8.1 - 设备操作手册 - BLT系列 鳞板输送机 - zh
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操 作 手 册
操 作 手 册 Operation Manual
用于单机设备 For Single Machine
BLT系列 鳞板输送机
BLT Apron Conveyor
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时 间Date: 2009.01.19 修 订Revised:
使用前请写阅读该操作手册! Please read this operation manual before using the equipement!
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 2 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc 所有在用户工厂车间从事该设备/系统的安装、调试、操作、保养和维修的人员,都必须阅读并理解该操作手册, 特别是安全指南。
All the staff that is responsible for the installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance of the equipment/system in the customer’s workshop should read and understand this operation manual, especially the security guide.
Please put this manual to the place of convenient reading.
If you have any question, please contact with Eirich FME Machinery (Jiangyin) Co., Ltd. directly.
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 3 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc 目 录 List of Content
BLT系列 鳞板输送机 ............................................................................................................. 1 BLT Apron Conveyor 1 概述 ................................................................................................................................ 5 Overview
1.1 产品特点 .................................................................................................................. 5 Product Characteristics
1.2 主要用途及适用范围 ................................................................................................ 5 Main Function and Scope of Application
1.3 品种、规格 .............................................................................................................. 5 Type, Specification
1.4 型号的组成含义 ....................................................................................................... 6 Composite Meaning of Type
1.5 使用环境条件........................................................................................................... 6 Environment for Using
2 警告与安全 ..................................................................................................................... 7 Warning and Security 2.1 警告 ......................................................................................................................... 7 Warning
2.2 防护 ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Protection
2.3 有效的安全措施 .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Effective Security Measures
2.4 设备的安全警示图 ................................................................................................... 8 Security and Warning Picture of Equipments
3 结构特征与工作原理 ......................................................................................................10 Structure Characteristics and Working Principle
3.1 设备的结构与外形 ..................................................................................................10 Equipment Structure and Outline 3.2 工作原理 .................................................................................................................10 Working Principle 3.3 主要部件 .................................................................................................................10 Main Components 4 技术特性 ........................................................................................................................12 Technical Characteristic 4.1 主要参数 .................................................................................................................12 Main Parameter
5 尺寸、重量 ....................................................................................................................12 Size, Weight
5.1 外形尺寸及重量 ......................................................................................................12 Outline Size and Weight 5.2 安装尺寸 .................................................................................................................12 Installation Size
6 安装、调试 ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Installation, Commissioning
6.1 设备基础要求.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Basic Requirements of Equipments
6.2 安装条件及安装技术要求 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 4 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc Condition and Technical Requirements of Installation
6.3 安装程序及调试: ..................................................................................................14 Installation Procedure and Commissioning 6.4 电气连接 ..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Electrical Connection
7 使用、操作 ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Usage, Operation
7.1 使用前的准备和检查 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Preparation and Examination before Using
7.2 电气的控制 .............................................................................................................17 Electrical Control 7.3 驱动连锁 .................................................................................................................17 Driving Linkage
7.3.1 安全连锁.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Security Linkage
7.3.2 设备保护连锁 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Equipment Protection Linkage
8 故障分析与排除 .............................................................................................................18 Analysis and Removal of Fault
9 安全保护装置及故障处理 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Security Protection Device and Accident Treatment
10 保养、维修 .................................................................................................................19 Maintenance 10.1 日常维护、保养 ..................................................................................................19 Daily Maitenance, Adjustment 10.2 检修周期 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Examination Interval 10.3 润滑点、润滑量、润滑频率 .................................................................................21 Lubrication Spot, Lubricant Amount, Lubrication Frequency 10.4 检修安装程序 ......................................................................................................22 Inspect Installation Procedure 10.5 长期停放时的维护保养 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Maintenance of Stopping Off for A Long Time
11 装卸和运输 .................................................................................................................24 Load,Unload and Transportation 11.1 装卸 ....................................................................................................................24 Load and Unload 11.2 吊装安全 .............................................................................................................24 Loading Security 11.3 运输 ....................................................................................................................24 Transportation
12 易损件、备品备件表(用户自备) ..............................................................................26 Easy-to-break Parts, Spare Parts List (Provide by Customers Themselves) 12.1 易损件(用户自备) ...........................................................................................26 Easy-to-break Parts (Provide by Customers Themselves) 12.2 备品、备件(用户自备) ....................................................................................27 Spare Parts List (Provide by Customers Themselves) 13 其他 ............................................................................................................................27 Others
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 5 页 共 27 页
68101939.doc 1 概述
1.1 产品特点
Product Characteristics
? 鳞板输送机是板式输送机的一种,可沿着水平方向和傾斜方向运送各种物料;
? Apron conveyor is a kind of plate typed conveyor. It can convey each kind of material
through horizontal or inclined direction. ? 槽体是以钢板制成,故可运送灼热物品并可承受一定的冲击力;
? The trough is made of steel plate, which can convey hot goods can bear impact force to
some extent. ? 具有运转率高、使用寿命长、安装维修简单等特点。
? It has the characteristic of high running rate, long life span, and easy maintenance and
so on.
