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1. abandon sb. or sth; abandon doing sth. 放弃,抛弃; abandon oneself to (doing) sth. 沉湎于(做)某事 2. to the best of one’s ability 尽力; have (got) the ability to do sth.有能力做…; a man of ability 3. be abnormal in… 在…方面反常; It is abnormal for sb. to do sth. 4. go aboard / aboard the ship 上船; All aboard ! 请各位上船!

5. be about to do 即将; be about to do…when; What (How) about doing sth?……怎么样 6.at home and abroad 国内外; go abroad;

7. above all首先,首要的;尤其,而且; see above 见上文

8. be absent from school 缺课;be absent in 外出暂时在;absent-minded 心不在焉的; in the absence of sb./sth. 由于缺少 9. be absorbed in专心于;

10. accept … as /be accepted as把……视作……

11. access to 接近;进入;gain/get/have access to+ n. (地方)能进入;可以有机会接近/利用 eg. All students may have free access to the library. There is no access to the house from the main road.

be accessible to 易接近的;This island is only accessible to us by boat. 12. by accident 偶然;(= by chance)

13. accomplish one’s purpose/ a goal/ the task/ wonder/ ; accomplish nothing 14. according to + 名词或代词 根据; (不能与第一人称连用)

15. account for 说明; 占; give an account of 对…作描述; on account of=because of; take sth. into account= take into account sth.= take sth. into consideration把……考虑在内; 16. accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 对…起诉,指责 (scold…for; charge sb. with sth.; punish sb. for sth.) 16. be accustomed to(doing) sth… (= be used to doing sth.) 适应,习惯于. 17. feel an ache in the arm/leg/back 感到手臂/脚/背疼

18. act as 担任,充当; act for 代理; act on(upon) 根据…而行动;be caught in the act(of doing sth.); He was caught in the act of stealing.

19. take action to do; put …into action; Actions speak louder than words.

19. achieve much / a lot / a great deal / little/nothing (经努力)完成,达到,得到 20. achievement 成就,成绩; make achievements; eg. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great ~. 21. suit/fit the action to the word 言行一致 Actions speak louder than words. 百说不如一干。 take action (u.) 采取行动; in action在行动中 out of action不能行动,不能运作bring an action against sb.对某人提起诉讼

22. be active in 积极…; take an active part in 23. adapt (oneself) to+ n.适应;

24. add A to B ; 加起来 ; add up to 总计 ; add to 增加

25. in addition 此外,加之 ; I met some old friends, and other people in addition. (我遇见了几位老朋,还有其他一些人); in addition to 除…外; (=as well as, besides, aside from) 又 如:In addition to his work in this school, our teacher gives music lessons at the Children’s Palace after school.(我们的老师除了在这所学校工作以外,课后还在少年宫教授音乐)

26. address vt.; to address a meeting向大会致辞; to address to sb. 写信给某人 eg. It was the first time he had addressed such a large crowd of peeople.对……发表演说;在……上写地址 27. adjust (oneself) to sth. = adapt (…) to sth. 调整,调节;

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~ (oneself) to the heat of the country

28. admire sb. for sth. 对(某人的)…钦佩

29. admit doing sth. 承认做过某事 ; admit sb. into/to; be admitted to/into允许加入/进入; 30. adopt vt. 采纳,批准,收养 ~ the suggestion / plan / policy / the homeless child / him as their own son 31. in advance 前头,预先 ; in advance of sth 在…前头

32. advanced English 高级英语; advanced countries; advanced workers 33. gain/get/have/win an advantage over/of sb./sth./ 对…有优势 ; take advantage of sb./sth. (趁机)利用 ; to one’s advantage 对某人有利 ;

34. advertise v. 为……做广告 advertise for 征求某种人员或事物 ~ a new shampoo / one’s services / for sb. to look after the garden

35. advise doing sth.; advise sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做某事 ; advise sb. not to do sth. (= advise sb. against doing sth.)

eg. I advised him that he should wait till Monday. (我劝他等到星期一) give an advice on; take one’s advice

36. be afraid of (doing) sth.;害怕;担忧; be afraid to do sth. 害怕而不敢做;

37. after all毕竟;one after another一个接一个; look after照顾; run/be after追赶/追逐;soon after; 38. be against;反对; against one’s will; lean against the window; 39. agree with sth.(opinion,view,what sb. say,idea)赞成某人意见; 适合(主语为气候,食物时); agree

to同意某一建议,安排(suggestion,proposal,plan); agree on在某一点上取得/具有相同意见(date,place,word)

40. ahead of 在……之前;先于……;胜过……; go ahead 干得好;好吧

41. by/with the aid of sb./sth. 借助于…; in aid of支持,为……筹措; first aid急救

42. aim at sb./sth. 瞄准…; aim at doing sth. 致力于做某事,以做某事为目标 ; aim sth at sb./sth. 把…对准…; take aim at sb. /sth. 瞄准…

43. all along 一直; all at once 突然; all but 几乎; all the same 仍然 at all 根本(不); all in all 总之; for all 虽然,尽管; in all 一共; above all;最重要的是; after all;毕竟;到底; first of all;首先;第一

44. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事; allow doing sth 允许做某事; allow sb. sth. 答应某人某事; allow for 考虑,顾及;

45. be/get angry with sb.for sth..; be angry at/about sth. 46. in answer to (作为)对…的回答; give/offer/provide an answer 作出回答; answer for sth.对……负责; answer to sth. 服从;与……相符;the answer to sth。……答案 47. anxious adj. be~ about sb. or sb.’s safety (不安的);be~for sth. (渴望的) be~ to do / that …(should)do…(用虚拟语气)

48. apart from (= besides/ except/except for); tell… apart;

49. apologize to sb. for (doing ) sth.; make an apology to sb. for sth. 50. to one’s appetite 合…的胃口

51. apply( to sb) for aid/help 向某人求援; apply to sth.适用于;apply oneself to sth. = be absorbed in sth.专心于,致力于;apply to sb for sth。申请

52. appoint sb to a post 任命某人上任; appoint sb. /to be… 任命某人…; break/keep one’s appointment失/守约;

have an appointment with sb 与某人有约会; make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会;

53. appreciate vt. 感谢,欣赏; appreciate your kindness in doing sth.

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appreciate doing sth. I’d appreciate it if… I would appreciate it if youcould turn the radio down. 54. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth 安排…做某事; arrange to do sth . 安排/准备做某事; arrange+ that +从句 作好安排; make arrangements for 为…做好安排

55. ask about 打听,查阅; ask after 问候; ask for 要求得到/见到; ask sb. for sth.向……要……; ask that + should do

56. associate … with把……和……联系在一起 associate with sb.与……交往; 57. assure sb. of sth. assure sb. that clause使……相信;向……保证 He assured us of his ability to solve the problem. I can assure you that your son will be happy here.

58. attract/catch/get sb’s attention 引起某人的注意; devote one’s attention to/focus one’s attention on/pay attention to 专注于; call sb’s attention 使某人注意到 ; call away sb’s attention 分散某人的注意力 59. be wide awake 完全醒着

60. be aware of… 觉察到,意识到; be aware+ that从句 ; 觉察到,感觉到 61. attend to/on/upon sb.照看

62. attribute sth. to sb./sth. 把……归因于

63. sth./sb.be available to sb. 对……是可利用的,可得到的 64. on the average;平均来说; an average student;一般学生 65. avoid doing sth. try to avoid…

65. award sb. sth.奖励; an award of (+ 数字)奖金 (B)

1. be bad at 不善于; feel bad about… 为?感到抱歉; go from bad to worse 每况愈下; have/get a bad name 声誉不佳; exchange the bad for the good 以怨报德;

2. keep one’s balance 保持平衡; lose one’s balance 失掉平衡; out of balance失去平衡; in the balance悬而未决

3. have/give a ball 举行/开舞会; have a ball(口语) 玩得很愉快; get/start the ball rolling 开始; keep the ball rolling 继续活动或谈话,不让其中断; 4. bank on 指望,依靠; bank up 堆起,(筑堤)堵截;

5. close/conclude a bargain 成交; make a bargain with sb与某人做交易; That’s/It’s a bargain 一言为定; A bargain’s a bargain. 协议不能毁; a good bargain 便宜货; a bad bargain 买得不合算; shop for bargains 去买便宜货; 6. be based on 以?为根据; 7. on the basis of(= be based on) 在??的基础上 8. beat one’s brains 绞尽脑汁

9. What becomes of sb/sth?(= What happens to sb.?) 发生或遭遇什么状况? 10. behave oneself放规矩点; be on one’s best behavior很有礼貌,行为良好 11. be beneficial to 对?有益

12. be of benefit 对?有益; for the benefit of为了?的好处; a football benefit 义赛; benefit from 受益与; 13. beware of 注意,谨防

14. beyond (all) question= out of the question (impossible) 毫无疑问,一定; in question (under consideration; being talked about) 15. be blind to sth. 对……视而不见

15. break away from 脱离,放弃,破除;break down 损坏,崩溃,病倒; break in 闯入,打断;

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break into强行侵入; break out爆发; break off中断; break up解散,终止; break through突围; break into laughter/ tears 放声大笑/哭 break in on sb/break in sb‘s conversation 插嘴 ///

16. bump into/against 撞入/撞在; bump into sb.撞上,偶然碰到

17. burn down 烧毁 ; burn one’s boats/bridges 破釜沉舟 ; burn out 烧坏 ; burn up 烧光; burn to ashes/the ground 化为灰烬

18. burst out laughing=burst into laughter突然大笑起来; burst out crying= burst into tears

19. be buried alive 被活埋,隐居; bury oneself in (doing) sth. 专心于做某事 20. beat about the bush 旁敲侧击; good wine needs no bush ((谚)酒好客自来) 21. push/press/touch the button 按电钮,按下快门

22. a good buy 买得便宜的东西,便宜的买卖; buy in(大批)买进; buy off 收买,贿赂; buy on credit 赊购

23. by and by (soon); little by little (gradually); by and large (in general); at large(free / uncontrolled); (C)

