动画片Maisy(1-6)英文和部份中文 - 图文
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農場 波波和她的朋友小黑貓在農場過了愉快的一天。她撿雞蛋、騎馬、餵鵝、清理豬舍,最後還送每一隻動物上床睡覺。 野餐 波波到樹林裡野餐時,認識了很多新朋友。 天氣好熱,波波和奇奇決定把戲水池拿出來,好不容易才把水裝滿了,大象也來一起戲水。 波波和奇奇在院子裡搭帳蓬,丁丁卻在一旁睡覺。樂樂帶了點心和大家分享。等他們準備好要睡覺時,貓頭鷹才要醒來。 戲水池 第1片 露營 火車 波波開著火車,沿路搭載動物們,有兩隻長頸鹿、三隻孔雀、四條蛇、五隻鴨子、六隻兔子、七隻小鳥、八隻青蛙和九隻企鵝,最後還有十隻小豬。牠們怎麼擠進車廂裡? 腳踏車 丁丁借波波的腳踏車來騎。腳踏車後來不見了,丁丁很煩惱,波波藉著一顆球終於找回腳踏車。 第2片 化粧舞會 奇奇邀請波波參加化粧舞會,但波波不知如何打扮!每回她想到一個點子,就已經有別人比她先想到。後來,她終於想到了一個不同凡響的點子。 上床睡覺 睡覺時間到了,波波拉下窗帘,並向貓頭鷹道晚安,她洗過臉和手,換上睡衣,上過廁所,準備好要睡覺了…才發現小貓熊不見了。 波波在花園裡摘花時,遇見了小兔子,小兔子好像很喜歡吃花,於小兔子 是波波帶牠回家吃午餐。 第3片 帆船 在一個有風的日子,波波鴐著帆船出海。她遇到一隻章魚和一群魚,還和海豚玩球,後來風停了,幸好海鷗和鯨魚幫忙,才能安全返航。 躲貓貓 波波、丁丁和奇奇在玩躲貓貓,丁丁動作比較慢,但他發現了隱身的方法。 公園 波波到公園玩,遇到了她的朋友奇奇。丁丁和樂樂也在那裡,他們一起溜滑梯、盪秋千、坐蹺蹺板,後來他們還一起吃冰棒、餵鴨子。 斑點 波波在找有斑點的東西,有一頭花豹、一條蛇、一隻瓢蟲、一隻青蛙和一隻長頸鹿。當她遇到斑馬,她還讓自己身上同時有斑點和條紋。 小鳥 第4片 洗衣服 一個又冷又凍的冬日裡,波波看見小鳥啄著結凍的土地找食物,波波動手做了一個鳥檯,餵小鳥吃東西。 波波在晾衣繩上晾衣服,有一件洋裝被風吹走了,幸好丁丁幫忙,波波終於把洋裝從樹頂取下來。 沙堡 蝙蝠 波波到海邊玩,螃蟹幫她一起蓋了座壯麗的沙堡,波波還當了城堡的皇后! 波波睡不著覺,她看見窗外有個黑影子掠過院子,她走出去探查,遇到了一隻友善的蝙蝠。他們一起在月光下探索院子,直到波波累得想上床睡覺。 球 第5片 薑餅人 波波和奇奇想玩球,但很難找到一個適合玩球的安全地方。 波波今天想烤一些餅乾,她要做成薑餅人的形狀。丁丁和奇奇來玩時,她把薑餅人拿出來一起分享。 喵喵叫 一隻小黑貓來波波家過夜,隔天早上,波波醒來時,發現多了一些出其不意的訪客。 公共汽車 波波今天開公共車,一路上搭載了各式各樣的乘客,有一個乘客還第6片 秋千 睡過頭,忘了下車。 當丁丁和奇奇在玩跳繩時,波波悄悄溜進貯藏室,打算做一個秋千,當新秋千裝好時,丁丁第一個玩。 小狗 波波在水池邊玩小船,遇到了一隻友善的小狗,後來她的小船陷在蘆葦裡,小狗幫她拿回小船卻成了落湯狗。 生日快樂 今天是波波的生日,丁丁、奇奇和樂樂怎麼為波波慶祝生日呢! 下雨了 鳥巢 下雨了,丁丁忘了帶傘,衣服濕透了,波波怎麼幫他忙? 波波幫鳥媽媽在院子裡的一棵樹上築巢,鳥媽媽下了三個蛋,孵出三隻小鳥,鳥媽媽出外覓食餵鳥寶寶時,波波幫忙照顧鳥寶寶,直到鳥媽媽回來,波波終於鬆了一口氣! 