therefore advise that a company's first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse to take calls from likely corporate raiders. (A) that a company's first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse (B) that a company's first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even

(C) a company defending itself against offers of this kind that, as a first line of defense, they should even refuse

(D) companies which are defending themselves against such an offer that, as a first line of defense, they should even refuse

(E) that the first line of defense for a company who is eluding offers like these is the refusal even.

4. GMAT四大出题原则

1.平行并列,见到平行看结构,形式功能要对称 2.见到比较看对象,对象通常不可以 3.谓语画线看主语,主谓一致看状语 4.见到代词看指代,指代通常不合理


平行:由平行结构的连接词连接的两个或者两个以上的对等的对象构成。 A,B,andC A and B 要求:在形式上对称


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连接词:and;as well as ;not···but···;not only ···but also ··· neither···nor···;but;or;yet;either···or···;rather than 原则: 1.形式对称 2.概念对等



例:P 265 99

Never theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth's magnetic field,the onset of ice ages,splitting apart continents 80 million years ago,and great volcanic eruptions. (A)splitting apart continents (B)the splitting apart of continents (C)split apart continents (D)continents split apart (E)continents that were split apart


例:P313 95

Studies of the human \ from duty assignments in nuclear submarines and air-traffic control towers to the staff of shifts in 24-hour factories. (A) to the staff of (B) to those who staff (C) to the staffing of (D) and staffing (E) and the staff of

例:P300 44

The commission acknowledged that no amount of money or staff members can ensure the safety of people who live in the vicinity of a nuclear plant, but it approved the installation because it believed that all reasonable precautions had been taken. (A) no amount of money or staff members

(B) neither vast amounts of money nor staff members

(C) neither vast amounts of money nor numbers of staff members (D) neither vast amounts of money nor a large staff

(E) no matter how large the staff or how vast the amount of money

例 P301 47


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The lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of having illegally taped her confidential conversations with her client and then used the information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder charges. (A) used the information obtained to find evidence supporting (B) used such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting (C) used the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support (D) of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support (E) of using such information as they obtained to find evidence that would be supportive of 2. Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last three decades were the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and commercial development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California. (A) basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California

(B) basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of Florida and California

(C) basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce from Florida and California

(D) a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Florida and California

(E) a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Florida and California as its base 3. A fire in and enclosed space burns with the aid of reflected radiation that preheats the fuel, making ignition much easier and flames spreading more quickly. (A) flames spreading (B) flame spreads

(C) flames are caused to spread (D) causing flames to spread

(E) causing spreading of the flames 4. The caterpillar of the geometrid moth strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, after capturing its prey, holds the victim so that it cannot escape. (A) strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, (B) striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, but (C) which strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, (D) which, striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed. (E) strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed and, 5. Margaret Courtney-Clarke has traveled to remote dwellings in the Transvaal to photograph the art of Ndebele women, whose murals are brilliantly colored, their geometrical symmetries


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embellished with old and new iconography and in a style that varies from woman to woman and house to house.

(A) whose murals are brilliantly colored, their geometrical symmetries embellished with old and new iconography and in a style that varies from woman to woman and house to house (B) whose murals are brilliantly colored, their geometrical symmetries are embellished with old and new iconography, and their style is varying among women and houses

(C) whose murals are brilliantly colored, their geometrical symmetries are embellished with old and new iconography, and they are in styles that vary from woman to woman and house to house

(D) with murals brilliantly colored, their geometrical symmetries embellished with old and new iconography, and their style varies among women and houses

(E) with murals that are brilliantly colored, their geometrical symmetries embellished with old and new iconography, and their styles vary among women and houses 6. Inflation in medical costs showed in 1986 for the fifth consecutive year but were still about 50 percent greater than the rate of price increases for other items included in the consumer price index.

(A) Inflation in medical costs slowed in 1986 for the fifth consecutive year but were (B) Inflation in medical costs slowed for the fifth consecutive year in 1986 but was

(C) In 1986 inflation in medical costs were slowed for the fifth consecutive year but were (D) 1986 was the fifth consecutive year in which inflation in medical costs slowed but was (E) 1986 was the fifth consecutive year that inflation in medical costs were slowed, but they were

7. The most common reasons for an employee's unwillingness to accept a transfer are that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and the difficulty of selling the old home. (A) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and the difficulty of selling the old home.