1. Cable TV 有线电视 ; cable car 缆车

2 Calculate on/upon sth. 依靠,指望; be calculated to be/do sth.企图,试图 3. call at some place=drop in at some place 到(某处)去一下, 访问; ; call for; 需求,去接某人 ; call off 取

消; call in 约请 ; call on sb.= drop in on sb. 访问; call on sb. to do sth.号召 ; call out 大声喊叫 ; call up 打电话,使回忆

4. On campus 在校内; off campus 在校外

5. Can but do 只得 ; cannot butdo 不得不 ; can’t too 越?越好 ;

6. Care for 关心,照料;喜欢(疑问否定句中)care about 重视,在乎,介意

7. be careful in 在某事上很小心 ; be careful about/of 注意把某事做好 ; be careful with 小心对付某物(因为有危险或易损坏)

8. Carry on 继续,开展 ; carry out 完成,执行,实现诺言

9. in all cases 在一切情况下; in any case 无论如何 ; in case+从句 假如,万一; in case of+名词 万一,如果 ; in no case 决不 ;

10. pay in cash 现金支付 ; ( pay by cheque)用支票支付; be short of cash 现金不足 11. catch sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事 ; ( sb. be caught doing sth.) be caught in the rain 遭到雨淋; catch up with赶上; catch sight of 看到; catch one’s breath摒住呼吸,喘息 12. take the chair( be in the chair) 当主席,主持会议 ; take a chair 请坐

13. Chances are that…; sb. have (a/no) chance of doing/to do sth. 很可能?; by chance碰巧,偶然;

14. in charge of 主管 ; in/under the charge of (in sb’s charge) 由?掌管或照料; take charge of sth.管理,负责; charge sb. with sth.=accuse sb. of sth.指控

15. cheat sb. of/out of sth. 骗走某人某物 ; cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事 16. check in 签到,登记,检索 ; check out 结账离开,核对 ; check up 核对 17. since childhood 自从童年时候起

18. The Chinese wall= the Great Wall 万里长城 ; Chinese calendar 农历 ;

19. have no choice but to do 非做?不可 ; have a great/large/wide choice of… 有大量可选择(物品等) ; have a poor choice of 备货少,无从选择

20 can’t choose but do 不得不 ; choose…as选?为 ; choose between在?之间做出选择 ; choose…from 从?中选择 ; pick and choose仔细挑选,挑精拣肥; choose to do sth.愿意做; 21. talk in circles 转弯抹角地谈话

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22. call at a civilized hour在别人方便时去拜访; civilized service文明礼貌服务

23. claim to be 自称为 ; It is claimed that… 据说? ; set up a claim to 提出对?的要求,表明对?的主张

24. clean sth up 收拾整洁,打扫 ; clear up放晴; clear (sth) up收拾,解释,消除 25. close down关闭,关掉; close in on/upon逼近,包围; be/come close to +n.几乎,将近 26. come across sb./sth. 偶然遇见? ; come by sth. 得到某物 ; come out出现,(秘密)露出,出版,(颜色,污点等)褪去,罢工,结果是; come to oneself 苏醒; come to 到达;等于;醒悟;注意到;

27. compare A to B 比作 compare A with B比较; by/in comparison with ……与??相比(短语前后不用比较级)

28. compete against/with sb. in/for sth. 在?方面与?竞争,为?与?竞争 29. in competition with…for… 为?与?竞争 30. complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事

31. draw/come to/reach/arrive at/form a conclusion 得出结论; in conclusion 总之,最后 make a conclusion下结论; bring sth. to a conclusion使??结束;

32. in/under favorable/difficult conditions在顺利/困难的条件下 ; in good condition 健康,情况良好 ; in bad/poor condition 不健康,情况不好

33. have confidence in sb .对??有信心; in confidence 秘密地; be confident of sth.对??有信心 34. congratulate sb. on (doing) sth. 向…祝贺…

35. have a clear/bad conscience about sth. 对某事问心无/有愧; 36. be/become conscious of意识到

37. consider doing ; consider sb. to do sth. consider sb. (to be) sth.

38. consist of组成 (= be composed of/ be made up of); consist in 在于 39. at all costs 不惜一切代价 ; at the cost of sth . 以?为代价 40. get up courage 鼓起勇气 ; lack the courage to do sth ; 没勇气做某事 41. be covered with… 布满 ; from cover to cover 从头(读)到尾 ; take cover 躲避 ; keep…under 把?保密 42. behind the curtain 在幕后

43. contrast sth. with 对比; in/by contrast相对来说; in contrast with/to 与??相反; a contrast between … and …和??之间的对比

44. contribute … to/towards贡献,捐献; contribute to 捐助;有助于;导致;给??投稿

45. be convenient to do sth.便于做; be convenient for sb./sth.对某人很方便/离??很近; at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候;

46. on /at/in the corner (of)在角落里; corner sb. 把某人逼到死角

47. cut in (on sb ) 插话 ; cut (sb/sth) down 砍倒(某人/某物),(把衣服,文章等)缩小,改短,削减 ; cut out 割掉,删去 ; cut up 切碎,摧毁; cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth量入为出 (D)

1. in the dark 在暗处,秘密地 ; in (the) darkness 一片漆黑 ; do sth. in the dark 暗中做某事 ; keep sb. in the dark 对某人保密 ; keep sth. dark将某事保密; be in the dark about sth. 在黑暗中;秘密地 2. do a good day’s work 做一整天的工作 ; in the old days=in days of old往昔 ; in one’s school days 学生时代 ; in these days如今; at the present day 现今 ; during the day 白天 ; for days on end 接连数天 ; all day long 整天; every other day 每隔一天; in days to come 将来 ; one day (指过去或将来)某一天; some day (日后)某一天; by day 白天 ; by the day 按日 ; to this day 至今; in days to come不久; day after day一天又一天; of the day 当代的

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3. be deaf to / turn a deaf ear to 对??装聋作哑 4. by degrees 逐渐; to some/a degree 在某种程度上 5. deserve to be punished=deserve punishing 应该受罚

6. to one’s delight=to the delight of sb 令某人高兴 ; with delight 高兴地 ; be delighted by/at/with 喜欢? 7. desire to do sth 希望做某事 ; desire sb to do sth正式请求某人做某事 ; desire of sb+ that+从句(虚拟语气)(正式) 请求,要求 8. under development 正在发展中,正在研制中 ; with the development of 随着?的发展

9. devote oneself to=be devoted to(跟名词,或动名词), 献身于,专心于

10. die by hanging上吊死; die of illness/a disease/hunger/cold/heat/old age/sorrow 死于疾病/某一种具体的病/饥饿/寒冷/炎热/年老/悲痛 ;

die from a traffic accident/a wound/carelessness/a blow/an electric shock/eating too much 死于交通事故/枪伤/粗心大意/重击/电击/过饱(表示外部原应或不注意而致死,事实上现代英语of同from的区别已不很明显,往往可以通用) die with shame/anger 羞/怒得要死(强调精神原因而致死,不一定真正死了,而是?得要死); die off一个一个地死去; die away逐渐消失(声音,光); die out 消灭,灭绝 11. go/be on a diet (因减肥)节食

12. make/some/no/any/not much/a great deal of/a bit of/difference 使有/一些/没有/任何/不太大的/很大的/一点点/区别

13. be in difficulty 有困难; with difficulty 困难地; without difficulty容易地 ; get/run into difficulties 陷入困境; have difficulty (in) doing sth./with sth.

14. dig for 寻求,探索 ; dig into 深入专研

15. in all directions=in every direction 四面八方; in the direction of… 16. under discussion 正在讨论

17. at a/some distance 隔开一段距离 ; in the distance 在远方 ; to a distance 到远方 ; from a distance 从远处

18. answer the door 去开门(迎客); at the door 在门口,即将 ; from door to door 挨家挨户 ; keeps open doors 盛情款待来客 ; show sb. the door下逐客令 19. beyond/past (all) doubt 毫无疑问

20. a long dozen a round dozen 整整一打 ; dozens of 几十个,十几个 21. long drinks 掺苏打水的饮料

22. carry out/do/perform one’s duty 尽责任 ; on duty 值班,值日 ; off duty下班

23. make great demands on sth. 需要大量??; demand for对??要求; demand sth. of sb.向??提出??/要求??;; demand that +虚拟

24. depend on/upon sth./sb. 依靠; depend on sb. for sth.依靠某人得到?? It all depends.全指望?? 25. describe …as把??描写成

26. determine on doing sth.决定做某事(动作); determine to do决心做(动作); be determined to do 已经下决心做(状态)

27. devote sth. to sb./sth. 致力于,将??奉贤给; devote oneself to doing= be devoted to doing sth.献身于= be devoted to sth.

28. distinguish sth. from sth. /distinguish between区分; distinguish oneself 使自己出名; be distinguished as以??而出名

29. be due to 归公于; due to 因为; in due time在适当的时候; give sb. one’s due 公正对待 30. drop in on sb.拜访某人; drop in at some place 拜访某地


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1. be eager for/about/after success 渴望成功 ; be eager to do sth. be eager+ that从句(虚拟语气)渴望? 2. be/feel ill at ease 不安,局促 ; be/feel well at ease 安心,心情舒畅 ;

set sb’s mind/heart at ease 使某人安心 ; take one’s ease 安心 ;

with ease 毫不费力 ; march at ease (军)常步走 ; (stand) at ease(口令)稍息 3. economic growth/reform 经济增长/改革; economical of/with sth. 节约某物 4. market economy市场经济 ; planned economy 计划经济;

a man of economy 节俭的人 ; exercise/practice/use economy 厉行节约 5. on the edge of 在?边缘;

6. be of no effect 毫无作用 ; be in effect (法令,法律等) 在实施中 ; take effect (药物)产生疗效,

(政策)开始实施 ; be brought/carried/put into effect 付诸实施 ; have/produce effect on 对?有效,有作用

7. make an effort/ make efforts to do sth. 努力做某事 ; make every effort to do; spare no effort to do sh.


