英语 四人对话

更新时间:2024-06-18 18:09:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



A:hollo,B.I will have a exam of inorganic chemistry,do you have any book about it?

B:Sorry,I just have books about computer.Maybe C have some because his major is also chemistry.

A:By the way,do you know where is he? B:He is in his lab.You can just go to there. A:thanks a million. B:you are welcome. A在C实验室里找到他

A:Hi,C.I am badly in need of a book about inorganic chemistry,B said you may have some.Can you give me a hand?

C:Yep,I just have one.And it is not necessary for me recently.Here it is.Good luck,and wish you success in your exam. A:Thank you.I will give it back 3 days later.


C:Good morning,B.Have you ever seen A anywhere?He borrowed my book and I need it now.He said he woud give it back in 3 days ,but it has been 5 days!

B:No,I haven’t seen him for some time.Maybe he just forget.You know,he is a saucebox.

A:Uh huh.He is just a little careless.I think I had better look for him.

D:OK,I can go with you.


D:What’s wrong with you,A?You look so disappointed A:I borrowed a book from C,but I lost it carelessly. D:I think you can buy a new one in bookstore.

A:Yes,I went to some bookstores nearby yesterday,but the book is in short supply.What’worse,they can get it in another week!

D:I always buy various books online,it is very convenient.Do you have searched online?

A:No.I haven’t bought things on Internet.

D:Come on.I will help you to have a look.Oh,look,this store have some in stock.Is this book?

A:Yes,it is!Haha,thank you very much.

D:Not at all.I have book one and you will get it in 3 days. A:But how can I pay for it?

D:You give the money to the diliveryman when you get the book. A:It’s time for lunch.Wanna have lunch together? D:Good.Let’ s go! ABCD在路上相遇。

C:Hi,boys.A,I need my book,have you read it? A:I am sorry.Actually ,I lost it.I forgot to tell you.

D:Is it urgently needed? We just book one online and you will get it in

3days or less.

C:Well,I suppose it will have to be. B:A,you should be more careful! A:I will.Sorry about the inconvenience. C:Forget it!

A:Thanks a lot.Let’s have a meal,it’s my treat! B:Whoopee,you are so cool!