(B) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and that it is difficult to sell the old home

(C) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and that the old home is difficult to sell

(D) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and it is difficult to sell the old home

(E) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and the difficulty of selling the old home




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例:P291 8 Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack London was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him. (A) Like Byron (B) Like Byron's death (C) Just as Byron died (D) Similar to Byron (E) As did Byron as:You can deal with that thing,as can I (as I can).

例:P291 9 Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cured by age-old methods, yields an alkaline smoke too irritating to be drawn into the lungs.

(A) Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cured by age-old methods, yields an alkaline smoke

(B) Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes, pipe tobacco is cured by age-old methods, yielding an alkaline smoke

(C) Unlike cigarette tobacco, which yields an acid smoke, pipe tobacco, cured by age-old methods, yields an alkaline smoke

(D) Differing from cigarettes' acid smoke, pipe tobacco's alkaline smoke, cured by age-old methods, is

(E) The alkaline smoke of pipe tobacco differs from cigarettes' acid smoke in that it is cured by age-old methods and is

例:P291 10 It is difficult to prevent crimes against property as those that are against a person (A) those that are against a (B) those against a (C) it is against a

(D) preventing those against a (E) it is to prevent those against a



第四、比较中,助动词习惯补出来 补出不一定正确,不补出不一定错误

例:P291 11 Los Angeles has a higher number of family dwellings per capita than any large city. (A) a higher number of family dwellings per capita than any large city


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(B) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than any other large city

(C) a higher number of family dwellings per capita than does any other large city (D) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than do other large cities

(E) a high per capita number of family dwellings, more than does any other large city

例:P292 12 In 1980 the United States exported twice as much of its national output of goods as they had in 1970.

(A) twice as much of its national output of goods as they had

(B) double the amount of their national output of goods as they did (C) twice as much of its national output of goods as it did (D) double the amount of its national output of goods as it has (E) twice as much of their national output of goods as they had

例:P292 13 Few people realize that the chance of accidental injury or death may be as great or greater in the \

(A) may be as great or greater in the \ (B) is at least as great or greater in the \ (C) might be so great or greater in the \ (D) may be at least as great in the \ (E) can be at least so great in the \

例:P310 82 Wind resistance created by opening windows while driving results in a fuel penalty as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning.

(A) as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning (B) that is as great or greater than is incurred using air conditioning (C) as great as or greater than that of using air conditioning (D) at least as great as air conditioning's

(E) at least as great as that incurred by using air conditioning

例:P292 14 Tiny quantities of more than thirty rare gases, most of them industrial by-products, threaten to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years. (A) to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years (B) to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly over the next fifty years than carbon dioxide will (C) during the next fifty years to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide

例:P293 17


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An attempt to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, begun almost two decades ago, has been unsuccessful despite efforts by many important groups, including the National Organization for Women.

(A) to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, begun almost two decades ago, (B) begun almost two decades ago, for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (C) begun for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment almost two decades ago (D) at ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, begun almost two decades ago, (E) that has begun almost two decades ago to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

例:P293 16 One of every two new business fail within two years. (A) fail (B) fails

(C) should fail

(D) may have failed (E) has failed

例:P293 18 To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice. (A) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice. (B) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

例:P293 19 The major areas of medicine in which lasers are effective is in the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and in the destruction of tumors.

(A) is in the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and in the destruction

(B) are the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and also the case of destroying (C) are the cutting, closing of blood vessels, and in the destroying (D) are the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and the destruction (E) is in the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and the destroying

例:P293 21 During the 1980s it became clear that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environmentalists who sought financial aid than to go to state or federal agencies. (A) that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environment talists who sought financial aid


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(B) that for environmentalists who sought financial aid, it was far more efficient to solicit private funds (C) that for environmentalists seeking financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient to go to (D) for environmentalists seeking financial aid, going to private organizations was far more efficient

(E) for environmentalists who sought financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient

例:P294 22 At a recent session, the French government has decided that Paris needs a second, larger opera house to complement the famous Paris Opera. (A) has decided that Paris needs (B) decided that Paris needs

(C) has decided that Paris will need (D) decided that Paris has a need of (E) has decided that Paris needed

例:P294 23 Although it was expected that workers under forty would show hostility to the plan, the research report indicates that both younger and the older people approve of governmental appropriations for Social Security. (A) younger and the older people (B) younger people and the older (C) the younger and the older people (D) younger and older people

(E) people who are younger and those who are older

例:P295 25 The utility company has announced that it will permanently close its Unit I nuclear power plant, the first plant that had been built by private industry and the model for a generation of modern nuclear reactors.