8. electric bell/blanket/clock/iron/light/fan 电铃/电热毯/电钟/电炉/电熨斗/电灯; electric

engineering/engineer 电机工程/师 ; electric energy 电能 9. lay/place/put emphasis on sth. 强调某事(的重要性) 10. at the end of (时间,空间)在?最后 ; in the end 最后,终于 ; by the end of … 在??结束时

make an end of (较正式)结束(强调停止正在做的事) ; put an end to… 结束(着重不再发生—) from beginning to end从头到尾,自始至终; bring…to an end终止,结束; come to an end告终,结束,完结; end up(with) 以??结束;in the end最后,终于

11. apply/devote/direct one’s energy to… 致力于?; pour one’s energy into… 致力于?

12. have had quite enough of 对?感到厌烦 ; curiously/strangely enough (插入语)说也奇怪 ; sure

enough 确实

13. enter for \\ (报名)参加 14. be equipped with 装备着

15. escape doing逃脱做某事; escape from从??逃脱,漏出,流出,逸出; 16. even as 正当?时候 ; even if/though 即使 ; even now/then 尽管如此 17. ever since 自从 ; for ever (and ever) 永远

18. every now and then/again=every once in a while/way 每隔一些时候,时时 ; every other 每隔一? ;

every time 每当

19. speak evil of… 讲?坏话

20. exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 ; exchange A for B 用A换B 22. learn by/from/through experience 由经验学到

23. an expert on…某方面专家; be expert at专长于,熟练于;

24. be exposed to暴露,被展示; expose… to把??暴露于??之下,使??受到??的作用 25. eyes, front!(军) 向前看 ; in sb’s eyes 照某人的看法 ;

keep an eye on 监视,照料 ; catch one’s eye 引起某人注意 ; give an eye to 照料 fix one’s eyes on/upon…盯住某物;

26. for example例如; set an example to sb.给??树立榜样; take …for example以??为例; without example

无前例的; follow the example of以??为榜样 (F)

1. pull/put a long face 拉长脸,愁眉苦脸 ; put a new face on 使?焕然一新 ; look/stare sb. in the face

盯着某人的脸看 ; face the music 承担后果 ; face up to… 敢于面对?

face to the south面朝南; in (the) face of面临,不顾,尽管,与??对抗; face to face面对面,当面; make a face做鬼脸; be faced with面临; save one’s face保全面子

2. as a matter of fact 事实上; in fact 事实上; in point of fact就事实而论,事实上,实际上; from the fact

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that从??的事实; the fact that… ??之事实

3. fail in在??方面失败,缺少; fail to do…不,未能,没有; never fail to do…务必,一定要;without fail


4. fall behind 落后 ; fall in with 偶然遇到; fall back 撤退,后退,违约; fall into 陷入,归入,流入,

分成,养成,开始,聚集,渐渐; fall behind 落后,落伍,拖欠; fall back on 依靠,退守,求助于; fall in with 碰见,与??一致,同意,符合,参加; fall sick生病; fall on 开始,进攻,袭击,落到,适逢(某日),发生,遭遇

5. be familiar with sth 熟悉某事 ; be familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉 6. be famous for 因?出名 ; be famous as 作为?而出名

7. as far as 象?那样远,远到,就?,关于?到?程度 ; by far ? 得多,最?; as far as it goes 就

现状而言; far from 远离 ;

so far as…is concerned 就?来说

8. be all the fashion 很时兴 ; be in/come into fashion 正时兴 ;

be/go out of fashion 过时

9. Like father, like son 有其父必有其子 ; Father Christmas 圣诞老人 10 find fault in 看出?缺点 ; find fault with sb 找某人的差错

11. be in favour with sb. 受??欢迎; ask a favour of sb请某人帮忙 ; do sb. a favour=do a favour of sb.

帮某人一个忙 ; in sb’s/sth’s favour 支持,对??有利,受??欢迎

12. in fear 惊恐地 fear for sb./sth. 害怕; be in fear (of…)害怕; for fear of +n.; for fear that ( should do) 惟

恐 ; ; there is no fear of…不可能会,??可能性不大 13. feed on sth. 用??喂养,以??为食,依??生活,寄托于;feed … with/on sth. 供给; feed sth. to sb./sth.

供给;be fed up with … 受够了;

14. feel sb’s pulse 诊脉,试探某人的意图; feel like doing想做某事; feel (like, or quite) oneself心情(健康)

和平常一样; feel one’s way摸索着前进; feel for摸索着寻找??,同情??

15. a good few相当多,不少; quite a few许多,相当多; not a few相当多,不少; some few相当多,一点,

少许,不少; no fewer than不下于,不少于,有??之多; a few有些,几个

16. have/get/come down with a fever 发烧 ; be in a fever=be taken with fever=be seized with fever=be

attacked with fever=be suffered from a (high/low) fever 发(高/低)烧 ; get rid of the fever 退烧

17. figure out 算出,想出,理解,断定,解决; figure for 谋取; fi

gure in 算进,包括进; figure on 计划,指望,把??估计在内,料想,考虑; keep one’s figure 保持苗条

18. be filled with充满; fill in填写,填充,填好; fill up装满,填写,填塞,充满 19. pay a fine of 付?罚款

20.set/start/make a fire 生火 ; catch fire 着火 ; fight a fire 灭火 ;

put out a fire 灭火,救火 ; set sth. on fire=set fire to sth. 放火烧 ; be on fire 在燃烧,失火 ; fire alarm 火警报警器 ; fire engine 消防车 ; fire escape 太平门,安全出口;

21. first aid 急救 ; first of all 首先,第一 ; the first and last (作定语)最重要的 ; first and last (做

状语)始终,主要地 ; at first 最初 ; from the first 从一开始 ; get a first in English 英语得优等 22.fit in with使适应,与??适合; fit on试穿,装上,按上,盖好,置??于原处; fit out装备,(旅行)

准备; be fit for适合于; be fit to do适合做; keep fit保持健康 22. fix up 修理

23. follow in one’s foot steps 走?的道路,继承?的事业 24. be fond of 爱好,喜欢(注意:“很喜欢”用very(terribly) fond,不用much fond,而且一般不说not fond

of,而说don’t care to do)

25.be for 赞成 ; but for 如果没有 ; for nothing 免费 ;

for the first/second/last time 第一/二/最后一次 ; for a moment 一会儿 ;

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for the moment 暂时 ; for oneself 为自己,亲自 ; for the time being暂时 26. make/win one’s fortune 发迹 ; have a good/bad fortune 走好/坏运

try one’s fortune 碰碰运气 ; make a fortune 发财 ; Tell sb’s fortunes 算命 27. have the freedom to do sth 有权(自由)做某事

be/feel free to do sth.随意做; be free of/from免于; set…free释放; 28. from bad to worse 每况愈下

29. in front of 在??前面 ; in the first of 在?的前部 30. be filled with 充满

31. be full of sth. 充满; at full speed以全速; in full详细地,全部地; to the full 完全地,充分地,彻底地,


32. in future 今后,从现在起 ; in the future 将来; in the near future不久的 将来 (G)

1. gain experience/support 取得经验/支持 ; no pains no gains=no gains without pains不劳而无获; gain

one’s living谋生; gain time(钟表)走得快,赢得时间

2. in general 一般来说; general idea大意; as a general rule一般说,原则上,; generally speaking一般说来 3. a generation gap 代沟; the coming generation下一代; the past/last generation上一代; generation after

generation一代一代; from generation to generation世世代代

4. get across 穿过,使人了解,讲清楚 ; get along 进展,生活,相处

5. get around/round 传开,避开,说服 ; get along with sb./sth. 相处/有进展; get down to sth. 着手处理

某事 ; get off 下车 get on 上车 ; get over 越过,克服,恢复 ; get up 起床,起立,打扮,复习 ; get together聚会; get through 通过,打通(电话)

6. Go abroad 出国 go after 追求,追捕 ; go against 违背,反对 ;

go ahead 开始,进行; go all out to do sth 全力以赴做某事 ; go round 传播 go at 用功 ; go down 下沉,日落 ; go in for 参加,从事 ; go off (电,水)中断 ; go over复习 ; go through 穿越,用完,经历 ; go up 上升,爆炸; go with=match搭配; go without 不用,无需,没有也行,忍受没有??之苦

7. be good at 擅长于; be good for 对?有益 ; be good to 对?慈爱,对?好心; a good deal (of)很多,许

多,大量;a good few/many很多的,非常多的,相当多; as good as好得不能再好,实际上,几乎等于; do sb. good对某人有益; for good= forever 8. be grateful to sb. for sth 因某事感激某人 9. take sth./sb. for granted 想当然以为??

