2018年秋高二英语(人教版)必修五《Unit 4 Making the news》单元检测卷
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Unit 4 Making the news
Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子(每个1分,共9分)
1.Though __________________________, John seemed much younger.(senior) 约翰大我五岁,但是看起来比我年轻多了。
1. He felt great pressure when he found all the others _________________________.(finish) 当他发现所有其他人都已经提前完成了工作,他感到巨大的压力。
2. Many major roads ____________________worst affected by the flooding were largely impassable.(lead) 许多通往受洪水影响最严重地区的道路大部分都无法通行。
3. I expect ____________________________________________to go abroad to study.(there) 我期望着有一个到国外学习的机会。
4. I am afraid your parents won’t approve _____________________________.(marry) 恐怕你的父母不赞成你和他结婚。
6. Not only ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(他们开始着手筹钱了), but they also got a helping hand from the charity, which relieved their present pressure.
7. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(一定要记住的是) there’s no secret of success but hard work.
8. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(这种日子一去不返了)he depended on his parents for everything. 9. ________ ________ ________ ________(随着协议的签署), all the nations agreed to work together to defend themselves against terrorism and other threats. Ⅱ. 单句语法填空((每个1分,共10分)
1.I have no way yet as to ________ to deal with such a complicated situation.
2.He denied ________ (steal) the money.
3.He wrote an article on children's education, ________ (depend) on his experiences.
4.As a Chinese, we have to bear/keep in mind ________ when we go abroad, we are not just another person, we are ambassadors for our country.
5.He defended himself ________ the charge. 6.Tom is two years senior ________ me.
7.They had a photo ________ (take) on the top of the mountain. 8.He is ________ (suppose) to be studying in the classroom now. 9.It is the first time he ________ (make) an appointment with the doctor. 10.He is looking forward to ________ (publish) his novel. Ⅲ.单句改错(每个1分,共6分)
1.My brother acquired for a knowledge of computers by careful study.________ 2.You can depend on that he will come to your help when needed. ________
3.The boss has been told several times that the workers are demanding on better pay.________ 4.All of you supposed to finish your homework before you go out to play football. ________ 5.We had a thoroughly cleaning of our house at the weekend.________
6.You'll be faced with two choices—whether to be fired or not, depend on your performance in the work.________ Ⅳ.完形填空(每个1.5分,共30分)
In 1948,my family drove to the Singer Sewing Center and bought a brand-new electric Singer. Then Ruby, my mother-in-law,___21___sewing. After supper, Ruby would bend over the machine, ___22___clothes for her children and neighbors. Thousands of dresses. The Singer raised its needle millions of times.
In 1987,Ruby ___23___ us on the phone, ___24___.After thirty-nine years, her Singer didn’t work. No repairman could fix it because parts were not ___25___. I went to a sewing machine store to buy one. Her old one was___26___.The new machines are plastic and have computers. They give classes on how to ___27___ them. In the display window was a 1948 metal Singer blackhead. “Does that one ___28___ ? ” I asked the man.
“I don’t know,” he said. He plugged it in. It___29___ to work. “It’s not for sale,” he said. It’s a(an)___30___ . There aren’t lots of old Singer blackheads around anyone?” I ___31___ him about Ruby — how she lives by herself and sews to keep busy, how she ___32___only six dollars to make a dress ___33___the people she sews for are poor. He ___34___ the machine to me for twenty-five dollars. The next weekend we took it to Ruby’s. She stood by the car as we opened the trunk. As she looked down at the ___35___, a smile creased (弄皱)her face.
“It’s just like my ___36___one,”she laughed.
It’s still going strong. Ruby ___37___charges six dollars a dress. On several occasions, my wife and I found 1948 Singer blackheads in antique stores. We ___38___ them and gave them to Ruby. She’s got a lot of___39___ ahead, and we don’t want her to run out of sewing machines ___40___ she runs out of things to sew.
21. A. took out B. gave up C. set about D. put off 22. A. drying B. making C. washing D. folding 23. A. called B. advised C. changed D. ordered 24. A. puzzled B. excited C. frightened D. discouraged 25. A. available B. practical C. simple D. helpful 26. A. plastic B. metal C. noiseless D. man-made 27. A. fix B. link C. use D. get 28. A. work B. stay C. matter D. stop
29. A. failed B. began C. continued D. meant 30. A. invention B. artwork C. bargain D. display 31. A. asked B. warned C. told D. reminded 32. A. spends B. charges C. saves D. earns 33. A. while B. until C. though D. because 34. A. sold B. lent C. delivered D. donated 35. A. car B. clothes C. machine D. computer 36. A. new B. old C. small D. large 37. A. still B. once C. already D. never 38. A. booked B. bought C. copied D. borrowed 39. A. travelling B. learning C. cooking D. sewing 40. A. so B. if C. before D. when Ⅴ.阅读理解(每个2分,共20分)
In many fields youngsters are changing the world. Listed below are several influential young people. Muzoon Almellehan, 19
Millions of children live in refuge? camps (难民营),where few pave access to school. Almellehan experienced these conditions firsthand after fleeing Syria. Fighting to change that, she travels the world to tell people about the significance of education Almellehan, UNICEF’s(United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) youngest-ever goodwill ambassador now, plans to return to her homeland Syria finally.
Auli’i Cravalho,17
The Hawaii native voiced the heroine in Disney’s hit movie Moana. Now Auli’i is taking on a new role. She’ll star on NBC’s Rise, a drama about a high school theater department’ that lifts the spirits of a struggling steel town in Pennsylvania. Based on a true story, the show has strengthened her belief that young people can bring about real change.
Moziah Bridges, 16
At 9, Moziah launched, his own handmade bow-tie business from his grandmother’s kitchen table. Now Mo’s Bows is worth about $1.5 million. More recently, Moziah signed a licensing deal with the NBA that lets him sell bow ties featuring team logos. But Moziah has even grander ambitions. He plans to expand globally. He credits his success to his natural sense of style.
Mikaila Ulmer, 13
Mikaila used to hate bees. She was stung (蜇) twice. But after learning honeybees are critical to the ecosystem and dying out, she developed a fascination with them. She was determined to help. Using her great-grandmother’s recipe, Mikaila made a mixture, sweetened with local honey. She sold it at community business fairs, donating 10% of her profits
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