(A) that had been built by private industry and (B) built by private industry and which was

(C) to be built by private industry and which was (D) built by private industry and

(E) to have been built by private industry and was

例:P295 26 For many travelers, charter vacations often turn out to cost considerably more than they originally seemed.

(A) they originally seemed (B) they originally seem to

(C) they seemingly would cost originally


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(D) it seemed originally

(E) it originally seemed they would

例:P295 27 It is a special feature of cell aggregation in the developing nervous system that in most regions of the brain the cells not only adhere to one another and also adopt some preferential orientation.

(A) to one another and also adopt

(B) one to the other, and also they adopt (C) one to the other, but also adopting (D) to one another but also adopt (E) to each other, also adopting

例:P294 21 During the 1980s it became clear that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environmentalists who sought financial aid than to go to state or federal agencies. (A) that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environment talists who sought financial aid (B) that for environmentalists who sought financial aid, it was far more efficient to solicit private funds (C) that for environmentalists seeking financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient to go to (D) for environmentalists seeking financial aid, going to private organizations was far more efficient (E) for environmentalists who sought financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient

例:P296 28 Climatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the weather.

(A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable (B) so gradual they can be indistinguishable

(C) so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished (D) gradual enough not to de distinguishable

(E) gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them

例:P296 29 Sartre believed each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one, that it is the choice that gives value to the act, and that nothing that is not acted upon has value.

(A) each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one (B) that each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over another


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(C) that each individual is responsible, choosing one course of action over another (D) that each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over the other (E) each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over other ones

例:P285 176

Inuits of the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.

(A) in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than (B) isolated from contact with Europeans longer than

(C) in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than were (D) isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were

(E) in isolation and without contacts with Europeans longer than

例:P263 88 The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculptured portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an \ face.\

(A) so unrealistic as to constitute (B) so unrealistic they constituted

(C) so unrealistic that they have constituted (D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute (E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute

例:P263 91 Like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age. (A) Like (B) As have (C) Just as with (D) Just like (E) As did

例:P304 60 Nowhere in Prakta is the influence of modern European architecture more apparent than their government buildings. (A) more apparent than their (B) so apparent as their

(C) more apparent than in its (D) so apparent than in their (E) as apparent as it is in its

例:P309 79 The unskilled workers at the Allenby plant realized that their hourly rate of $4.11 to $4.75


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was better than many nearby factory wages. (A) many nearby factory wages (B) many wages in nearby factories

(C) what are offered by many nearby factories (D) it is in many nearby factories

(E) that offered by many nearby factories

例:P316 108 According to his own account, Frederic-August Berthoud, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty, modeled the face of the statue like his mother's and the body like his wife's. (A)modeled the face of the statue like his mother's and the body like his wife's. (B)modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother's and the body after that his wife's. (C)modeled the face of the statue like his mother' and the body like his wife (D)made the face of the statue after his mother's and the body after his wife's. (E)made the face of the statue look like his mother's and the body look like his wife's.

例:P320 127 Like John Mcphee's works,Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works an interesting and complete world out of hundreds of tiny details about a seemingly uninteresting subject. (A)Like John Mcphee's works,Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works (B)Like John Mcphee,Ann Beattie's works painstakingly assemble (C)Like John Mcphee,Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works (D)Just as John Mcphee's ,so Ann Beattie's works painstakingly assemble (E)Just as John Mcphee,so Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works

例:P320 131 Similar to rising interest rates, consumer and producer prices have been rising. (A)Similar to rising interest rates, consumer and producer prices have been rising. (B)Consumer and producer prices have been rising, as have interest rates. (C)As interest rates are rising, so have consumer and producer prices. (D)Consumer and producer prices have been rising, like interest rates do. (E)Consumer and producer prices , as interest rates, have been rising.

5 GMAT非谓语动词考点



分词,主谓宾 或 主谓宾,分词


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现在分词主动进行,过去分词被动状态 分词做状语,主谓动由主语决定 连词加分词,直接找主语句


例:P308 77

By installing special electric pumps, farmers’ houses could be heated by the warmth from cows’ milk, according to one agricultural engineer.

