
更新时间:2023-11-22 02:40:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. Let me i-------- --Mr Brown to you. 2. Marry has g------- --from university. 3. T-shirt and sneakers make me feel c--------.

4. On a p------ --tour, you don’t need to worry about your schedule. 5. Air p------- is a growing problem all over the world.


Have a nice day! Good to see you again. It’s really nice talking with you. sort refuse white pollution prepare for from then on

keep up with the latest fashions apply for give it a try 互相问候 代我向…问好 提高某人的英语 日常生活 过时 依某人的观点 属于 因…而著名 预定房间 照顾,照料

三. 用所给动词的正确形式填空

1. We hope -------(have)an exciting party this weekend 2. There ------(be) a call for you just now. 3. Wear more clothes, or you ------(catch) a cold. 4. I don’t speak so loudly. The baby-------(sleep).

5. I ------(not go) for a picnic with my family next Saturday. 6. Look ! There are two-------(baby)crying in the garden.

7. We live on -------(five) floor.

8. Your computer is -------than mine.(good) 9. We look forward to -------(meet) you again. 10. A dancing party will--------(hold) this weekend. 四. 单项选择

1. My friend is waiting for me,-----I have to go now. a. for b. since c. so

2. -----down the radio. Your sister is sleeping. a. Turn b. To turn c. Turning 3. Emma, ----- is Thomas, our new colleague. a. it b. that c. this

4. More than 100,000 tourists visited the Palace Museum----1st October. a. for b. in c. on

5. Elisa usually spends a lot of time-----English. A .to study b. studying c. study

6. Going to the English Corner makes me-----happy and more confident. a.felt b. feeling c. feel

7. He is always too shy----speak English in front of his classmates. a. in b. to c. of

8. Fashion belongs ----not only the young, but also the old. a. for b. to c. in 9. Is this book yours? No, mine ----.

a. is borrowing b. has been borrowed c. borrows

10. The weather report says it ----this evening, so we’ll have the party indoors. a. will rain b. is raining c. rains 五.完形填空 六.阅读理解 七.写作