10. make/get a goal进球,得一分; reach one’s goal达到目标

11. grow into成长为??; grow out of产生自??; grow up长大,成年 (H)

1. be in/have the/a habit of… 有??习惯 ; get into a habit of doing sth养成??习惯; set sb. into the

habit of 使某人养成?习惯 ;

break sb./oneself of a habit(of doing sth) 使某人(自己)改掉?习惯 2. by a hair差一点儿

3. at hand 近在手边,即将来到 ; by hand 用手 ; in hand 手头现有的 ,(工作,实验)正在进行,

控制住 ; in sb’s hands=in the hands of sb. 由某人负责,负责照管 ; on hand 在手头,在库存中 ; out of hand失去控制

4. a year and a half= one and a half years; cut sth. into halves (in half); half an hour; half a day; 5. hang up(on sb.) 挂断某人的电话

6. happen to do碰巧做某事; happen to sth. /sb.某物/某人出事; happen on/upon…巧遇; as it happens碰巧,偶

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7. do sb./sth. harm=do harm to sb./sth. 损害 ; there is no harm(in) sb’s doing sth.=it does no harm for sb. to

do sth. 不妨做某事

8. have a good/bad time 过得不好/很好 ; have a word/a few words with sb .和某人讲几句话 (比较:have

words with sb. 和某人吵架) ; have done with完成,结束 ; have sb. on 戏弄,欺骗某人 ; have sth on 穿着,戴着,有事忙 have sth./nothing/little/much to do with sb./sth. 和?有/无关 ; have sb. up(常用被动态)(被)起诉

7. keep one’s head 保持镇定 ; lose one’s head 被砍头,惊慌失措 ;can’t make head or tail of sth 弄不懂; head for朝??前进; keep one’s head保持镇静; lose one’s head丧命,慌乱; head to head交头接耳; use one’s head动脑子; on one’s head四脚朝天,归罪于某人

8. hear about sth 听到某事 ; hear from sb 街道某人的信函(来电,消息等) ;hear of sb/sth听人说过某人/某事

9. at heart 实际上,从内心来说 ; break one’s heart 使人难过 ; by heart 背诵 ; can’t have the heart to do sth 不忍心做某事 ; heart and soul全心全意 ; in one’s heart (of hearts)在内心深处 ; lose heart 泄气 ; with all one’s heart 全心全意地,衷心地

10. help oneself/sb to sth 替自己/某人取食物吃 ; can’t help (it) 没有办法 ; can’t be helped 无法避免 ;

can’t help but do 不得不 ; can’t help doing 不禁做某事 ; help (sb.) out帮助(某人)摆脱困境; help…with帮某人某事; help sb.(to) do帮某人做某事; help(to) do有助于; help oneself to…随便吃/用??; help… out帮??摆脱困境 11. make a hit (with sb) (给某人)留下极好印象,大受欢迎 ; hit films 深受欢迎的电影 ; hit on/upon sth


12. hold back (from sth) 忧郁 ; hold sb/sth back 制止 ,阻止 ; hold sb. down 控制某人,压迫某人 ;

hold sth down 使某物保持低水平,保持某份工作 ;hold on 别挂电话,坚持 ; hold on to sb/sth 紧紧抓住 ; hold out 维持,坚持(抵抗) ,伸出,拿出 ; hold sth out 提供(希望,机会等) ;hold up 提出,支持,拦路抢劫,拥护,停止,展示,耽搁,保持地位(现状)

13. feel at home 无拘束 ; at home in sth 精通某事 ; make oneself at home 像在家一样舒适,请随便 ;

bring sth home to sb. 使某人清楚地理解某事

14. do sb. honour=do honour to sb. (正式)对某人表示敬意 ; do sb. an honour (by doing sth.)=do sth. the

honour (of doing sth) 给某人以?的荣誉 ;in honour of sb./sth. 为纪念,为对?表示敬意

15. after hours 办公(营业,学习)时间以后,业余时间 ; at all hours任何时候 keep early hours早起早睡 16. bring the house down 使观众大笑或热烈鼓掌 ; on the house 由酒店出钱,免费 ; under house arrest


17. How about? 怎么样? How come…? 怎么会?的 ? How far…? 多远? How long…? 多久 ?

How much…? 多少(钱)? How tall…? 多高 ? 18. hurry up (使)赶快,(使)赶紧,催促 ; in a hurry 匆忙地(注意否定式的意义 He won’t forget your

kindness in a hurry 他不会轻易忘记你的亲切关怀的)


1. break the ice 打破沉默

2. have no idea of sth./that or how..+clause 不知道!; What an idea!=The idea (of it)!馊主意!多怪的想法 ;

at the idea of sb./sth; Day in, day out 日复一日 ; nine in ten 十之八九

3. identify with sb./sth. 与---有同感; identify sb. with sth. 认为某人与某物有关; identify oneself with… 4. impress (sth.) on/upon (sb.) = impress on/upon sb. sth. 使(某人对某物)印象; impress sb. with sth. 给人

留下…的印象; impress sth. into sth. 把…压进; give a …impression to sb.= make/creat a … impression on sb. 给人留下…的印象; have a … impression of sth. 对…有印象; under the impression that… 在…印象中; get impression that 有…的印象;

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5. inch by inch 逐渐地 ; by inches 刚刚

6. inform sb. of/about sth. 告诉某人某事,通知某人某事 ; inform sb. that… 告知某人 ; inform

against/on sb. 告发 ; keep sb. informed of sth.= keep informing sb. of sth. 7. be inferior to… 低于…,不如…; be superior to… 高于…, 胜于… 8. inquire sb. of sth. 向某人打听某事 ; inquire about sb./sth. 询问

inquire after sb. 问候某人 ; inquire into sth. 了解某事

9. inspire sb. to sth./to do sth. 启发某人做某事 ; inspire sb. with sth.=inspire sth. in sb. 唤起某人某事 10. for instance 例如 11. instead; instead of

3. instruct sb in sth 教授某人某事

4. lose interest 失去兴趣 ; take/have/show (an)interest in… 对?产生/有/表示兴趣 ; to one’s interest

对?有好感 ; with interest 有兴趣地 5. interrupt sb/sth with sth 用某物打断

6. be involved in 包括在?之内,与?有关 ; be involved with 涉及 ; involve sb. in 使某人卷入; get

involved in;

7. isolate sb./sth. from/ with sth. 把某物与…隔离 (J)

1. join A to B 或 join A and B (together/up ) 连接A和B ; join up with sb./sth.与?连接在一起,与?结合 ;

join up 相交,会合 ; join (with)sb. in doing sth./to do sth.参与某人一起做某事 2. make a joke about/of sb/sth 和?开玩笑 ; play a joke on sb 取笑某人 3. take/make/go on a journey 去旅行

4. jump the queue 插队(排队); jump to a conclusion 匆忙下结论

5. judging by/from…由…判断(作状语); judge … by/from; in one’s judgement 照某人看来, 根据某人的意


6. be junior to…少于,次于,低于,迟于; be senior to多于,高于,胜于;

7. just as it is 恰好如此,完全照原样 ; just as well… 也好; just now; (K)

1. be keen on(doing) sth./sb. 非常热心,爱好; keep an keen eye on 用敏锐的眼光观察 ; be keen for sb. to

do sth. 极希望某人做

2. keep oneself/sb. from sth./doing sth. 使不做,忍住 ; keep sth. from sb. 对某人隐瞒某事 ; keep sb. in

关晚学 ; keep off 避开,远离 ; keep on doing sth. 继续干某事 ; keep to 不离开,不背离; keep up with 赶上,不落后; keep in touch with… 和…保持联系

3. kill time 消磨时间; kill time by doing sth. 通过做…来打发消磨时间

4. knock down 拆除,撞倒,压低(价格) ; knock off 下班 ; knock sb out 打败某人,使某人昏迷 ;

knock sth over 打翻某物 ; knock sb/sth up敲门叫醒,使疲惫不堪,匆匆赶成 5. know about sth 了解 ; know of sb/sth 听说过 ; as far as I know 据我所知

6. be known as…. 作为…而出名; be known to sb. 为某人所知 be known for sth. 因为…而出名make

oneself known to 使自己出名; make sth. known 公开某事

7. common/public knowledge 人所共知的事; to the best of one’s knowledge 就某人所知; be knowledgeable about sth. 对…知道得丰富have some/no knowledge of… 了解; acquire /gain / obtain knowledge 学习/获得知识; (L)

1. for/by/from/through lack of 因?缺乏 ; be lacking in 缺少

2. at last=at long last 最后,终于 ; last but not least 最后但同样重要的 ; to the last到底; last for (v.) 3. at the latest 至迟,不迟于 ; of late 最近 ; later on将来,以后 ;

sooner or later 迟早; the latest news 最新消息

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4. go to law 打官司 ; keep (observe)/break the law 守/违法

5. leaf through 浏览 ; be in/come into leaf 长出叶子 ; turn over a new leaf 改过自新; take a leaf out of

sb.’s book模仿某人; 学某人的样子(原指文字上的剽窃)

6. least of all 尤其是,最后 ; not the least 一点也不 ; at least 至少 7. Leave…alone不打扰 ; leave sb./sth. out 遗漏,忽略 ; be on leave 休假; ask for two days’ leave 请两天

8. lend a hand( with sth.) 帮忙; lend oneself to 帮助,协助,参与 9. at length 详尽地,最后; go to any length(s) 尽一切所能

10. no less than 不少于,多达,有?之多 ; none the less 仍然; still less 何况,更不必说,更谈不上; more or less 或多或少,大约,大体,

11. let sb. down 使某人失望 ; let sb. off 从宽处理某人 ; let sth. off 使?爆炸,燃放 12. lay down one’s life for 为?献出生命 ; a matter of life and death

生命攸关的大事; all one’s life 一辈子, 终生, 毕生; lose one’s life 丧生; be full of life 充满朝气,生命的活力;bring/come to life 苏醒,复活; for life终生的; for one’s life 拼命地,为了保全性命; to the life 栩栩如生,逼真

13. come to light 公开 ; in the light of sth. 根据 ; light up with sth. 因??容光焕发; throw light on sth.

阐明, 使…真相大白

14. within limits 在一定限度上,在某种程度上 ; without limit 无限地; limit sth. to 把…限制在…范围内 15. in the line 内行,擅长 ; line up for sth. 排队做某事

16. listen to sb./sth. 听 ; listen for sth./sb. 留神等着听 ; listen in to the news 收听(广播等)

17. live up to 不辜负; live on sth. 靠…为生, 以…为主食; live by doing sth. 靠做某事为生 live through sth.


