九年级下学期英语备课组工作计划 - 图文

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★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供






备好课是上好课的前提和基础。备课不能只备教材,必须做好六方面的工作:一)备课程大纲 二)备教材 三)备学生 四)备教法 五)备课程资源 六)写教案。其中备学生方面,根据我们学生的特点,必须切实做到面向全体,不放弃任何一个学生。首先,要了解学生的思想表现、情感状态、生活经验等学情。然后,针对不同层次,不同学情的学生,研究如何实施分层教学,满足不同层次学生的需要。备课程资源方面,除了合理有效地使用教科书以外,还应利用好其他课程资源,特别是教研室提供的


二、 教学后记是本学期教学设计中重点检查项目,并加强教案





四、 组织好两次月考,每位老师都要参与出试卷的工作,且认




























杭州市长征业余学校英语少科班2005(春) 初二 第二讲听力材料及答案

I. 听对话回答问题 (10%)

听下面一段对话,回答第1和第2两个小题。现在你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两题。 W: Hello, Barbara’s Taxis.

M: Hello, Duncan here. I want a taxi.

W: Yes, of course. But where do you want to go? And what time do you want to leave home?

M: I want to go to the railway station, and want to leave home at half past five in the morning, please. Is that too early? My train leaves at a quarter past six. W: OK, no problem. M: Thank you.


W: What’s your mother like, Bob?

M: She’s OK, but she always asks my friends too many

questions. She wants to know everything about them. W: What about your father?

M: He’s all right, but he sings. He sings when my friends are in the house, and he sings so bad! What about your father, Jean?

W: My dad never remembers the names of my friends. But

when they come to our house, he says ‘Hello Peter’ when his name is Paul, or ‘Hi Kelly’ when her name’s Demi. M: Oh, my God!

1—5 B B B D C

II. 听对话, 填写下列表格 (10%)

Sue 和Mike一周之内要去的地方已给出,请根据所听对话内容将各地点前面的字母代号A—H 填入对应的方框中(有两项多余)。

W: Oh, Mike, it’s Sunday already! We only have six days


M: Yes, and there’s still so much to see! We’re going to

the swimming pool today, but what shall we do tomorrow?

W: What about going to see that very old church? You

know, the one in the mountains.

M: OK, so tomorrow the church. What about Tuesday? W: Well, I’d like to go to the museum.

M: It’s not open on Tuesdays, but we could go to the


W: OK. And the museum on Wednesday? M: Yes, it’ll be open then. W: And the rest of the week?

M: I’d like to go to the boat trip to the island on


W: We can’t. We’re going with Phil and Judith to the

castle that day.

M: Oh! Well, that only leaves Friday and we haven’t seen

the cathedral yet! We must go there!

W: On Friday?! But we can’t. We have to go to the market

to buy some presents.

M: Oh well, we’ll have to see the cathedral next year! 6—10 D A G B F



1—5 B D A D D 6—10 B D C C C 11—15 D A C A B 16—20 B B D A D II.完形填空:(10%)

1—5 C B B D A 6—10 C D A A C III. 阅读理解 ( 30%)

(A)1—5 B B A B C (B) 1—5 B D B A C

(C) 1.happily, London 2. Real Madrid, the England football team

3. singer 4. the World Cup five years IV. 选择适当的词填空:(15%)

1.important 2. Without 3. happy 4. on 5. busy 6. both

7. stars 8. better 9. themselves 10. tells 11. meaningful

12. watching 13. tired 14. sad 15. while V. 动词填空 (10%)

1. are going/will go 2. to help 3. driving 4. forgot 5. leave 6 . went

7. climbing 8. were 9. teaches 10. is sitting VI.书面表达。(15%)

Water is very important for us. Without it, we can’t live any longer, neither can the plants nor animals. We need water all the time. We drink it. We also use it to make things, such as paper, cloth and so on. Because of these, we must try our best to save water. 杭州市长征业余学校英语少科班2005(春) 初二 第二讲


I. 听对话回答问题 (10%)


1. Where does Mr. Duncan want to go by taxi?

A. To Barbara’s Taxis. B. To the railway station. C. To his home. D. To the police station. 2. When does the train leave?