1.2 主要用途及适用范围
Main Function and Scope of Application
? 主要用途
? Main Function
? 流水线生产中运送成件物; ? Convey goods in the assembly line.
? 输送比较沉重的、块度较大的、具有锋利棱角的的对输送机有强烈磨损的物料; ? Convey heavy, big lump material with sharp edge angle, which may wear the
conveyor seriously. ? 输送灼热旧砂、铸件、浇帽口、运送生铁、焦炭等;
? Convey hot return sand, casting, head, cast iron, coke and so on.
? 在有防护设施的区域,工作人员可对铸件进行去除浇帽口、铸件分类的操作。 ? In the area without protection device, the operator can remove head of casting, sort
casting and so on. ? 适用范围
? Scope of Application
? 输送常温、灼热物料
? Convey material with normal temperature and hot temperature. ? 鳞板输送机的爬升角,一般取β=25°
? The grabbling angle of apron conveyor is normallyβ=25°.
1.3 品种、规格
Type, Specification
型号Type BLT100 BLT1200 EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com
爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 16 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc ? ? ?
The connection of the cable is according to the standard connection method, and connect the equipment to the land.
Near the connection of the equipment, there should be lock device to fix the cable.
Danger! Voltage
? 取盖或合盖之前,先切断电源!
? Before picking or closing the cover, cut off the electricity. ? 取下盖板时不会自动切断电源!
? When picking off the cover plate, the electricity will not be cut off
automatically. 危险!开关或电气装置 Danger! Switch or electric device ? 任何未经调试的安全装置和电气保护装置都不能使用,否则会对人员 的生命产生危险! ? Any security device and electrical protection device without commissioning can not be used, or it will cause danger to people around.
7 使用、操作
Usage, Operation
7.1 使用前的准备和检查
Preparation and Examination before Using
? 确保各装置必须达到技术条件要求
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Make sure each device must reach technical requirements; 确保各联接点的联接必须可靠
Make sure the joint of each connection must be reliable 确保各支架、减速器、已固定,并能正常工作
Make sure each support, reducer, have been fixed, and can work normally 确保各部件的润滑已加装完毕
Make sure the lubricant of each component has been finished adding. 确保电缆接头处,电压、电源频率能达到工作要求
Make sure the connection of cable, voltage, frequency can reach working requirement. 确定气路管道的连接可靠;
Make sure the airway tube connection is reliable 确定各安全装置能正常起作用;
Make sure the security device can act effectively.
The staff without training can not use this machine.
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 17 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc
7.2 电气的控制
Electric Control
? 开机:
Start up:
? 设备可以直接启动;
? The equipment can start up directly.
? 在生产线自动控制中应该考虑联锁开机条件;
? Consider linkage start condition in product line automatic control. ? ?
Power off
? 在生产线自动控制中应该考虑联锁关机条件;
? Consider linkage power off condition in product line automatic control.
Notice: there is special electrical control illustration for electrical control.
