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Carry v.有

Suspend v.停止

Suspend logic thinking 停止逻辑思维(05.03) Suspend oil imports 停止石油进口(01.05)

Shame n.令人惋惜的事(可耻的事<考研一般不考>)

It would be a shame to do sth. ……将会是一件令人惋惜的事 Eg:1)this is a shame. 这是一件令人惋惜的事(15新42)

2)It would be a shame to spoil our child since they would fail to cope with stresses,setbacks or frustrations. 溺爱孩子将会是件令人惋惜的事,因为我们的孩子会不能应对压力或者挫折

Because = as = for = since = 因为

Handle = cope with = deal with = 应对

Frustration n.挫折( = setback)

Eg:cope with the frustrations in school and in life. 应对学业和人生中的挫折

Spoil the child 溺爱孩子

Operation n.手术;操作(operate v.操作<不考>) Bypass operation 心脏搭桥手术(0302para3s2)

Enlarge operations to meet customer’s demands 扩大经营来满足消费者的需求(0104para3s1) ---->

Operational adj.操作的 Eg: 1)lower the operational costs 降低运营支出

2)operatioal research experts and economists 运筹学研究专家和经济学家

Huge 巨大的

Extremely huge 极其的巨大 Extremely important 极其的重要

Global challenges 全球性问题

Global warming /climate changes 全球变暖/气候变化(climate n.气候) Eg:1)We are now faced with global challenges such as cliamate changes,security and bird fly. 现在我们面对全球难以解决的问题,就像气候变化、安全和禽流感一样 2)This is really a challenge for me. 这对我来说真是一个挑战

(注:it 做形式主语,先翻译真正主语,后翻译it后面的形式主语)


Substance n.物质

Substance abuse 物质滥用 Most substance 大多数物质

Substance dependence 物质依赖

Eg:familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco. 像烟和酒这样的物质 Alcohol n.乙醇,酒精 Tobacco n.烟草,香烟

Substantial adj.(数量上、幅度上)巨大的

Eg:1)substantial cost reduction 大幅降低支出(0303para2s1) (reduce v.缩小,减少)

2)The recommendations of public figures carry substantial weight. 公众人物的建议有很大的份量(9901para-1s-3)

Recommendation n.建议(recommend v.建议,推荐 -> ~ a book to sb.)

Illusion n.幻觉

Addict v.沉迷

Be addicted to smart phones 沉迷于智能手机 smart phone 智能手机

Be addicted to A and B 沉迷于A和B Smart a.聪明的<--->Stupid adj.愚蠢的

Figure n.人物,数字

Figures = data = statistics n.数据,数字 Public figures 公众人物

Senior figures 高管,有影响力的人物

Influential n.有影响力的人 adj.有影响力的(influence n./v.影响) Influential media/company 有影响力的媒体/公司

Advantage n.优点,长处,好处,优势

Eg:1)Generally speaking,there are advantages to avoid substantial height. 总的来说,避免太高是有好处的(0803para4s1)

substantial height/substantial weight 相当高/重

2)There are advantages to …… ……是有很多好处的

Substantially improve productivity 大幅提高生产力 Substantially improve performance 大幅提高成绩 Poor/excellent performance 拙劣/卓越的成绩

Considerable (数量上)巨大的(=substantial)

Considerable loss/profit 巨额损失/利润 Considerably below…… 远低于……

A considerable number of …… 大量的……

A considerable number of youngsters/people/country…… 大量的年轻人/人/国家

Eg:A considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism. 大量的最重要的文艺评论集

The most significant events in history 历史最重要的事件 Consider v.考虑,思考 Collections n.收集,集合

Criticism n.评论,批评 -->criticize v.批评 Art criticism 文艺评论 Collections of poems 诗集

Consist in… 由…构成(=be made up of)

The Chinese people consist in 56 ethnic groups 中华名族是由56个名族组成的 Ethnic adj.名族的

*Take a longer view, there’s a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance 从长远来看,有相当大量的事情我们能够非常有把握地说出来(1303para-2s1)

We can say with considerable assurance that…… 我们可以相当有把握地说出……

Assure v.向某人保证,向…确保 Assure sb. that/of……

Experience v.经历 n.经验

Expert n.专家 adj.卓越的(=outstanding=excellent)

Expert /outstanding/excellent performance 卓越的成绩,优异的成绩(0101后21)

*Take a longer view, we can say (with…)that mobile phone will be a tool rather than host of everyone around us.

