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高一Unit2 English around the world

高级中学英语组 韩丽娟

Teaching content: SEBook1A Unit2 English around the world Teaching time: One period Teaching aims and demands: 1.Congnitive aims(认知目标) Words: equal, service, Phases: treat?as

Sentence patterns: with+复合宾语结构 2.Intelligent aims(智力目标)

Improve students’ abilities of listening, speaking reading and writing .

Develop students’ abilities of cooperating and creativeness. 3.Emotional aims(情感目标)

Stimulate students’ interest of learning English. Enable students value the chance of learning English. Teaching important points:

1.Improve ss’speaking ability by talking about English. 2.Improve ss’ writing ability.

3.Help ss master the language points. Teaching difficult points: 1.How to encourage ss to talk.

2.How to improve ss’ writing ability. 3.How to help ss master the language points and use them freely. Teaching methods:

The situational teaching method(情境教学法), the feeling teaching method(情感教学法), the task-based teaching method, the inductive method(归纳法)。

Learning strategies: cooperative learning, learning while using,

Teaching tools: Multi-media(a computer) Teaching procedures:

Step1 Warming up (幻灯片1-9)

T: How many languages do you speak? S1: Lianhua dialect. S2: Putonghua. S3: English.

T: Now we are learning English as a second language.

Where are the native speakers of English?

Ss: the United Kingdom, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia,

South Africa, New Zealand.

T: In fact, English is a language spoke all around the world .

Now Let’s revise Unit2 English around the world. Step2 Remembering the key words(单词必记) (幻灯片10) Finish the following sentences

1.Can you tell me how to (发音)the word.


2.The (大多数)of the people agreed with my idea. 3. In t , the cost of the various repairs amount to one hundred yuan. 4.In the sight of God, the rich are e with the poor. 5.If you learn English well, you can c with foreigners. 6.It is important to have a good k of English. 7.My friends t with many foreigners. Step3.Ss put the following phrases into English.(短语必熟)(幻灯片11)

Students translate the following phrases into English.

1.别客气 2.总共 3.熬夜 4.以?而告终 5.发生 6.引进 7.许多 8.与某人交流 9.做某事有困难10 .差不多,或多或少

keys: make oneself at home, in total, stay up , end up with , come about, bring in, a great many , communicate with sb. , have difficulty in doing sth. ,more or less

Step4 Classic sentences (好句必背) (幻灯片12) 1.Ss put the following sentences into English. 1).英语是全世界通行的语言。


3).有那么多天天用英语沟通,熟练掌握英语会变得越来越重要。 keys: English is a language spoken all around the world. English has developed into the language most widely

spoken and used in the world.

With so many people communicating in English everyday ,

it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

2.Students remember the three sentences in class. Step5 Language points(幻灯片13-16) 1.equal

1) In the sight of God, the rich are equal with the poor. 2)I’m not equal to the position. 3)My car equals yours in speed. 4)Two and two equals four.

5)The manager treats employees as equals.

equal: adj. be equal with 与?平等

be equal to 胜任

vt. equal sb./sth. in sth. 等于/比得上(不加to )

n.[C] 同等的人/物

[派] equality [U] 平等

EX. 1)Two and two equals to four.

2)My car equals to yours in speed. 2.service n.服务/帮助;服役

搭配: one’s service 听凭某人使用(吩咐) be service sb. 对? 有帮助/好处 do sb. service 帮某人一个忙


(=do/offer a service sb.)

service 在使用中;当佣人 派生: serve vi. serve in the army 在部队服役 Vt. serve people(无for) 为人民服务 Vt.招待(顾客);侍候(吃饭);上(菜) Ex: 1).Dinner now.(用serve 完成句子) 2). She served fruit and tea us. (=She served us (with) fruit and tea.) servant n. 仆人 3.treat?as? 把?当作 类似: consider

regard?view? see? count? have/keep? as refer to? think of look on? look up to? 把?看作(榜样)

搭配: sb. sb. for a disease 1).treat my teeth(人体部位)

the disease 2).treat sb. to sth. 请某人吃? 4.with 复合结构 doing(主动/正在进行) done (被动/已完成) to do (将来) 介词短语 adj. With+n./pron.+ 宾补 adv. n.

Ex: 1.With the boy (lead) the road , we had no trouble in getting to the station. 2.With all the work (do), they hurried back hom for lunch. 3. With many things (deal with),I have to stop listening to the light music. Step6 Consolidation(幻灯片17-19) Students do the following exercises .

1.They are of height, but I think Mary the job. A. equally, is equal with B. equal,is equal to C.equal ,equals D. equally, is equalled

2. two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. As C. Because of D. As for 3.With all these dishes , I can’t go and listen to the speech by the famous professor. A. to wash B. to be washed C. Washed D. washing 4.Nothing can planes in speed and comfort.

A.equal B. equal to C. match with D. compare to


5.——Good morning, Grand Hotel.

——Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.—— . A. What can I do for you B. Just a minute, please C. What’s the matter D. At your service

Step7 Writing(幻灯片20-21) 1.根据提示写一篇书面表达





2.Teachter ask several students to read their positions. Step8 Discussion (幻灯片22)

Students discuss the following questions in groups. 1.What are you going to be when you grow up? 2.Will English be useful in your future work? 3.Do you want to learn English well? Why? Step9.Homework

Students write the composition above on the class exercise books.

教学反思-------本节课基本上达到了预计的课堂目标要求。完成了所有的课堂学习任务。学生在课堂上能够积极思维,主动参与,努力合作,课堂氛围热烈,参与面广,基本上体现了“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,展现了“主动、和谐”的教学风貌,实现了英语教学的八项基本原则:语言学习的实践性原则,语言学习的创新性原则,语言学习的人文性原则,外语学习的文化性(跨文化)原则,语言学习的开放性原则,语言学习的层次性原则,方法选择的多样性原则,课堂管理的科学性原则;但是,由于时间的限制,有些活动没有真正开展起来,如多向交流,小组讨论等。最后的开放讨论题时间不够,有点草草收场。如果将Warming up部分时间缩短,省去另加的词汇差异,如果将找主题句时间安排得更紧奏一点,这样就有可能留出多一点时间让学生去完成开放讨论题。