第7片 飛機 波波和樂樂一起折紙飛機玩,波波的紙飛機飛得不好,後來還掉到水槽裡。樂樂的紙飛機很神氣,可以在屋裡繞著飛,還飛出窗外到院子裡。 遊行 波波想吹奏音樂,一路上她的朋友都加入遊行的行列,成了一支浩大的隊伍。 遊樂園 波波和奇奇到遊樂園玩,可是奇奇等不及要趕快玩玩看每一樣玩具,波波一直追不上奇奇,奇奇要學著有耐心,也不可跑得太遠。 寶藏 第8片 羊兒 波波和丁丁打扮成海盜,一起挖寶藏,他們找到好多東西,有一樣很特別,居然是奇奇! 波波和奇奇外出散步,奇奇回頭撿掉在地上的蝴蝶結時,忘了關上通往草原的柵門,柵欄裡的羊兒都跑出去了,波波和奇奇怎麼把羊趕回去呢? 雲 第9片 跳蚤 波波要到天空野餐,她怎麼去呢?原來她要搭乘熱氣球。 大象想要洗澡,波波拿了梯子、刷子、肥皂幫他忙,跳蚤一隻接一隻跳出來抗議,一共有十隻跳蚤呢! 嚇一跳 樂樂裝成獅子嚇波波,他們也互相嚇對方玩,沒想到樂樂後來被自己嚇到了! 樹枝 波波撿到一根樹枝,這是一根很有用的樹枝,可以當枴杖,可以當旗杆,可以撿東西,可以當球棒,可以敲音樂,還可以… 收拾 把玩具玩得一地都是,真痛快!但是波波知道,玩過後,還是得收拾整齊才行。 收成 波波到菜園採收青菜,兔子也一起去,摘了一個洋蔥、兩條小黃瓜、三個番茄、四個馬鈴薯,還有五根兔子最喜歡的胡蘿蔔! 貯藏室 第10片 玩具屋 波波要粉刷貯藏室,大象一起來幫忙,貯藏室變得好漂亮,屋頂是綠的,牆是紅的,門是藍的,窗框是黃的,還有一隻紅色的大象! 波波和她的玩具玩扮家家酒喝下午茶時,丁丁來找她玩,丁丁不喜歡扮家家酒,他想吃真的餅乾。 馬戲團 馬戲表演來了,波波是馬戲團團主,丁丁表演跳水,樂樂轉盤子,奇奇撐傘走鋼索,大象表演彈跳,波波盪秋千,節目好精彩! 跳舞 波波和奇奇互相學對方跳舞,他們會跳各種不同的舞。丁丁也來一起跳舞作樂,他真是一個很有天份的舞者! 好痛 第11大象覺得好痛喲!波波和樂樂只好想各種辦法安慰他。 片 彩蛋 波波在院子裡準備復活節玩的彩蛋,丁丁很早就到了,他幫著波波一起把彩蛋藏起來,彩蛋有藍的、紅的、紫的、綠的、粉色的、橘色的… 大象、樂樂和波波一起在院子玩耍,大象不小心踩到球,跌了一跤!洗澡 波波放洗澡水,準備洗澡了,奇奇來找她一起玩,波波沒有答應。奇奇一心一意想和波波玩,所以乾脆和波波一起洗澡! 氣球 樂樂的氣球飛走了。波波買了兩個氣球,一個給樂樂,一個給自己。可是氣球很容易就會飛走,怎麼辦呢?波波有一個聰明的點子! 檸檬汁 第12片 肚子痛 天氣好熱,檸檬汁卻喝光了。大象口很渴,好想再喝,於是波波和大象一起摘檸檬,搾檸檬汁。自己搾的檸檬汁特別好喝! 丁丁騎腳踏車騎得肚子餓了,波波請他吃蛋糕,丁丁一個接一個吃個不停,吃到肚子痛,波波還做了一張問候卡,安慰他。 吉他 波波想彈吉他,可是吉他走音了,只好請小鳥來幫她調音,她會彈\一閃一閃亮晶晶\的曲子,兔子聽著聽著睡覺了。 下雪了 下雪了!波波堆了一隻雪鼠,她還和好朋友奇奇、丁丁、樂樂,在雪地裡玩。波波後來被雪覆蓋住了,她的朋友分不清哪一個才是真的波波? 聖誕卡 第13片 聖誕樹 波波要做聖誕卡了!樂樂也來一起做,他們做了好多張。這些卡片要送給誰呢? 聖誕節快到了!波波和奇奇把聖誕樹帶回家,他們還預備了很多聖誕飾品打算好好佈置。聖誕樹美極了,樹頂還有一個老鼠精靈。 聖誕節 聖誕夜裡,波波準備了兩隻聖誕襪,一隻給自己,一隻給小貓熊。可是波波實在興奮得睡不著,一會兒下床檢查聖誕襪,一會兒到屋外看看,聖誕老公公會送禮物來嗎?
