外研版八年级下册M1 Feelings and impressions 课文知识点

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M1 Feelings and impressions

1. feel\\look\\smell\\taste\\sound+adj. 构成系表结构(即系动词+表语) Eg:The food tastes delicious. The music sounds good. 2. what a delicious smell!

本句是一个感叹句,感叹句的常见结构为: what+a\\an+adj.+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!

what+adj.+不可数名词\\可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)! how +adj. (+主语+谓语)!

Eg:What a beautiful girl (she is)! =How beautiful the (girl is)!

此外,smell在本句中作名词,表示“香味”。 3. would you like to try some?

? Would you like???是一个表示请求的句型,句中用some\\something,而

不用any\\anything。还可用于would like sth.\\would (sb) like to do sth Eg:Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? Would you like something to drink? ? try (not) to do sth 尽力(不)去做sth

try one’s best to do sth 尽sb最大努力去做sth Eg:We should try to learn English well. 4. Do you want to try a piece?

want to do sth want sb (not) to do sth

a piece of??一张\\条\\片 (a piece of paper\\advice)

Eg:I want to be an actor in the future.

5. a bit +adj.\\adv.=a little +adj.\\adv. 稍微,有点儿 a bit of +不可数名词=a little +不可数名词 Eg:I feel a bit\\a little tired and thirsty.

There is a little\\a bit of meat in the fridge. 6. there be 句型表示“某地有??”,其中be只有is\\are,判断主谓一致时遵循就近一致的原则。变成否定时在be后加not;变成一般疑问句时将be提至句首,肯定回答用Yes, there is\\are. 否定回答用No, there isn’t\\aren’t. Eg:There is a desk and two chairs in my bedroom. 【拓展】there be 句型在一般将来时中的应用:

There will be??\\There is(are) going to be ?? Eg:There will be a football match tomorrow.

=There is going to be a football match tomorrow. 7. shall I get the sugar?

“shall I do sth?”常用于表示sb主动提出做sth,表示征求他人意见,请求他人允许或向他人提出建议。(shall通常跟第一人称连用) Eg:Shall we go to the movie?

8.表示推测: It might be 可能是?? It must be 一定是?? 表示推测,可能性的情态动词:must﹥can﹥could﹥may﹥might(可能性从大→小)

9. luck(n.) lucky(adj.) luckily(adv.) Eg:Good luck! Bad luck! You’re a lucky dog.

Luckily, I found my bag at last. 10. speak+语言 say+具体内容 tell sb sth ; tell sb (not) to do sth talk to\\with sb about sth 关于sth与sb交谈

Eg:Although he is ten years old, he can speak English well. My mother says that I must finish my homework today. Our teacher tells us not to play in the street.

Can you talk with me about how to learn math well?

11. welcome to sp Welcome to Beijing. Welcome home.

---Thank you! ---You are welcome. 12.thank you for sth doing sth 谢谢做sth Eg:Thank you for helping me.

13. message(可数) information(不可数) letter(可数) news(不可数)

take a message 捎口信leave a message 留言 get the message 明白 14. It was great to hear from you. ? It be +adj. to do sth

Eg:It is important to learn English.

? hear from=receive a letter from sb 收到sb 的来信 Eg:I heard from my uncle yesterday.

15. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做sth wait for sb\\sth wait to do sth Eg:Tom can’t wait to open his bag. We are waiting for the bus. 16. “到达”的表达法:

arrive in+大地点 get to sp reach+sp

at+小地点 (get home\\here\\there)

17. 表示“穿戴”:wear+衣帽\\饰物 in+颜色\\款式 Put on 穿上(动作) dress sb\\oneself

Eg:The girl in blue is my sister.

It’s cold outside, please put on your coat. He is old enough to dress himself. 18. 表示“花费”

It takes sb st to do sth sb spend(s) st\\sm on sth (in) doing sth sth cost(s) sb sm sb pay sth for sm

19. enjoy doing sth oneself= have a good time 【辨析】as well\\too\\also\\either

as well 肯定句,放句末,前面不加逗号 too 肯定句或一般疑问句,放句末, 前面常加逗号 also 肯定句,放句中

either 否定句,放句末,前面常加逗号

Eg:I can swim as well.

--Nice to meet you. ---Nice to meet you, too. I also want to go outside.

---I don’t like rainy weather. ---Me, either.

20. be proud of sth 以??为自豪=take pride in doing sth

Eg:We are proud of our country.

21. be good at doing sth=do well in doing sth 擅长于??

Eg:I am good at Chinese. He is good at swimming.

【拓展】be good for 对??有益 be bad for 对??有害 be good to = be friendly to 对??友好 Eg:Smoking is bad for our health.

Our teacher is good to us, we all like her. 22. a few a little +可数名词复数 +不可数名词 few little


23.I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the right?? how to do sth 是“疑问词+动词不定式短语”,在句中作know的宾语

Eg:I don’t know what to do next.

24. excited修饰sb exciting修饰sth (interesting\\interested??) Eg:we are so excited to see such an exciting film.

25. ask sb (not) to do sth help sb (to) do sth=help sb with sth 26. what does sb\\sth look like?用于询问sb\\sth的外貌或外部特征 What’s sb\\sth like? 用于询问sb\\sth的性格或特征 Eg:---What does Mary look like? ---She is thin. ---What’s Tom like? ---He is shy. 27. another 指三个及以上中的另一个 The other 指两者中的另一个

Someone else 表示其他的人(当形容词或副词修饰不定代词时,要把形容词

或副词放在后面:something interesting\\important??)

28. noisy(adj.) 吵闹的 noise(n.) 噪音(不可数) noisily(adv.) 吵闹地 make much noise. 发出很多噪音 much\\even+比较级