7.3 驱动连锁
Driving Linkage
7.3.1 安全连锁
Security Linkage
? 控制系统应设定:
Control system should set:
? 如果在设备的侧面安装了拉绳开关,只有拉绳开关在原始位时设备才能启动; ? If equipped pull-cord switch at the side of equipment, only when the switch is at the
original place, can the equipment start up. ? 因紧急情况或设备检修时拉绳开关被动作,设备自动停止;
? If the pull-cord switch is executed because of emergency condition or maintenance,
the equipment will stop off automatically. 注意:再次复位拉绳开关,切断电源后,设备不应该自动启动!
Notice: Reposition the pull-cord switch again, after cutting off the power supply; the equipment should not start up automatically. 7.3.2 设备保护连锁
Equipment Protection Linkage
? 控制系统应设定:
Control system should be set::
? 判断设备的出料口有足够的出料空间后再允许启动;
? Start after judging there is enough discharging space on the discharge port. ? 当设备的出料口的设备正常运转后再允许启动;
? Start when the equipment on the discharging port operates normally.
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 18 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc ? 当设备正常启动且达到稳定状态后,再允许物料进入该设备;
? When the equipment starts up normally and reaches stable condition, then the
material is allowed to enter into the equipment.
8 故障分析与排除
Analysis and Removal of Fault 故障现象Fault 减速机故障Reducer fault 鳞板机不动, 减速机工作正常 Apron conveyor didn’t operate, but the reducer operates normally. 鳞板被磨损Apron wear out 链轮与牵引链啮合不稳, 行走滚轮有滑动和卡轨 The engagement between chain pulley and drag chain is not stable. There’re sliding and block on the walking roller wheel. 原因分析Reason Analysis 详见减速机资料Refer to the reducer information 鳞板被工件卡死,联轴器中安全销起过载保护作用断开 The apron was blocked by workpiece. The security pin of clutch disconnected , function as overload protection 鳞板被磨损 The apron was worn out. 头轮轴、尾轮轴中心线与输送机纵向中心线的不垂直度有偏差 The non-verticality of the centerline of head pulley shaft, tail pulley shaft to the longitudinal centerline of conveyor exist error. 排除方法Remove Method 详见减速机资料Refer to the reducer information 更换安全销 Change security pin. 将鳞板处的杂物取出Take out the sundry on the apron. 更换鳞板Change apron 轴承座温升过高 The temperature bearing seat overheating. of is 拧动头、尾轮轴承座的调节螺栓,微微调整头、尾轮轴中心线的位置 Turn the adjustment screw of head and tail bearing seat. Adjust slightly the position of the centerline of head, tail pulley shaft. 通过减压阀调整压力, 尾轮张紧力不适度 使张紧力适度 The tension force of tail wheel is Adjust the pressure through not suitable. decompression valve, and make the tension force suitable. 润滑油(或脂)质量不良或变质(如含水过多,黏度不适,杂质过多等) 更换润滑油(或脂) The quality of lubricant(grease) is Change lubricant (or grease). not good (such as too much moisture, not suitable viscosity, or too much sundry and so on) 轴与轴承安装不正确,如两轴承不同心等 Faulse installation of 重新找正Recentering bearing and shaft, such as disalignment between two bearings. 滚动轴承损坏,或保持架与其他机件碰擦 修理或更换Maintain or change. Roller bearing damaged or friction between retainer and other parts
9 安全保护装置及事故处理
Security Protection Device and Accident Treatment
? 只有当安全系统正确地发挥作用时,它才整体有效;
Only when the security system works normally, it is effective entirely. ? 每一个安全部件都必须处于良好的工作状态,安装正确和动作正确; ?
Each security component should be in a good working position, install and act correctly. ? 在生产中断后,操作者必须再一次确认在安全装置保护的区域内无人,保证重新启动
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 19 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc ?
After interrupting the production, the operator should confirm again if there is nobody in the security device protection area. Make sure it will not hurt anybody after restarting the machine.
? 如检查发现安全电路方面的故障,必须报告维修人员。只有所有问题都得到解决后方
可重新启动机器; ?
If there is any fault in the safety circuit, report the maintenance staff. Only when all the problems have been solved, can the machine be started again.