Maisy, Maisy, What gonna to do today ? Maisy, Maisy, Do you want to play? Find a friend. Play the toys. Bounce a ball. Makes a noise . Roll and tumble. Fly a place.
Splash , Splash , Splash . In the play , from the road . Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy mouse. Sail the boat . Be the queen .
You can do almost anything . Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, mouse .
今天做什么? 最喜欢去玩耍。 找小朋友 玩玩具 拍皮球 吹吹打打 翻个跟斗 开飞机
啪哒、啪哒、啪哒 踩水坑,喷水花, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy,Maisy,Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy老鼠 开帆船 当皇后
不管任何事你都可以做 Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy,Maisy,Maisy, Maisy, Maisy, Maisy老鼠
Hello, Maisy! 你好,Maisy! Maisy’s at the farm today. Maisy今天在农场玩。 Where are you going now Maisy ? 你现在要去那里呀Maisy? One egg ,Two eggs ,Three eggs. 一个鸡蛋、二个鸡蛋、三个鸡蛋 Are there any more? 还有什么? Oh, What’s that , Maisy ? 那是什么Maisy? Ah, it’s a kitten. 啊,是小猫。 Who’s that? 是谁呀?
Whoa! Careful , Maisy ! 喔,Maisy小心噢! There’s always lots of work to do on a farm, 农场里总是有很多事要做。 And lots of funny smells too. 而且还有好多种奇怪的味道。 One apple ,Two apples , Three apples 一个苹果、二个苹果、三个苹果 Oh , hello again! 哦,又见到你了。 Oh, it’s feeding time. 哦,喂东西的时间到了。 Now it’s time to go and gave the baby lambs their milk. 该去喂小羊喝奶了。 Mmm , I bet that tastes good. 我相信味道一定很好。 Time for bed , everybody . 各位,上床的时间到了。 Good night , Piglets . 小猪晚安 Good night , geese . 晚安,鹅。 Good night , lambs . 晚安,羊儿。 Good night , foal. 晚安,小马。 Good night , chickens. 晚安,鸡。 And good night , little chick . 晚安,鸡宝宝。 Oh , and good night , kitten. 小猫,晚安。 Bye bey , Maisy . 再见,Maisy!
What a lovely day, for a picnic. Hello, Maisy.
What else are you going to take on your picnic, Maisy?
A csrrat , yes. Some lemonade, yes.
Have you forgotten something, Maisy? Oh, yummy. A piece of cake. All ready to go, Maisy? Ooh, those apples look good! Oh, too high! Well, never mind.
Mmm, that looks like a good spot. Now, how about that sandwich ? Mmm, now the carrot. Oh, dear. Phew, it’s hot!
How about a drink of lemonade ? Oops! Never mind.
Well, that’s the lemonade gone. Ho, ho! And the cake too. Ah, well. Time to go home. Aw, how kind. Thank you. Bye bye, Maisy. Bye bye, everyone.
真是出外野餐的好天气。 你好,Maisy。
你还要带什么东西去野餐呢? 对,一根胡萝卜 对,一些柠檬水 你忘了什么? 一片蛋糕。 准备好要出发了吗? 这些苹果看上去很好吃。 哦,太高了 不过没关系。 这个地方很适合野餐。 来份三明治吧。 该吃胡萝卜了。 天那。 噢,好热
来杯柠檬汁怎么样? 哎呀! 还好,没事。
哇,柠檬汁就这们喝光了, 天那,蛋糕也吃掉了。 好吧,该回家喽。 哇,你真好。 再见,Maisy 大家,再见喽!
Pool 戏水池 Phew! What a hot day. Hello, Tallulah. Hello, Maisy. Oh, it’s very hot.
Why don’t you get out the wading pool, Maisy? Ah, there it is!
First, you’ve got to blow it up. Almost done, Maisy. Now you need some water. Oh, careful, Tallulah.
There, now you can fill the pool with water. Oh, where’s Tallulah going? Is that nice and cool, Maisy?
Oh, Tallulah changed into her bathing suit. Isn’t the pool full yet?