A. At 6:45 am. B. At 6:15 am. C. At 6:30 am. D. At 7:15 am.


3. When does Rob’s father often sing?

A. He sings when he is in the shop. B. He sings when Rob’s friends are in his house.

C. He sings when he isn’t happy. D. He sings when Rob’s mum isn’t in.

4. Who likes to ask questions?

A. Jean. B. Rob. C. Jean’s father. D. Rob’s mother.

5. When Jean’s friend, Paul come to her house. Jean’s father may call him________.

A. Baby B. Paul C. Peter D. Rob II. 听对话, 填写下列表格 (10%)

Sue 和Mike一周之内要去的地方已给出,请根据所听对话内容将各地点前面的字母代号A—H 填入对应的方框中(有两项多余)。 Sunday H A. beach 6. Monday B. castle(城堡) 7. Tuesday C. cathedral(总教堂) 8. Wednesday D. church 9. Thursday E. island 10. Friday F. market G. museum H. swimming pool 笔试部分 I.选择填空:(20分)

1. It is ______ for us to ______ football in the street.

A. important, play B. dangerous, play C. important,

playing D. dangerous, playing

2. The noise wakes me up. Would you please _____ this?

A. do B. to do C. not to do

D. not do

3. The book is very easy and ______ a child of ten can read


A. even B. still C. just

D. only

4. If you take enough exercise, you ________. A. will be more health B. will be very health C. are

healthy D. will be much healthier

5. While she was trying to pass a bus before her, she saw

another ____.

A. came B. to come C. comes D.


6. One afternoon in April 1912, a new ship ______ from

England to America on its first trip.

A. ran off B. set off C. ran away D. set


7. The mutton on the table _______. Shall I eat it, Mum? A. smell nice B. is smelling wonderful C. smells

well D. smells good

8. –What is the girl? --She ________.

A. is Mrs Brown’s daughter B. is good at drawing C.

works in an office D. does reading 9.—Where is Jill, please?

---She _____ in the classroom, but I’m not sure.

A. maybe B. can be C. may be D.

must be

10. You ______ see the doctor if you are ill.

A. go to B. have to C. will have to D.

went to

11. At first the students were reading loudly, but when the

teacher went out of the classroom, the students ______. A. stop talking B. stop to talk C. stopped talking D.

stopped to talk

12. I will come to see you if I ______ free next week.

A. am B. have C. will be D. will


13. Is _____ necessary to stand in line for the bus?

A. that B. this C. it D. he 14. –I will go to my hometown for Spring Festival. --Really? _______.

A. Enjoy yourself B. Thank you C. That’s right

D. See you

15. Do you know _____ to say this in English?

A. what B. how C. when D.


16. –Do you know the meaning of “NEGATIVE


--Yes, it’s a word for math. It means _______.

A. 化合价 B.负数 C. 密度 D.


17. What a kind girl, ____?

A. doesn’t the girl B. isn’t she C. doesn’t she

D. isn’t the girl

18. Do you know _____ elephant is ______ useful animal? A. the, an B. a, a C. a, the D.

an, a

19. When winter _______, it gets colder and colder.

A. comes B. will come C. came

D. shall come

20. –What’s wrong with her? --Her back ______.

A. hurt B. will hurt C. was hurting D. hurts


One day a man with his wife went to a shop to buy a dress for his wife. They _1_ at a lot of beautiful dresses, and some time later there were _2_ dresses which they liked very much, but _3_ of them could decide which one to _4_ One of them was very expensive! And the other was _5_. Of course the shopkeeper wanted to _6_ them the expensive one, and then he could get more _7_ from them. So he said to the _8_, “Oh, come on. Spend his money, _9_ he will spend it in smoking.” Then the lady said proudly, “My husband _10_ smokes at all.”