(A) farmers’ houses could be heated by the warmth from cows’ milk, according to one agricultural engineer.

(B) the warmth from cows’ milk could be used by farmers to heat their houses, according to one agricultural engineer

(C) one agricultural engineer reports that farmers could use the warmth from cows’ milk to heat their houses

(D) farmers, according to one agricultural engineer, could use the warmth from cows’ milk to heat their houses

(E) one agricultural engineer reports that farmers’ houses could be heated by the warmth from cows’ milk

例:P297 35

Upset by the recent downturn in production numbers during the first half of the year, the possibility of adding worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting.

(A) the possibility of adding worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting

(B) the addition of worker incentives was raised as a possibility by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting

(C) added worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting as a possibility

(D) the board of directors raised at its quarterly meeting the possibility of worker incentives being added

(E) the board of directors, at its quarterly meeting, raised the possibility of adding worker incentives

例:P305 65

Reared apart from each other, a recent United States study showed striking similarities in identical twins, including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

(A) Reared apart from each other, a recent United States study showed striking similarities in identical twins, including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

(B) Reared apart from each other, striking similarities between identical twins that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior were shown in a recent United States study.

(C) A recent United States study showed striking similarities in identical twins reared apart from each other that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

(D) According to a recent United States study, identical twins reared apart from each other showed striking similarities, including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.


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(E) According to a recent United States study, identical twins showed striking similarities reared apart from each other, including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

例:P302 52

In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches into complex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze.

(A) in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze (B) effectively manufacturing antifreeze of its own (C) in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze (D) so that they manufacture their own antifreeze (E) thus the manufacture of its own antifreeze

例:P308 74

Some of the tenth-century stave churches of Norway are still standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely.

(A) standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely

(B) standing, demonstrating how wooden buildings, when they have sound design and maintenance, can last indefinitely

(C) standing, they demonstrate if a wooden building has sound design and maintenance it can last indefinitely

(D) standing, and they demonstrate wooden buildings can last indefinitely when there is sound design and maintenance

(E) standing, and they demonstrate how a wooden building can last indefinitely when it has sound design and maintenance


现在分词:多次重复性行为 定语从句:强调具体一次性行为 法律法规强调多次重复性行为

例:P241 1

The Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and women still experience some of the effects of a divorce occurring when a child.

(A) occurring when a child (B) occurring when children (C) that occurred when a child

(D) that occurred when they were children (E) that has occurred as each was a child


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例:P273 130

In the last few years, the number of convicted criminals given community service sentences, which allow the criminals to remain unconfined while they perform specific jobs benefiting the public, have risen dramatically.

(A) sentences, which allow the criminals to remain unconfined while they perform specific jobs benefiting the public, have

(B) sentences, performing specific jobs that benefit the public while being allowed to remain unconfined, have

(C) sentences, performing specific jobs beneficial to the public while they are allowed to remain unconfined, have

(D) sentences which allow them to remain unconfined in their performing of specific jobs beneficial to the public has

(E) sentences allowing them to remain unconfined while performing specific jobs that benefit the public has

例:P310 85

According to United State Air Force officials, a cannon shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate what kind of damage can result when jets fly into a flock of large birds.

(A) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate

(B) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved itself helpful as a demonstration of (C) shooting dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpfull as demonstrating (D) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful to demonstrate (E) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful in demonstrating

例:P296 30

During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throughout India, sketching and keeping journals forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had visited.

(A) forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had (B) that were forming the basis of news reports about the princely states

(C) to form the basis of news reports about the princely states which they have

(D) which had formed the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had (E) that formed the basis of news reports about the princely states they

例:P296 31 while=whereas 表示前后对比关系

While the owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, owners of cooperative apartments have shares in a corporation that owns a building and leases apartments to them.


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(A) While the owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, (B) The owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, but

(C) Whereas owners of condominium apartments have free and clear title to their dwellings, (D) An owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the to dwelling, whereas (E) Condominium apartment owners have a title to their dwelling that is free and clear, while

例:P297 33

In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choices, Mary Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architect, and builder of a growing church.

(A) In a period of time when women typically have (B) During a time in which typically women have (C) Typically, during a time when women (D) At a time when women typically (E) Typically in a time in which women

例:P297 34

Joplin's faith in his opera \ his own expense and decided on staging it himself.