Why don’t you change into your suit, Maisy? Ah, ha, there it is!
Oh, dear, the pool still isn’t full. And the ground’s all wet. Look, a hole.
That’s why the pool isn’t filling up. What are you going to do, Maisy? Some sticky tape. That’s a good idea. Good job, Maisy.
That’s fixed it. 噢,天哪,今天好热! 你好,塔卢拉! 你好,波波! 哦,好热哦!
噢,在这里。 你要先吹气哦。 快吹好了,波波。 接着你要去找一些水。 哦,塔卢拉小心。 现在可以把水装进去了。 塔卢拉要到哪去啊? 又凉又舒服吧,波波? 啊塔卢拉换上游泳衣了。
戏水池的水还没有装满吗? 波波你为什么不换上泳衣呢
地都湿了。 看,有个破洞。 难怪戏水池的水装不满。 波波,你要怎么办呢? 用胶带贴啊。 好主意。 好极了,波波。
Time to turn the water off. 该把水笼头关掉了。 Oh, it’s Eddie! 哦,是大象啊。 He’s already got his bathing suit on. 它已经穿上游泳衣了。 Eddie, What are you doing? 大象你在干什么? Oh, a shower! 哦,来一阵淋浴。 That’s a better a idea. 这个主意更好。 Goodbye, everybody, have fun!
Camping 露营Hello, Maisy.
What are you doing today?
Ah, camping in the garden, what fun! Hello, Charley! Hello, Tallulah! Oh, don’t go to sleep, Charley, you haven’t put the tent up yet. Maybe Maisy can wake Charley up. Come on! Wake up, Charley! It looks like you’ll have to put the tent up without Charley! Hello, owl.
Oh, sorry, did the noise wake you up? Oh, careful!
Not over you, Tallulah. Over the poles.
That’s better. Good job, Tallulah. Oh, here’s Cyril. What’s he got in the box? Good job, Cyril.
You’ve brought some food! Oh, Charley!
I see you’re awake now! Mmm, delicious!
Time to get ready for bed now. Look out, here comes Charley! Now it’s really time for bed.
你好,波波! 今天打算做什么?
啊,在院子露营,一定很好玩。 你好,查利。你好,塔卢拉。
哦,查利还不能睡觉, 帐篷还没搭好呢。
你好,猫头鹰。 把你吵醒了。 哦,小心。
哦,西里尔来了。 他的盒子里装了什么? 西里尔真好,你带食物来了。
啊,查利你终于醒了。 嗯,真好吃。 该准备上床睡觉喽。 注意哦,查利来了。 啊,真是该睡觉了。
Hello, Maisy. Oh, you’re driving the train today. Oh, two giraffes. One, two. Two giraffes.
Watch your heads. 小心头噢 Three peacocks. One, two, three.
Four snakes. One, two, three, four. Four snakes.
Ah, ducks. 是鸭子, One, two, three, four, five ducks.
And one rabbit….one rabbit!? 还有一只兔子 One rabbit, two, three, four, five, six rabbits. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven birds… One, two, three, four, five, six, seven birds. Oh…frogs!
How many frogs are there?
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight frogs.
I wonder if there are nine penguins. 我猜是不是有九只企鹅呢? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Yes, nine penguins.
Two giraffes, three peacocks, four snakes, five ducks, six rabbits, seven birds, eight frogs, nine penguins, and ten……piglets! Oh, dear!
So, we’ve got two giraffes, three peacocks, four snakes, five ducks, six rabbits, seven birds, eight frogs, nine penguins, and ten piglets pyramid…and one Maisy. 叠罗汉的小猪。
Good job, Maisy. 好极了,波波。
Bike 脚踏车 Hello, Maisy.
Oh! That’s a very big hill. 一座很高的山丘 Good job, Maisy. 好极了,波波
You made it to the top. 你已经爬到山顶上了。 Ooh, who can you see, Maisy. 哎,波波你看到谁了? It’s Charley and Tallulah. Hello, Charley. Hello, Tallulah.
Ooh, I think Tallulah wants to try your bike, Maisy. 我想Tallulah想骑你的脚踏车。 Off you go , Tallulah.
Oh, oh, look out, it’s Charley turn now. 噢,注意哦,轮到Charley。 Come on, Charley! Almost there. 加油啊,Charley,快到山顶了。 Good job, Charley. 好极了 Oh! Oh, dear!
What’s Charley shouting about? Charley大声喊什么? Uh oh! Where’s Maisy’s bike? 不好了,Maisy的脚踏车那去了? Charley rode to the top of the hill.
