Aspose Word 实现生成目录并且插入文档到目录下
更新时间:2024-01-28 07:13:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
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Aspose.Words是一款功能十分强大的word文档处理控件,支持文档的转换、编辑、修改、多个文档的合并,目录书签的生成,文档的插入等很多Office能实现的功能,并且不需要安装office等三方软件,包含Aspose.Words For .NET和Aspose.Words For JAVA。购买正版产品请到控件中国网。
Aspose.Words要实现生成目录并且插入文档到目录下,首先咱们通过下面的代码生成一个目录: // Use a blank document
Document doc = new Document();
// Create a document builder to insert content with into document. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); doc.FirstSection.Body.PrependChild(new Paragraph(doc)); // Move DocumentBuilder cursor to the beginning. builder.MoveToDocumentStart();
// Insert a table of contents at the beginning of the document. builder.InsertTableOfContents(\\\\\o \\\ \\\\h \\\\z \\\%u\ // Start the actual document content on the second page.
// Build a document with complex structure by applying different heading styles thus creating TOC entries.
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading1; builder.Writeln(\
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading2; builder.Writeln(\ builder.Writeln(\
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading1; builder.Writeln(\ builder.Writeln(\
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading2; builder.Writeln(\
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading3; builder.Writeln(\ builder.Writeln(\ builder.Writeln(\
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading2; builder.Writeln(\ builder.Writeln(\
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.BodyText; // Call the method below to update the TOC.
doc.UpdateFields(); doc.Save(@\
生成以后把目录文件作为源文件,然后插入文档到目录下: Document mainDoc = new Document(\
Document insertDoc = new Document(\其中insert.doc是要插入的文档 // insertDoc.RemoveUnusedResources();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(mainDoc); foreach (Bookmark bm in mainDoc.Range.Bookmarks) {
if (bm.Name.StartsWith(\ {
builder.MoveToBookmark(bm.Name, false, false);
// you can optionally check the style of the current paragraph and then insert document
InsertDocument(bm.BookmarkStart.ParentNode,insertDoc); } }
mainDoc.Save(@\ }
static void InsertDocument(Node insertAfterNode, Document srcDoc) {
// Make sure that the node is either a paragraph or table. if ((!insertAfterNode.NodeType.Equals(NodeType.Paragraph)) & (!insertAfterNode.NodeType.Equals(NodeType.Table)))
throw new ArgumentException(\paragraph or table.\
// We will be inserting into the parent of the destination paragraph. CompositeNode dstStory = insertAfterNode.ParentNode;
// This object will be translating styles and lists during the import.
NodeImporter importer = new NodeImporter(srcDoc, insertAfterNode.Document, ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles);
// Loop through all sections in the source document. foreach (Section srcSection in srcDoc.Sections) {
// Loop through all block level nodes (paragraphs and tables) in the body of the section.
foreach (Node srcNode in srcSection.Body) {
// Let's skip the node if it is a last empty paragraph in a section. if (srcNode.NodeType.Equals(NodeType.Paragraph)) {
Paragraph para = (Paragraph)srcNode;
if (para.IsEndOfSection && !para.HasChildNodes) continue; }
// This creates a clone of the node, suitable for insertion into the destination document.
Node newNode = importer.ImportNode(srcNode,true); // Insert new node after the reference node. dstStory.InsertAfter(newNode, insertAfterNode); insertAfterNode = newNode; } } }
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