
更新时间:2023-05-26 16:03:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1、The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all _____.

A. accounts

B. conditions

C. payments

D. costs

2、Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on _______ for two months.

A. pile

B. fill

C. pill

D. file

3、I saw a ______ good film on TV last night.

A. fair

B. pretty

C. handsome

D. pleasing

4、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing _____.

A. in return

B. in turn

C. in advance

D. in vain

5、This new instrument is far superior _____ the old one we bought three years ago.

A. than

B. to

C. over

D. of

6、 Nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable _______ to the total cost of the product.

A. proportion

B. correlation

C. connection

D. correspondence

7、Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _______ any further responsibilities.

A. take on

B. get on

C. put up

D. look up

8、It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ________ the time.

A. offer

B. leave

C. afford

D. manage

9、Since it is such a sunny day, we might _______ to the suburb for a picnic.

A. as well as go

B. as well as to go

C. as well go

10、I can _______ some noise while I'm studying, but I can't stand loud noises.

A. come up with

B. catch up with

C. put up with

D. keep up with

11、Everyone in street must ______traffic rules.

A. observe

B. serve

C. accept

D. watch

12、It was difficult to guess what her _______ to the news would be.

A. reaction

B. impression

C. comment

D. opinion

13、In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _____ spring.

A. later

B. last

C. latter

D. late

14、I _______ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.

A. express

B. confess

C. clarify

D. acknowledge

15、I _______ them to go by train, but they went by bus after all.

A. proposed

B. mentioned

C. suggested

D. advised

16、I _______ this book in a secondhand bookstore on Nanjing Road.

A. came into

B. came for

C. came out

D. came across

17、This hotel _______ $60 for a single room with bath.

A. claims

B. demands

C. prices

D. charges

18、It's _______ my power to make final decision on the matter.

A. off

B. outside

C. above

D. beyond

19、It's hard work. I enjoy it,_______.

A. though

B. although

C. but

20、I _______ an old schoolmate of mine in the street.

A. ran for

B. ran into

C. ran out

D. ran down

21、I like the material. It _________ very soft.

A. is feeling

B. felt

C. feels

D. is felt

22、She _________ China before she _________ last October.

A. has not visited; comes

B. did not visit; came

C. does not visit; comes

D. had not visited; came

23、It is said that a new robot ____ by him in a few days.

A. designed

B. has been designed

C. will be designed

D. will have been designed

24、________ an honest man, he never tells a lie.

A. Being

B. Be

C. Since

D. To be

25、As we approached the work site, we saw the workers ____the new house.

A. building

B. build

C. built

D. to build

26、When I returned home, I found the window open and something ________.

A. to steal

B. stealing

C. stolen

D. steal

27、—“Did you enjoy the movie?”

—“No, it was ________.”

A. very boring

B. very bored

C. such boring

D. much bored

28、Weather _________, the picnic will be held as scheduled.

A. permits

B. should permit

C. will permit

D. permitting

29、I appreciate _______ to your home.

A. to be invited

B. to have invited

D. having invited

30、The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ___________the rules.

A. obeys

B. obey

C. will obey

D. would obey

31、Can you imagine what the world would be like if _________ no computers?

A. there are

B. there has been

C. there were

D. we have

32、Hurry up! Janet ______ for us at the bus stop.

A. must wait

B. must be waiting

C. can be waited

D. must have waited

33、Neither I nor Kathy ______ fond of classic music.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. was

34、Mrs. Jones, accompanied by her two daughters, ______.

A. have arrived

B. are arriving

C. had arrived

D. has arrived

35、Only under special circumstances _________ to take make-up tests.

A. are freshmen permitted

B. freshmen are permitted

C. permitted are freshmen

D. are permitted freshmen

36、By no means _______ to our plan for the trip.

A. will she agree

B. she will agree

C. agrees she

D. will agree she

37、Americans eat ________ as they actually need every day.

A. twice as much protein

B. protein twice as much

C. twice protein as much

D. protein as twice much

38、Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ______ was very reasonable.

A. which price

B. the price of which

C. its price

D. the price of that

39、I don't believe they can bridge the gap, ___?

A. does he

B. can't he

D. can they

40、I took _______ for granted that he would believe in us.

A. that

B. the thing

C. it

D. this


Passage 1

Halloween(万圣节前夕) is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many countries. Although it originated(起源) as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in the United States. It is now celebrated largely as a children's day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand.

The orange pumpkin(南瓜) is harvested at this time of year and is hollowed out, a funny face cut into it, and a candle placed inside as a decoration in the window. City folks, nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins for decorations.

Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on one's neighbors and friends, such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the window panes, and in other ways making minor disturbances.

More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumes and guess who they are behind the false faces and receive treats of candy, fruit or cookies. They say, “Trick or Treat", meaning, “I will play a trick on you if you do not give me a treat." This practice has even more recently developed into a significant international activity. Instead of or along with candy, the children collect money for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). This special collection of money by children for needy children throughout the world is known as “UNICEF Trick or Treat". Begun only recently, it results in several million dollars each year contributed to UNICEF.

41、Halloween originated from _______.

A. a school holiday

B. a funny story

C. a religious day

D. a day for UNICEF

42、How did the children celebrate the Halloween some years ago?

