电影乱世佳人电影剧本字幕Gone With The Wind script带解说

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Gone With The Wind



I have received emails stating that their are mistakes in this script. I have not


a chance to review it and fix the errors. I have uploaded another version that is


the dialogue with out the screen descriptions. Click HERE to view this script.


Gone With the Wind, an all-time best-seller by Margaret Mitchell, is a legendary recollection of the last brilliance of the Old South. The writer's debut novel was an instant success. And the story has been bestowed an even further reaching popularity since Vivian Leigh presented a vivid translation to the screen of Katie Scarlett O'Hara, a southern belle raised in her father's white-pillared plantation Tara. A climax of Hollywood, from Director Victor Fleming for MGM, Gone with the Wind is more than a vicissitude, it is also an old, lost culture revisited. It is Old South, which today is no more than a dream remembered. People were once there, living with the high strong slaves' songs in the quarters, in security, peace and eternity. Here, Scarlett spends her young maiden years. She is well disciplined by her mother, but her blazing green eyes always betray her covert capricious self; the one who enjoys parties and the surrounding of beaus. She dreams to marry the noble Ashley Wilkes. The impending war shatters the golden peace of the South, and leaves many lives permanently changed. Plantations, treasures, and honor are ruined. Scarlett is made a most peculiar widow by the war, and then compelled into a second marriage in continuation of her struggle for the salvation of Tara. And her third marriage to Rhett Butler is also jeopardized because of her secret, stubborn ardency for Ashley. In the end of the movie, Scarlett is left only with her Tara, a plantation which symbolizes the culture of the Old South, a place where she could ever

gather her strength.

Chapter 1 Scarlett's Jealousy

(Tara is the beautiful homeland of Scarlett, who is now talking with the twins, Brent and Stew, at the door


BRENT: What do we care if we were expelled from college, Scarlett. The war is going to start any day now so we would have left college anyhow.

STEW: Oh, isn't it exciting, Scarlett? You know those poor Yankees actually want a war? BRENT: We'll show'em.

SCARLETT: Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war. This war talk is spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream. Besides, there isn't going

to be any war.

BRENT: Not going to be any war?

STEW: Ah, buddy, of course there's going to be a war. SCARLETT: If either of you boys says "war" just once again, I'll go in the house and slam the door. BRENT:

But Scarlett honey..

STEW: Don't you want us to have a war? BRENT: Wait a


STEW: We'll talk about this... BRENT: No please, we'll

do anything you say...

SCARLETT: Well-but remember I warned you. BRENT: I've got an idea. We'll talk about the barbecue the Wilkes are giving over at Twelve Oaks tomorrow.

STEW: That's a good idea. You're eating barbecue with

us, aren't you, Scarlett?

SCARLETT: Well, I hadn't thought about that yet, I'll...I'll think about that tomorrow.

STEW: And we want all your waltzes, there's first Brent, then me,then Brent, then me again, then Saul. Promise?

SCARLETT: I' just love to.

STEW: Yahoo!

SCARLETT: If only ..if only I didn't have every one of

them taken already.

BRENT: Honey, you can't do that to us.

STEW: How about if we tell you a secret?

SCARLETT: Secret? Who by?

BRENT: Well, you know Miss Melanie Hamilton, from


STEW: Ashley Wilkes' cousin? Well she's visiting the

Wilkes at Twelve Oaks.

SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton, that goody-goody. Who wants no secret about her. BRENT: Well, anyway we


STEW: That is,they say.. BRENT: Ashley Wilkes is going

to marry her.

STEW: You know the Wilkes always marry their cousins.

BRENT:Now do we get those waltzes?

SCARLETT: Of course. BRENT: Yahoo!

SCARLETT: It can't be true...Ashley loves me.

STEW: Scarlett!

(Scarlett couldn't accept the fact of Ashley's marriage,

she rushes to

find her father. Mr. O'Hara is just back from a ride.) Mr. O'HARA: (To his horse) There's none in the county

can touch

you, and none in the state.

SCARLETT: Paw? How proud of yourself you are!

Mr. O'HARA: Well, it is Scarlett O'Hara. So, you've been

spying on

me. And like your sister Sue Ellen, you'll be telling

your mother on

me, that I was jumping again.

SCARLETT: Oh, Paw, you know I'm no 'tattle like Sue Ellen.

But it

does seem to me that after you broke your knee last year

jumping that

same fence......

Mr. O'HARA: I'll not have me own daughter telling me

what I shall

jump and not jump. It's my own neck, so it is. SCARLETT: All right Paw, you jump what you please. How

are they

all over at Twelve Oaks?

Mr. O'HARA: The Wilkes? Oh, what you expect, with the


tomorrow and talking, nothing but war... SCARLETT: Oh bother the war....was there, was there

anyone else


Mr. O'HARA: Oh, their cousin Melanie Hamilton from

Atlanta. And

her brother Charles.

SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton. She's a pale-faced


ninny and I hate her.

Mr. O'HARA: Ashley Wilkes doesn't think so. SCARLETT: Ashley Wilkes couldn't like anyone like her. Mr. O'HARA: What's your interest in Ashley and Miss


SCARLETT: It's...it's nothing. Let's go into the house,


Mr. O'HARA: Has he been trifling with you? Has he asked

