牛津译林苏教版四年级英语上册Unit5 Our new home第三课时精品教案 - 图文

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学 校 教学内容 执教教师 Unit 5 Our new home (Period 3-check out time, cartoon 执教时间 time, ticking time) 1.在故事情境能够听懂、会读、会说、会写clock, table, fridge, living room, kitchen, bedroom。 2.在故事情境中能听懂、会读、会说、熟练运用Where’s …? Where are …? We have …in the … 教学目标 3.能听懂、正确地理解并用合适的升降调朗读cartoon time,在老师的引导和帮助下表演课文内容。 4.会介绍自己的家或者以某卡通人物为角色介绍他们的家。 5.能增强学生学习兴趣,体验合作快乐,并能合理评价自己和他人的语言学习。 教学重点 1.本单元的新词和重点句型的巩固和熟练运用。2.cartoon time的理解和表演。 教学难点 如何引导学生在情境中运用所学语言。 教学准备 多媒体课件,卡通人物头饰,相关贴纸,板书磁贴 教学环节 Warm up Sing a song I love my bedroom. Revision (1) Free talk about the students’ home. Revision (2) 呈现光头强 Vick Revision T: Look, he’s angry. Why? You take away my things. Ahhh….” Q: What do they take away? cartoon. 教师活动 学生活动 the song. Say sth. about home. I have …in my … 设计意图 (home),调动学习热情. 通过开放性问题,激活学生有关home的知识储备。 通过光头强和熊大,熊二这些学生喜欢的动画人物创设故事情节,吸引学生过熊大和熊二抢劫了光头强的家这一情境,复习本单元重点词汇。 在故事情节中,通过合理猜测运用本单元重点句型,培养学生用英语做事情的能力。 and Bramble’s home. 以介绍熊大、熊二的家为Follow the music and sing 利用歌曲引入本课情境Now listen to Vick: “You bad bears. and try to answer. … Watch a short cartoon 进入动画中学习知识。通Guide the students to watch a short S1:a clock. 1.T: Look, this is Briar and Bramble’s 1. Ask and answer: home. What rooms do they have, They have …, I think. guess. And where are these things now? Try to use: Where’s the …? Where are the …? Checkout time 2. Listen to the bears and check answers. and Bramble’s home. Where’s the …? Where are the …? are. 2. Say where the things 3. Let the students introduce Briar 3. Try to introduce Briar 通过听故事,捕捉信息。4. Briar and Bramble want to see 4.Try to introduce their 范例,逐步学会介绍自己your home, can you talk about it? own homes to Briar and 的家,培养学生的综合语Bramble. “Hello, this is my home. We have …” 言输出能力。 Cartoon time

1. Vick wants to take his things back. 1. Look and answer: 通过预测,形成卡通学习He goes to the bears ’home. Briar and They are watching a 期待。 1

Bramble are watching TV. T:What are they watching? What’s wrong with the bird? 2. Let the students watch a cartoon. like? Let’s watch. 3.Present: I’d like that. 4. Lead the students to follow the cartoon and read in roles. and Bramble. 5. Discuss: Bobby? What can we learn from them? What will Briar and Bramble do? Flash show that the bears return things to Vick. cartoon about Bobby and Sam. / … 2. Watch and answer: A. An orange B. A hot dog C. A worm 通过视听卡通,捕捉信息,同时提高学生的英语学习乐趣。 The bird is hungry / cold T: The bird is hungry, what would he What would the bird like? 3. Try to understand this 在情境中学会语义转换,sentence and read it 并自主尝试运用恰当的语with emotion. cartoon 5. Say their comments They’re very good. 气进行朗读。 化卡通的理解,并让学生进一步体验英语学习的快乐。 通过评价Bobby和Sam进行适当的德育渗透,并自事推向一个完美结局。 4. Read and act the 通过朗读、表演等形式深T: Let’s act out this cartoon for Briar What do you think of Sam and They’re very kind. back. … They will give the things 然将本课熊大、熊二的故You are good today, Vick has sth for Self-assessment. Ticking time you. How many can you get? I can talk about my home. I can say where my things are. 1. Try to act out the cartoon with your Homework friends. 2. Write about your home. (2-3 sentences ) 板书 通过自评,让学生对自己的英语水平有一个直接的认识。 通过表演故事和写话巩固所学内容。 Key sentences: Where’s the/my…? It’s in/on /under the… Where are the/my…? They’re in/ on…. The … is in the … The … are in the … Unit 5 Our new home 2

