国际货代英语完整讲义 Unit 14 General Features of Consolidation

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国际货运代理专业英语 Unit 14 General Features of Consolidation

一、 合并运输的含义

1-1 课文:Consolidation or groupage means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of origin intended for several consignees at another point of destination, dispatching the parcels as one consolidated

consignment to the consolidator’s agent at the destination and delivering them to their respective consignees. (合并运输的定义,考试重点)

注释:consolidation: 合并运输 groupage: 拼箱 mean: 意味着,意指 assembly: n. 集合,汇集 small parcel: 小批,小包 (parcel: 包,包裹,(人,物)一批) several: 几个,数个 origin: 产地 intend for: 打算供...使用,打算送给 another: 另一个,别的,另外的 destination: 目的地 dispatch: 派遣,分派,发送 consolidated: 统一的,合并的 consignment: 交付,委托,所托运的货物 consolidator: 合并运输人 respective: 分别的,各自的


1-2 课文:Forwarders who act as groupage agents or consolidators deliver full container loads (FCL) made up of individual LCL consignments to the carrier to take advantage of the FCL tariff rates.

注释:act as: 担当,作为 full container loads (FCL):整箱货 make up of: 构成,组成 individual: 个别的,单独的 LCL (less than carload lot): 拼装货,零担货物 (less than: 小于carload:车辆所载的货物,货车的最低载重量,另外LCL还可以写成less than container load) take advantage of: 利用 tariff rate: 关税比率



2-1 课文:As a consolidator, the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a house bill of lading.

注释:provide: 提供 in one’s own name: 以自己的名义 issue: 签发 house bill of lading: 货代提单

课文意思:作为合并运输人,货运代理人将以他自己的名义提供服务并签发货代提单。 2-2 课文:To the individual consignors, the consolidator is the carrier, while in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the consignor.

注释:relationship: 关系,联系 actual: 实际的


2-3 课文:The individual consignors and consignees do not deal directly with actual carrier.

注释:deal with:安排,处理,做生意 directly: 直接地


2-4 课文:The consolidator buys shipping space “wholesale” from the actual carrier and sells it “retail” to the individual consignors.

注释:shipping space: 船位,舱位 wholesale: 批发 retail: 零售



2-5 课文:In groupage transport, the forwarder acts as a sort of wholesaler by buying large amounts of space which are sold out in retail to his customers. 注释:groupage transport: 拼箱运输 a sort of: 一种 wholesaler: 批发商 large amounts of: 大量的 sell out: 出卖,出售,卖完 customer: 顾客


2-6 课文: In the case of air transport, the consolidator’s responsibilities go beyond delivering the shipment to the airline at the airport of departure. It extends to the recovery of the shipment from the airline at destination and, where requested, to its delivery to the consignee.

注释:in the case of: 在...的情况,就...而言 air transport: 航空运输,空运 go beyond: 超出

airline: 航空公司,定期航线 airport: 机场,航空港 departure: 出发,离开,离港 extend: 延伸,扩展 recovery: 收回,回收


2-7 课文: Consolidation services can also be provided by a freight forwarder for the overseas importer who buys small consignments of merchandise from numerous vendors.

注释:overseas: 海外的,国外的 merchandise: 商品,货物 numerous: 许多的,众多的 vendor: 卖方,卖主


2-8 课文:The vendors are instructed by their buyer to deliver the merchandise to the forwarder who consolidates the consignments for dispatch to the buyer. 注释:instruct: 指导,指示 ,命令,通知


2-9 课文:The forwarder issues to each seller his house bill of lading or the Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt (FCR).

注释:each: 每个的,各自的 Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt (FCR): 货运代理人收货证明书


三、合并运输的优势 (考试重点)

3-1 课文:Consolidation can benefit all concerned, e.g. exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder. The national economy can also benefit.

注释:benefit: 有益于 concerned: 有关的(在这里是指“相关的各方”) national economy: 国内经济


3-2 对于出口商和托运人的好处:



课文:They get the benefit of a rate lower than they would have normally paid to the carrier. It is particularly beneficial to small shippers who are not well established in their trade and who do not have enough bargaining strength to negotiate rates with the shipping or air lines.

注释:lower than: 低于 normally: 正常情况下,通常的 pay to: 支付 particularly: 特别地,尤其 be beneficial to: 有益于... establish: 建立,成立,设立,安置 enough: 足够的,充足的 bargaining strength: 讨价还价的能力(bargaining: 讨价,商讨 strength: 实力,力量)negotiate: 谈判,商定 shipping line: 船运公司



课文:And shippers find it advantageous to deal through a freight forwarder who provides consolidation services to a wide range of destinations instead of

approaching several shipping lines, each of which may be offering services only on routes which they operate.

注释:advantageous: 有益的,有利的 a wide range of: 大范围的,范围广的 instead of: 而不是,代替 approach: 与...打交道,接近 shipping line: 航运公司 offer: 提供 课文:并且发货人也发现了通过货运代理人进行合并运输的另一个好处,合并运输服务所提供的目的地范围更广,他们不仅仅限于与几个航运公司接洽,而每个航运公司可能只能提供他们所运营的航线上的服务。

3-3 对于承运人的好处:


课文:The carrier does not have to handle individual consignments and these results in considerable savings in paperwork and time.

注释:have to: 不得不,只好 handle: 处理,应付,控制 result in: 导致

considerable: 不可忽视的,相当(大,多)的,可观的 saving: 节约 paperwork: 文书工作



课文:There is more intensive utilization of his carrying capacity as the consolidator offers his FCL cargoes.

注释:intensive: 集中的,增强的 utilization: 利用 carrying capacity: 运输能力,承载能力



课文:The carrier also saves on the expenditure which he would have otherwise incurred in maintaining freight handling equipment and in employing workers to handle LCL shipments, and he does not have to take the risk of freight payments by the individual shipper as this is taken care of by the freight forwarder.

注释:save on: 节省 expenditure: 支出,花费 otherwise: 另外,否则,不同地 incur: 招致 maintain: 保持,维持 equipment: 设备,装备,船上用具 employ: 雇用 worker: 工


人 LCL shipment: 零担货物运输,拼装货物运输 risk: 风险 freight payment: 支付运费 take care of: 照顾,在这里引申为“负责”