18. in the long run 最终 ; long jump 跳远; as/so long as=if 只要…就; not any/no longer 不再…; before

long=soon 不久 ; long before 很久以前;for long 很久(用于否定句) ; take long 花很长时间 long for sth. 渴望某事 ; long to do sth. long for sb. to do sth. 极想某人做某事 19. look after 照看 ; look ahead 向前看 ; look back (on sth.) 回顾(某事);

look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望 ; look on旁观 ; look on sb./sth. as sb./sth.把?看作? ; look out 当心,查出 ; look over 检查,看一遍 ; look round 各处看看 ; look through sth. 翻阅 ; look sth. up 查阅 ; look to朝?看,照顾,指望; look into 调查,研究; look down on sb./sth. 轻视,瞧不起 look like 看起来像;

20. lose face 丢面子 ; lose one’s temper 发脾气 ; lose touch with sb. 和某人失去联系; lose oneself in

sth. 迷路于,全神贯注于...之中,消失于; lose heart丧失勇气; lose one’s heart to sb. 倾心于,迷恋

21. at a loss 不知所措; be at a loss for a word 找不到恰当的字眼,不知怎样解释才好 ;gain and loss 得失; 22. be lost in sth. 沉醉于?中 be/get lost 迷路

23. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人; give love to 请致意,请问候;

24. be in luck 走运 be out of luck 运气不好 ; good luck to sb. 祝某人走运


1. be mad about/on sb./sth. 狂热于?,对?着迷 ; be mad at/with sb. 对某人恼火 ; be mad for sth. 渴望得到某物; drive sb. mad逼人发狂; go/run mad with joy 欣喜若狂

2. make sth. for sb. 为某人做某物 ; make sth. into sth. 把?制成? ;

make after sb./sth. 追赶 ; make for sb./sth. 向?走去; make sth. from/of/out of sth.由?制造 ; make the most of sb./sth. 尽量利用 ;

make much of sb./sth. 重视?,看重? ; make nothing of sth. 不把?当一回事; make off 仓皇逃走 ; make up虚构,化装 ; be made up of 由?组成 ; make up (to sb.) for sth.(对某人)作补偿

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3. be a man! 要做个男子汉! as one man 一致地

4. have good manners 有礼貌 ; have no manners 不懂礼貌 ;

have bad manners 没有礼貌 ; in this manner 按照此法

5. make one’s mark 成功,成名 ; hit/miss the mark 击中/不击中 ;

mark A with B / mark B on A 给A 做记号B

6. on the market 在市场上出售 ; go to (the) market 上集市

7. match sb/sth with sb/sth 使?和?相对应 ; match sb/sth against sb/sth 使?和?比赛,使?和?进行比

8. as a matter of course 当然 ; as a matter of fact 事实上 ; for that matter 关于那件事 ; make matter

worse 把事情弄得更糟 ;

no matter how/who/what等 无论怎么样/谁/什么等 9. may/might (just) as well do sth. 倒不如,满可以

10. by any means 无论如何 ; by all means 尽一切办法,当然(表示答应) ; by means of 用?依靠? ;

by no means 决不

11. in the meantime=meanwhile 在此期间

12. meet with sth 遭到,偶然发现 ; meet sb’s needs/wishes 满足某人的需求/愿望 13. in memory of sb.=to the memory of sb. 为了纪念某人

14. as mentioned above 综上所述; at the mention of 一提到(作状语); make mention of 提到; Don’t mention

it. 别客气,不用谢.

15. in the middle of… 在?中央,在?中间

16. burn the midnight oil (学习,工作上)开夜车

17. be of one mind about sb/sth 对?意见一致 ; be of the same mind 持相同看法 ; be on one’s

mind=have sth on one’s mind 有心事 ; bring/call sb/sth to mind(使)想起 ; give one’s mind to sth 专心于 ; have sb/sth in mind 心中想着 ; keep one’s mind to sth 专心于 ; make up one’s mind 决定 ; put/set/turn one’s mind to sth 对?专心致志; mind one’s own business 别管闲事 ; mind one’s P’s and Q’s 言行小心 ; never mind 没关系,不要紧 ; out of sight ,out of mind 不见则被忘

18. by mistake 由于错误,弄错 ; mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. 将?错认为?; make mistake about the time/

place 把时间/地点搞错

19. mix A with B=mix A and B together 使A和B混合

20. at any moment 随时 ; at the moment 现在 ; for the moment 暂时 ;

the moment (that)… 一?就? ; this (very) moment 立刻

21. be in the mood 心情舒畅,来劲; be in no mood for/to do sth. 没心情做某事; be in the mood for/to do sth.


22. cry for the moon 要求不可能得到的东西 ; once in a blue moon 偶尔

23. what is more 而且,此外 ; more than 超过 ; no more than 至多; more or less 或多或少, 在不同

程度上; the more…, the more…越…越…

24. at (the)most最多,至多 ; for the most part 大部分地 ; make the most of sth充分利用

25. keep one’s mouth shut 保持缄默 ; make sb’s mouth water 使某人垂涎欲滴; speak with one’s mouth full


26. as much as… 同…一样多; make much of…理解,重视,强调,赞赏; much more更加; too much 过多,过度;

much too太 (N)

1. not nearly 相差甚远

2. name sb./sth. after 以…命名; in the name of 以…的名义,代表…,为了… 3. by nature 天生地; in nature 性质上,实际上,究竟; true to nature(life)逼真的

4. risk one’s neck to do sth 冒生命危险做某事 ; up to one’s neck 深深陷入(债务,工作) ; save one’s

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5. 6. 7. 8. 8.

9. 10. 11.

12. (O)

1. Object to sb./sth. 反对; take/make/raise an objection to 对…表示反对;

2. be obliged to sb. for sth./doing sth 为?感激某人; be obliged to do…不得不做

3. on one occasion曾经 ; on several occasions 曾几次 ; on the present occasion 这一次 ; on the first

occasion 一有机会 ; take occasion to do sth 利用机会做某事 ; on occasion 有时,必要时 ; on the occasion of 值此?之际

4. occur to sb.(想法) 出现在某人脑中; It occurs to sb. that (从句)… 某人想到… 5. as often as… 每次 ; as often as not 往往 ; more often than not多半,大概

6. all at once 突然 ; at once 立刻 ; for once 只这一次 ; once and for all 永远; once in a while 偶然

7. be oneself (精神,身体)处于正常状态 ; by oneself 单独地,独自地 ; for oneself 为自己,代表自

己,亲自 ; of oneself独自,自发,自动地 ; to oneself 独自享用 8. if only 只要 ; only if… 只有当?(才) ; only too 非常

9. be open to sb./sth. 对?开放,愿意接受,容易受到(批评等); in the open air在户外 10. operate on sb for sth 因??为某人动手术 11. in operation 运行中

12. in one’s opinion 照某人看来; give/express one’s opinion on/upon… 就…发表意见; have a good/high

opinion of 对…给予好的/高的评价; have no opinion of… 对…印象不好,认为…不行

13. have an opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事 ; have no/little/not much opportunity for sth./of doing sth. 没


14. oppose oneself to (doing) sth.= sb. be opposed to (doing) sth . 反对做某事

15. in order 按次 ; in order to do sth. 为了做? ; on order that (正式)为了; out of order 乱,混乱贯穿,

place an order for sth. with factory, bookstore…向…定购;

16. every other… 每隔 ; other than 除了?以外 ; the other day 几天前 ; one after another/the other 一个


17. (all) over again 再一次 ; over and over again 三番五次

18. of one’s own 属于某人自己的 ; on one’s own 独自地,独立地

18. owing to 由于,因为(作状语);(= because of; on account of; thanks to; due to) (P)

1. take pains to do=take pains with sth=be at pains to do sth 刻苦地做某事; spare no pains不辞辛劳,不遗


2. in pairs 成对地 ; make a pair 配成对 3. be parallel to/with sth. 与?平行

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neck 保住生命

be nervous of sth 害怕,不安

next door 隔壁 ; next door to 与?相邻,几乎 ; next to 紧挨着,仅次于 far/deep into the night 直至深夜 ; over night 一夜之间,突然 none other than 正是 ; have none of sth (正式)不接受

make/take notes/a note of… 作笔记 ; compare notes 对笔记 write a note 写便条 ; drop/send sb a note 寄给某人一封短信 ; take note of提到,注意到

for nothing 免费 ; good for nothing 毫无用处 ; have noting to do with…与?无关 ; to say nothing of… 更不用说 ; nothing but…除了?以外什么也没有 at a moment’s notice 立刻 ; at short notice 急忙

just now 现在,刚才 ; (every)now and then 时时 ; by now 到现在 ; for now 暂时 ; from now on 从此以后 ; until/up to now 到现在 in large/great number 大量地 ; a large/number of 大量?

4. play a part in sth. 在?方面起作用,扮演角色 ; take part in 参加,参与

5. in particular 尤其,特别; be particular about 对…挑剔,讲究; be peculiar to 为…所特有

6. pass away 去世 ; pass by (sb./sth,) 走过 ; pass sb./sth. by 忽视; pass on … to 传递下去…到….; pass

through 经历,;

7. pay…for sth. 为某事支付 ; pay sb. back 还钱给某人,报复

pay sth. off 还清(欠款); pay up 全部付清; pay a visit to… 拜访,参观; pay attention to注意;

8. at peace 处于和平状态 ; in time of peace 和平时期; in peace 和平地,平静地; make peace/ be at peace

with sb. 讲和

9. persevere in sth. 坚持不懈

10. feel/show pity for sb. 同情某人 ; have pity on sb. 同情某人 11. in place of sb/sth 代替 ; in the first/second place 首先/其次

12. take the place of sb./sth. 代替 ; take place 发生,举行take one’s place 替代, 就座; give place to 让位

于…被…所代替; in place 适当地,恰当地,相称的; out of place 不合适的,不恰当的; the first place 首先; in the first place 首先; in place of 替代; place hopes on sb. 把希望寄托在…身上 place an order for sth. with factory, bookstore…向…定购; 13. plenty of 许多,大量

14. come to the point 谈正题 ; in point of sth. 关于 ; on the point of doing sth 正要做某事的时候 ; to the

point 切题 ; point to sth. 指明 ; point at sb./sth. 瞄准,对准 ; point sth. out to sb. 向某人指出某事 15. be in a position to do sth. 能够做某事

16. as possible as 尽量 ; if/when possible 如果有可能的话; as …as possible 尽可能地

17. in power 当权; out of/beyond one’s power 能力所不及; the power of the law 法律的力量; come into

power 上台执政,掌权; have power over能支配…对…有控制权; fall into one’s power 落入…的控制当中;to the best of one’s power 尽力,竭尽所能 18. preach down 贬损,(通过演说等)压制 ; preach up 鼓吹,宣扬