1. A. laughed B. arrived C. looked D.


2. A. some B. two C. many D.


3. A. either B. neither C. both D.

no one

4. A. like B. show C. change D.


5. A. cheap B. old C. small D.


6. A. give B. show C. sell D.


7. A. time B. bill C. food D.


8. A. woman B. man C. waiter D.


9. A. or B. and C. so D.


10. A. usually B. still C. never D.

sometimes III. 阅读理解 ( 30%) (A)

I always thought that a man who was wise and good would become rich, but this year I have learned that this is not always true. I learned this from my teacher. He is both wise and good, but is no rich at all, for being a teacher, he

doesn’t have a good income. (收入) He may be able to get more money if he gives up teaching for business. But he is so proud of being a teacher that he takes pleasure in helping young people. He stays at school from morning till late afternoon and works very hard. He always smiles at us when we go to ask him for help. He is kinder to us than anyone whom I’ve ever known. I think it must be easier to learn history or math than to learn how to become such a man. He scolds ( 责骂 ) us when we do something wrong, but it teaches us to try to do better. We all wish to study with him as long as possible, but that may be impossible. Some of us may become doctors, some become businessmen, some become engineers, some become writers, but we all want one thing very much—to become men like our teacher.

1.The writer always thought that ______.

A. a wise and good person would never become rich B. a wise and good person would become rich

C. a wise teacher would become rich D. a good teacher would never become rich at all

2. The writer’s teacher is the following except that ______.

A. he is very kind B. he never scolds his students

C. he works very hard D. he likes to help his students

3. What’s the meaning of this sentence “He is kinder to

us than anyone whom I’ve ever known”?

A. He is the kindest person I know. B. He is kinder

than many people I know.

C. I know many people who are kinder than he. D. Only

a few people are kinder than he.

4. From this passage, we know that the writer ______. A. is now working B. is now still a student C. is now a doctor D. is now also a teacher

5. Which is NOT true according to this passage? A. The writer is proud of his teacher very much. B. The writer may become a teacher in the future, too. C. It’s very easy to be a wise and good teacher. D. The teacher may become rich if he gets down to business. (B)

Take any long piece of paper. Now glue(粘合) the ends of the paper together. You have made a ring.

Take a second long piece of paper. Twist(扭转) the

paper once and glue the ends together. Now you have made a Mobius band(带). For people who study math, this band is unusual.

This band was first made in the 1800s by a German man named August Mobius. Mr. Mobius studied math. He wanted to find a way to show how this band works with math. Believe it or not, this band has only one surface. You can find this out for yourself.

If you draw a line on the surface of the paper before you twist and glue it, the line is only on side of the paper. The paper has two surfaces. But if you draw a line after you make the Mobius band, you can follow the line around all sides of the paper. In other words, the Mobius band must have only one surface.

It’s a kind of fun to see what happens when you cut the band. If you cut the Mobius band in half once down the line you draw, you don’t get two Mobius bands. Instead, after you cut the band, it turns into one large twisted ring. Then, if you cut the band again, you get two connected(联结)Mobius bands. Try it! 1. What is a Mobius band?

A. a math problem B. an interesting twisted ring C. a

long piece of paper D. two connected rings 2. Which is right about August Mobius?

A. He studied math. B. He was a German. C. He made the first Mobius band. D. All of the three.

3. How can you see that the Mobius band has only one side?

A. Cut it. B. Draw a line on it. C. Glue it D. Twist it.

4. What do you get if you cut the Mobius band in half once?

A. a large twisted ring B. two Mobius bands C. a long piece of paper D. two long pieces of paper

5. What do you get if you cut the Mobius band in half twice?

A. one large twisted ring B. a long piece of paper C. two Mobius bands D. a short piece of paper


David Beckham is one of football’s most famous faces. Beckham—or “Becks” to use his nickname—plays for Real Madrid(皇家马德里) and is captain(队长) of the England football team. He is also a happily married man who loves his family. His wife, Victoria, is the famous

ex-Spice Girl singer.