(A) on staging it himself

(B) that he himself would do the staging (C) to do the staging of the work by himself (D) that he himself would stage it (E) to stage the work himself

例:P297 36

The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.

(A) The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.

(B) Because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse, the rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than the rules are in national elections.

(C) The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.

(D) Because local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse than national elections, the rules that govern local political contributions are


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less stringent than national contributions.

(E) The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.

例:P244 12

Formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.

(A) Formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.

(B) Because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses.

(C) Because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, new small businesses are not subject to the same applicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity as established big businesses.

(D) Because new small businesses are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to them in the same way as to established big businesses.

(E) New small businesses are not subject to the applicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity in the same way as established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.

例:P313 97

More than five thousand years ago, Chinese scholars accurately described the flow blood as a continuous circle controlled by the heart, but it went unnoticed in the West.

(A) but it went (B) but it was

(C) although it was

(D) but the discovery went (E) although the discovery was

4.of在句首表示整体的共性,用each在句尾表示个性 5.seemingly .significant significantly

例P278 147

Dr.Tonegawa won the Noble Prize for discovering how the body can constantly change its


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genes to fashion a seeming unlimited number of antibodies,each specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance.

(A) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each specifically targeted at (B) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically to (C) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, all specifically targeted at

(D) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, all of them targeted specifically to (E) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically at

例P16 2

Under the restructuring, the huge organization that operates the company's basic businesses will be divided into fove groups, each with its own executive. (A)each with its own executive. (B)all having their own executive (C)each having their own executive (D)with its own executive for each

(E)every one with an executive of their own

例P302 50

School integration plans that involve busing between suburban and central-city areas have contributed, according to a recent study, to significant increases in housing integration, which, in turn, reduces any future need for busing.

(A) significant increases in housing integration, which, in turn, reduces (B) significant integration increases in housing, which, in turn, reduces (C) increase housing integration significantly, which, in turn, reduces (D) increase housing integration significantly, in turn reducing

(E) significantly increase housing integration, which, in turn, reduce


例:P298 38

Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build a modern industrial system.

(A) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build

(B) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World war and used it to help in building

(C) Japan used the huge sums of capital it received from the United States after the Second World War to help build

(D) Japan's huge sums of capital received from the United States after the Second World War were used to help it in building


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(E) Receiving huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, Japan used it to help build

例:P299 42

In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

(A) In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

(B) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face.

(C) A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant workers face is whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor.

(D) In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

(E) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems that they face.

例:P300 43

Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.

(A) Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.

(B) What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls.

(C) That which brought the ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.

(D) What has brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wages and price controls.

(E) To bring the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War, there was a special price increase during a period of wages and price controls that government sanctioned.

例:P300 44

The commission acknowledged that no amount of money or staff members can ensure the safety of people who live in the vicinity of a nuclear plant, but it approved the installation


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because it believed that all reasonable precautions had been taken.

(A) no amount of money or staff members

(B) neither vast amounts of money nor staff members

(C) neither vast amounts of money nor numbers of staff members (D) neither vast amounts of money nor a large staff

(E) no matter how large the staff or how vast the amount of money

例:P300 45

Although the lesser cornstalk borer is widely distributed, control of them is necessary only in the South.

(A) the lesser cornstalk borer is widely distributed, control of them is (B) widely distributed, measures to control the lesser cornstalk borer are (C) widely distributed, lesser cornstalk borer control is

(D) the lesser cornstalk borer is widely distributed, measures to control it are (E) it is widely distributed, control of the lesser cornstalk borer is

104. Although just inside the orbit of Jupiter, amateur astronomers with good telescopes should be able to see the comet within the next few weeks.

(A) Although just inside the orbit of (B) Although it is just inside the orbit of (C) Just inside the orbit of (D) Orbiting just inside

(E) Having orbited just inside

例:P301 46

Although films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills, in reality these gregarious creatures live in stable groups that occupy the same territory for long periods.

(A) films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills

(B) in films about the American West coyotes are depicted to be solitary animals that howl mournfully on the tops of distant hills

(C) coyotes are depicted as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills in films about the American West

(D) films about the American West depict coyotes as if they were solitary, mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills.

(E) films about the American West depict coyotes to be solitary and mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills


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48. According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey.

