七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Fashion.教案 (新版)牛津版

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Unit 8 Fashion.教案

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words about fashion.

2. Arouse the students’ interests in fashion and learn to enjoy nice things. Step 1. Lead-in

Enjoy a short video about a fashion show, teach the word “fashion”. And draw the Ss’ interest in the following words and expressions. Step 2. Presentation

Show some pictures to learn the new words: fashion n. 时装;时尚, 风尚 think about 考虑

spend vt. 度过;花费(钱、时间等) lazy adj. 懒惰的

blouse n. (女子穿的)短上衣,衬衫 tie n. 领带 lend vt. 借给

Step 3. Learn some words about clothes

Present the words about clothes and make sure Ss know each word then fill in the boxes in PA on Page 93. Step 4. Borrowing things

1. Listen to the conversation between Millie and Mum, then answer 1) What does Millie need for the fashion show?

2) Why doesn’t she wear Mum’s blouse?

2. Read aloud and then make a similar conversation about borrowing things from others.

A: Can you lend me/ us …?

B: Of course.

A: What size/ colour is/ are your …? B: …

A: Oh, it’s … but … can … it/ them. B. OK then. A: Thank you, …

Step 5. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo on Page 92, then fill the blanks:

Eddie is ________ about what to wear. But Hobo tells him dogs don’t _______ clothes. So Eddie wants to ________ ten more minutes in bed. He is a ______ dog. Step 6. Read and act

Read aloud the conversation in groups, then present the comic strip on the screen for the Ss to act out the conversation. Step 7. Explanation

1. wear 穿着,戴着 (表示穿、戴的状态) put on 穿上,戴上 (表示穿戴的动作) e.g. She likes wearing red. 她喜欢穿红色。

It’s cold outside. Put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上外套。

2. think about sth. 考虑某事;想起某事

e.g. She is thinking about how to spend her holiday. 她正考虑如何度假呢。

Don't think about it any more. 不要再去想这事了。

3. what to wear 意思是“穿什么”,英语中“疑问词+ to do ”是一个短语而不是句子。 e.g. I don’t know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办?

Let me tell you how to do it. 让我告诉你如何做这件事。 4. spend vt 花费,度过

常用结构 (1) Sb. + spend +time/money doing sth. (2) Sb. + spend + money on sth.

e.g. He spends a lot of time playing football every day.


How much does she spend on clothes every year?


5. spend ten more minutes = another ten minutes 再花十分钟 e.g. We need five more chairs.

6. lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人 e.g. Can you lend me your bike?

你能把自行车借给我吗?= Can you lend your bike to me?

注:lend 是“借给”,而英语中的 borrow 是指句子的主语将东西借进,含义是“借来”。常用结构是borrow sth. from sb. “向某人借某物”。 e.g. Can I borrow your rubber? 我可以借用你的橡皮吗? Step 8. Exercises

一、根据Millie 与Mum的对话内容填空:

Millie wants her mother to _______ her some clothes for the _________ show. Her mother’s red ________ is ________ 4. It’s too large for her. but she thinks Sandy can _______ it because Sandy is tall. So she borrows it from her mother. 二、翻译:

1. 她正在考虑去哪度假(holiday)。 2. 我可以再吃两个苹果吗? 3. 你穿多大尺码的鞋? 4. Tom经常将自行车借给我。 Homework:

1. Act out the two conversations in pairs after class. 2. Preview the new words in Reading.

Reading I

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words about fashion.

2. Practise reading skills by learning Millie’s article. Step 1. Presentation

Present the new words: lady 女士,夫人

gentleman (pl. gentlemen) 先生; 君子

style 风格,样式 trainer 运动鞋

comfortable 舒适的,使人舒服的 popular 受喜爱的,受欢迎的 among 在(三者或以上)中 purple 紫色 (的) grey 灰色 (的)

smart 衣着讲究的;聪明的;精干的 cool 酷的,绝妙的 cotton 棉;棉织物 scarf (pl. scarves) 围巾 both 两者(都) jeans (复)牛仔裤 silk (蚕)丝;丝绸 wool 羊毛,羊绒 boot 靴子

both… and … …和… 都;不仅…而且… be made of … 由… 制成 Step 2. Lead-in

Present two pictures about a fashion show and ask: What are they doing? Are you interested in it? Step 3. Reading

1. Listen to Millie’s article and answer the questions: 1) Where do they hold the fashion show?

2) How many students are there in this show? 2. Read the article and complete the form:

3. Complete B1 on Page 95.

4. Read aloud the article and put T or F in the blanks. 5. Complete B3 & 4 on page 96. Step 4 Homework

1. Read aloud the article and underline the difficult parts. 2. Remember the new words in this lesson.

Reading II

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the language points in this article. 2. Learn to describe a fashion show. Step 1. Revision

The students are having a fashion show in the school _______ in the ________. Millie wears _______ clothes. She thinks trainers are __________ to wear, so they are popular _________ young people. Simon’s shirt is _______ and his trousers are ________. He looks _______. ______ Amy _______ Daniel wears blue ________. Young people also like to wear them. Sandy looks ________ because she is in red _______ blouse, a ______ wool skirt and a pair of red __________. Step 2. Explain

1. trousers, jeans本身就是复数,其数量的表达要用 a pair of 这样的短语,这样的短语作主语时要由pair 的单复数形式来决定谓语动词形式。e.g. The jeans are popular among young people. There is a pair of jeans in the bag. The two pairs of trousers are different. 2. look cool 看上去很酷

当look的译为“看起来,看上去” 的意思时是连系动词,这种动词后面可以接形容词作表语,但不能接副词,e.g.