Here is an interview with him a few months ago. 1. Are you ever tired of football?

No, I love it. I train nearly every day. I never get tired of football. Real Madrid are playing A.C. Milan tonight and I’m going to watch the match on TV. 2. Are there any moments which you regret? My stupid(愚蠢的) kick against the Argentinian(阿根廷的)player Siomeone in the World Cup in 1998. 3. What’s your greatest ambition(志向)?

To help the England team to win the next World Cup. 4. Where do you live?

In a big house in the country outside London but we’ve also got a house near the stadium(体育场) where I train. 5. How important is your family to you?

My wife Victoria and my children are my life. Id do anything for them.

6. What do you like doing when you are free?

Shopping with Victoria, playing with my children—and going on holiday!

Complete the sentences according to the passage. 1. Beckham lives ______ with his family in the country

outside _______.

2. He plays for ___________, and is captain of_________________.

3. Beckham’s wife, Victoria is a famous _________. 4. He thinks his most regrettable(令人遗憾的) moment is the kick against the Argentinian player Simeone in _________________________ ago. IV. 选择适当的词填空:(15%)

watch good they while busy with sad happy tire on meaningful both tell important star Music is very _1_ in our lives. _2_ music life will not be good and will lack(缺乏) emotion(激情). When you listen to music, you will feel _3_.

I like music very much and often listen to it _4_ the radio. Recently I have no time to listen to music because I am _5_ with my studies. I like listening to _6_ Chinese and foreign music. I like pop music but I don’t like pop _7_. I think the songs are _8_ than the singers _9_. I think warfare(战争) music is not bad. It __10_ the soldier’s life. It is not only melodic, but also very _11_. In the modern world, MTV is very popular. It makes music more colorful as it combines(结合) listening with _12_. A good song won’t be forgotten. When we’re _13_, we will listen to it. When we are _14_, We will listen to it, too. After a _15_, we’ll be happy again. V. 动词填空 (10%)

1. They _____ (go) on their first field trip next Saturday. 2. Li Lei is asking his uncle, an English teacher, ______(help) him to think of a foreign name.

3,. Sometimes we find her______(drive) the tractor on the farm.

4. –Who always ______(forget) to have supper? --The scientist did.

5. I’d better ______(leave) now, or I won’t catch the school bus.

6. Yesterday Val didn’t go to school. He ____(go) to the Good World Center to play computer games. 7. The monkey is good at _____(climb) trees.

8. The Greens _____(be) at home. They didn’t come out. 9. He ______(teach) us English well, doesn’t he? 10. Look! Mike _____(sit) at the foot of the hill.



Important, without, no longer, use,, try one’s best, save


福清融城中学 林家琴

[摘要] 本文对英语书面表达进行了探讨,介绍了写作训练的三种方法,写作过程中的注意事项,以及在课堂教学中常用的评改方法。英语写作能力的培养和提高并非是一蹴而就的。它必须由浅入深、由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进、一环紧扣一环地进行训练。




1、 培养造句能力


第一是造句与句型相结合。教师要充分利用教材中呈现的句型,以图片、实物、情景、简笔画、教师的语言等为辅助,开展造句练习。如:This(That,It)is a map(a cap,a cup,our school). 第二是造句与语法教学相结合。语法教学与造句相联系,使学生通过造句来领会各种语法现象的含意。把深奥、难于理解的语法规则变为看得见,用得上的日常用语就容易理解和掌握。如用问答的形式来培养学生运用条件状语从句的能力。如:

Q:What will you do if the weather is fine tomorrow?

