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1. A) The sun. B) Their children. C) Right and wrong. D) The weather.

2. A) At a lawyer's office. B) At a library. C) At a post office. D) At an airport.

3. A) 45 minutes. B) 50 minutes. C) 55 minutes. D) 5 minutes.

4. A) The man was caught in the rain last night. B) The man's shoes were washed away last night. C) In spite of the rain, the show went on.

D) The show was prevented from being performed.

5. A) The style changes very often. B) Women like fashionable clothes.

C) It is silly to follow the woman fashion closely. D) It is foolish to spend too much money on clothes.

6. A) ?? 12.00. B) ?? 7.50. C) ?? 6.00. D) ?? 9.00.

7. A) It's not as good as it was. B) It's better than it used to be. C) It's better than people say. D) It's worse than people say.

8. A) To move out of her way. B) To show her his hands. C) To help her carry the case. D) To come up stairs.

9. A) 2:00 pm. B) 8:00 pm. C) 6:00 pm. D) 4:00 pm.

10. A) It is prettier. B) It is bigger.

C) It has a prettier color. D) It has a bigger yard.

Passage 1 Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) The development of cement. B) The uses for cement.

C) Various construction materials. D) Cement-producing countries.

12. A) An Egyptian. B) An ancient Roman. C) An Englishman. D) A Frenchman.

13. A) In a kitchen. B) In a stone quarry(2éêˉ3?).

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C) In a chemistry laboratory. D) In a brick mill.

Passage 2Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. A) Mr. White's umbrella had been hiden by someone in the church. B) Mr. White had lost his umbrella on his way to the church. C) Someone had taken Mr. White's umbrella by mistake. D) Someone had stolen Mr. White's umbrella.

15. A) He received several letters. B) He received several umbrellas. C) No one returned his umbrella.

D) Someone promised to return his umbrella.

16. A) Because he wanted to get his umbrella back. B) Because his friend gave him good advice. C) Because he wanted to frighten the thief.

D) Because the umbrella was given by his uncle.

Passage 3 Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A) In 1959. B) In 1867. C) In 1896. D) In 1872.

18. A) A foolish thing. B) Seward's Folly.

C) Johnson's Folly. D) President's Foolishness.

19. A) Because it is hard to find natural resources. B) Because it is hopeless to find natural resources. C) Because it is poor in natural resources. D) Because it is rich in natural resources.

20. A) To study its importance in war. B) To study its volcanoes.

C) To enjoy its freezing weather. D) To enjoy its beauty of nature.


21. Someone must have left the tap on, _______ the water was running over and flooding the bathroom. A) therefore B) nevertheless C) for D) but

22. My aunt lost her car last summer, but it turned _______ a week later

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at a house in the next village. A) on B) over C) out D) up

23. Find a seat quickly, _______ there won't be any left. A) if not B) otherwise C) or rather D) or

24. During the rush hours everyone is doing two men's work, _______ is impossible without noise and quarrelling. A) which B) that C) it D) for that

25. He has got himself into a dangerous situation _______ he has no control.

A) because B) as C) over that D) over which

26. They made _______ of 1,000 pounds on the sale of their house. A) a gain B) a profit C) a benefit D) an increase

27. _______ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.

A) Searching B) Being searching C) Searched D) To search

28. The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to _______ was eaten.

A) which B) it C) what D) that

29. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite _______ to perform skillfully yourself. A) another B) troublesome

C) a difficult thing D) a hard job

30. Passenger ships and ______ are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones. A) aircrafts B) aircraft

C) the planes D) also the planes

31. How are you _______ your physics experiment? A) keeping up with B) getting along with C) making up for D) holding on to

32. Not until the year of 1954 _______ made the capital of this province.

A) the city was B) when the city was

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C) was the city D) was when the city

33. How many times have I told you _______ football on the street? A) do not play B) not to have played C) not to play D) not your playing

34. She still kept _______ hold of one of William's hands, and looked up in his face.

A) stiff B) tight C) rigid D) close

35. Mr. Brown advised us to withdraw _______.

A) so as not to get involved B) so as to get not involved C) as not to get involved D) as to get not involved

36. He knows little of mathematics, _______ of chemistry. A) as well as B) no less than C) and still little D) and still less

37. Never before that night _______ the extent of my own power. A) had I felt B) I had felt C) did I feel D) I did felt

38. When Mary paid the bill, she was given a _______ for her money. A) cheque B) ticket C) receipt D) label

39. Having been elected chairman of the student association, _______. A) the members applauded him B) a speech was to be given by him C) the members congratulated him D) he gave a short acceptance speech

40. When Joyce was told the whole story, she _______ in the film. A) ceased to be interesting B) ceased being interested C) ceased to interest D) ceased interested

41. _______ you understand the rules, you will have no further difficulty. A) While B) Unless C) Whether D) Once

42. We would like to hear some more ideas. _______ this matter? A) What do you think of B) How do you think of C) What is your opinion to D) How is your idea on

43. Because I don't take any sugar in my tea, I _______ to forget to offer it to other people.

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A) like B) come C) tend D) have

44. Mr. Johnson _______ the opportunity to speak to the president. A) realized B) held C) seized D) discovered

45.\ \ A) for/like B) as if/for C) like/like D) as/that

46. She has lost her handbag with _______ of money in it. A) a considerable sum B) a valuable sum C) an important sum D) an extraordinary sum

47. The finance minister has not been so _______ since he raised taxes to such a high level.

A) famous B) favourable C) popular D) preferable

48. He had deceived a great many people but she _______ him at once. A) saw into B) saw through

C) looked into D) looked through

49. Everything about your composition is perfect ______ the poor spelling. A) except B) except for C) apart from D) besides

50. He is an outstanding lawyer ; _______, he should have a good income. A) therefore B) because C) however D) and then


Movie makers feared for a while that they might be put out of busi-

ness by television. Recently, __51__, 51. A) especially B) further more and more people have been going C) however D) moreover to the movies. This __52__ be partly 52. A) might B) could because the economic situation in C) should D) may

America has become __53__ . In the 53. A) better B) worse movies, you forget your troubles as C) best D) improved

you get __54__ in the story on the 54. A) connected B) encouraged screen. Also, directors have been C) involved D) shocked

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