英语辩论 话题:教育重要还是工作经验重要(11.6.27)完整备稿

更新时间:2023-07-24 11:18:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




good morning everyone, The opinion of our part is that working experience is important than education .

as it is say that to study for the purpose of application. so the poppers of study is gaining working experience.

As we all know, we need experience to get a job, and we need a job to get experience. Both education and experience are very important in finding a job, but experience is what the majority of employers want. Just observe many of the job or career ads; you can see that they all emphasize 3 to 4 years experience in the particular field. Also, most employers prefer experience than education. We all learn by doing things. Moreover, education does not prepare you for real-world challenges. Even though you can get high grades in paper exams, those numbers can not make you living better in real life. We don’t think higher education you have, the more likely you will So we conclude that work experience is more important than education


Every year there are billions of student graduated they are self-confident professional they believed that there is beautiful life is waiting for them. But some People think that working experience is more important than education. and some companies prefer to accept the people who have working experience so finding a job after graduation becomes more and more difficult than before I think working experience is important but education is more important I have the opinion because of the following reasons first the man who can do a good job in his carrier is currently, have a good education. they are more professional second

Education is the basic of every work .third, the more education you have the more likely you will succeed .the last the more education you have, the better you will appreciate our life.

So we conclude that education is more important than work experience


P1my fellow debaters ,please allow me to ask that you said Education is the basic of every work. but let’s see a study by prefacer Abraham. the study shows that 36%of 120 companies think working experience is important to decide weather they get a employer on the country only 12% of them think education is more important. So why do you think education is more important in finding a job?

C1: let me answer you question. Your prove show that working experience is more important but How do you explain that news .that new says the president of Hua Dou Company,tang Jun’ degree of California university is not real , because the list of alumni hasn’t his name. And we also can’t find his graduation thesis of doctor. so this thing show that education is more important .if you want to get an important position education is the basic.

P2: as we all know today’s education can not keep up with the developing of society so, much of the knowledge we study in school is useless in working

So I can’t agree with you that’ the more education you have the more likely you will succeed” so as I say education does not prepare you for real-world challenges. Even though you can get high grades in paper exams, those numbers can not make you


living better in real life. How many high-mark students do not know how to cook, millions? Billions? I don't know. But I know such numbers is million, even billion times of those grades. Higher education is absolutely not the guarantee of high ability, not to mention high pay. We don’t think higher education means high pay; we just know the fact that the more education you have, the more bills you will pay.

C2: I don’t think you are right .the sentence of education gives people more advantages in job-hunting is right. If a person receives school education while he or she can do have work experience and combine the theory which they obtained with their practical work, I think they'll succeed. If we just only receive experience but not put it over education, I think it will be hard for us to adapt ourselves and survive in this rapid changing world. Second, education promotes personal quality especially for morality. Third, education promotes the development of society. Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is the primary productive force. So, why do you think what I said is not right.

P1: education is important but working experience is more important because In today's society, more and more employers are paying more attention to the practice ability, but the student who study many years in school have poor practice ability so A large number of graduates catch a position difficultly.

C1:I think education is the basic of doing work ,maybe you are right that the people who have experience is easier to find a job but if you want to Get a higher position education is necessary P2总结陈词:

Well, dear fellow debaters, after your conclusion, I can get your point. Firstly, you said the more education you have, the more likely you will succeed. Second, you said. the more education you have, the better you will appreciate our life. Yes, we agree that. But all the evidences you presented are not adequate to prove that why education is more important than work experience. We believe that work experience is more important than education.

We should know that not everything is contained in books. How to deal with personal finance, how to cope with current social trends, even how to most effectively organize our own mind can seldom be found thoroughly in books, we have to gain the knowledge by our own experience.

So From the statements above, I still stick to our point that experience is more important than education


At the beginning, I want to repeat our reasons to emphasis. First, education gives people more advantages in job-hunting Education is the basic of every work .t the more education you have the more likely you will succeed .the more education you have, the better you will appreciate our life.

Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. It is impossible for anyone to experience everything to get the knowledge he needs. In addition, society is developing so fast that new problems come up with surprising speed. Over depending on experience could, therefore, make a person narrow minded and prejudiced.

Books are a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors. The best way to gain know ledge is, of course, to read books,And let teacher tell us.


So From the statements above, I still stick to our point that education is more important than experience.