(A) doubling those reported in the 1977 survey (B) to double the number the 1977 survey reported (C) twice those the 1977 survey reported

(D) twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey (E) twice the number reported in the 1977 survey

49. Two week notice being given to employers before leaving a job is the generally accepted protocol.

(A) Two week notice being given to employers before leaving

(B) Giving notice to employers of two weeks before having to leave (C) Two week's notice to give to employers before leaving (D) Giving notice to employers two weeks before leaving (E) To give two weeks' worth of notice before having to leave

例:P302 50

School integration plans that involve busing between suburban and central-city areas have contributed, according to a recent study, to significant increases in housing integration, which, in turn, reduces any future need for busing.

(A) significant increases in housing integration, which, in turn, reduces (B) significant integration increases in housing, which, in turn, reduces (C) increase housing integration significantly, which, in turn, reduces (D) increase housing integration significantly, in turn reducing

(E) significantly increase housing integration, which, in turn, reduce

例:P302 50

In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches into complex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze.

(A) in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze (B) effectively manufacturing antifreeze of its own (C) in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze (D) so that they manufacture their own antifreeze (E) thus the manufacture of its own antifreeze



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例:P252 45

Delighted by the reported earnings for the first quarter of the fiscal year, it was decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise.

(A) it was decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise (B) the decision of the company manager was to give her staff a raise (C) the company manager decided to give her staff a raise (D) the staff was given a raise by the company manager (E) a raise was given to the staff by the company manager

分词在句首:逗号,主谓宾,doing,有可能有新的含义 ,有可能伴随着动作 状态,伴随着功能结果。 例:P251 39

For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

(A) a method to protect (B) as a method protecting (C) protecting

(D) as a protection of (E) to protect

分词在做定语时候,一个现分,强调多次重复性的行为;一为定从,强调具体一次性的。 过分优于定语从句。 例:P273 130

In the last few years, the number of convicted criminals given community service sentences, which allow the criminals to remain unconfined while they perform specific jobs benefiting the public, have risen dramatically.

(A) sentences, which allow the criminals to remain unconfined while they perform specific jobs benefiting the public, have

(B) sentences, performing specific jobs that benefit the public while being allowed to remain unconfined, have

(C) sentences, performing specific jobs beneficial to the public while they are allowed to remain unconfined, have

(D) sentences which allow them to remain unconfined in their performing of specific jobs beneficial to the public has

(E) sentences allowing them to remain unconfined while performing specific jobs that benefit the public has


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例:P302 52

In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches into complex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze.

(A) in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze (B) effectively manufacturing antifreeze of its own (C) in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze (D) so that they manufacture their own antifreeze (E) thus the manufacture of its own antifreeze

例:P302 54

Monitoring heart patients' exercise, as well as athletes exercising, is now done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.

(A) Monitoring heart patients' exercise, as well as athletes exercising, is now done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.

(B) Monitoring the exercise of heart patients, as well as athletes exercising, is now done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines

(C) Small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines are now used to monitor the exercise of both heart patients and athletes.

(D) Broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines, small transmitters are now used to monitor heart patients' exercise, as well as athletes exercising.

(E) Both athletes exercising and heart patients' exercise are now monitored by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.

例:P302 55

55. The commission has directed advertisers to restrict the use of the word \do not contain color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, or nothing that has been synthesized.

(A) or nothing that has been (B) nor anything that was (C) and nothing that is

(D) or anything that has been (E) and anything

例:P302 56

Charlotte Parkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for urban apartment houses including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities.


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(A) including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities

(B) that included child-care facilities, and for clustered suburban houses to include communal eating and social facilities

(C) with child-care facilities included and for clustered suburban houses to include communal eating and social facilities

(D) that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities

(E) to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities included

例:P302 57.

Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century of case-by-case adjudication has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawn from \fair cross section of the community.\

(A) has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be (B) was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being (C) was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all juries to be (D) is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be

(E) will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being

例:P302 58

The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980's.

(A) The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980's

(B) The modernization program for the steel mill, hopefully completed in the late 1980's, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.

(C) Modernizing the steel mill, hopefully to be completed in the late 1980's, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.

(D) The program for modernizing the steel mill, which can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980's and cost approximately 51 million dollars.

(E) Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980's, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.

例:P302 58

Camus broke with Sartre in a bitter dispute over the nature of Stalinism. (A) in a bitter dispute over (B) over bitterly disputing


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(C) after there was a bitter dispute over (D) after having bitterly disputed about (E) over a bitter dispute about

例:P252 43

In the minds of many people living in England, before Australia was Australia, it was the antipodes, the opposite pole to civilization, an obscure and unimaginable place that was considered the end of the world.

