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2018年全国各地中考英语模拟试题 完形填空试题汇编(含答案解析)

1.(2018?白云区二模)Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. When people cheat, it's not fair to (1) people, like the kids who studied for the test or who were the true winners of a game.

Many people like (2) action of cheating. It makes difficult things (3) easy, like getting all the right answers on the test. But it doesn't solve the problem of not knowing the material and it won't help on the next test ﹣﹣﹣ unless the person (4) again.

Some people lose respect (5) cheaters and think less of them. The cheaters (6) may feel bad because they know they are not really

earning that good grade. And, if they get caught cheating, they (7) in trouble at school, and maybe at home, too.

Some kids cheat because they're busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending the time (8) . Other kids might feel like they can't pass the test without (9) . Even when there seems (10) a \, cheating isn't a good idea.

(11) you were sick or upset about something the night before and couldn't study, it would be better to talk with the teacher about this. And if you don't (12) enough time to study for a test because of swim practice, you need to talk with your parents about how (13) swimming and school.

A kid (14) thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test needs to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some ways together. Talking about these problems and working them out will feel (15) than cheating. (1)A. others (2)A. / (3)A. seem

B. other B. a B. seemed

C. another C. an C. to seem

D. the others D. the D. seeming


(4)A. was cheating (5)A. for (6)A. they

B. cheated B. at B. them

C. cheats C. in C. their

D. cheat D. on D. themselves

(7)A. are (8 ) A. study (9)A. cheat (10)A. to be (11 ) A. But (12)A. had (13)A. balance (14)A. who (15)A. good

B. were B. to study B. cheating B. be B. If B. has B. balancing B. whom B. well

C. will C. studying C. cheated C. to being C. Because C. having C. to balance C. whose C. better

D. will be D. studied D. to cheat D. being D. Though D. have D. balanced D. which D. best

2.(2018?枣庄模拟)I still remember I fell in love with English from a very young age,because I thought it was such a(n) (1) language.Full of strong wishes of learning English,I began to(2) it.But soon I found it(3) than expected.There were too many words,expressions and many other things to remember.And even if you knew(4) ,you couldn't use them correctly and exactly.And I did rather(5) in my first English test.I was worried about it.This made me upset(不安) and dropped my interest in English(6) . While I was in trouble,my English teacher gave me much help.I knew that interest didn't mean(7) and I should have some learning methods.I did as he said and tried many different ways of learning English.(8) the days went by,I could do better and better and became more and more interested in it.

During the summer vacation,an old lady from Australia visited my school.She had a talk with us.It was the first time(9) a foreigner.I got(10) nervous at first,but soon I found it exciting to talk with her,and I learned a lot from her.How I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day!


1.A.helpful 2.A.read 3.A.better

B.wonderful B.teach

C.exciting C.learn

D.careful D.write D.easier

B.more difficult C.worse

4.A.how to write them B.how to write C.what to write them D.what to


5.A.well 6.A.one by one

B.worse B.one another

C.better C.little by little

D.badly D.each other

7.A.everything 8.A.When 9.A.to talk 10.A.a little

B.anything B.As B.speak B.little

C.nothing C.While C.to meet C.a few

D.something D.For D.meet D.Few.

3.(2018?东胜区一模)Spring is a good time for kite flying ﹣﹣ a popular activity in China. On a (1) day, you'll see hundreds of colorful kites flying in the sky. They have all kinds of (2) like swallows(燕子) and peaches. Some of the shapes have (3) meanings. For example, swallows mean good luck and peaches bring you a long life.

The city of Weifang in Shandong is the home of the kite. The city (4) an international kite festival in April every year. There are competitions for kite﹣flying skills and new styles of kites. The most famous is the (5) for the \. Thousands of kite fans from (6) 30 countries visit the city to take part in the competitions, or to just enjoy this colorful event.

The largest kite in the world is a big \(章鱼)\. It's about 1 ,100 square meters,(7) as big as a basketball court. Li Jingyang, a kite fanin Jilin, (8) eight months making it in 2008.

The kite was invented by Chinese people over 2 ,000 years (9) . According to historical record, kites were first used by soldiers to send news to their friends. In the Tang Dynasty, flying kites became a popular


game played by everyone.

As it was introduced to the West in the ll00s, the kite brought a great influence(影响) on Western life.