A:I’ll go for a picnic if it’s fine tomorrow. Q:What will he do if he misses the bus? A:He will take a taxi if he misses the bus. Q:What will you do if you fail in your exam? A:We’ll study harder if we fail in our exam. 另外也可利用实物、图片、情景进行句型替换训练等。 第三是造句与词汇教学相结合。寓词汇于句子之中,始终做到词不离句以提高学生的造句能力。学生不仅要用词汇造孤立的句子,更要能根据生活的需要或按教师提供的情景,造出一系列意思相关联的句子以表达一个完整的思想。以动词fail为例:I had a test last week.The questions were too difficult for me.I

could answer only one—third of the questions.1 was sorry I failed in the test这种造句其实已经进入了写作中的情景描写阶段。 2、复述训练

复述是学生开始写作前不可缺少的一种训练手段,主要目的是培养学生语法知识与词汇的综合运用能力、语言材料的组织能力、语言的表达能力。通常先以课文为范文,然后再以教师挑选的课外文章作范文。复述方法有三种。一是复述与讲授新课相结合。教师用图片或简笔画为辅助,将课文复述两遍后,要求学生复述。二是学生根据提纲书面复述学过的课文。三是教师挑选适量的课外文章,按第一种方法进行复述训练。学生不看范文,只凭记忆并书写成文,供教师批阅。这是复述的最后阶段。 3、阅读模仿

学生能够创造出符合语法规范的句子,并不等于会作文。因此对学生进行整体性作文训练是起始阶段教学不可忽视的一个内容。为了使学生能更好地使用文体、安排材料、布置结构层次等,在教学中我有意识地增加范文阅读与模仿。具体作法是: (1)课文分析与模仿。在上完一篇课文之后,帮助学生分析课文结构、语言特色等。然后让学生依照课文内容与层次进行缩写、改写,或模仿某一段落做书面表达练习。(2)范文阅读与模仿。拟定一个书面表达题目并附上范文,让学生细读,然后给一个十分类似的题目让学生模仿作文。

阅读是模仿的前提,学生必须经过认真仔细阅读才能更好地模仿。有时,仅仅依靠阅读是不够的,还需经过老师做出讲解与提示。对于课文中重要的段落和经过精选的短文,应该让学生背诵。 二、注意事项

就近几年的中考书面表达来看,都采用了提示作文的形式,对内容,体裁,行文长短等做了一定的限制。要写好作文,力争高分,应提醒学生注意以下几点: 1、忌遗漏信息点

对所提示的内容,应归纳出主要的信息点。根据书面表达的评分标准,遗漏一个信息点,即降一个档次分。越少,定的档次分则越低,得分也越少。所以在书面表达中抓住信息点是关键。 2、忌任意发挥

提示作文不同于命题作文,它在内容方面有所限制,而不是随意发挥。 3、忌逐句翻译

要分清提示作文和翻译练习的界限。提示作文不是翻译。它虽然规定了内容,但如何选择词汇、句型,选择怎样的表达方法等都要求作者自行决定。对于改写或缩写也应使用自己的语言来表达原文的意思,而不要照抄原文。那种一字不漏的翻译和照抄原文是不符和书面表达要求的。 4、忌语法错误


语态、词汇、句型等方面的错误。 5、忌滥用复杂句

学生在进行书面表达时应多使用简单句,少量地使用并列句和复杂句。有的学生恨不得把自己学过的所有词汇和句型在一篇短短的书面表达中全部用上,认为词汇用得越多越好,句型越复杂越好。殊不知其结果是表达不清,结构混乱,错误繁多。而如果采用简单句表达,则不会犯这些错误。 6、忌体裁错位

书面表达的体裁有记叙文,说明文,议论文,应用文4种。学生在写作文时首先应根据提示确定相应的体裁。 三、评改方法


效的。评改书面表达练习的方法: 1、 学生自己批改

做完一篇书面表达练习后,教师把练习本收上来,从好中差三类学生中抽出数本批改,了解学生在哪些地方出错较多。第二天把未改的练习本发还给学生。先要求他们仔细看一遍自己的练习,争取找到几处错误。一些因粗心造成的错误,如:单词拼写错误、标点错误等,往往很快被发现。再把有典型错误的句子板书,要求同学们改正,然后给出正确的表达方法。最后由同学们自己修改自己的书面表达练习。 2、 学生相互批改

