
更新时间:2024-04-21 08:27:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1、辅音+元音 2、辅音+辅音 3、元音+元音



take up knock at freak out beat it sit on get along tell us fill in full of zoom in come on some of turn on turn up line up good at find out hold on pass on rise up dress up


I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it.

What~about~a drink?

A lot of work. As soon as possible. The dog outside. I have quite enough.

Both of us went out. The fish is excellent. Come along home if you like. John won an award. He fetched it for me. Tell us all about it.

Is he ill again. We are going to put it off. Would you like a walk now. Are we going to leave at eight. Who is going to wash it


There is, there are, our own, more over, for ever, after all, far away, here and there, remember it. For instance, later on, clear enough, for a moment, for an hour, a pair of shoes, a pair of trousers. For example, more or less, far and wide.

吞音:Deleted /h/

在快速的语流中,当以辅音结尾的单词后跟以/h/开头的单词时,/h/ 常常被吞 掉,直接以元音开头。

He’s late. (不变) Where is he? Is he on his way? Is he in his office? Should I call him up? Try him on his cellphone. Go get him! Kiss her! I like him. Tell her now! Kick his ass! What happened? Shit happens. Of course he is. What about her? A crush on her.


/y/ 的变音

当前一个单词以/s/,/t/,/d/结尾,后跟/y/时,连读中要变音成 /sh/,/tch/,/j/. e.g.

(?) miss you, bless you.

would you


I miss you baby. God bless you. So your mother raise you all by herself? He likes you. I promise you I will never do that again. What about you? Don’t make me come down there and beat you. They are laughing at you.

Could you do me a favor? Would you like an ice cream? I need you to watch out for me.

I mean it. Am I too late? Get out of here. He lost it. Travel around the world. I can’t believe it! I’ll be right on time. Never ever give up! Once upon a time. Have you heard of it? These are made in china. Where did he hide it?


前一个单词结尾和后一个单词开头均为辅音时, 两雄相争,必有一伤。 1、叠合。当前后两者为同一个辅音时,叠合成一个

Deep pond, stop playing, keep pace, help Papa, Part time, black coffee, book case, hot tea. Big girl, bus station, red dress, car ride, Bad dog, grab Bob, more rain, like candy, some man, good day, take care, right track,



/p/ help me keep going deep down lap dance /b/ grab chance absorb knowledge cab driver /t/ hot day sit down just listen wait for me /d/ round table good student could be bad boy /k/ truck shop work hard look like think twice /g/ big boy lag behind drug store grandpa


The work is half finished. Give Vicky a job. Next, we’ll mix sand and water. Are they going to take it with them? Look at those black cards. We saw a big gap. That car is new. Shall we keep going? He was with his family Don’t stop them. You look sad. Put the cat down. Stop fighting, boys. I’ll have several meetings this week. Can I speak to John? Can you repeat what you said?

He phoned the teacher last night. Do you start working at eight? He’s not in at the moment. Could it be possible?

How many cookies could a good cook cook, if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.


元音与元音相接时,中间会插入半元音做微妙的过渡 例词:

1. 前面的单词以敞口元音[e]、[i]结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音[i]、[e]、[ai]、[?i]、[i]开头,这时, 在两个单词之间出现半元音[j]作为过渡。

e.g. Say it the end

2. 前面的单词以闭口元音[u]、[?u]结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音[u]、[?u]、[au]开头,这时,在两个单词之间出现半元音[w]作为过渡。 e.g. How are you

go out

Be on time, go on. May I, who else. Play around, how old. Stay up you are. See it, blow away. She isn’t, go over. Funny uncle, two others. Agree on, do anything. We often, how about.

My ears hurt. Can you say it again? We agreed to take him along. May I ask you a question? It was windy actually. Did you see the two others? He’s not going to do anything. You have another two hours.

How old is the boy? Will Joe eat it? How about going to my aunt for help? Who else saw it and what did they say about it? He’s blue in the face and looks funny actually. We often go over to my uncle’s We always go early in the morning.


辅音+元音(异性相吸)——直接拼读 (注意deleted /h/)

辅音+辅音(同性相斥)—— ①相同辅音——叠合 ②前一个为爆破音—



元音+元音——①/i/结尾——插入半元音/y/ ②/u/结尾——插入半元音/w/


1.不在同一个意群内 e.g. --- What did you have for lunch, Amy? --- Well, I

had some rice, an apple, an egg, and a glass of red wine.

2.句子中起强调作用的重读单词 e.g. ---- what do you want? ---- I just want you to shut up!

May I have a cup of milk? What do you think of it? I’ve got a lot of work to do. What time does the supermarket open up? I am a big fan of yours. Is it a black one or a white one? Let’s go out for a drink. My heart will go on and on. I am from United States of America.


