unit 4多维教程探索课后习题

更新时间:2023-11-15 04:23:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Exercises B部分

1 The big company has a corporate way of doing most things and it is much the same whether in Hong Kong or in Shanghai.

这家大公司有一个公司的做法大多数事情都是一样的,无论在香港或在上海。 2 The consultant even suggested that they use devious means to justify their actions. 顾问甚至建议,他们使用狡滑奸诈的手段来证明他们的行动。

3 He is of American origins but he is now a naturalized Chinese subject with a Chinese name.

他是美国的起源但他现在裔语文学科与中国的名字。 4 The actress now lives most of year on her country estate. 那位女演员现在每年的大多数时间住在她的国家遗产。

5 The young woman’s greed for expensive jewelry was well known. 这位年轻女士的贪婪是众所周知的奢华的珠宝。

6 He was arrested and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for committing several crimes.


7 We saw a lot of flattering pictures of Wellington in the museum. 我们看见许多谄媚的惠灵顿的照片的博物馆。

8 He is a shrewd buyer who gets good value for this money. 他是一个精明的买方取得了良好的值这个钱。

9 Electronic art is a form of art that uses materials such as moving and flashing light displays as the artistic medium.

电子艺术是艺术的一种形式,使用的材料,如移动和闪烁的光显示为艺术媒介。 10 The policeman took away his bike because he had violated traffic regulations. 警察把他的自行车,因为他已经违反交通规则。 C部分

1 Bert’s wife did not really stick by him when his business fell apart and he became penniless.


2 After his graduation from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, he went to Guangzhou to try his luck at a musical career.


3 These were creatures thrown up, so to speak, from the depths. 这些都是生物放弃了,如此说,从深渊而出。

4 It’s unlikely that the forthcoming talks will amount to very much. 在可预见的将来,即将到来的谈判将达非常愉快。

5 If you don’t know what you want, you might end up getting something you don’t want.

如果你不知道自己想要什么,结果往往是你会得到一些你不想要的东西。 6 I asked him how he was and how his project was working out. 我问他怎么样时,他的计划是在工作。

7 The strange noise turned out to be just the dog scratching at the door. 奇怪的声音原来只是狗抓门。

8 He left his hometown to seek his fortune in big cities when he was only fifteen in spite of his parents’ objection.

8他离开家乡去找他的财富在大城市仅十五岁时就不顾父母的反对意见。 9 Buying a stretch limousine costs big bucks and only a few people can afford one. 买的豪华轿车成本大钱,只有少数几个人能负担得起。

10 Not many people could have their income increased beyond their dreams. 并不是很多人可以收入增加了超过他们的梦想 改错

1 Marine biology, the study of oceanic plants and animals and their ecological relations, C HAS furthered Cthe efficient development of fishers.


2 In spite of his aged appearance, his movements were as spirited as Da young man’s.D


3 Since I loved her very much when she was alive, I prize my B mother-in-law’s B picture and I wouldn’t sell it for all the money in the world.


4 Human beings are social animals who usually prefer not Bto live B in physical or psychological isolation.


5 People who lose weight with the help of behavioral techniques, like weighing themselves regularly and keeping records of C what they eat, C seem to need the same techniques to keep the weight off.


6 The current anti-procreative atmosphere may be interpreted as a triumph of private over social interests or, more, a triumph of rational man over natural man C of Cthe facilities of planning, reason, and choice over emotion, heredity, and instinct. 当前anti-procreative气氛可以被解释为私人的胜利对社会利益和一个胜利,理性的人自然的人设施的规划、理性和抉择的情感,遗传、和直觉。

7 They cannot go camping right now because they are taking care of a D three-week-old baby. D


8 The field of dynamics in physics is concerned with a particle’s motion in relation to the forces D acting on it.D


9 The suggestion that taxes Ashould be A cut was not accepted by the mayor who foresaw a deficit that was not yet public known.


10 I think I B would have enjoyed Bthe movie we went to last night even more if I had read the book before seeing it.