一篇书面表达做好后,教师要求同桌同学互相交换练习本批改。这样,学生可以从别人的练习中得到启发,学到好的表达方法。另一方面,在发现对方的错误后,要帮助对方把这些错误改正过来。这样能使同学之间取长补短;互相学习。 3、学生集体批改


的可能性。 4、 教师当面批改


5、 教师划出错误,学生自己改正


上述四、五两种批改方法比传统的教师逐句逐字地批改要高效得多,这是因为:一方面节省时间,另一方面,学生必须自己动脑,效率自然大大提高。教师给学生改正一个错误并不难,但必须教会学生自己如何去发现错误、改正错误。授人以鱼不如授人以渔。 总之,英语书面表达的训练是综合能力的训练之一,单靠以上做法是不够的。大量的多种训练要贯穿于英语教学的始终,因为英语的听说读写是相互影响、相互作用的有机统—体[2]。


[1] 中华人民共和国教育部,2001,英语课程标准(实验稿)[M]。北京:北京师范大学出版社。

第一次素质调研考试(八年级 英语试卷)答卷纸

一、 听力:20分

A) 听对话,找出与所听内容相符的图片,听一遍。(5分)

1._________ 2._________ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________

B) 根据所听句子,选择正确的答语,听两遍。(5分)

1.________ 2._________ 3._________ 4.________ 5.________

C) 根据所听对话和问题,选择正确的答语,听两遍。(5分)

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

D) 听短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,


1.________ 2.________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

二、 单项选择:15分

1._________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5. __________

6._________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.__________

11._________ 12._________ 13.__________ 14.__________ 15.__________

三、 完形填空:10分

1._________ 2.__________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5. __________

6._________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.__________

四、 阅读理解:15分

A) 1._________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

B) 1._________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________


C) 1._________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

五、 词汇运用:10分

A) 1._________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

B) 1._________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

六、 句型转换:13分

1.__________ __________2.__________ __________ 3._________ _________ 4._________ _________ __________ ___________

5.__________ __________ __________

七、 任务型阅读:12分 Information Card Lost(寻物启示) 1. When 2. Where 3. What 4. The things inside 5. The loser’s address 6. The loser’s name

八、 对话填空:10分

1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5. __________

6.__________ 7.___________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.__________

九、 书面表达:15分

根据提示,以My pet为题,写一篇短文,词数大约60-80。 1. What’s your pet? (a dog, a cat…)

2. What does it look like? (size, color, eyes, fur/feather/…) 3. Is it clever, shy, quiet, friendly…? 4. What does it eat? 5. What does it like doing? My pet