Then he lay down to rest because he was tired, and he got up, the bike was gone! The ball’s rolling down the hill!
Hooray! Aren’t you smart, Maisy. 好极了,Maisy,你真聪明。 The bike rolled down the hill just like the ball! Goodbye Charley. Goodbye Tallulah. Goodbye Maisy.
Party 化装舞会 Hello, Maisy. Hello, Panda. Oh, what’s that?
Wow! It’s an invitation to Tallulah’s costume party. 是Tallulah寄来的化装舞会邀请卡。 Oh, what are you going to dress up as, Maisy? 你打算打扮成什么? Ah, a magician … maybe not … a cock …maybe not … or a clown! 魔术师,还是不要吧 Maybe not …
Oh, a pirate, that’s a good idea, Maisy! Oh no. Charley’s dressed up as a priate too.
You’ll have to think again, Maisy. 你得再想想看喽。 Ah, ha! Queen, Maisy! Maisy皇后 What’s the matter, Maisy? 怎么了 Oh, no. Eddie’s dressed up as a king!
You’ll have to think again, Maisy. 你要再动动脑筋了。 A firefighter! Oh no, look at Cyril. Oh, dear!
Ah, Maisy’s had another idea! Scissors… Paper… paint…
I wonder what Maisy’s going to make? 不知道Maisy要做什么? Ho, ho, Tallulah’s party looks fun. 很好玩。 Oh, who’s this dress as a Zebra? Oh, it’s Maisy.
What a wonderful costume Maisy! 你的服装真别致。 Have fun everyone, enjoy the party! 各位玩得愉快,好好享受吧。
Bedtime 上床睡觉 Hello, Maisy!
Looks like it’s time for bed. 睡觉时间好像到了。 Good night, owl.
Time to get ready for bed now, Maisy. 波波准备上床睡觉了。 How about a story, Maisy? 来个睡前故事怎么样? Where’s your book?
Ah, it’s the Three Little Pigs. Ooh, it’s the wolf! Don’t let him in! Not him again! There! That’s the end of the big bad wolf. Hooray! Oh! How exciting! Now what’s Maisy looking for? I wonder if she’s looking for Panda. Where can he be? Oh, there he is.
Time for bed, Panda. Oh, where’s Maisy going now?
It must be time to go to sleep now. Good night, Panda. Good night, Maisy.
是三只小猪的故事 是野狼啊 不要让他进来。 可不要又是他。
对了这就是坏野狼的下场。 太好了! 故事真精彩。
现在波波又在找什么呢? 我猜它在找小熊猫 小熊猫它会在那里呢。 上床的时间到了。 现在一定要上床睡觉喽。
Spots 斑点
Oh! Who’s that? Of course! It’s Maisy. Hello, Maisy! 当然是Maisy了 Oh, look. It’s leopard! Hello, leopard! 是一头花豹 You look a little bit like a leopard today, Maisy. 你今天看上去有点像花豹 Can you see why? 你知道为什么吗? That’s right. 对了。 Your shorts are spotty and leopard is spotty too. 你的短裤上有斑点,花豹身上也有斑点。 Look, Maisy, those flowers have spots on them. 那些花上也有斑点。 Can you see anything else with spots? 你还看到什么东西上有斑点。 Ah, spotty butterflies. Hello, butterfly. 蝴蝶身上有斑点。 What other spotty things can you find? 你还发现什么东西上有斑点呢? Ah, a spotty ladybird. Hello, ladybird. 瓢虫身上有斑点。 And a spotty snake! Hello, snake. 蛇身上有斑点。 Oh, look, what’s that?
It’s a spotty giraffe! Hello, giraffe. 身上有斑点的长颈鹿。 Hello, spotty frog. 有斑点的青蛙你好。 Oh dear, Maisy.
Now your shirt is spotty too!
What are you going to do? 你要怎么办呢? Oh, who’s that? It’s zebra!
Zebra doesn’t have spots. She has stripes! Hello, zebra.
I think Maisy’s had an idea.
Ah ha! Clever Maisy, now you’ve got stripes and spots on! Goodbye, zebra. Goodbye, leopard. Goodbye, Maisy!
Ah, it’s snowing. Hello, Maisy! Wow! Look at all the snow!
Ooh, is that cold, Maisy? Hello, bird. 很冷吗,Maisy? Look at bird’s footprints in the snow. 看小鸟留在雪上的脚印。 Look at your footprints, Maisy. What’s bird doing? Ah ha, he must be hungry.
Mmm, he’s looking for something to eat.