(A) before Australia was Australia, it was the antipodes (B) before there was Australia, it was the antipodes (C) it was the antipodes that was Australia (D) Australia was what was the antipodes

(E) Australia was what had been known as the antipodes

59. Camus broke with Sartre in a bitter dispute over the nature of Stalinism.

(A) in a bitter dispute over (B) over bitterly disputing

(C) after there was a bitter dispute over (D) after having bitterly disputed about (E) over a bitter dispute about

60. Nowhere in Prakta is the influence of modern European architecture more apparent than their government buildings.

(A) more apparent than their (B) so apparent as their

(C) more apparent than in its (D) so apparent than in their (E) as apparent as it is in its

61. Federal legislation establishing a fund for the cleanup of sites damaged by toxic chemicals permits compensating state governments for damage to their natural resources but does not allow claims for injury to people.

(A) compensating state governments for damage to

(B) compensating state governments for the damaging of (C) giving state governments compensation for damaging

(D) giving compensation to state governments for the damage of (E) the giving of compensation to state governments for damaging


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例:P244 14

Paleontologists believe that fragments of a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to human beings.

(A) at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of

(B) as being 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of

(C) that it is 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of what was (D) to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of

(E) as 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of what was

a-aim to do

c-claim、come to do、continue a-attempt to do p-permit sb to do

s-seem to do、seek to do

例:P264 95

Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.

(A) like it is indicative that (B) as if to indicate (C) to indicate that (D) indicative of

(E) like an indication of

61. Federal legislation establishing a fund for the cleanup of sites damaged by toxic chemicals permits compensating state governments for damage to their natural resources but does not allow claims for injury to people.

(A) compensating state governments for damage to

(B) compensating state governments for the damaging of (C) giving state governments compensation for damaging

(D) giving compensation to state governments for the damage of (E) the giving of compensation to state governments for damaging


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82. Wind resistance created by opening windows while driving results in a fuel penalty as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning.

(A) as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning (B) that is as great or greater than is incurred using air conditioning (C) as great as or greater than that of using air conditioning (D) at least as great as air conditioning's

(E) at least as great as that incurred by using air conditioning

83. At the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction, that of Zapata and

his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership of land, to what had been a pre-Columbian from of ownership respected by the Spaniards.

(A) land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards (B) land, a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Spaniards (C) land, respected by the Spaniards and a pre-Columbian form of ownership

(D) land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was respected by the Spaniards (E) land that had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards

宾补有to分两种 1. 不定式的省略

2. to为介词的情况:

94. As many as 300 of the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may actually be the works of his students or other admirers.

(A) the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may

(B) the 720 paintings attributed to be Rembrandt's might

(C) the 720 paintings that were attributed to be by Rembrandt may

(D) the 720 Rembrandt paintings that were once attributed to him might (E) Rembrandt's paintings, although 720 were once attributed to him, may

p268 111

111. Egyptians are credited as having pioneered embalming methods as long ago as 2650 B.C.

(A) as having (B) with having (C) to have

(D) as the ones who

(E) for being the ones who

p286 178

Pablo Picasso, the late Spanish painter, credited African art with having had a strong influence on


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his work.

(A) with having had (B) for its having (C) to have had (D) for having (E) in that it had

6 GMAT主谓一致:

6.1 复杂主语题目 n1+in+n2+that从句+谓语 n,插入语,that

例:P313 96

Many psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and even brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among crowds of spectators dominated by young adult males.

(A) increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts

(B) increase the likelihood that there will be an eruption of imitative violence (C) increase the likelihood of imitative violence erupting (D) increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt (E)increases the likelihood that imitative violence will erupt

例:P314 100

According to scientists at the University of California, the pattern of changes that have occurred in human DNA over the millennia indicate the possibility that everyone alive today might be descended from a single female ancestor who lived in Africa sometime between 140,000 and 280,000 years ago.

(A) indicate the possibility that everyone alive today might be descended from a single female ancestor who

(B) indicate that everyone alive today might possibly be a descendant of a single female ancestor who had

(C) may indicate that everyone alive today has descended from a single female ancestor who had

(D) indicates that everyone alive today may be a descendant of a single female ancestor who


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(E) indicates that everyone alive today might be a descendant from a single female ancestor who

例:P319 123

The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800's have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators.

