川大《大学英语(二)0002》15春在线作业1 答案

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川大《大学英语(二)0002》15春在线作业1 答案

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather.

A. 玛利有可能到了上海,不过这是天气决定的。 B. 天气将决定玛利是否去上海。

C. 玛利有可能去上海,但要取决于天气。 D. 玛利要离开上海,但要等天气好了。 正确答案:C

2. —What do you think of this red hat? Do you think it suits me? —_______. Perhaps another

style would be better. A. I like it very much B. Sorry, I have no idea

C. I really don’t think it looks good on you D. Yes, I know what to say 正确答案:C

3. _______ we should go to the park depends on the weather. A. What B. Whether C. If D. That 正确答案:B

4. —_______. —It’s priced at 100 dollars. A. Is it the sale price? B. What’ does it come to?

C. How much do you charge for it? D. Is it expensive? 正确答案:C

5. The teacher would have to spend a lot of time _______ what the studen’ts already know in the subject. A. find out B. to find out C. finding out D. found out 正确答案:C

6. Yesterday the teacher told the students, “You will learn two lessons this week.”=Yesterday the

teacher told the students that _______.