Oh dear, the ground’s frozen underneath the snow. 雪下面的土地已结冻了。 Ah, but Maisy’s had an idea. Now what’s Maisy looking for?
Ah ha, apacket of seeds. 一包种子。 Seeds for the bird to eat…… and for all his friends.
Oh, would you like some more? 你还想来些吗? Uh-oh, here comes the cat.
The cat’s scared all the birds away. 猫把鸟都吓走了。 Maisy’s had another idea.
Oh, she’s going to make something.
Now I wonder what she’s making? 不知道好要做什么东西。 Mmm, what’s that?
Oh, it’s a bird table! 一个喂鸟台。 That is a good idea, Maisy. Ah ,the cat looks a bit sad. Now where’s Maisy going?
Ah, a saucer of milk for the cat. 拿碟子喂猫喝牛奶。 Good job, Maisy! Now everybody’s happy. Goodbye, Maisy.
Washing Hello, Maisy!
Looks like it’s a wash day today! 看来今天是洗衣服的日子。 One purple dress. A pair of stripy pants. Two red socks. 一条条纹工作裤。 One blue sock…and…oh…two blue socks!
What a windy day. 今天风好大。 Two blue socks. Two red socks.
A pair of stripy pants. And one purple dress.
Whoa! The purple dress has flown away. Whoa!
Charley! Charley, look out! Good catch! Whoa! Look out, bird! Oh dear. Hello, turtle.
What a lovely kite. Oh no, the dress is stuck in the tree! How will you get it down, Maisy? I think Maisy’s had an idea! Oh, oh…too high.
I think Maisy’s had a better idea. Hello, turtle.
Oh? What’s that, Maisy?
A ball of string. What are you going to do with that? Good job, Maisy!
Now Maisy’s got a kite, too. And one purple dress. Goodbye, Maisy.
紫色洋装被风吹走了。 接得真准啊。 这个风筝好可爱啊。 噢,不好了,洋装卡在树上了。 你要怎么把它拿下来呢。 有更好的方法了。 一团线。 你拿一团线做什么? Sandcastle 沙堡 Hello, Maisy!
What a beautiful day to be at the beach! 今天是到海滩玩的好日子。 Now, where are you doing to put your things? 你要把东西放在哪里呀? Oh, right there! 就是放在这里。 Oh, it’s a crab. Hello, crab!
How about going for a dip, Maisy? 去泡泡水怎么样。 Oh, that looks fun. 看起来很好玩。 I think crab wants to join in too! 螃蟹也想加入。 It’s a starfish! Hello, starfish. What are you going to do now, Maisy? Ooh, are you building a sandcastle?
Oh look, crab’s helping too! 你看螃蟹也在帮忙呢。 That looks great, Maisy! 看起来很棒啊。 Good job, carb!
Mmm, what else does your sandcastle need, Maisy? 你的城堡还需要什么呢? Ah, some decorations. 加上一些装饰。 Thank you, crab. A shell…and a feather. And another shell. Oh, and another.
That looks wonderful, Maisy. 看起来很了不起。 Oh, what’s crab got now? 螃蟹拿来了什么? Oh, it’s a piece of seaweed…for you to wear as a crown. 是一根水草让你当皇冠戴。 Now you really are the Queen of the Castle, Maisy! 你现在是这个城堡的皇后了。 Goodbye, Maisy! Goodbye, crab!
Bat 蝙蝠
Hello, Maisy. Is it time for bed? 是不是要上床睡觉了。 Have you brushed your teeth? 刷过牙了吗? And have you been to the bathroom? 上过厕所了吗? Oh, and don’t forget Panda. 别把小熊猫忘了。 Good night, Maisy. Good night, Panda.
Oh, what was that? 是什么声音啊? Can you see anything, Maisy? Oh, there it is again.
Now, you stay there Panda while Maisy goes to see what’s in the garden.
Oh, you’ve got a flash light, Maisy. What a good idea.
There it goes again! 它又出现了。 What can it be? 它到底是什么东西啊? It’s a bat! Hello, bat.
Maisy, I think the flash light is shining in his eyes. 我想手电筒的光太刺眼了。 Are you pretending to be a bat, Maisy? 你想学蝙蝠吗? Where did bat go? Oh, there he is!
Are you dizzy, Maisy? 你头昏了吗? I think you’re sleepy too? 我想你大概累了。 Maybe it’s time for bed now? 是不是上床睡觉的时间到了? Good night, bat. Oh! Don’t forget Panda!