(A)have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators

(B)have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Black to their originators (C)have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Black to their originator (D)has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Black originators (E)has made it difficult in tracing some Black inventions to their originators

例:P310 84

Even though Bela Bartok's music has proved less popular than Igor Stravinsky's and less influential than Arnold Schonberg's, it is no less important.

(A) Stravinsky's and less influential than Arnold Schonberg's, it (B) Stravinsky's and less influential than Arnold Schonberg's, he (C) Stravinsky's is and less influential than Arnold Schonberg's is, it (D) Stravinsky and not as influential as Arnold Schonberg, he (E) Stravindky and not as influential as Arnold Schonberg, it

85. According to United State Air Force officials, a cannon shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate what kind of damage can result when jets fly into a flock of large birds.

(A) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate

(B) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved itself helpful as a demonstration of (C) shooting dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpfull as demonstrating (D) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful to demonstrate (E) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful in demonstrating

86. In his eagerness to find a city worthy of Priam, the German archaeologist Schliemann cut through Troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years older as was the city Homer's heroes knew.

(A) older as was the city Homer's heroes knew

(B) more ancient than the city known to Homer's heroes (C) older than was the city known to Homer's heroes (D) more ancient of a city than Homer's heroes knew

(E) older of a city than was the one known to Homer's heroes


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例:P311 87

Although it claims to delve into political isssues,television can be superficial such as when each of the three major networks broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.

(A)superficial such as when each of the three major networks

(B)superficial, as can something occur if all of the three major networks (C)superficial if the three major networks all

(D)superficial whenever each of the three major networks (E)superficial, as when the three major networks each

例:P311 88

Since the 1930's aircraft manufacturers have tried to build airplanes with frictionless wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly that the air passing over them would not become turbulent.

(A) wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly

(B) wings, wings so smooth and so perfectly shaped (C) wings that are shaped so smooth and perfect

(D) wings, shaped in such a smooth and perfect manner

(E) wings, wings having been shaped smoothly and perfectly so

89. Most victims of infectious mononucleosis recover after a few weeks of listlessness, but an unlucky few may suffer for years.

(A) but an unlucky few may suffer (B) and an unlucky few have suffered (C) that an unlucky few might suffer (D) that a few being unlucky may suffer (E) but a few who, being unlucky, suffered

90. It was the loss of revenue from declines in tourism that in 1935 led the Saudi authorities' granting a concession for oil exploration to the company that would later be known by the name of Aramco.

(A) authorities' granting a concession for oil exploration to the company that would later be known by the name of

(B) authorities' granting a concession for oil exploration to the company later to be known as named

(C) authorities granting a concession for oil exploration to the company that would later be known by the name of

(D) authorities to grant a concession for oil exploration to the company that later will be


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known as being

(E) authorities to grant a concession for oil exploration to the company later to be known as

91. Framed by traitorous colleagues, Alfred Dreyfus was imprisoned for twelve years before there was exoneration and his freedom.

(A) there was exoneration and his freedom (B) he was to be exonerated with freedom (C) being exonerated and freed (D) exoneration and his freedom

(E) being freed, having been exonerated

92. By studying the primitive visual systems of single-cell aquatic organisms, biophysicists have discovered a striking similarity between algae and cows, a similarity that indicates the common evolutionary origin of plants and animals: both algae and cows produce a light-sensitive protein called rhodopsin.

(A) biophysicists have discovered a striking similarity between algae and cows

(B) a striking similarity between algae and cows has been discovered by biophysicists

(C) there is a striking similarity that biophysicists have discovered between algae and cows (D) the discovery of a striking similarity between algae and cows was made by biophysicists (E) algae and cows have a striking similarity that was discovered by biophysicists.

93. Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically, like adults, they may notice and remember details that their elders ignore.

(A) like adults (B) unlike an adult (C) as adults (D) as adults do (E) as an adult

94. As many as 300 of the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may actually be the works of his students or other admirers.

(A) the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may

(B) the 720 paintings attributed to be Rembrandt's might

(C) the 720 paintings that were attributed to be by Rembrandt may

(D) the 720 Rembrandt paintings that were once attributed to him might (E) Rembrandt's paintings, although 720 were once attributed to him, may


