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Formatting a Paper for the SPE Paper Contest Qualifier of Chengdu Study Group Section
Please take the SPE Publications Style Guide given below as a standard in writing English papers for The SPE Paper Contest Qualifier of Chengdu Study Group Section. We may cancel your right to participant in the contest if there are so many differences between
the paper you send to us and the format paper.
The SPE Publications Style Guide provides information on the SPE style for elements in technical papers. Our contest refers to parts of
? Length of the paper: Each paper is limited to 10 pages normally, and additional
pages will be charged. If your paper is too long, you can shrink the size of your graphics. No alterations to page layout or formation are allowed. Before using every trick you know to make your paper a certain length, try cutting text instead or (if allowed) paying the extra page charge.
? The paper should be created in MS word and saved as “Word 97-2003” formation
for the PC.
? The paper should be single column, 1.25 -spaced, with text in 10-point type on
A4 paper.
? Margin :a. Top: 2.54 cm; b. Left : 3.18 cm; c. Right : 3.18 cm; d. Bottom : 2.54 cm ? Authors: List the authors under the title in the order you want them to appear. Include the name and company affiliation of each author. Put SPE after the names of authors who are SPE members. Example: Joe Smith, SPE, Generic Petroleum Co. ? Summary: Include a summary of 50 to 100 words at the beginning of the paper.
? Headings and Subheads: Make sure that major headings, subheads, and
sub-subheads are clearly distinguishable by using the following styles:
○ ○ ○ ○
First-Level Headings – 10-point bold on line by itself.
Second-Level Headings – 10-point bold, period at end, and run into the next paragraph.
Third-Level Headings – 10-point bold italic, period at end, and run into next paragraph.
Fourth-Level Headings – 10-point italic, period at end, and run into next paragraph.
? References: Cite references in the text by placing the author's name and year in
parentheses; then, include an alphabetical listing of the references at the end of the paper. [Note: this is a change from SPE's previous reference style, which required references to be numbered in the order in which they were cited.] ? Numbering Figures and Tables: Number figures and tables (in Arabic, not
Roman, numerals) sequentially in the order they are cited in the text. Avoid numbering individual figures as Fig. 11a and Fig. 11b. Instead, make them Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.
? Numbering Equations: Number equations sequentially as they appear in the
paper. Enclose the equation number in parentheses preceded by a line of dots (see SPE Publications Style Guide Sec. 8.5.1).
? Nomenclature: If symbols for quantities (e.g., p for pressure or q for flow rate)
are used in the text, equations, tables, or figures, include a Nomenclature defining them at the end of the text. The Nomenclature should list the symbol, the definition, the units of measure (or dimensionless), and the dimensions (see SPE Publications Style Guide sec. 8.7.4). Also available is the SPE Letter and Computer Symbols Standard which provides a list on commonly used symbols and their definition.
? Reference List: Include complete information on all references in the format
described in Sec. 8.8 of the SPE Publications Style Guide. Incomplete reference citations may result in your paper being returned for correction and a delay in publication.
? Metric Conversion Factors: After the References section, include metric
conversion factors for units used (see SPE Publications Style Guide, Sec. 8.10.3).
The metric conversion factors should go from customary units to metric units. ? Author Biographies: Provide a brief biographical sketch of each author at the
end of the paper. For each author, give only the name, title, company or organization, location of the company or organization, work history, and education history. Including an email address is suggested but not required. ? Tables and Figures: All tables and figures should be cited sequentially in the
text of the paper. They should be grouped at the end of the paper rather than embedded in the text. Please include figure captions in a listing at the end of the text. In addition, please format tables using the Table menu on the MS Word toolbar; tables should not be submitted as images. Figures can be submitted in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint format, or as .tif or .jpg images. Images submitted graphically need to be print-quality (300 dpi) not web-quality (72 px/inch). ? Color Figures: SPE no longer charges extra to print figures in color. So
please use color as appropriate in figure illustrating your results.
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