21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程修订版3 答案

更新时间:2024-05-04 11:51:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Comprehensionof the text A

1、Soon after the plane took off,the passengers felt clearly there was something wrong with the plane.However, most of the experienced passengers didn’t take it as a “big deal”at first

2、The pilot made a graveannouncement about the serious condition and the flight attendants preparedpassengers for a bumpy landing

3、At the beginning, they thoughtthere were just common minor problems and acted blasé about them. Realizingthings were much worse than they had thought, the passengers became quitefrightened and all lost composure in one way or another.

4、The voice came from a bravemother who tried to protect and comfort her daughter in the chaos 5、Compared with all the otherexperienced passengers, the mother was so calm and brave in such an emergency.Even when it might be the last moment of her life, the mother still wanted to expressher love for her little daughter and tried to protect her as much aspossible

Language Focus,

A, 1 giref, 2 sobering 3 fellow 4 announcement 5 mircle 6 comforted 7 compels 8 assurance

B, 1 in the event of 2 warded off 3no earthly reason 4 bearup 5 was stunned by 6 in one way or another C 1、Dthat 2、Chad 3、Cis 4、Alearning 5、C(should) be

Reading in Depth 1~10 G F E D A O I M J C


1、Jafftired to keep his composure and answer every question damly,when he wasinquired by the police. 2、With theoil prices keeping on increasing ,all the countries in the world have beenaffected in one way or another.

3、At themeeting he proposed a series of measures that might ward off theenvironmental pollution. 4、Mikeassured hie father that he would put his whole heart into the comingcompetition. 5、Mary willnever waver once she makes up her mind 第四单元

Comprehensionof the text A

1、the gossip was about a freshman girl fromChina.

2 、her roommate is a born-and-raised Americanwhile she is a Chinese; the Chinese girl wore a pair of glasses, white jacketwhile the American girl wore short T-shirt, tight jeans, without glasses; theChinese girl’s hair was pulled behind her while the American girl’s blond hairwas with brown highlights

3、They thought she was weird, a little blunt,slightly unpleasant and kind of foreign while the author’s friend thought she was just shy.

4、The author found the girl wasn’t blunt orunpleasant. She just didn’t know colloquial English. She could only speak“proper” English, while her writing and grammar was almost perfect, better thanmost native English speakers.

5、Another difficulty the girl had to face isculture shock. When the author asked her if she had a boyfriend, she lookedsurprised. Because in China, students are not allowed to develop boy-girl“intimate” relationship in school.


A.1 highlight 2 scorn 3 humble 4 crawed 5 drift 6scent 7 rabel 8 cursed

B.1 go a long way 2 kind of 3 turn out 4 be equipped for 5 Armed with 6 pay the price C.1 C as well as 2 C following 3 B have been cut down 4 A had 5 C show

Reading in Depth 1~10 C I O J A K E M F N


1、In acountry that is not equipped for severe heat, this is an emergency 2、It was sonoisy in the room that he had to pull his ears to hear the phone 3、This isanexciting job, but kind of dangerous. 4、It ishard to predict how these things will turn out.

5、Nobodyknows how to figure them out. Even if somebody seems to know, it is still“crossing a river by feeling for the stones”. 第五单元 Languagefocus

A.1 idly 2 inadequate 3 rent 4 charming 5 choked 6declined 7 discarding 8 streamling B.1 exchange with 2 in part 3 was supposed to 4 take root 5 come up with 6 at your disposal C.1 C with 2 B against 3 A Entering 4 D over 5 A go

Reading in Depth CI K J A F E M H L


1、Studentscan be expelled for refusing to conform to school rules. 2、Extremeanger can only lead to unpleasant outcomes.

3、Currently,what the company cares about are efficient waste disposal and higher profits 4、You mightconsider finding temporary work before you decide what you want to do.

5、If we donot have strong awareness of the significance of teamwork, we will run the riskof failure. 第八单元

Comprehensionof the text A

1、It has long been believed in theUnited States that a top businessman who has proven that he can manage alarge-scale enterprise efficiently and effectively should run the government

2、A leader is able to persuadepeople and move them, thinks of the day after tomorrow and represents adirection of history, while a manager thinks of today and tomorrow andrepresents a process 3、They both love and hate him, butthey’re seldom indifferent toward him 4、High intelligence, courage, hardwork, tenacity, judgment,

5、Because he is not prepared to acceptthe sacrifices leadership requires.

Language focus

A.1 extraordinary 2 predecessors 3 prose 4 vicio4s 5outflight 6 bold 7 clash 8 sacrifices B.1 give way to 2 bring forth 3 if only 4 collide with 5prevail over 6 above all C.1 D condemn 2 A mounting 3 B in 4 C stung 5 C of

Reading in Depth EF B L M I J D A H


1、He is always readyto sacrifice his personal interest for public good 2、The President collidedwith the Congress over his budget plans 3、No problem lastsforever. Storms always give way to the sun 4、Your visit will takeaway the sting of her sorrow 5、His honesty made himincapable of lying.