Oh, that was fun. 真好玩。 Sweet dreams, Maisy. 祝你有个甜蜜的梦。 Good night, Panda.
Ball Hello, Maisy!
Hello, Tallulah! Have you come to play? 你要来一起玩吗? What are you going to play with first? 你要先玩什么呢? The truck? Mmm, maybe not. 卡车吗?可能不是哦。 How about a game of…dressing up! Maybe not. 玩扮演游戏好不好,可能不想哦。 Ah hah ha, a ball!
I think Tallulah wants to play soccer. 我想Tallulah想玩足球。 Come on, Tallulah. 来吧。 Whoa, carful!
Maybe you should play soccer in the garden. 要玩足球最好到院子里去。 That’s better. 这样比较好。 Come on Tallulah, kick the ball. 来吧,来踢球。 Maybe you should move away from the windWow. 你最好不要站在窗户边。 Whoops! 不好了。 Oh dear. Sorry, bird.
Could Maisy have her ball back, please? Maisy可以取回它的球吗? Thank you. Hello, ducks. Oh, look! It’s turtle! Hello, turtle.
Do you want to play soccer?
OK, come on then. 太好了,一起来吧。 Oh, watch out, turtle.
Phew, that was close! 差点打到头了。 Goodbye, Maisy! Goodbye, everyone, enjoy your game. 玩得愉快。
Gingerbread 姜饼人 Hello, Maisy.
Oh, a cook book. 一本食谱。 What are you going to make, Maisy?
Ah, gingerbread cookies, delicious. 很好吃。 What do you need first, Maisy? 你要先准备什么材料? Some flour and some sugar. Flour…and sugar.
What else? Eggs and butter…
One egg, two eggs and some butter. Whoa! Careful, Maisy!
Good catch! Phew, that was close. Ah, the ginger. That’s very important. Now you’ve got everything you need. So, first the flour.
Oh, bless you, Maisy And some sugar.
One spoon full, two spoon fulls. And a little bit of ginger.
Stir them all up together. Add some butter. One egg, two eggs.
Whisk the eggs up. And mix it all together. 还需要什么。 接得真准。 差点掉了。 姜汁。 这个很重要哦。 材料都准备齐全了。 没事吧。 把他们都搅拌在一起。 加些黄油。 开始打蛋了。 把它们全部混在一起。
And now you’ve got to roll it out. 现在开始要赶面团了。 That’s a funny shape! 这个形状很有趣。 Oh! It’s a gingerbread Maisy!
Now put them in the oven. 现在放进烤箱。 And wait for them to bake. 等会就烤熟了。 What a mess! Never mind.
You can clean that up while the gingerbread is cooking. 你可趁姜饼还在烤的时候把它们清理干净。 It might be ready now. Mmmm,mmmm. Oh, who’s that? It’s Charley and Tallulah! Hello, Tallualh. Hello, Charley.
Oh! What a nice surprise!
There’s one for Charley, one for Tallulah, and one for Maisy. Mmmm, Delicious.
Meow 喵喵叫 Hello, Maisy. Is it time for bed?
I wonder who that could be? 不知道会是谁啊。 Oh, it’s the ginger cat. 是姜黄色的大猫。 Hello, ginger cat.
Are you hungry, ginger cat? There you are.
Mmmm, she was hungry.
Where’s the ginger cat gone to now?
Where can she be? Oh, it’s getting late! Ooh! What’s that noise, Maisy? Something’s in the laundry basket!
There’s that noise again. It’s ginger cat!
What are you doing in there, ginger cat? Oh, I think ginger cat has found a new bed for the night! 我想姜黄色的大猫找到了过夜的新家了。 Good night, ginger cat! See you in the morning.
Good night, Maisy! See you in the morning. Wake up, Maisy! What’s that noise? Oh, look. The ginger cat has kittens. Ah, what a lovely kitten. And you lovely, too. And you. Three lovely kittens. Well done, ginger cat. Goodbye, ginger cat . Goodbye, little kittens.
它会到哪里去呢。 时间已经很晚了。 是什么声音? 声音又出现了。 你在这里做什么? Bus 公共汽车
Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。 It’s Maisy! Hello, Maisy! 是Maisy,你好Maisy。 Who’s waiting at bus stop number one? 谁在一号公车站台等车? It’s Cyril! Hello, Cyril! Who’s waiting at bus stop number two? Oh, it’s little black cat! Hello, little black cat.
Oh, it’s starting to rain. 开始下雨了。 Who’s waiting at bus stop number three?