In 1782, the lightning rod (避雷针) was (10) with the help of a kite. Modern aircraft came from kites, too. At the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, a board reads: \earliest man﹣made aircrafts were the kites and missiles (投射武器) of ancient China.\ 1. A. snowy 2. A. animals 3. A.strange 4. A. holds 5. A. festival

B. sunny B.fruits B.special B. visits B. celebration

C. cloudy C.shapes C. surprising C.makes C. performance

D. rainy D. colors D. successful D. joins D. competition

6. A. rather than 7. A. two 8. A. cost 9. A. before 10. A. discovered

B. other than B. twice B. paid B. ago B. invented

C. more than C. second C.took C. later C. introduced

D. much than D. the second D. spent D. yet D. welcomed

4.(2018?番禺区一模)\thinking of our spring cleaning.\John's mom suggested. \, John, you have no school. You can help me, OK?\.\.

The next day John and his mom clean the (1) . They cleaned until everything was tidy. (2) John's mom pointed to his Grandpa's chair in the bedroom and said, \. We will buy Grandpa a new one.\ It was (3) . John had to agree. The chair was ugly. It was too old. \, let's take the chair outside.\. As they were trying to (4) the chair, Grandpa came in. He blocked their way. \, no! You can't take my chair.\


\, we'll buy you a new one.\. \, I don't want a new one.\. John's mom gave up and left the room. Grandpa sat into his chair and closed his eyes. \, why don't you let us take away the chair?\.\.\

\(5) , John. I sat in this chair with your grandma when I asked her to marry me. It was so long ago, but when I sit in this chair and close my eyes, I (6) she is near.\

It was amazing, John thought, how Grandpa could (7) things from the past. In the present, he forgot almost everything.

\, I sat in this chair. When they placed the tiny baby into my arms, I was never happier.\face. \.\(8) .

\,\,\called and told me your grandma was ill. I was lost without her but the chair gave me comfort and warmth.\

\(9) , Grandpa.\, \just any old chair. You've gone through a lot together.\

That night, John told his mom this chair was like Grandpa's (10) . They realized how much the chair meant to Grandpa. When they looked at the chair the next day, they found the room would be very dull without this old chair. (1)A.garden (2)A.Suddenly (3)A.difficult (4)A.clean (5)A.believe (6)A.realize (7)A.know

B.house B.Usually B.true B.repair B.agree B.feel B.prefer

C.yard C.Lately C.impossible C.break C.understand C.hope C.remember

D.pool D.Quickly D.sad D.move D.guess D.notice D.use


(8)A.nervously (9)A.bored (10)A.child

B.bravely B.worried B.dad

C.excitedly C.sorry C.relative

D.thoughtfully D.embarrassed D.friend

5.(2018?黄埔区一模)\, for it provides us with such a good training program. The training greatly helps us live well. I will certainly study hard and learn the skills. Then I can(1) my family's difficulties and do good to other people,\, feeling (2) .

The learner's grandfather is nearly 80years old, and his mother is ill in bed. So his father, a middle﹣aged farmer, is the main(3) of the poor family. The learner graduated from high school and did not pass the college entrance examination(高考). The job training program helps him learn the skills that he'll need in the (4) .

The story reminds me of another story. It goes like this: Once upon a time, there was a man who liked (5) very much, and was able to catch lots of fish every day. The man was a kind﹣hearted person, so he always(6) his fish with his neighbors who did not know how to fish. One day, he thought that it would be great if he taught them how to fish. So he (7) his neighbors together and showed them how to fish. Everybody was very happy, as they could(8) the fish they themselves caught.

At present, there are still a lot of poor people throughout the world. But it's not good if we give only food to them. (9) , we should give them a chance to learn new skills. Therefore, a technical training is very important to people in need, and they will learn the ability to(10) money. People can learn a lot of useful things in the job training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs. (1)A. solve (2)A. angry

B. change B. excited

C. study C. annoyed

D. find D. interested


(3)A. problem B. example (4)A. school (5)A. fishing (6)A. shared (7)A. drove (8)A. feed (9)A. Next (10)A. pay

B. college

C. relative D. support

C. workplace D. family

D. skating

B. swimming C. skiing B. cooked B. stopped B. save B. Instead B. raise

C. exchanged D. weighed C. called C. catch C. Luckily C. use

D. searched D. eat D. Especially D. earn

6.(2018?天河区模拟)For a period of month some time ago I became a vegetarian(素食者). Some people won't eat meat because they think it is (1) to animals, or they care about their health. My reason is a little(2) : it is love.

