八年级仁爱英课件Unit 2 Topic 3 Section D

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Section D

Tick the following ideas you think are correct before reading. Then read the passage and check. 1.The more exercise, the better. ( )

2.We should stop exercising when we are hurt. ( )

3.Drinking while playing sports is bad for our health. ( ) 4.Exercising in a gym is not a good idea.



Should we need to warm up before running? 做热身运动 Yes, we should.

Is it necessary for us to buy good exercise equipment? No, it isn’t. 运动器材

Should we spend a lot of time exercising? No, we shouldn’t. 花费时间金钱等

Listen to 1a and mark True or False.


1. It’s important to warm up before exercising. (


2. It’s necessary to buy exercise equipment.

3. We should choose a sport that we enjoy.





4. We shouldn’t drink a lot of water when we

exercise. ( )

5. We had better not exercise when we are hurt.

( )

Read 1a and fill in the blanks.

How to Exercise Well We need to __________. warm up We should _________________________. find good places to exercise We had better not ______________. work too hard We should __________________. drink enough water We mustn’t ________ exercise when we are hurt.

1. need to do sth. 需要做某事 每个人都需要天天运动。

Everyone _______ needs ____ to exercise everyday.

2.spend time/money on sth. 花费时间金钱在某事上

spend time/money doing sth. 花费时间金钱做某事


spend too much time ________ playing computer games. We shouldn’t _______ on this book. ②I spent 30 yuan ______

3. buy sth. for sb. 为某人买东西 4. instead of 代替 Eg:我会代替你去参加晚会。

I will go to the party _________ instead of you. 5. Rest until you feel better. until:直到 Eg:我做作业直到我妈妈回家。 I did my homework _______ until my mother came home.

Rewrite 1a and give a report.

You can begin like this: When we are exercising, we should pay attention to the following rules. First, … Second,… Third,… Then,…

Write Your Own Newspaper

1. Work in groups and discuss about keeping healthy.

2. Make a handwritten English newspaper about keeping healthy. The following information will help you.


Keeping healthy

Picture What to write about 1.healthy eating habits 2.healthy living habits 3.happiness …

Saying 1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2.Early to bed, early to rise.



3. Each group makes their own newspaper about keeping healthy. Then share it with the whole class.


Modal Verbs (Ⅲ): must/have to

Must we exercise to prevent the flu? ______ Yes, we must. have to / No, we _______. needn’t No, we don’t _______.

And you _____ must do your homework first.

have to do some cleaning. I ______


Reflexive Pronouns

Person Number

First person

Second person yourself

Third person himself herself _______ itself

myself Singular ________


ourselves yourselves _________

____________ themselves