A. They dressed up in the best holiday clothes.

B. They rang bells.

C. They threw stones on the windowpanes.

D. They dressed up strangely and play tricks on others.

43、Which of the following is not used to celebrate Halloween?

A. Paper pumpkins.

B. Candle.

C. Costume.

D. Toy.

44、Why do the children collect money in the Halloween?

A. They love to become rich.

B. They want to get enough money to buy themselves candy.

C. Their parents ask them to do that.

D. They want to help other children.

A. Pumpkin.

B. Fruit.

C. Cookie.

D. Money.

Passage 2

The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization(分工)and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country. That depends on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate. In the highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.

46、According to the passage, what is true about the advantage of a large population?

A. A large population will provide a chance of making full use of good land.

B. A large population will provide a chance of developing transport system.

C. A large population will provide a chance of developing education system.

D. A large population will provide a chance of developing national economy

47、A small population may lead to _____.

A. higher productivity, but a lower average income

B. lower productivity, but a higher average income

C. lower productivity, and a lower average income

D. higher productivity, and a higher average income

48、It’s not easy to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world because ___.

A. there are not only developed countries in the world, but many underdeveloped countries as well

B. developed countries are not in favor of the plan

C. different governments have different views of the question

D. underdeveloped countries have low level of industrial development

49、People will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate decreases in _________.

A. a developing country

B. a developed country

C. a country with a large population

D. a country with a small population

50、According to the passage, ________ birthrate perhaps is good for a developed country.

A. stable

B. slowly rising

C. decreasing

D. fast growing

In the traditional marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other places away from the home. Since the man earned the money, he paid the bills. The money was used for food, clothes, a house, and other family needs. The man made most of the decisions. He was the boss.

In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked the meals, cleaned the house, washed the clothes, and did other household work. Her job at home was very important.

In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with this kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities.

There are two important differences in male and female roles now. One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single. They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.

A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared. The husband and wife may choose to have children, or they may not. If they have children, the man may take care of them some of the time, all of the time, or not at all. The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children. Or she may want to go to work. Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage. Many married people now share these decisions and the responsibilities of their families.

51、Which of the following is true in the traditional marriage?

A. Women worked away from home to earn money for the family.

B. The man made most of decisions.

C. The woman paid the bills.

D. The man played a more important role than the woman in the family.

52、Now both men and women have more choices as _______.

A. they may choose to have children or not

B. the man may choose to take care of the children some of the time

C. the woman may choose to go to work

D. all of the above

53、All the following statements are now true except that___________.

A. there is a big change in male and female roles

B. men and women share the responsibilities of the family

C. woman will leave work just because they have children

D. the woman doesn’t have to stay at home and take care of the family

54、What is the marriage like in recent years?

A. Young couples reject the traditional relationship.

B. The man stays at home and cares for the children and the house.

C. The woman has a job and earns the money for the family.

D. Men and women together make decisions on their respective responsibilities for the family.

55、Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The man was the boss in the traditional marriage.

B. The woman's job at home was very important in the past.

C. Many Americans still have a traditional marriage.

D. Everyone tries to get married.

Passage 4

More than 2000 years ago, Caecilius Statius, a Roman slave who became famous as a playwright(剧作家), observed, "We plant trees to benefit another generation." His remark is as apt (适当的) as it was when he made it

George Bernard Shaw, for instance, made an even more perceptive(有洞察力的)remark: "We are made wise, not by the recollection(回忆)of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. "This responsibility begins when we recognize that we ourselves create our future and that the future is not something imposed upon us by fate or other forces beyond our control. We ourselves build the future both through what we do and what we do not do. Once we recognize our power over the future, we inevitably begin to anticipate the consequences of what we do and to do those things that will improve our future; in short, we begin to act wisely.

And our own responsibility for the future bears the promise of a better future world, because, as C. P. Snow, the novelist and philosopher, once remarked: "The sense of the future is behind all good policies. Unless we have it, we can give nothing either wise or decent to the world." And our obligations must be more to the future than the past. Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.

56、What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. We should always remember our past.

B. We should forget the past and plan for the future.

C. Future will be more promising than the past.

D. We should use what we learn in the past to build our future.

57、What can we learn from Caecilius Statius' remark?

A. We should plant more trees than our descendants(后代).

B. We should do something useful for another generation.

C. Trees will help our descendants enjoy a happier life.

D. Trees will make the world more beautiful.

58、According to George Bernard Shaw, ______can make us wise.

A. our memory of the past

B. our power over the future

C. our responsibility for the future

D. the consequences of what we did in the past

59、How should we understand the sentence "our own responsibility for the future bears the promise of a better future world"?

A. Our own responsibility will build a better future world.

B. We should work harder in the future than in the past.

C. We should make a promise to the next generation.

D. We are responsible for the promise of a better future.

60、What does “Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors” imply?

A. We should teach our descendants to be good ancestors.

B. We should protect the environment.

C. We should build the future for next generation.

D. We should recognize our power over the future.


1 ~ 5: DDBAB 6~ 10: AACCC 11~15: AADDD 16~20: DDDAB 21~25: CDCAA

26~30: CADCB 31~35: CBBDA 36~40: AABDC 41~45: CDDDA 46~50:BDCBB

51~55:BDCDD 56~60:DBCAC