19. prefer sth. to sth. 更喜欢 ; prefer to do…rather than do 宁可做…而不做… ; prefer sb. to do sth.(=would

like sb. to do sth.) 希望某人做某事 20. make preparations for 为?做准备

21. be prepared for sth. 对?有思想准备 ; be prepared to do sth 准备好做某事(但是 be not prepared to do


22. in the presence of sb 在??面前,当众 23. be present at 在场,出席 ; be present in sth. 存在,在?里含有?; at present 目前; for the present 目前,

暂时; up to the present 至今,直到现在; presently=soon 24. present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. 把某物赠给某人

25. at a high/low price 以高/低价 ; at any price 不惜任何代价 26. take pride in sb./sth.(=be proud of sb./sth.) 为?而骄傲 27. in/out of proportion to 与?成(不成)比例

28. be proud of sb./sth. 以?为荣 ; be proud to do sth 以做某事为自豪 29. in public 公开地

30. pull at/on sth. 拖动,畅饮,(大口地)喝 ; pull sth down. 拆毁 ; pull on 穿上; pull up 停车

31. put sth. away; put aside 把?收起来,储存 ; put sth. back 放回原处,推迟 ; put sth. by储存 ; put sth.

down 写下来,镇压 ; put sth. forward(正式)提出 ;

32. put sth. on 穿上,戴上 ; put sb. up 给某人提供膳宿 ; put up with容忍;

33. for the purpose of 为了…(起见), 对…来说; on purpose 故意的, 有意的; bring about one’s purpose 达到

目的; answer/serve one’s purpose 符合目的; serve the purpose of 符合目的,可以用作, 可以充当,能解决…问题, 适用于…; with the purpose of 以…为目的;

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1. quarrel with sb. about/over sth. 为某事与某人争吵; have a quarrel with ; make up a quarrel 言归于好;

have no quarrel with/against 对…没有异言; seek/pick a quarrel with 挑衅; fight one’s quarrel for sb. 帮…吵架

2. beyond question 毫无疑问 ; out of question毫无疑问 ; out of the question 不可能的 ; question sb about

sth. 就某事向某人盘问 an open question 未解决的问题; call it question 对…表示怀疑, 要求…的证据; make no question of 对…不加怀疑;

3. form a queue 排队; stand in a queue 站在一排; jump the queue插队;

4. quite a few 相当, 有一点(修饰可数名词); quite a lot相当, 有一点;quite a little相当, 有一点(修饰不可数

名词) (R)

1. …rather than…(肯定前者,否定后者)是A而不是B ,与其B倒不如A; would rather do (have done) 宁

可做…; would rather sb. did (had done) ; would rather do…than do = would do… rather than do; rather than 宁愿…; or rather倒不如说,确切些说; rather too 稍微…了一点;would rather not宁可不…, 不愿… 2. out of/beyond one’s reach 够不着, 为能力所不及; within one’s reach 力所能及, 够得到的;

3. read between the lines 体会字里行间的意思read sb.’s mind 看出某人的心思; read sb.’s face 看人脸色;

read about/of 读到…, 获悉…; read aloud朗读;

4. too ready…to do… 易于?,有?倾向; be ready to do 乐于…, 准备做…; get ready for 准备好…; a

ready answer 当场立即回答; be ready with excuses随时都有借口 ; make sth. ready 准备好;

5. by reason of 由于 ; lose one’s reason 失去理智reason for …的理由; for…reason 因为…的理由;

reason with sb. for/against sth. 为了赞成或反对和某人评理; reason sb. into doing 说服某人做某事; reason sb. out of 讲道理使某人摆脱…; in reason 有道理的; out of reason 不合理, ;

6. beat/break/cut the record 打破记录 ; have a good/bad record 履历好/坏,名声好/坏; keep the record 保

持记录; set (up)/make the record 创记录; keep a record of…保持…的记录; 7. be red with anger 气得脸通红; in red 穿红衣服; 8. refer to 参阅,(使)求助于,涉及; be referred to 归于… ; refer to sb./sth.指…而言 refer oneself to 依赖,

求助于; make reference to 提及; with reference to 关于,依据

9. regard…as… 把?视为 ; give one’s regards to… 代某人向?问候;; as regards (通常放句首) 关于,至

于…; have a great regard for 非常尊敬…; regardless of (=in spite of) 不注意, 不顾,不管; regardless of wind or rain;

10. during repairs 修理期间 ; beyond repair 无法修理 ;

in good/bad repair 维修状况良好/不好 ; under repair(s) 在修理中 11. remind sb. of sb/sth. 提醒某人? 12. at sb’s request 在某人的要求下,因为某人的要求 ; on request 一经要求就 request sth. from/of sb. 请


13. require sth. of sb. (正式)要求,命令

14. come/go to the/sb’s rescue 营救某人,帮助某人; rescue sb. from danger 15. resign from sth. 辞职

16. show respect for sb./sth. 尊敬 ; win the respect of sb. 赢得某人的尊敬 have (a) respect for sb. 敬重

某人 ; in respect of sth. (正式)在?方面; pay one’s respects to sb. 向某人致敬; in all respects 在各方面; in every respect 在每一点上; in respect that… 考虑到…既然…

17. as a result 作为结果,因此 ; result from(=lie in) 因?产生 ; result in(=lead to ) 结果是

18. in return (for sth.) 作为对?的报答; return home safe and sound 安全到家, 平安归来; return sb. a visit

回访某人; a return to nature回归自然;

19. reward sb. for sth./doing sth. 因?酬谢某人; reward sb. with sth.

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20. be rich in… 富饶,丰富 21. give sb. a ride 给某人搭车

22. right away/off 立刻 ; right now 就在此刻

23. be in the right 正确,有理 ; by right of sth. 因为?

within one’s rights to do sth, 在自身合法的权利范围内做某事 24. right and left 到处

25. rise up against 起义,反叛

26. at the risk of sth. 冒?的危险 ; run the risk of doing sth. 冒险; take a risk/risks 冒险; risk doing sth. 27. rob sb. of sth. 抢某人的某物

28. in the long run 从长远的观点看; in the shout run 从短期看来; run across 偶然遇到; run after 追逐,追求;

run against 和…竞选, 对抗, 对…不利; run along 走开, 离开; run at 袭击, 朝… 冲过去; run away from/with 逃避, 携…而逃; run back over 回顾, 回想; run into 陷入, 偶遇, 到达; sth. run out 用光; run out of sth.;

29. rush into 闯入; the rush season 旺季; rush hours高峰时刻; (S)

1. as safe as houses/a house 十分安全 ; be safe from 没有?的危险 ; safe and sound 平安无事 2. safety island (马路中的)安全岛;

3. sail for 启程去?; as full sail(s) 开足马力; be under sail扬帆行驶,在航行中 4. for the sake of = for sb’s/sth’s sake 由于?缘故 5. for sale 出售,待售 ; on sale 出售,廉价出售

6. all the same 完全一样,毫无差别 ; the very same 正是那个; at the same time; come to the same thing

结果一样, 都是一回事; just the same 同样的,仍然; the same as… 和…相同; the same that…和…相同; the same to you. I wish you the same. 你也一样

7. to the satisfaction of sb.=to sb’s satisfaction 令某人满意 ; get/find/take/satisfaction 在?中得到乐趣 ;

with satisfaction 满意地; be satisfied with ; satisfy sb. of sth. 使某人确信; a satisfying answer 令人满意的回答; a satisfied smile 满意的微笑

8. say (sth) to oneself 想道,心中盘算 ; that is to say 换句话说 ; have the say有最后决定权; to say

nothing of 更不必说, 更谈不上; an old saying 俗话说; as the saying goes/ is常言道; 9. on the scene 在现场 ; behind the scene 在后台

10. at sea 在海上,茫然 ; by sea 由海路 ; by the sea 在海边 ; go to the sea 到海边去 ; go to sea 当海

11. search for/after 寻找 ; search into 调查 ; search some place for sth.= search for sth. in some place;

search one’s face/memory 观察人的脸色/思索; in search of 搜索; 12. in season 正当时令 ; out of season 下市

13. have/take a seat 就坐 ; be seated=seat oneself 请坐;

14. second to none 最好; a second try 再试一次; a third time 又一次

15. keep sth. secret 将某事保密 ; let out a secret 泄露秘密; make no secret of sth. 对某事不加掩饰; in

secret 秘密地;

16. see sb. off 给某人送行 ; see through sb./sth. 看穿?; see sth. through做完; see to 注意,照看; see to

it that… 务必,设法; seeing that 既然

17. sell out 卖光 ; sell up 拍卖 ; sell sth. for/at 以?的价出售某物; sth. sell well 某物很好卖; sell by

retail 零售; sell (by) whole-sale 批发

18. send for sb ; 派人去叫某人 ; send for sth. 派人去取某物 ; send away送出,派出 19. be senior to 胜于,高于, 大于; He is senior to me. He is senior to me by two years.

