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- 欧盟标准和国际标准推荐度:
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新德标、欧盟标准、国际标准与旧德标对照表 (节选)
B(ISO 8674:1988) Hexagon thin nuts with metric fine DIN EN pitch thread-Product grade A and B(ISO DIN ISO 8675 28675 8675:1988) Hexagon head screws with metric fine DIN EN pitch thread-Product grades A and DIN ISO 8676 28676 B(ISO 8676:1988) Hexagon head bolts with metric DIN EN fine pitch thread-Product grades A DIN ISO 8765 28765 and B(ISO 8765:1988) Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts DIN EN 1663 with flange(with non-metallic insert) (ISO 7043:1997,modified) Prevailing torque type all-metal DIN EN 1664 hexagon nuts with flange (ISO 7044:1997, modified) Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non-metallic insert) DIN EN 1666 with metric fine pitch thread (ISO 12125:1997, modified) Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange DIN EN 1667 with metric fine pitch thread (ISO 12126:1997, modified) Prevailing torque type hexagon DIN EN ISO nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 7040 1-Property classes 5, 8 and 10 (ISO 7040:1997) Prevailing torque type all-metal DIN EN ISO hexagon nuts, style 2- Property classes 7042 5, 8, 10 and 12 (ISO 7042:1997) DIN EN ISO 7719 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts, style 1-Property classes 5, 8, and10 (ISO 7719:1997) Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert) (ISO 10511:1997 )
DIN 439-2
DIN 961
DIN 960
DIN 6926
DIN 69
DIN 6926
DIN 6927
DIN 982 DIN 6924
DIN 980 DIN 6925
DIN EN ISO 10511
DIN 985
DIN EN ISO Prevailing torque type hexagon 10512 nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1, with metric fine pitch
DIN 982 DIN 6924
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thread-Property classes 6, 8 and 10 (ISO 10512:1997)
Prevailing torque type all-metal DIN EN ISO hexagon nuts, style 2,with metric fine 10513 pitch thread - Property classes 8, 10 and 12 (ISO 10513:1997) Small screws with metric thread DIN EN ISO Slotted cheese head screws-Product 1207 grade A(ISO 1207:1992) DIN EIN ISO Slotted pan head screws-Product DIN ISO 1580 1580 grade A(ISO 1580:1994) Slotted countersunk flat head DIN EN ISO screws(common head style)-Product DIN ISO 2009 2009 grade A(ISO 2009:1994) Countersunk slotted raised head DIN EN ISO screws (common head style) - Product DIN ISO 2010 2010 grade A (ISO 2010:1994) Pan head screws with type H DIN EN ISO DIN ISO 7045 or type Z cross recess-Product grade 7045 A (ISO 7045:1994) Countersunk flat head screws (common head style) with type H DIN EN ISO DIN ISO 7046 or type Z cross recess, product grade 7046-1 A - Part 1:Steel of property class 4.8(ISO 7046-1:1994) Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws (common head DIN EN ISO style),( grade A) - Part 2:Steel of 7046-2 property class 8.8,stainless steel and nonferrous metals (ISO 7046-2:1990) Countersunk raised head screws DIN EN ISO (common head style) with type H DIN ISO 7047 7047 or type Z cross recess - Product grade A (ISO 7047:1994)
DIN 980 DIN 6925
DIN 84 DIN 85 DIN 963
DIN 964
DIN 7985
DIN 965
DIN 965
DIN 966
***全文将刊登在 2005 年 4 月 28 日出版的《紧固件》季刊上。 ***新德标 DIN (EN, ISO)最新全套版本(英文版)目录。 ***需要购买德标 DIN (EN, ISO) 全套 5 本(英文版),欢迎和金蜘蛛联系。
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