广陵区教育局教研室2006年主要工作安排 月份 主 要 工 作 内 容

二 月 三 月 四 月 1.课外阅读实验校总结实验经验 2.语、数、英新教材备课 3.市“百堂好课”案例征集 4.编印《广陵教研》06年第1期 5.启动“教海探航”征文竞赛论文撰写工作 6.六年级英语研讨课(扬大附小) 7.东部地区五、六英语研讨课(沙口) 8.中学七年级英语研讨课(地点待定) 9.综合实践省重点课题结题的后续工作 10.修订中学06年度教学工作质量考评细则 11.制订中学06年度教研工作计划 12.三年级(下)音乐新教材教学研究、新艺术教师课堂教学指导 1.小数报优秀小读者评选 2.区教研组活动 3.国家级英语研究课题课题组培训会议(东关) 4.省级英语课题课题组培训会议(扬大附小) 5.全区三、五年级英语观摩课(育才) 6.中学八年级英语研讨课(地点待定) 7.英语学科报告会(信息服务大厅) 8.组织参加市“科学探究”优秀录像课评选 9.综合实践省重点课题研究成果的推广 10.中学九年级理、化实验考查 11.全国及江苏省初中生物理竞赛 12.扬州市高中音乐教材培训 13.学校艺术校本教材交流、研讨会 14.组建广陵少儿艺术团合唱团 1.承办全国第二届阅读教育论坛,组织参加读写大赛 2.组织参加市阅读教学观摩活动 3.参加市“百堂好课”竞赛 4.编印《广陵教研》06年第2期 5.“教海探航”征文竞赛讲座及论文初评 6.全区六年级英语观摩课(东关) 7.各小学英语教研组长会议(北柳巷) 8.中学九年级英语研讨课及第一轮复习工作会议(地点待定) 9.国家级英语研究课题课题组赴上海学习 10.省级英语研究课题课题组赴南京学习 11.中小学语文课堂教学研讨活动 12.中学九年级中考一模考试 13.全国及江苏省初中生化学竞赛 14.中考英语口语测试 15.扬州市音乐论文评选 16.艺术研修班活动:10节交流课 17.中学艺术课堂教学研讨 1.举办十一·五课题研究辅导讲座 五 月 2.组织部分学校申报十一·五课题 3.参加省数学论文评比 4.区教研组活动 5.国家级英语研究课题课题组赴苏州学习 广陵区教育局教研室2006年主要工作安排 月份 主 要 工 作 内 容 6.省级英语研究课题研究进展交流(北柳巷) 7.区小学英语教师研修班学员结业典礼 8.中学九年级英语复习研讨课(湾头实验) 五 9.参加省《品德与生活(社会)》课堂教学竞赛 10.参加市综合实践活动案例的评选 月 11.中考二模考试 12.体育中考 13.扬州市音乐高考现场会 1.迎接市教学“万里行”质量调研 2.三年级英语、科学调研 3.六年级语、数、英调研 4.颁布“育花奖”竞赛文件 六、七 6.中学七、八年级英语质量调研 7.国家级英语课题中期评估会议 8.中考工作 月 9.市七、八年级期末会考 10.广陵区庆“六一”儿童书画比赛 11.市美术教学成果展评 12.艺术研修班结业典礼及成果展 1.编印《广陵教研》06年第3期 2.教科研奖励材料评审 3.学科培训 4.“教海探航”征文竞赛论文终评 八、九 5.三、六、九年级英语集体备课 6.中学七、八年级英语教学研讨课 7.国家级英语研究课题课题组赴常州学习 月 8.中考质量分析 9.组织部分中学教师赴外地学习培训 10.综合实践活动课程实施研讨会 11.筹建广陵少儿艺术团管弦乐团 十 月 十一 月 十二月 07年一月

1.阅读教学现状调研 2.参加市“百堂好课”竞赛 3.第二十一届“育花奖”竞赛 4.三、四、五、六、九年级英语研讨课 5.省级英语课题课题组赴南京学习 6.举办“开展艺术活动与课堂教学同步发展”研讨会 1.编印《广陵教研》06年第4期 2.参加省“教海探航”征文竞赛 3.组织参加省阅读教学观摩活动 4.小学一、二年级英语研讨课 5.对小学五、六年级进行英语口语抽测 6.中学部分学科期中调研 1.二年级语文或数学调研 2.四年级音乐、美术调研 3.省级英语研究课题中期评估会议 4.中学七、八、九年级期末质量调研 5.市七、八年级期末会考 6.广陵少儿艺术汇报会 Unit 3 复习 I 短语

1. be short of 短缺 2. hidden helper 隐藏的帮手


6. for the time being = at present 暂时,目前

3. be unaware of 没意识到;7. have great 不知道

4. be dependent on 依靠;依赖

5. more importantly更重要

understanding of对…有很深的了解

8. of one’s own某人自己的

9. in the future将来 10.

change one’s

life(lives)改变某人的生活 11.

make one’s life

better/worse使某人的生活更好/更糟 12.

have nothing to do

没事可做 13.

raise a question 引

发/提出问题 14.

for these reasons

由于这些理由 15.

make mistakes/a

mistake犯错 16. according to sb 根据 17.

need to do sth需要做

某事 18.

by (doing sth.) 通过…

方式 19. put… into 把…放入 20.

to do… 为了达到…目

21. it is adj for sb (not) to

do sth对某人来说,(不)做某事是怎样的 22.

give sb instructions给

某人指示/指令 23.

computer program电

脑程序 24.


programmer 电脑程序员 25.

spoken language口头

语言 26.

written language书面

语言 27.