20. in some/a sense 在某种意义上说 ; make sense 讲得通 ; make no sense ; make sense of sth.; in every

sense 从各面说 ; There is no/some sense in doing… 做??、没有/有一些道理

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21. separate…from… 分开; sleep in separate beds 分床睡; keep … separate from 使…和…分离, 从…中提

取; separate … into 把…分成; 22. a/one series of 一系列

23. serve…as/for… 作为?用,起?作用,担任 serve the customer tea 给客人倒茶; serve the people为人

民服务; serve …purpose 有…的用途,适合…之用, 有…目的; serve the purpose of…适用于,可用作,可充当…; serve in the army/serve as a soldier 在部队里服役; serve to do 用来做…, 足以做…

24. at sb’s service 听候某人吩咐 ; in service 在使用中; of no service 无用,无助于; put/place… into

service 把…交付使用;

25. set about doing sth.=set out to do sth. 开始 ; set aside 储存 ; set back 使倒退或推迟 ; set down 写下,制

订 ; set off 动身,使爆炸 ; set out 出发,开始 ; set up 建立; set an example to sb. 为某人树立榜样set fire to= set … on fire放火, 纵火, 烧…; 26. settle down 定居,舒舒服服地坐下

27. shake one’s head at 摇头示意(表示拒绝,否认等)

28. shake up 混合 ; shake hands with sb. 与?握手 ; shake sb. by hand 握手

29. feel shame at sth. 因某事而感到羞愧 ; have no sense of shame=be quite without shame= be lost to shame

恬不知耻 ; be a shame to do sth. 干某事令人难为情 ;It’s a shame that… 令人遗憾的是? ; What a shame! 真遗憾!be/feel ashamed of/for;

30. in the shape of 呈?的形状 ; in shape 在外形上,身体好 ; out of shape 处于不好的状态; be

shaped to

31. have a share in 分担,分享 ; share sth. with sb. 与某人共用某物 ; share sth. Among/between … 把某物

平分给? ; share in 分担,分享,参与

32. go on board a ship 乘船 ; sail a ship 驾船 ; by ship 乘船

33. feel/express shock at 对?感到/表示震惊 ; be shocked at/by sth. 对某事感到惊愕; shocking news; a

shocked look

34. shoot sb. dead 射死某人 ; shoot the traffic 闯红灯 ; shoot at … 对准?射击

35. go shopping 出外购物 ; do some shopping=do one’s shopping 购物; shopping center 购物中心 ;

shopping mall 步行购物街,大卖场 ; at/on the shore 在岸上 ; short cut 走捷径 ; be short at 缺乏 ; cut short 打断(某人)谈话 ; run short 缺乏,不够用 ; Run out of … 缺乏,用完 ; for short 简称为 ; in short 总之

36. show down 摊牌 ; show off 炫耀,卖弄 ; show sb. in/out 陪某人走进/出show around/round 带领?

到处看看; be on show;

37. shut one’s eyes/ears to … 视而不见,听而不闻 ; shut one’s mouth 默不作声,住嘴 ; shut off 切断 ; shut

up 关上,关闭 ; shut down 停止

38. be sick with … 因?而病 ; be sick of = be tired of 厌倦 ; be sick at/about sth. 因?懊丧,因?难过; be

sick for = be eager for;

39. by the side of sb./sth. 在?旁边 ; from all sides 从各方面=from every side ; on all sides=on every side 在

各方面 ; side by side 肩并肩地 ; take sides with sb. (在争论中)和某人站在一边,偏向某人一边 40. at first sight 一看见就?;catch sight of sb./sth. 看见?;lose sight of sb./sth. 不再看见?; at the sight of…


41. a sign for …的标志; a sign of…的征兆; sign the cheque签支票; sign in签到; sign for签收; 42. in silence 沉默地; keep silence 保持沉默 43. keep silent 保持沉默

44. sing sb’s praises 大力颂扬

45. praise.. to the skies 把?吹捧上天

46. go to sleep 人睡; get to sleep (常用于否定式) 入睡; fall into a deep sleep 酣然入睡; sleep a sound

sleep熟睡, 酣睡; sleep late 睡懒觉; go to sleep 设法睡着;

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47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

a slip of the pen/tongue 笔误/说漏了嘴 be slow in doing sth. 做?迟缓

smell of sth. 闻起来有?味 be all smiles 满脸笑容 smooth sth. away 排除困难; smooth down;

snack bar 快餐店 a snake in the grass 假朋友,口蜜腹剑的朋友 snatch at … 抓取

not so much as … 连?都不;not so much A as B 与其说是A不如说是B;so much for sb./sth. ?就谈到此;and so on 等等;so as to do sth. 为了要?;or so 大约;so be it 好吧,就让它这样;so that, so … that 为了,以致于?;so what ! 那又怎样?那又有什么了不起

have something to do with … 和?有关系;or something 诸如此类;something like … 大约,有点像;be something of a … 可以说得上是

as soon as 一?就?;no sooner … than … 刚?就?;sooner or later 迟早 be sorry for /about 内疚;be/feel sorry for sb. 为某人感到可惜(表示同情);be sorry for oneself 为自己感到愤愤不平

sort sth. out 把?整理好,挑选出

spare sb. sth.=spare sth. for sb. ; spare no efforts to do 不遗余力; speak to/with sb. about /of sb./sth. 与某人谈?;generally speaking 一般说来;nothing to speak of 不值一提;not to speak of sb./sth. 更不用说?;speak one’s mind 直言不讳;speak for sb. 代表某人说话,为某人辩护; speak up 大声一些说; speak well/ill of sb./sth. 说某人好/坏话 speed up 加速

in good spirits 心情愉快;keep up one’s spirits 振作精神;in high/low spirits 兴高采烈/情绪低落 in spite of =despite 尽管

sports meet 运动会;sports car 赛车;the school sports 校运会;make sport of sb. (正式)嘲弄某人 on the spot 当场,在场

Squeeze sth. from/out of sb. 挤出,柞出;squeeze sth. into sth. 将?挤进;squeeze sth. out of sb. 向某人榨取某物;squeeze sth. up 挤在一起 be on the staff of … 是?的职员

be /go on the stage 登台表演,当演员 stand by 待命,袖手旁观; stand by sb./sth. 支持?,遵守(诺言等);stand for 代表;stand out 突出,显眼

to start with 首先;start for 动身;start off 起程;start out 动身(旅行),开始工作

stay away from sb./sth. 避开?;stay in 留在家里,课后留堂; stay out 不回家; stay up 不睡觉 be in/out of stock 有(没有)现货; stock up with sth. for … 为?储备? in store 储备着

put/set sb. straight 纠正某人的错; straight away/off 立刻 lay/put stress on … 重视,强调

stretch one’s legs 散步; stretch oneself 伸懒腰 in style 流行; out of style 过时

substitute A for B 用A代替B; substitute for sb./sth.

succeed in doing sth.(= manage to do sth. = was/were able to do sth.) 在?取得成功; succeed by doing sth. 通过做…获得成功 such as 诸如?此类 all of a sudden 突然

suffer from 受苦; suffer hunger 挨饿; suffer pain 受苦,熬痛; suffer from headache 头痛; suffer from floods 遭受水灾;

in sum 总之; sum up 总结一下

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81. in the sun 阳光下; under the sun 在人世间,在天地间,究竟

82. supply sth. to/for sb. = supply sb. with sth. 提供给某人某物; a good supply of 大量的; in short supply 供


83. in support of … 支持; support sb./sth. in sth. 在?方面支持?

84. be supposed to do = should 应当做某事; Suppose we= Let us…; Suppose it rains, what is to be done?

Supposing she doesn’t come, we’ll still go.

85. sure enough 果然; slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地; be sure of (doing) sth. 自信能做某事;be sure to do

某人一定会做…; be sure about 对…有把握; be sure + that/what clause; make sure of/about ; make sure + that…; for sure 确实肯定的; to be sure 当然肯定的

86. in surprise 惊奇地; (much) to one’s surprise= to one’s great surprise 令某人(非常)吃惊的是; 87. switch off 切断(电源等),关掉(灯等)


1. lay/set/spread the table 准备就餐; at table 吃饭(时); under the table 私下地; sit down to table 坐下

吃饭; turn the table(s) on sb. 转败为胜, 扭转局面; wait at/on table 伺候进餐; at table 在吃饭; at a table 在桌子旁;

2. take after sb. 长得象某人;take sth. back 同意退货,承认说错话;take sth. down 分解?,拆掉?,记

下?;take sb. in 欺骗某人;take sth. in 理解,包括;take off 起飞;take sth. off 脱下;take on sth. 呈现?;take sb. on 雇用;take sth. on 接管(工作),承担(职责);take sth. over 接管;take to sb./sth. 喜欢上?;take up sth. 拎起,占用;take sth. up 开始?,从事?; be taken ill 得病,患病; on the take 受贿, 贪赃枉法; take…apart 把…和… 分开, 拆开; take place 发生; take the place of sb./sth. 取代; take … for granted 想当然; take it easy 不紧张.

3. talk big 吹牛; talk back to sb. 回嘴,顶嘴; talk sb. into/out of doing sth. 劝说某人做/放弃某事; talk

behind sb’s back 背后议论某人; talk to/with sb. 和某人谈话 talk over 商量, 讨论; 4. taste of sth. 有?的味道; to one’s taste 和某人的口味

5. burst into tears 突然哭起来;in tears 流着泪;move sb. to tears 使某人感动得流泪;tear at sth. 撕;tear

into/to pieces 撕成碎片;tear open 拆开

6. make tea 泡茶; strong/weak tea; two teas= two cups of tea;

7. in one’s teens 十几岁时; take ten 休息十分钟, 小憩; tens of thousands of 好几万, 数以万计; ten to one

十之八九, 很可能;

8. tell A from B 分辨A和B;tell from 分辨 ; tell …apart 把…和…分开; tell the truth 讲真话; tell the world


9. be in a good/bad temper 情绪好/坏;be of a quick/hot/short temper 脾气急躁;be of a calm temper 性情温

和;get/fly/go into a temper 发怒;keep/control one’s temper 忍住脾气,捺住性子;lose one’s temper 发脾气

10. tens of thousands 好几万;ten to one =in nine (cases) out of 10 十有八九;

11. for a term of four years 四年的期限; scientific terms科学名词; in terms of 用…的措词, 根据…按照…;

come to terms 达成协议, 妥协; do sth. in terms of the people’s interests 从人民的利益出发做某事; speak of sth. in terms of praise 以赞美的话谈某事; keep on good terms 同… 保持友好关系; make terms达成协议; in the long term从长远的观点来看;

12. be terrified out of one’s senses 吓得魂不附体; terrify sb. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事; be terrified

at/with… 被…吓了一跳; be terrified of…对…感到惊恐;

13. give a test 举行测验; have/take a test 参加测验; stand the test (of time) 经受…的考验; put…to the test 测

验, 检验, 考验;

14. thank…for 为…而感谢…; a thousand thanks for对…感谢不尽; no thanks to 并非由于…; thanks to 多

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亏…由于…; thank sb. to do sth. (指还对未发生的事表示感谢)