It’s Tallulah with her umbrella. Hello, Tallulah! 是打着伞的Tallulah。 All aboard. 都坐好了吗? Who’s waiting at bus stop number four? It’s Eddie. Hello, Eddie.
Oh, Cyril’s getting off the bus. Goodbye, Cyril! Cyril要下车了, Come on, Eddie! 上车吧,Eddie! Don’t sit too near the front, Eddie! 不要坐太前面,Eddie! And don’t sit too near the back either! 也不要坐太后面。 Ah, that’s better! Sit in the middle.
Bus stop number five! 第5站到了。 It’s the last stop. 这是最后一站。 Everybody off! 各位下车喽。 Goodbye, Eddie! Goodbye, Tallulah!
Has everybody gotten off the bus, Maisy? 乘客全都下车了吗? Wasn’t there one more? 没有留在车上的吗? Yes, it’s the little black cat! 对了,是小黑猫。 Wake up, it’s time to get off the bus now. 醒醒,到站了快下车吧。 Goodbye, little black cat! Goodbye, Maisy! See you again. 路上小心。
Swing 秋千
Hello, Maisy! Hello, Cyril. What are you going to do today?
Ooh, that was good, Cyril. Cyril身手真好。 Whoops! Careful, Cyril. Oh, where’s Maisy going?
Ah, a piece of rope.
I wonder what that’s for. 不知道拿绳子要做什么。 Erm, is it a skipping rope?
It’s Charley! Hello, Charley. Look at Cyril.
Ooh, what’s that noise? 是什么声音?
I wonder what Maisy’s making? 不知道Maisy在做什么? She’s drilling a hole in that piece of wood. 它在那块木板上钻洞。 That looks interesting.
I wonder what it’s for? 不知道做什么用? Ha, ha, (peekaboo)peephole, Cyril! 偷看。 Oh yes, peephole, Charley.
Oh, Maisy’s cut the rope in half. Maisy把绳子切成两半。 Now she’s putting the rope through the hole and tying a knot…and again. 她现在把绳子穿过洞打个结,再来一次。
What can it be? I know, it’s a swing. 这会是什么?
But how are you going to hang it from the tree? 但是你怎么把它挂在树上呢? Of course, good job, Cyrill! 我相信Cyrill可以办到 Hooray, Maisy’s made a swing! 太好了, Come on, Cyril! Cyril,上来。 It’s big enough for two. 秋千够大。 Goodbye, Maisy! Goodbye, Cyril! Goodbye, Charley!
Dog 小狗
Hello, Maisy! Where are you going today?
The playground? 去公园吗? Ah, you’re going to sail your boat. 你要去放帆船啊。 Hooray! That was a good idea, Maisy. 太好了,这个方法很好。 Oh, it’s a dog. Hello, dog.
I think the dog wants you to play with him, Maisy. Oh, where’s your boat, Maisy?
Oh dear. It’s caught in the reeds. Mmmm, what are you going to do, Maisy? Oh, be very careful, Maisy!
Good dog! Thank you, dog.
Oh dear. Now you’re all wet ,Maisy. Goodbye, dog!
See you next time. Goodbye, Maisy!
Have fun in your bath.
糟了,船陷到芦苇里了。 你要怎么办啊。 好狗狗。 好好洗个澡。 Birthday 生日
Wow, what a pretty dress. Hello, Maisy. 这件衣服好漂亮。 Look at all those cards! 你看好多卡片 One card, two cards, three cards, four cards. Of course, it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday, Maisy. One plate, two, three, four plates. One cup, two, three, four cups.
I wonder who that could be? Oh! It’s Charley. Hello, Charley. One, tow, three, four sandwiches.
Now, some potato chips. One, tow, three, oh, where’s the other sandwich? Charley?
Mmmm, that cake looks good. It isn’t time to eat the cake yet, Charley! Hello, Tallulah! Hello, Cyril. Welcome to the party. Ooh, thank you, Tallulah. Crayons! How lovely. Oh, it’s a watch! Thank you, Charley.
And a trumpet. Thank you Cyril. How about a game of dance freeze! Oh, is it time to eat?
Oh, where’s the cake? Charley? Oh! There it is! Happy birthday, Maisy!
Hooray, hooray! Have a great party, Maisy. 不知道会是谁? 接着倒马铃薯片。 还有一个三明治哪里去了? 蛋糕看起来很好吃。 吃蛋糕的时间还没到呢。 欢迎你们来参加生日派对。 是很好的礼物。 还有一只喇叭。
。 蛋糕哪里去了? 蛋糕在那里啊。 太好了,太好了。 生日餐会快乐。
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