是…… 28.

leave sth/sb alone让

某物/某人单独留下 29.

be made of用……做成

(看得出原材料) 30.

be made from用……

做成(看不出原材料) 31.

last for 持续

32. in one’s opinion在某人看来 33.

prefer (doing) sth to

(doing) sth比起…更喜欢… 34.

a research team 一

个研究小组 35.

have the idea of…

有…的想法 36.

link…together 把…

连接起来 37.

in the 1960s 二十世纪

六十年代 38.

communicate with

与…沟通;交流 39.

share information[U] 分享信息 40.

at that time 在那

时;当时 41.

a wide range of


42. on the internet 在因

特网上 43.

more and more… 越

来越多… 44.

through e-mail 通过

电子邮件 45.

instant messages

即时信息 46.

allow sb. to do sth. 允

许某人做某事 47.

learn about 得

知;获悉 48.

contact ….with…

把…与…联系起来 49.

be known as…被认为

是....;作为...而出名 =be famous as 50.

log onto the internet

登录网络 51.

radio-controlled cars

无线电遥控车 52.

in the city centre 在


II 词汇

aware (opp.)-unaware hide (adj.) –hidden depend (adj./n.)-dependent/dependence

calculate (n.) –calculator/calculation rare (adv.) – rarely important (adv.)-importantly

understand (n.) –understanding program (n.) -programmer mean (n.) -meaning

instruct (n.) –instruction speak (adj.)-spoken write (adj.)-written

produce (n.) -product invent (n.)-invention/inventor type(n.) -typist

inform (n.) –infromation refer (n.) –reference high (n.)-height

weigh (n.) –weight long (n.) –length agree (opp.)-disagree

serve (n.)-service connect (adj.) –connected III 句型&语法 1. hard & hardly 2. raise & rise

3. need 既可作实义动词,也可作情态动词

实义动词 need to do -- don’t need to do

need sth. -- don’t need sth.

need do -- needn’t do need to do & need doing?

4. it is adj for sb (not) to do sth 对某人来说,(不)做某事是怎样的

5. else修饰疑问词和不定代词、不定副词,放在后面。 What else can you see in the picture? Who

else is in the room?

Do you have anything else to say? Where else can you see it? 6. 比较级&最高级


much/many→more→most bad/badly/ill→worse→worst

far→farther/further→farthest/furthest little→less→least

few→fewer→fewest old→older/elder→oldest/eldest

以ly结尾的形容词常把-ly换成-lier/-liest. ? 修饰比较级: much, a little, a lot, even, far ? 修饰原级: so, very, rather, too, quite ? 比较级中有of the two时,比较级前要用the ? not as/so + 原级+ as: 不如… This room is not as/so big as that one.

? (倍数)+as+原级+as:是…的几倍This room is three times as big as that one.这间房是那间的三倍大。 ? (倍数)+比较级+ than: 比…几倍 This room is twice bigger than that one.这间房比那间大两倍。 ? 越来越… more and more + 原级(单音节), 比较

级 + and +比较级(多音节)

? 越…,就越… “the+比较级,the+比较级” (“the+比较级”分别置于两句的开头)

The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.

? less + 原级:不如… the least + 原级: 最不… ? one of the + 最高级 + 名词复数 + in/of 最……之一

? the +序数词 +最高级(序数词后用最高级。)

eg. The Yellow River is the second longest

river in China.

? 最高级可与以下句型转换:比较级+than+ any other + 单数名词

比较级+than+ the other + 复数名词

Eg. Mike gets to school earliest in his class. = Mike gets to school earlier than any other student in his class.

= Mike gets to school earlier than the other students in his class.