I simply wanted to remember my grandmother by not eating meat. My grandmother spent a large part of her life as a vegetarian, and some of my happiest childhood memories in Thailand were about sharing a(3) with her. In fact, as a child, I learned how to value food not from dishes my mother often cooked,(4) from the simple dinner my grandmother prepared. Often, dinner with Grandma would come with interesting stories she had known from her childhood.

Grandma passed away more than ten years ago. Now I am an adult living in San Francisco, and Grandma's vegetarian suppers and(5) have become a past.

But one morning, I suddenly thought that I could(6) hear the sound of my grandmother's voice because she had left me forever. So I decided to become a vegetarian for a month.

In a city famous for its dining experience, this was(7) . I(8) several dinner parties for fear of offending(冒犯) the hosts. I stopped walking by(9) where the smell of good cooking would be in the air. My best friend


wondered if there was something wrong with me.

Now, (I10) her way. I invited friends who wanted to taste vegetarian food. And as we ate, I told them stories I had known as a child.

1. A. good 2. A. different 3. A. house 4. A. and 5. A. stories 6. A. all over 7. A. difficult 8. A. went to 9. A. hotels

B. cruel B. clear B. book B. or B. songs B. no longer B. easy B. accepted B. parks

C. crowded C. simple C. film C. but C. pictures C. in time C. strange C. refused C. gardens

D. worried D. natural D. meal D. nor D. sweets D. once again D. amazing D. helped D. restaurants

10. A. asked B. followed C. believed D. left


When my mom came home from the hospital with twins, I was excited at the very beginning. I

couldn't (1) to play with them and be the best big sister ever.

Everyone was coming over to our house to hold the babies and (2) presents to the babies and talk how (3) the babies were. Then they'd pull out their cameras, and just (4) I was about to say \,they'd run over to my perfect little brothers and take (5) of them. At that time I was thinking, \can't I be little again so I can be the one getting all the (6) ?,

When my aunt Camille got (7) ,my mom spent forever finding the perfect clothes for


them. On the day of the wedding, my twin brothers had the cutest and prettiest clothes. And then there was me, just sitting and watching in my regular dress. After the ceremony, all I (8) was how sweet and lovely the twins were. I (9) that they were wonderful, but I couldn't help feeling (10) . There was a big

party after the wedding. Aunt Camille and her nice new (11) had the first dance, and then everyone started (12) like crazy including me. I (13) my uncomfortable dress shoes, and I danced and danced and danced! It became one of the most fun time I had in my whole life.

The very best part was when my aunt and I took my twin brothers by the hands and (14) them some dance moves. Teaching them was such a cool thing. I (15) then what a huge waste of time feeling jealous (嫉妒的)is when you can kick off your shoes and enjoy life! (1). A. go (2). A. make (3). A. lovely (4). A. since (5). A. care、

B. wait B. create B. intelligent B. after B. photos

C. stand C. give C. active C. like C. advantage

D. help D. show D. strong D. as D. measures

(6). A. support

B. attention

C. impressions

D. chances

(7). A. married

B. praised

C. moved

D. traveled

(8). A. thought

B. heard

C. remembered

D. reminded

(9). A. agreed

B. ignored

C. forgot

D. expected

(10). A. satisfied

B. foolish

C. unimportant

D. excited


(11). A. friend (12). A. singing (13). A. took off (14). A. taught (15). A. imagined

B. husband B. drinking B. took over B. passed B. wondered

C. baby C. dancing C. took up C. lent C. considered

D. partner D. talking D. took in D. told D. realized

8.(2018?黄埔区一模)As a final year student at university, it is time for me to decide what (1) next. In all my life, I have wanted to be(2) excellent teacher, and I am lucky that I (3) a place to teach a course next year. The course will take place in my hometown. After four years of living away from my family, I know I will find(4) very strange to live at home again. This isn't because I don't enjoy living at home (5) because I have got used to being an independent student. While I (6) away from home, I had to buy everything by myself. I had to pay bills and work hard to pay rent for my house (7) I lived in. Because of the economic situation in this country, it is popular(8) students to live at home again after they graduate. There are two reasons why young people can't(9) find jobs. One is the lack of jobs and(10) is the cost of living.

I am one of the two children in my family, and my (11) sister will start studying at university next year. I didn't speak to my parents about it, but I am sure (12) this isn't a problem for them ﹣ I would like to think that they enjoy(13) us around!

In the coming year, I(14) able to see my parents every day. However, I would love to find my own house eventually when I (15) afford it! (1)A. do (2)A. a (3)A. will give (4)A. that

B. to do B. an B. was given B. this

C. doing C. the

C. will be given C. it

D. to doing D. 不填 D. am given D. its


