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【奥鹏】[北京语言大学]18秋《综合英语》(II)作业4 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,Judging people ___ their appearance is silly. A、by B、on C、with D、for

第2题,He asked as I was sitting in the backyard ___ the autumn twilight. A、enjoy B、enjoying C、enjoyed

D、being enjoyed

第3题,Our dreams will finally ___ . A、come true B、be true C、get true D、turn true

第4题,For 300 years this game suffered greatly from ___ disapproval. A、office B、formal C、informal D、official

第5题,What do you think of society's ___ideas about what is beautiful. A、present B、now C、current D、currency

第6题,The king permitted himself to be entertained ___ music and a football match.


A、for B、with C、at D、by

第7题,You ___ full and thorough decision, putting aside all else in life. A、abandon yourself B、give yourself up to C、leave yourself with D、give in

第8题,You let your attention ___ away easily and you thought of other interesting things. A、wonder B、go C、turn D、wander

第9题,___ this kind of day. A、Seldom was there B、There seldom was C、Seldom there was D、Seldom was

第10题,The most awful time comes at the beginning and ___ the end. A、at B、in C、by D、with

第11题,I don't ___ you that that is all ridiculous. A、agree with B、agree on


C、agree to D、agree

第12题,I will go to the station to ___ my boyfriend. A、pick B、visit C、pick on D、pick up

第13题,Nowadays many women ___ to make themselves beautiful. A、go to any best B、go to any width C、get to any lengths D、go to great lengths

第14题,Venus has a temperature of 465℃, which makes it completely___. A、habitale B、unhabitable C、inhabitable D、uninhabitable

第15题,There are many stories and films about \A、attack B、attacking C、attacks

D、having attacked

第16题,Mr Thompson gave all the ___ papers of his grandfather to the public library. A、history B、historical C、historic D、historian


第17题,After a promising start, the company ___ trouble. A、ran down B、ran into C、come into D、come across

第18题,Since the beginning of history, people have___ travel. A、dreamed B、dreamed for C、dreamed of D、dreamed with

第19题,In the United States, her album sales ___ those of Madonna and Michael Jackson. A、compete

B、compete with C、rival with D、rival

第20题,Sade herself is not clear ___ why her UK fans stopped buying her albums. A、as B、as of C、as to D、to

第21题,Some delegates objected ___ the new universal game. A、against B、at C、to D、for

第22题,It was ___ of current capital that defeated their business.


A、lacking B、lack C、lacks

D、being lacking

第23题,The two colleges are ___ on the scientific research. A、operating B、cooperative C、co-operating D、operative

第24题,Four years without releasing even a single is not the best way to keep yourself ___ in the charts. A、popular B、popularized C、pop


第25题,I am going to see my daughter who is ___ the end of my journey. A、by B、in C、at D、on