15. no more than 不多于;no more …than (表示前后都否定)?一样不? 16. that’s that 就是这么回事,情况就是如此; that is to say 换句话说;

that will do 行,够了; now that 既然

17. now…, then… 一会儿…一会儿…; by then到那时; from then on从那时起; since then自从那时以来; till

then到那时为止; now and then 有时候, 时常, 不时; 18. think about 考虑?,想到;think back to 追忆;think of 想起,回忆;think of … as … 认为,把?看作?;

think out 想出,构思出;think over 仔细考虑 19. even though=even if 即使

20. on second thought(s) 经再三考虑; a noble thought 高尚的思想; at the thought of 一想起…就…; take

thought for对…关心, 对…挂念; without a moment’s thought 不加考虑, 不加思考, 立刻 21. through one’s life 一生;be/get through 通过,完成;through thick and thin 同甘共苦

22. keep good time (钟表)走时准;lose no time 立刻;pass the time 消磨时间;at a time 每一次,同时;

at one time 曾经;at times 有时;in the meantime 同时;in time to come 将来;in (good) time 及时;for the time being 暂时;on time 按时;in one’s time 在一生中 23. on tip toe 踮着脚

24. be tired with 因?而感受疲劳;be tired of 厌烦 25. have a loose tongue 惯于随口乱讲;a slip of the tongue 口误;have a ready tongue 有流利的口才;mother

tongue 母语

26. cannot be too … 无论?也不过分,要特别?;none too … 一点也不all too太…; can never/cannot …too

怎么…也不过分; only too 正是太…; too…to; too much +n.[u.]; too many + n.[c.]; much too + adj./adv. 27. at the top of 在?最高度;on (the) top of 在?之上 28. be in touch with sb. 与某人联系;keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系;be out of /lose touch with sb. 与

某人无/失去联系; touch sb. to the heart 触动某人的心弦; be deeply touched被…深深地打动; touch on/upon涉及, 提到; get in/into touch with与…取得联系; 29. keep track of sb./sth. 保持与?的联系,掌握?的情况;lose track of sb./sth. 失去与?的联系,不再了解?

的情况;on the right/wrong track 循着正确/错误的路线;track events 田径赛项目;track sb./sth. down 追捕到?

30. trade (sb.) sth. for sth.用?与(某人)交换?;trade in sth. 做?生意;trade with sb. 与某人做生意 31. be open to traffic 通车;traffic lights 交通信号灯;light/heavy traffic 交通稀疏/拥挤 32. fall in a trip 中计

33. be caught in a trap 落入圈套, 坠入陷阱; be trapped in 陷入…, 被困于…; 34. treat sb. for (疾病) 给某人治病;treat sb./oneself to sth. 款待某人/自己好好享用?; treat…as 把…当作…;

treat sb. with care对某人很关心; treat with sb. for peace 同某人谈判和平;

35. trick sb. into sth. /doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事;trick sb. out of sth. 骗走某人某物; play a trick on 作弄某


36. ask for trouble 自找麻烦;get into trouble 招致麻烦,陷入困境;be in trouble 处于困境;make trouble 闹

事;take the trouble to do sth. 尽力去做,不辞辛苦; have trouble doing sth.做某事有困难 37. come true 实现;true to life/nature 逼真

38. try on 试穿;try doing sth. 试做某事(看看效果如何);try to do 试图去做某事(努力去做);try out sth.

试验; have a try 试一试;

39. turn sb./sth. down 拒绝?,拒收?;turn sth. down 把?调小,调低(用于收音机、灯、煤气等);turn in

上床睡觉;turn sth. in 归还,交回;turn up 来到,露脸,出席;turn sth. up把?调大,调高(用于收音机、灯、煤气等);by turns 轮流;in turn 轮流着;take turns at sth.依次做某事;at the turn of the year/century 年度/世纪之交; turn to sb./sth. 求助于某人/某物 (U)

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1. 2. 3. 4.

under control 得到,控制中;under arrest 被捕;under repair 正在整修; be under way 在进展中; make oneself understood 使自己的意思为人了解,说明自己的意思; it is understood that… it is not until that…(强调句); until now至今; until recently 直到最近; until then 直到那时; up and down 上上下下,来回地;ups and downs 变动,盛衰

it is up to sb. to do sth. 由某人负责做某事; up to 直到…, 从事, 忙于…; 5. in use 使用中;make use of … 利用;used to do sth. 过去常常?:be/get used to doing 习惯做某事; be of

use= be useful ; be of no use= be useless; come into use 投入使用; it is no use doing sth. there is no use doing sth.

6. as usual 照例, 像往常一样; at usual time 老时间; in the usual place 老地方; the usual restraunt 常去的

餐馆; (V)

1. in vain 徒然

2. Fall victim to sth. 成为?的牺牲品

3. be on vacation 在度假中; take a vacation 放假;

4. be valuable in doing sth. 做某事有价值, 值得做某事 5. a variety of = all kinds of

6. the very lowest price; the very pen 就是这支钢笔; a very fool 十足的傻瓜; the very tallest=much the


7. a point of view 观点; at first view初看, 一见…就; in view 在视野里, 被考虑, 被记住; in view of 鉴于,

由于, 考虑到; on view= on show展览着, 上映中; with the view of (doing)= with a view to (doing) 为了要…, 着眼于…

8. on a visit to 拜访, 逗留, 到…参观, 访问; pay…a visit= pay a visit to…; visit with 找...聊天[闲谈]

9. in a loud/soft voice 大声的/轻声的; in a high/low voice高声的/低声的; be of one voice 意见一致; voice

one’s opinion 发表意见; speak under one’s voice 低声说; with one voice 异口同声地; have no voice in 对…没有发言权;

10. vote for 投票赞成; vote against投票反对; (W)

1. Wait on sb. 侍侯某人,照顾某人; wait for 等待, 等候; wait on/at the table 伺候进餐; lie in wait for 埋伏


2. be wanted on the telephone 有…的电话; want for nothing应有尽有 ; suffer from want of food 遭受饥饿之

苦; want doing= want to be done; want to do;

3. at war 在交战中;go to war against sb. 对?开战;make war upon sb. 向?开战 4. warm up 变暖,热身

5. warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事; warn sb. of/against danger 警告某人有危险; warn sb. not to do sth.= warn

sb. against doing sth. 警告某人不要做

6. wash one’s hands 洗手,上厕所;wash … away 把?冲走;wash …down with sth. 用?冲洗?;wash up


7. waste no time (in) doing sth. 抓紧时间做某事; a waste of time and money 浪费时间和金钱; 8. keep watch for … 为?值班,放哨;keep a close watch on … 密切注意;

on watch 在值班;under watch 受到保护

9. be in deep water 处于困境;hold water 有说服力;under water 被淹没

10. by the way 随便说说;by way of 取道于;give way 让步;in a way 在某种意义上;show the way 带路;

lose one’s way 迷路;make one’s way 前进,成功;(in) no way 决不;on the way 在途中;(in) any way 不管怎样on the/ one’s way to 在去路上; in this/that way用这种/那种方法; in every possible way 千方百计, 用各种方式; in some way or other= in one way or another 想方设法; all the way 一路上, 自始至终; in the way 妨碍, 当道; out of the way 不妨碍, 不当道; under way在进行中; feel one’s way摸索着前进;

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make one’s way艰难地行走 11. in all weathers 不论晴雨

12. gain weight=put on weight 发胖;lose weight =take off weight 减肥; be sold by weight 按重量出售; 13. may/might (just) as well do … 不妨?;pretty well 几乎; as well as; do well; not only… but…as well;

14. all the while 始终;once in a while 偶尔,有时;(for) a while 片刻after a while 过了一会儿(过去时); in

a little while(将来时) ; worth (one’s) while to do sth. 值得的

15. be wild about … 热衷于;run wild 变得荒芜; be wild with joy欣喜若狂;

16. at will 任意地;with a will 认真地; do the will of sb. 服从…的意志; Where there is a will, there is a way.


17. against the wind 顶风;before the wind 顺风 18. a live wire 通电的电线

19. do/work wonders 创造奇迹;no wonder that … 难怪; it is no wonder that; in wonder;

20. eat one’s words 收回前言,承认说错;have words with sb. 与某人口角;in a word 总之;in other words

换句话说;keep /break one’s word 守/失信;have a few words/ a word with sb. 与某人说几句话; Word came that…

21. at work 在工作中,上班,起作用,在运转;get/ go/set to work 着手开始工作;out of work 失业;a steel

works 钢铁厂;work sth. out 计算?,解出?,设计?; a work of art 一件艺术品; 22. set the world on fire 惊天动地,非常成功;think the world of sb./sth. 对?极为看重;have seen much of the

world 见过不少世面;come/go up in the world 发迹;come into the world 问世be worried about sb./sth. 担心?

23. to make matters/things worse 更糟的是;go from bad to worse 越来越坏; what is/was worse 更糟糕的是; 24. at (the) worst 最糟; be prepared for the worst 做好最坏的打算; make the worst of 对...作最坏的打算; 对

困难等束手无策; 全部搞糟;

25. be wrapped up in sb./sth. 对?专心致志,对?倾尽注意力;wrap sth. (up) in sth. 用?包?;wrap sth.

round/around sb./sth. 用?围在?;

26. get the wrong end of the stick 完全误解;on the wrong/right side of forty/fifty … 过了(未到)40岁/50

岁?;wrong side out 翻转;do sb. wrong =do wrong to sb. 对待某人不公道; take the wrong turning/path 走入歧途; (Y)

1. all (the) year round 一年到头;year in ,year out 年复一年; all the year round=all year long; from year to

year= year after year; year by year; an eight-year-old girl=a girl eight years old=a girl of eight=a girl of eight years of age=a girl of eight years old=a girl aged eight

2. be oneself (人)处于正常状态; by oneself 独自一人; for oneself 独力地; 亲自地; of oneself 自发地; 3. zero count 倒计数, 从十到零

4. yellow pages (电话薄中的)黄页部分 5. as yet 迄今

6. keep/waste/wear out/destroy one’s youth 保持/浪费/耗尽/毁灭某人的青春

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