? 如在有安全保护的区域进行维修时,必须使机器处于零机械状态,“维修工作中”的警
告牌必须放在附近,以便提醒他人。 ? When maintaining in the area with security protection, make the machine in the position
of zero mechanic. The warning plate of “during maintenance” must put in the position easy to be noticed until the maintenance work is finished, so as to call attention to others.
10 保养、维修
10.1 日常维护、保养
Daily Maintenance, Adjustment
? 鳞板底部需做到每日清洁,以免有粘砂结渣;
? Clean the bottom of apron each day, so as to avoid slag formation of adhering sand. ? 减速机、电机、气缸、轴承座的维护、保养请参阅相应的资料;
? The maintenance of reducer, motor, cylinder and bearing seat refers to the relevant
documents. ? 设备投产后要加强维护保养工作,建立合理的使用和维修制度; ?
After the equipment was put into manufacture, strengthen the maintenance work, and set up reasonable usage and maintenance regulation.
? 其它轴承及润滑部份均应定期注油,减速机用中极压齿轮油(N150~N200); ? Add oil to other bearing and lubricate part, use gear oil (N150~N200). ? 经常清扫各运动时周围的灰尘; ? Clean the dust regularly.
? 对已被损坏或磨损很大的零部件应及时更换;
? As for the component which is damaged or seriously worn-out, change it in time. ? 设备的日常和专业检查,应包括以下内容:
? The daily and professional examine of the equipment should include the following
? 日常点检:每日在设备不停机或停机间隙进行2次:
? Daily spot examine: examine the equipment twice each day during the interval of
non-stop off or stop off.
? 减速机、电机各部位轴承温度、音响是否正常?若发现异常升温、泄漏和噪音,
应及时处理; ? Are the bearing temperature, sound of each part of reducer and motor normal?
If there’s any abnormal temperature rising, leakage or noise, treat in time.
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
操 作 手 册 第 20 页 共 27 页 68101939.doc ? 减速机、电机联接螺栓、地脚螺栓等是否紧固;
? Examine whether the reducer, motor connect bolt, foundation bolt are fastened. ? 紧固件不得松动脱落,各运转处运行平稳,不得有异常声响;
? The fastener can not loosen or fall off. Each place works stable, no abnormal
sound. ? 检查气缸是否泄漏;
? Examine whether there’s any leakage in the cylinder. ? 专业检查:
? Professional examine:
? 检查传动系统及运行部件的运转中润滑状况,每班检查一次; ? Examine the lubrication condition of driving system and components in
operation, examine once for each shift. ? 检查联轴器的运行状况,每班检查一次;
? Examine the operation condition of clutch, each shift for once.
? 电机、减速机、低速端联轴器同心度,轴孔配合,连接螺孔是否完好,胶圈是否
? Examine the concentricity of motor, reducer, disk, the cooperation of sleeve
and shaft, and whether the connected screw is good. ? 检查各部位轴承磨损情况;
? Examine the wear-out condition of each part. ? 检查减速箱磨损情况,定期添加或更换润滑油;
? Examine the wear-out condition of reducer box. Add lubricant at regular
? 检修性质:
? Examine characteristics
? 小修: ? Small examine:
? 紧固各地脚螺栓和联接螺栓;
? Fasten each foundation bolt and connected bolt; ? 已损密封件更换;
? Change the damaged sealed piece; ? 检查减速箱油位,不足添加;
? Examine the oil level of reducer box, add if not enough; ? 检查各轴承座润滑情况。
? Examine the lubrication condition of each bearing seat. ? 中修:
? Medium examine:
? 包含小修内容;
EIRICH FME Machinery(Jiangyin) CO.,Ltd. Tel:+86 (0)51086016188 Fax:+86 (0)51086158000 eirichfme@eirichfme.com 爱立许德昌机械(江阴)有限公司 电话:0510-86016188 传真:0510-86158000 电子信箱:eirich.fme@eirichchina.com
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- 空间地上权若干法律问题探究
- 江苏学业水平测试《机械基础》模拟试题
- 选课走班实施方案
- 操作手册
- 输送机
- 系列
- 设备
- 8.1
- zh