You look happy today. (正)(happy是形容词)

You look happily today. (错)(happily 是副词,不能作表语)

? 本课短文中的look cool, look smart ,look modern中look都是连系动词。 3. both 两者(都)

(1) 这个词只能用于两者或两部分时,三者及以上的“全,都”要用all。e.g. His parents are both teachers.

There are 40 students in our class. We are all Chinese.

(2) “both of + 名词复数/ 宾格代词”作主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。 Both of them work in Beijing.

(3) both … and … …和… 都;不仅…而且…

She can both sing and dance. 她不仅会唱歌而且会跳舞。 4. Here comes Sandy. 西蒙来了。

这是一个以here 开头的倒装句,句子的真正主语是Sandy。请观察here 开头的倒装句的两种不同情况:

Here comes the bus. (主语是名词the bus) Here it comes. (主语是代 it) Here you are. (主语是you) 5. be made of … 由…… 制成

Sandy’s blouse is made of silk. 桑迪的衬衫是由丝绸制成的。 6. be popular among … 在……中很受欢迎 Jeans are popular among young people. Step 3. Exercises


1. Good evening, ________ (lady) and _____________ (gentleman)! 2. You will feel ___________ (comfort) if you wear trainers. 3. Whose ________ (scarf) are these? 4. My T-shirt is ________ (make) of cotton.

5. His red and grey tie ________ (match) his clothes.

6. Look! Amy is ________ (wear) a blue scarf. 二、完成句子:

1. 今天我打算向你们展示不同式样的鞋子。 2. 牛仔裤在年轻人中很受欢迎。 3. 瞧,汽车来了。

4. 她今天看起来时髦又漂亮。 5. 他的裤子是棉制的。 6. 我们俩都喜欢穿运动鞋。 7. 今天的会议到此结束。

8. Amy正穿一件红色的羊毛短裙。 Step 5. Interview

You are an interviewer. You want to interview Millie about the fashion show. Work in pairs, try to ask at least five questions about the show. Homework

1. Recite this article.

2. Remember the language points in this lesson.


Teaching aims:

Learn the use of the present continuous tense. Step 1. Presentation

Present the new words: write to, wait for, look for… Step 2. Lead-in

Present three pictures in gif. and ask: What are they doing? /What am I doing? /What is he doing? Help them to answer and tell them they are using the present continuous tense.

Step 3. Grammar

一、现在进行时肯定句和否定句的构成: 肯定句: 主语+ am/ is /are + v-ing ... 肯定句: 主语+ am/ is / are not + v-ing ...

I am not eating.

You/ We/ They are not eating. He/ She/ It is not eating.


Exercise 1: Complete Part A on Page 97. 三、现在进行时一般疑问句的构成及回答: I am eating. → Am I eating?

Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (或 No, I’m not.) You/ We/ They are eating. → Are you/ we/ they eating?

Yes, we/you/ they are. No, we/ you/ they are not (或用缩写aren’t) He/ She/ It is eating. → Is he/ she/ it eating?

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not. (或用缩写isn’t) 规律:将be 动词移到主语前面。


Exercise 2: Complete Part B on Page 98. 四、语法补充:


Look! He is reading in bed. (说话时正在进行) Mr Green is writing a new book. (现阶段正在做)


如果句子中带有鲜明的时间状语,如:now, 或带有Look, Listen 等暗示动作正在发生,或有表示现在的上下文语境时,我们常用现在进行时。 Listen! She is singing in the next room. —Where is your mother? — She is cooking dinner. (三)注意点:

(1)现在进行时的谓语动词由“be 的某种形式+ 动词ing 形式” 这两部分构成。这时be是个助动词,没有实际意思,只起构成时态的作用。同学们在使用现在进行时时千万不要忘了用be动词。

We having breakfast. (错) We are having breakfast. (正)

(2) 有些动词一般不用进行时,如:know, understand(理解), love, like, want, hope, hear, see等。

(3) 双写末尾一个辅音字母再加ing形式的动词的条件参考书本P121。这个规律不易掌握,所以同学们可以在学习英语的过程中学到一个双写词就记住它,慢慢体会规律。以下是已经学过的一部分双写词:shop, run, get, swim, begin, stop, cut, hit,forget等。 Homework

Remember the new words in this lesson.

Integrated skills

Teaching Aims:

1. Practise listening skills by listen to a conversation.

2. Practise speaking skills by talking about different materials of the things. Step 1. Presentation

Present the new words by showing some pictures: go for sth. 去做某事,去参加 fit for 适合于

think of 认为;想起;考虑 glove n. 手套

leather n. 皮革

smooth adj. 光滑的,平坦的;顺利的 lovely adj. 可爱的;亲切友好的 hat n. (有檐的)帽子 Step 2. Lead-in

Show a picture of a lady and let Ss discuss what she is going to do? Step 3. Listening

1. Listen to a conversation and complete A1 on page 99. 2. Listen to the conversation again and complete A2 on page 99. 3. Complete A 3 according to A1 & A2. Step 4. Speak-up 1. Listen and answer:

1) What colour are Kitty’s gloves? 2) What are the gloves made of? 3) What is Amy’s hat made of? 2. Read after the recorder.

3. Talk about different materials of the clothes your classmates wear like this. Step 5. Explain

1. go for sth. 去从事(某项活动或运动),去参加 go for a walk 去散步 go for a meeting 去开会 go for a dinner 去吃晚饭

2. am/ is / are going to do sth. 打算做某事 —What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?

—I’m going to see my grandparents. 我打算去看望我的外祖父母。 3. What do you think of … ? (= What do you think about …?)

你觉得……怎么样? (用来询问别人对某事的看法的问句)