Fat adj.(数额上)巨大的,胖的(06完型para03/15完型para03s1) n.脂肪 Eg:1)Everybody loves a fat pay rise 人人都喜欢大幅加薪(0501s1)

2)Banker’s fat pay packets have attracted much criticism 银行家们丰厚的薪酬已经招致了大量的批评(1204s-1)

Pay n.薪水 -->Equal work,equal pay Urge n/.v.强烈愿望,诉求

Packet n.套餐 -->pay packet 薪酬


Total amount 总的数量

A surprising amount 大量的令人吃惊的数量

The supreme court’s decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implication(0204s1)最高法院关于安乐死的判决有重要的含义

Court n.法院,法庭

Top patent court 最高专利权法院 (patent n.专利<权>) Supreme court 最高法院(考过9次)

Supreme a.至高无上的,最高的 Superior a.优越的,高级的,好的

Eg:socialism is superior to capitalism 社会主义比资本主义优越 A be superior to B A比B优越 Superiority n.优越性

Federal adj.联邦<制>的 Federal court 联邦法院

FBI (Federal Bureau of investigation) 联邦调查局 Federal government 联邦政府

Eg:the US court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 美国联邦巡回上诉法庭 Centralized control 集中控制

Appeal n./v. 呼吁;上访,上诉

Appeal to a higher court 向更高法院上诉

Decision n.决定(v.decide);裁决,判决(=rule)


The court’s ruling on physician-assisted suicide(0204para7s1) 法院对安乐死的判决 Rule v.判决、裁决

Eg:The court rules that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed 法院判决可以开高剂量的止疼药

Prescribe v.开处方、开药方

Prescription n.药方 ~ drugs 处方药(05新) Dose = dosage n.剂量 High-dosage 高剂量

Effect n.作用,效果

Side-effect 副作用=(negative effect)

Relieve v.使…摆脱;减轻,缓解

Relieve one’s pain 减轻某人的疼痛

Pain-relieving medication 止疼药 Medication = medicine = drug 药 Drug store 药店

Physician-assisted suicide 安乐死 Physical adj.身体的,肉体的

Physical enjoyment 身体上的快乐 Physician n.医生 Assist v.帮助

Suicide n.自杀 = commit suicide

Eg:He commit suicide last December 他去年十二月自杀了

Imply v.暗含

Implication n.含义

Carry important implication 有重要含义 Try v.尝试--> trial n.审判

The trial of… 对…的审判(01完型s1)


The constitution 宪法

The constitutional right to sth 宪法赋予…的权利 Take sb. to court (9901para3s-1) 把…告上法庭 Defendant n.被告

Defend v.保卫,保护;为…辩护,证明…合情/合理/合法(justify) Case n.案子,案件

The courts tend to side with defendants in personal injury claims/cases (9901para4s1) 法院往往在个人伤害案的诉讼中支持被告 Claim =case n.案子

Side with… 支持,站在…一边 Injury n.伤害

Claim n./v. 索取,索赔;主张

Personal injury claim/cases 个人伤害案

The court has ruled that police don’t violate the Fourth Amendment when they go through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee with a warrant (2015 text2) 法院裁决到警方不违反第四修正案,当他们有一个搜查证搜查被捕者的钱包的时候

Trial n.审判 the trial of … 对…的审判 Violate v.违反,违背 Violate the law 违法

Violate the rules and regulations 违反规章制度 Violate the traffic rule 违反交通规则

Geological feature 地质特征

Because the ultimate stakeholders are patients,the health research community should actively recruit to its cause all those who receive medical treatment 因为最终的利益攸关者是患者,因此医学研究界应该积极主动地把所有接受治疗的人吸纳到他的事业中来 Late-stage patients 晚期患者 Primary stage 初级阶段,初期 Ultimate a.最后的,最终的 Adult n.成年人

Active a.积极的,主动的,活跃的 Quiet a.安静的

Recruit v.招募,吸纳,接收 ~ freshman 吸纳新生 Cause n.事业,原因 v.导致,造成 A misguided cause 一个被误导的事业 Recruiter n.招聘者

Recruit to its cause sb.把某人招入到…

Remedy/therapy/treatment/cure n.治疗 v.治疗

All those who receive medical treatment 所有接受过治疗的人 Soldier n.士兵

Warrior n.武士,士兵 Resume n.简历(CV) Interview n.面试

Interviewee 被面试的人;被访问者


Anthropology 人类学 Anthropologist 人类学家 Alter v.改变

Alteration n.改变 Hostage n.人质

Minister n.牧师,大臣,部长 father 神父 Gossip/Rumor n.谣言

Generate negative feelings 产生负面情绪 Cope with negative feelings 应对负面情绪

Evade v.逃避 evade the harsh reality 逃避残酷的现实 Invade 入侵,侵略

IQ is negatively correlated with leadership 智商与领导力负相关 Lead v.领导

Leadership n.领导力 Allege v.断言

Allegation n.断言,陈述,主张

Lie n.谎言 v.说谎 liar n.说谎的人 Cruelty n.残忍

